Dobrý den, já sám jsem z Ruska, Omlouvám se za špatný překlad. Koupil jsem прессподборщик KRONE kr 10-16s,bohužel nelze správně připojit гидравлику k трактору, vykouzlil zástupce firmy krone on mi taky pomohl s tímto problémem, řekl, že jako прессподборщиков neviděl. Pomozte prosím, jak si stiskněte připojit k hydraulice traktoru.
Im apologize but I cant understand your comment in the condition like this. Can you write the comment again, for example in english please? I believe I will help you more than right now.
@@lukaskysela8919 Hi, I'm from Russia, sorry for the bad translation. I bought a presspodborschik KRONE kr 10-16s, unfortunately, can not properly connect the hydraulics to the tractor, please help.
@@viktorkaktus3279 What's the problem specially. I still cannot understand the right problem withhsdeaulic. Is there a problem connects with couplers? Or some problems with hay skimmer?
@@lukaskysela8919 Hello, I went through all the press, installed a new conveyor, it cost me only 400 euros. I made the connecting links of the conveyor chain myself. Everything works on 5+. The computer for some reason gives an error strapping the grid. I don't know what it is. How can I contact you if you don't mind? Mail social networks, wasap, viber.
Kakose podesava elektronika krone balirci 10_16
Dobrý den, já sám jsem z Ruska, Omlouvám se za špatný překlad. Koupil jsem прессподборщик KRONE kr 10-16s,bohužel nelze správně připojit гидравлику k трактору, vykouzlil zástupce firmy krone on mi taky pomohl s tímto problémem, řekl, že jako прессподборщиков neviděl. Pomozte prosím, jak si stiskněte připojit k hydraulice traktoru.
Im apologize but I cant understand your comment in the condition like this. Can you write the comment again, for example in english please? I believe I will help you more than right now.
@@lukaskysela8919 Hi, I'm from Russia, sorry for the bad translation. I bought a presspodborschik KRONE kr 10-16s, unfortunately, can not properly connect the hydraulics to the tractor, please help.
@@viktorkaktus3279 What's the problem specially. I still cannot understand the right problem withhsdeaulic. Is there a problem connects with couplers? Or some problems with hay skimmer?
@@lukaskysela8919 Hello, I went through all the press, installed a new conveyor, it cost me only 400 euros. I made the connecting links of the conveyor chain myself. Everything works on 5+. The computer for some reason gives an error strapping the grid. I don't know what it is. How can I contact you if you don't mind? Mail social networks, wasap, viber.
Which size are those bales
I don't remember clearly but I think there are 120 cm.
hele , porid si nejakej freeware editor , at ti tam neskace ten pitomej pruh . Ja pouzivam "blender" . Je zadarmo a udelas v tom vsechno .
Díky moc za radu.