Two weeks ago I was in Paris wearing a fake luxrul Chanel bag and people thought it was real. I had a lady compliment me when I was in the Louvre. It was an unforgettable experience.
I think people discriminate against the dupes, but for me, I’ll pause when buying trendy bulk items or when I feel the over-consumption frenzy is taking its toll on me. (This is something I have a hard time accepting, haha! I’m easily convinced to buy things I don’t wear or use. They really have tags on them and I’ll even forget I bought something and still have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) So I like to buy knockoffs, it helps me save money *gtdupe*
My sister is married to a rich guy and he gives her whatever she wants so she buys "designer bags and jewellery" but little does he know that everything she has is a fake. She puts that money on the side for probably a rainy day. True story LYXBAGS
Two weeks ago I was in Paris wearing a fake luxrul Chanel bag and people thought it was real. I had a lady compliment me when I was in the Louvre. It was an unforgettable experience.
I LOVEEEEEEE THE COLOR ! such a fun bag and the shoulder bag is so chic !
@@TheCompletedLook thank you!! You’re the queen of color bags! 🌈 It took me a few years to use the bag and once I used it there was no going back 😆💛
I think people discriminate against the dupes, but for me, I’ll pause when buying trendy bulk items or when I feel the over-consumption frenzy is taking its toll on me. (This is something I have a hard time accepting, haha! I’m easily convinced to buy things I don’t wear or use. They really have tags on them and I’ll even forget I bought something and still have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) So I like to buy knockoffs, it helps me save money *gtdupe*
Thank you! ☺️
My sister is married to a rich guy and he gives her whatever she wants so she buys "designer bags and jewellery" but little does he know that everything she has is a fake. She puts that money on the side for probably a rainy day. True story LYXBAGS