Группа OTYKEN - это проект красноярца Андрея Медоноса (Чернецова), который набирает популярность по всему миру. Исполнители поют на чулымском, хакасском, долганском и русском языках, а их песни, сочетающие в себе этнику и популярные танцевальные жанры, транслируют по радио в разных точках мира. В прошлом году группу даже номинировали на «Грэмми» (престижная музыкальная премия, прим. ред.) Как рассказал «Комсомолке» продюсер OTYKEN Андрей Медонос, в песне перечисляются любимые места Таймыр, Хакассия, Тыва, Кызыл и, наконец, Алтай: «Я езжу туда-сюда, туда-сюда Алтай и Саяны - Родная земля, Таймыр и Тыва, Хызыл Ал и Ангара. Земля предков, земля предков…» - Но идея назвать песню «Алтай» принадлежит не нам, а Уммету Озкану. Он услышал слово и остановился на нем, - подчеркнул Андрей Медонос. - У меня в группе есть чулымцы (тюркский народ, один из коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока, прим. ред.), а их всего осталось 200 человек. В прошлом году мы вошли в 20 популярных исполнителей в Америке - месяц держались на 18-м месте. Илон Маск купил у нас три трека для своей программы. Поэтому предложений о сотрудничестве нам поступает очень много, приходится выбирать, - добавил продюсер группы. Так с группой и связался иностранный диджей, работы которого в свое время поддерживали звезды мирового диджеинга Сандер ван Дорн (Sander van Doorn), Армин ван Бюрен (Armin van Buuren), Тьесто (Tiësto) и Кельвин Харрис (Calvin Harris). Уммет Озкан неоднократно входил в рейтинг лучших диджеев мира. При этом музыканту тоже близки этно-жанры. В прошлом году у него даже вышел альбом под названием «Шаман». Читайте на WWW.ALT.KP.RU: www.alt.kp.ru/daily/27576/4845888/
Ничего страшного. Есть музыкальные "критики", которые назвали девчонок норвежками. Так что в условиях новых реалий красоты красноярской земли вполне могут быть спецэффектами)
@@Tania.Krimea.что Вы несёте...🤦♂️ Почитайте хотя бы что такое Тюрский каганат, и территорию которую он охватывал-соответственно какие народы кто был гегемоном, и что из этого вышло после распада, давайте заспойлерю, разные диалекты тюрского языка...
@@Tania.Krimea.не надо путать тюрков и тюркоязычных. То же самое происходит сейчас, сибирские народы говорят на русском как на родном, но это не делает их русскими, и если в ходе истории они останутся, и поменяется титульная нация в регионе, они будут говорит на другом языке как на родном. Такова жизнь
Collaboration between two different artists: Otyken and Ummet Ozcan. otyken are indigenous Siberians and Ummet is Turkish/Dutch. Music like this is phenomenal and just shows what we can accomplish together when we celebrate our differences and work together to make something new.
@@ferryman4931 Russia is huge and diverse. Calling out Siberia is not to diminish Russia, but to recognize the very unique cultures and people from a particular region. The Otyken band was formed specifically to preverse the language, culture of the indigenous Siberians and related peoples.
I'm not super familiar with Ummet Ozcan, but I believe he is a throat singing DJ. Now Otyken is from Siberia and they speak a few languages including their own that only about 200 from their village still speak. I absolutely love Otyken. Check out more of their songs. Pulse, Steps, Phenomenon, Genesis, Belief, and Paradise Lost are all amazing. Ayzan has a powerful, and beautiful voice (Lead Singer) who as you noticed is very beautiful too.
They're pretty amazing alright. Ummet is singing in old Turkic, - tribal and a mix of the old Turkic religion believing in Tengri etc. Such a beautiful harmony yeah?
01:30 this is ancient Turkic culture (the music band members of Otyken and Ummet Ozcan also are Turkic people), Turkic people and Mongolians are sharing culture with each other. In the past they used to live together while they both were nomads, therefor not only Mongolians are doing throatsinging, Turkic people do too. Oh, btw... the lyrics contains the names of ancient Turkic gods and goddesses. Tengri, Kayra, Adaghan, Ulgan, Mergen, Kyzaghan, Umay, Kuara, Kubai, Koyash, Jak(ak) Ana, Ay Ata, Gun Ana, Yel Ana, Yel Ata... and the meanings of them are: Tengri - God of Sky. Originally the sky itself. Creator of everything. Tengri was the main god of the Turkic pantheon, controlling the celestial sphere. Kayra / Kaira - Supreme God of universe. He is the Spirit of God and creator god in Turkic mythology. Adaghan - Mountain God. He protects the mountains and the creatures that live there. His name means sacrifice acceptor. Ulgan / Ulgen - God of benevolence. Son of Kaira. He is a Turkic and Mongolian creator-deity. Mergen - God of wisdom. Son of Kaira. He is a Turkic deity of abundance and knowledge. Kyzaghan - War god of the European Huns. The first Turks did not have a war god. Kyzaghan is the son of Kayra and the brother of Ulgan. Umay / Umai - Goddess of fertility. She is the goddess of virginity and as such related to women, mothers and children. Kuara - God of Thunder and son of Tengri. He is comparable to Thor in Norse Mythology. Kubai - Goddess of birth and children. She protects women who give birth. She gives the children souls. Koyash / Kuyash - Sun God. Koyash is the son of Gok Tengri. Jak(ak) Ana - Goddess of creation. Ak Ana, is the primordial creator-goddess of Turkic people. She is also known as the goddess of the water. Ay Ata - Moon God. According to the mythology, he is a moon god and he have been living in sixth floor of the sky with Gun Ana (Goddess). Gun Ana - Sun Goddess. She is the common Turkic solar deity, treated as a goddess in the Kazakh and Kyrgyz mythologies. Yel Ata - God of winds. In Hungarian folklore he is also referred to as the "king of wind". 07:28 looool, some1 coppied my comment :D I'm writing this text below to every reaction vid on youtube since the first day... He even coppied the other pronouncations of some gods and goddesses wich I mentioned as like "Umay/Umai".
@@JoeBriben Sen yalancının tekisin.. Votkayı az iç yoksa Kafayı yersin.. Onlar : Türk ve Ötügen ; Türkçedir.. Lütfen, böyle cahilleri Ònemsemeyin. Biraz Türk tarihi okursanîz bu bölgelerde bir sürü Türk, òzerk bölgeler olduğunu, aslinda buraların Türk toprağı olduğunu gòrürsünüz . Teşekkurler.. 🇹🇷🇦🇿🇰🇿🇵🇼🇹🇲🇷🇼🇫🇮🇾🇪
чулымский язык, на котором по данным переписи 2010 года в 2010 году говорили всего 44 человека, а в 2020 г. - около 25 человек. Некоторые песни также поются на хакасском или русском языках.
Hello from Turkiye. All Turks comes from Altay. Altay is our mother land so not only Turkiye Turks speaks Turkish. Turkiye population is 85 million but there is 350 million people on the world who speaks Turkic(Turkish) languages and mostly we can understand each other. Turkiye Turks came all the way here from Altay to Middle East and then to Europe with Ottomans. On the way they mixed with different Turkic tribes and lots of different other culture and then Turkiye was the last stop for Turkic people. Now when you look the country you can see some people who has blue eyes and blondie hair, mostly west side of Turkiye becuse of they mostly mixed with Europeans. The middle part, the south side and the south west side of Turkiye mostly look like Turkic people, even some people look like they never mixed anyway :) and the East side has more darker skin because of mixed with Middle East.and also there is a lot of Kurdish, Armenian, Greek and some other populations in Turkiye.
i faqing like you... im from altay from qazaqstan and im qazaq. i live in germany and many many alman turks here in germany dont belive me when i say original turks are from altay from the Uyghurs they think the turkiye right now is the original :D:D i feel realy bad for them to be so dumb, the motherland in honor but have no idea where the motherland comes from, also they dont belive that original turks has asian eyes...alman turks are realy dumb for sure i was a few times in turkyi but not the tourist places i was a few times in aksaray and konya and they are much cooler there
OTYKEN Group is a project of Krasnoyarsk resident Andrey Medonos (Chernetsov), which is gaining popularity all over the world. Performers sing in Chulym, Khakass, Dolgan and Russian languages, and their songs, combining ethnic and popular dance genres, are broadcast on the radio in different parts of the world. Last year, the band was even nominated for a Grammy (a prestigious music award, editor's note). As OTYKEN producer Andrey Medonos told Komsomolskaya Pravda, the song lists Taimyr, Khakassia, Tyva, Kyzyl and, finally, Altai: "I go back and forth, back and forth Altai and Sayan- Native land, Taimyr and Tuva, Khyzyl Al and Angara. Land of our ancestors, land of our ancestors... " - But the idea to name the song "Altai" belongs not to us, but to Ummet Ozkan. He heard the word and decided on it, " said Andrey Medonos. - I have Chulyms in my group (a Turkic people, one of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, editor's note), and there are only 200 of them left. Last year, we entered the top 20 most popular artists in America-we stayed at the 18th place for a month. Elon Musk bought three tracks for his program from us. Therefore, we receive a lot of offers for cooperation, we have to choose, " the producer of the group added. So the band was contacted by a foreign DJ, whose work was once supported by world DJING stars Sander van Doorn, Armin van Buuren, Tiësto and Calvin Harris. Ummet Ozkan has repeatedly been ranked among the best DJs in the world. At the same time, the musician is also close to ethno-genres. Last year, he even released an album called "Shaman".
Listen, i'm munted on me 60th birthday, checked out a bitta youtube and ended up lookin at this. What a great, honest, review.. Cheers from New Zealand, old fella
Very well done the choreography, the editing, the contrast between the two singers, the dimensional shifting, as the harmonies bring resonance to the heart. Great job. Yes this band opens up realms to other different dimensions in a resonance of a flow that generates a positive lift of the spirit. As we move forward on the timeline warriors of light in all forms, in all the arts, in all the earth rise with song and dance lyrics to enhance, to meet the challenge as the veil is removed between realms to bring joy as a most powerful weapon against darkness that threatens all the tribes of humanity in the last days cycle of the circle of time. In Ancient Atlantis sound vibrations, with power crystals were used for prayer, meditation, healing, cleansing, time dialation and in the cutting of megalithic structures and stones, by a Ancient Atlantian device called a Resonator. The Remnant January 6th 2024
Это многонациональная РОССИЯ!!!!)))) У нас каждая народность уникальна и величественна, в своем существовании, что Европе не понять..... Не в силу "глупости", а по причине отсутствия многонациональности и разного вероисповедания в стране. У нас это заложено уже в корнях, а у них только привыкание
The lyrics are in old Turkic language about Turkic mythology "Tengrism" it is also a religion and culture. And also Ummet is Turkish and Otyken group is from Russia/Siberia but they have Middle Asian Turkish ancestory. Songs name is Altay which is mountain series in middle asia and russia. Ummet Lyrics - Tengri, Kayra, Adaghan, Ulgan, Mergen, Kyzaghan, Umay, Kuara, Kubai, Koyash, Jak(ak) Ana, Ay Ata, Gun Ana, Yel Ana, Yel Ata... Tengri - God of Sky. Originally the sky itself. Creator of everything. Tengri was the main god of the Turkic pantheon, controlling the celestial sphere. Kayra / Kaira - Supreme God of universe. He is the Spirit of God and creator god in Turkic mythology. Adaghan - Mountain God. He protects the mountains and the creatures that live there. His name means sacrifice acceptor. Ulgan / Ulgen - God of benevolence. Son of Kaira. He is a Turkic and Mongolian creator-deity. Mergen - God of wisdom. Son of Kaira. He is a Turkic deity of abundance and knowledge. Kyzaghan - War god of the European Huns. The first Turks did not have a war god. Kyzaghan is the son of Kayra and the brother of Ulgan. Umay / Umai - Goddess of fertility. She is the goddess of virginity and as such related to women, mothers and children. Kuara - God of Thunder and son of Tengri. He is comparable to Thor in Norse Mythology. Kubai - Goddess of birth and children. She protects women who give birth. She gives the children souls. Koyash / Kuyash - Sun God. Koyash is the son of Gok Tengri. Jak(ak) Ana - Goddess of creation. Ak Ana, is the primordial creator-goddess of Turkic people. She is also known as the goddess of the water. Ay Ata - Moon God. According to the mythology, he is a moon god and he have been living in sixth floor of the sky with Gun Ana (Goddess). Gun Ana - Sun Goddess. She is the common Turkic solar deity, treated as a goddess in the Kazakh and Kyrgyz mythologies. Yel Ata - God of winds. In Hungarian folklore he is also referred to as the "king of wind". Thank you for reading this far .
Otyken is a band based out of Siberia creating modern music using traditional poetry and stories with traditional instruments. Ummet Ozcan is a Dutch citizen of Turkish ancestry that is a renowned DJ that utilizes throat singing in many of his productions. For Otyken, I recommend the songs "Storm" and "Phenomena". You will not be sorry. The vocalist of Otyken is named Azyan and she is absolutely phenomenal. Not to take away anything from Mr. Ozcan, but I would not be surprised if the majority of people watching this came for Otyken... I know I did. 😂
Agree with you about Azyan. I've been telling people about this for a while: she can do absolutely anything--angelic, throaty, squeals, screams. And she's beautiful, let's be honest.
@@ferryman4931 Well, there is this AWESOME thing called Google. If you type those words in - Otyken and Siberia, it will give you whole bunches of information. It is really cool. You should try it.
@@ferryman4931 They're in Central Asia, I think. The Altai mountains are there. The song is called Altay. Otyken are Turkic from Russian Siberia, but related to the Turkic peoples of Central Asia.
Ummet is my discovery of 2023! I listen to him for hours, no matter where I am. Otuken did not impress with their creativity (only one song I like is Legend). This track is just super, I've loved it since it came out!
Omet Ozgan, a Turk from Turkey. OTYKEN are a Chulum Turkic people from Russian Siberia. In total, there are 36 Turkic related peoples in the world, descendants of one large empire "Turkic Khaganate", which split. The languages, traditions, culture, and appearance of all Turkic peoples are very similar. Regardless of geographical location and religion. At the time of the Turkic Khaganate, the peoples of the Turanians, the Turks established Tengrism (paganism)
Это Россия. Этномузыкальная группа из Сибири. Основными представителями группы являются чулымцы (малый коренной народ центральной Сибири). Песня на исчезающем чулымском языке . Это язык коренного народа крайнего севера. Всего 44 человека говорят на этом языке. Есть надежда , что адаптируя фолк музыку , появится интерес к изучению и сохранению языков и песен малых народов Севера.
This song about girl, who is traveling in Siberia. She hold a star in her hand. And talking about beautiful Siberian places. One of this places is Altay
Ümmet Özcan (born 16 August 1982) is a Turkish-Dutch DJ and music producer, ranking 99th in 2013. In 2014, it rose to 31st place. [1] In 2016, it rose to 19th place. In 2015, it fell to 36th place.
Основная часть песен OTYKEN посвящены их верованиям, песни простые, состоят из повторяющихся фраз. На странице OTYKEN на TH-cam есть субтитры на английском, русском, испанском
You've stumbled onto two unique artists - Ummet Ozcan, and Otyken. I was not a fan of the former until this collaboration, but I've been listening to Otyken for a couple of years. As others in the comments have noted, Otyken is Siberian, and much of the lyrics they use are in their indigenous language that only a few hundred people still speak. Many of their tunes also use the throat-singing highlighted in the song. To really see what they're capable of by themselves, check out the track "Phenomenon" here on the tube. Cheers.
@@leopoldleopoldovich6516 Do your research better, my friend. Otyken are Russians from Siberia. Ummet Ozcan is Dutch, of Turkish descent. The words Otyken uses are a Siberian language that very few people speak. The people in the group are all from Krasnoyarsk, Russia (which is in Siberia).
@@nicholasblue Dude, you said everything. You said everything except that those people living in Siberia are Turks. Do you know the meaning of the band's name? It's the capital of the sacred city of the Turks. The way the girls dress is again Turkish motifs. the girls are already Turkish. have you ever seen such Russians? Today, 90% of the peoples you mentioned, which are small in population, are Turks. The clip and the song are bursting with Turkishness :) by the way, there is no such race as Siberian. This is the Russians' attempt to make minorities forget their identity. I am a Turk living in Istanbul but these girls are 100 times more Turk than me :)
Both, Ummet Özcan and the band members of Otyken have Turkic roots, both belong to different Turkic tribes whose original homeland was central Asia and Siberia (although some new findings now suggest that the Turkish tribes were first in the Near East, Anatolia and even further west in the Mediterranean, i.e. southern Europe, thousands of years ago and then migrated to Asia) Over thousands of years, due to migration and the very large geographical areas, the different Turkic tribes grew apart from each other. Some of these tribes even migrated across the Bering Strait to North America thousands of years ago and are the ancestors of the indigenous tribes there. Although the various Turkic clans are widely distributed throughout Asia and Europe, they share the same original language in various dialects, same culture, instruments and mythology. According to Turkic mythology and history, the area around the Altay Mountains was the original home of many Turkic tribes and "Otyken/Ötüken" was the first capitol of these tribes.This area is sacred to most of the Turkic tribes and clans. Ummet Özcan, who himself has Turkish roots, is a DJ and lives in the Netherlands. He uses the throat singing technique here, which is very common among the Turkish and Mongolian peoples in Asia. Many instruments used here are also ancient and traditional.The second instrument Ozcan plays is the "dombra", also called ikili (iki means 2 in Turkic languages) because it has 2 strings. A further development of this is the Turkish Saz/Bağlama which has more strings (6 - 7). The mouth instrument looks modern, but the traditional version of it has existed for hundreds of years and is called "Gubuz". If I saw it correctly, there is also something like "Muhinhur" (an instrument with a horse's head and the strings made from the hair of the horse's mane) and "Kılkopuz", also called ikili, a kind of mixture of violin and double bass, the strings also made of horse hair. Ozcan sings about ancient Turkish deities that the Turkic folks believed in when they were still shamans. Here are the names of some of the goddesses and gods Özcan sings about: * Tengri = sky god. He is the creator of everything. Tengri was the main god of the Turkish pantheon who controlled the celestial sphere. * Kayra or Kaira = Supreme God of the Universe * Adaghan = mountain god. * Ülgen or Ulgen = God of goodness. * Mergen = God of wisdom. * Kyzaghan/Kızagan = god of war * Umay = goddess of fertility. She is also the goddess of virginity and therefore refers to women, mothers and children. * Kuara = God of Thunder * Kubai/Kübey = Goddess of birth and children. It protects women who give birth.She gives children soul. * Koyash/Kuyaş = Sun God. Koyash is the son of Sky Tengri and the Earth Goddess. * Ak Ana = (Ak means White) Goddess of Creation. She is the original creator goddess of the Turkish people. She is known as the goddess of water. * Ay Ata = God of the Moon. * Gun Ana/Gün Ana = Goddess of the Sun. * Yel Ana = Goddess of the Wind * Yer Ata = God of the Earth * Od Ata or Öd-Ögöd = God of time. In Turkish mythology, he is seen as the personification of time. Often seen with the Time Horse * Od Ana = Goddess of Fire. She is also called the goddess of marriage
Ummet Ozcan sings about the Turkic pantheon, listing the gods and goddesses: Kök Tengri (God of the Sky), Kayra (God of the Universe), Erlik Khan (God of the Underworld), Ulgen (God of Good Deeds), Mergen (God of Wisdom), Kızag Khan (God of War), Umay (Goddess of Fertility), Kuara (God of Thunder), Kubay (Goddess of Children), Koyash (Sun God), Ak Ana (Goddess of Creation, in modern Turkish means White Mother), Ay Ata (Moon God - in modern Turkish means "Father of the Moon"), Gün Ana (Goddess of the Sun - in modern Turkish means "Mother of the Sun"), Yel Ana (Goddess of the Winds - in modern Turkish means "Mother of the Wind"), Yel Ata (God of the Winds - yes, Dad of the Wind), Burkut (Eagle God), Od Tengri (God of Time), Boz Tengri (God wandering the steppes), Su Ana (Goddess of Waters, Mother of Water in modern Turkish), Su Ata (God of Waters), Od Ana (Goddess of Fire), Od Ata (God of Fire), Yer Tengri (God of Earth), Etugen (Goddess of Earth).
Я не знаю что означает название группы,но если перевести с татарского(моего родного) получается Цветущий День или что то близкое по смыслу,все же думаю название связано с тюркским языком
Otyken is a musical group of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, which mixes elements of modern pop music with local folk music using traditional instruments, lyrics and languages. "Otyken" is a word in the Chulym language, translated into Russian meaning "a sacred place of power; a place where warriors laid down their weapons" The Otyken group was formed in 2015 and consists of various representatives of the small peoples of Siberia: Chulym, Ketov, Selkup, Khakass and Dolgan. Their main style is a combination of different musical genres with the sound of ethnic instruments and throat singing. Such music is called World Music. The tracks are released in Chulym, Khakass, Dolgan and Russian languages. The band members play authentic and rare instruments - harp, ikili, khomys - as well as drums, bass guitar, keyboards and saxophone. Throat singing is oft
Тюркский не значит турецкий. Турки это лишь несколько тюркских племен. Основной центр тюркской культуры - Россия, это Сибирь в том числе Алтай, Урал, Дальний Восток, юг России.
This is ancient Turcic its not Russian. Ummet Ozcan is Turkish and Altai is also Turcic. Surprise Turcic origins are not from middle east but baltic to Ural Altai. Ending in it current space
Азиаты вышли из Африки параллельно с нами, почему они так отличаются внешне, я не знаю, но по сравнению с неграми это наши самые близкая родня, не негры нам тоже родня, но азиаты ближе.
Both Ummet Ozcan and Otyken are of Turkic origin and i think they honored their common ancestors by making this music.While I respect the Russians, this has nothing to do with them, at least in terms of origin
The Culture is Altai/Turkic culture. Old Instruments of Turks (Race wise) the DJ is also Dutch/Turkish. The vocal is from Siberia/Altai zone. Pretty similar to Mongolians. Singer sings in ''Tatar Turkish'', DJ is doing the Throat singing and naming the Old Shamanistic Gods of Turks like Tengri, Kayra, Yel Ana, Yel Ata, Umai, Erlik etc. and ''TURKIC'' means every race and country that speaks Turkish or Relative Languages of Turkish and Coming from the same ancestors. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Yakutsk, Hungary (If I am not wrong), Gagauz, Tatars, Siberean Tatars, Crimea Tatar, Golden Horde relatives etc. are all generally called Turkic. I hope that information helps to you man.
Hungarian is not a Turkic language. It belongs to the Finno-Ugric languages. Yakutsk is not a country, but a city - the capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) within the Russian Federation. The Golden Horde relatives do not all belong to the Turkic peoples. But, yes, a noticeable part of them. Everything else is correct.
@@gorod-kha Yalan, yalan, yalan, Oralar Türk özerk bölgeleridir.. Lütfen, bu tür yazılara itibâr etmeyin... Biraz okursanız.. Buraların, Türk òzerk bölgeleri olduğunu gòrür ve Konuşulan dilin Türkçe olduğunu anlarsınîz.. Teşekkürler. 🇹🇷🇦🇿🇰🇿🇵🇼🇹🇲🇷🇼🇾🇪🇫🇮
@@gorod-kha Senin daha kendi ulusundan haberin yok....!! Lütfen bilgi sahibi olmadığın konularda biraz oku.. Macar bir çok bilim adamı ve sanatcı 1950 lilerde bizim ülkemizde köklerini arıyordu...!! Hunguray ne demek ? Hun ne demek bunları iyi araştır.. Ve gerek askeri veya diğer alanlarda kullandığınız arma ve flamaları araştırırsan kendini tam Türklerin ortasında bulursun....!! Umarım bu yazılarımdan birşeyler anlarsın... Teşekkürler.. 🇹🇷🇦🇿🇫🇮🇭🇺🇹🇲🇷🇼🇵🇼🇰🇬🇰🇿
Ummet is a big-time DJ and producer of Turkish origin, based in the Netherlands. Otyken are a group from remote central Siberia. They are all members of small tribes (Chulym, Ket, Selkup, Tuvan, etc.) There are just over 200 native speakers of the Chulym language left in the world. Like other tribes in the region, they were decimated by centuries of invasion and war, and more recently by the rampant environmental destruction starting in the Soviet era. They play authentic traditional instruments, made by the band-members and their families. The artists also sew their own costumes. These are based on traditional indigenous outfits, but incorporate attributes of several Siberian tribes at once. They want to be ambassadors for all of the indigenous people of the region. Their instruments include: ikili (a two-stringed bowed instrument used in Siberia, similar to the Mongolian morin khuur); khomys (jew’s harp); rattles similar to maracas and tambourines; a local variant of the mandolin; and several kinds of drums, as well as modern electric bass guitar and electronic keyboard/synthesizer. They occasionally play a saxophone they found abandoned in the forest near one of their villages. The best description of their ikili is “You look like someone who no one should mess with when you have an instrument that’s made out of a freakin’ BEAST!” Otyken incorporate throat singing and chanting into their vocals, as well as imitating wild animal sounds and bird calls. When they were founded, they started off doing straight-up folk music. When they began to add a fusion of folk with modern rock sounds, they found themselves attracting fans from all over the world. They are fully aware that their language is dying. Part of their purpose in performing and recording their music is to leave behind a record of their culture before they disappear. Their manager and producer is a Russian who is sympathetic to their history and wants to get their story out to the world. To date, they have released tracks mainly in Chulym, but also in Khakass, and one song in Russian, addressed to the people who took their land. As they say in “Paradise Lost”: “The land is yours now, but the sky is ours.”
Это Российская группа из Сибири, Красноярский край. Отукен, название группы, означает место силы, которое долго ищут, но не могут найти. Участники группы местные малочисленные народы. А переводчика не ищите😂 Язык, на котором они поют, знают 300 человек в мире.
'What is this culture' This culture is one of the oldest culture in the world. Mongolian and Turkish culture. Foundation stone of your culture. You should know Europeans !!
Moğolistan'dan hırvatistana kadar geçmişte ; 14 000 yıllik tarihi olan ; TÜRK' ler hüküm sürdü... Atila' yı hiç duydun mu ? Hun imparatorluğunu ? Iskitleri, sakaları, etrüksleri , oğuzları, yakutları, kazakları ..? Hiç sanmıyorum ..! Belkide hepsini çok iyi biliyorsunuz ? Ama işinize gelmiyor olabilir mi ?. .. Lütfen, hem kendinizi hemde başkalarını kandırnayın veya kandırdiğınızı sanmayın...!!! Teşekkúrler... 🇹🇷🇰🇿🇰🇬🇵🇼🇹🇲🇦🇿🇭🇺🇷🇼🇫🇮
Everyone say some shit about "russian culture" bla bla. This singing style and group and also dj ummet ozcan are TURKISH. Sibirian people are NOT RUSSIAN! All these clothes, insturments, throat singing, even the words that Ummet Ozcan telling "goktengri, al ana vs." are gods name in old Turkish Mythology! Russian people love stealing, but historically that's all TURK's culture. Thanks for your kind reaction bud!
Only 40+ people speak that language. So if they wont provide translation, hardly we will get it. Ummet is a turk. Otyken is siberian native band two similar but different languages.
Группа OTYKEN - это проект красноярца Андрея Медоноса (Чернецова), который набирает популярность по всему миру. Исполнители поют на чулымском, хакасском, долганском и русском языках, а их песни, сочетающие в себе этнику и популярные танцевальные жанры, транслируют по радио в разных точках мира. В прошлом году группу даже номинировали на «Грэмми» (престижная музыкальная премия, прим. ред.)
Как рассказал «Комсомолке» продюсер OTYKEN Андрей Медонос, в песне перечисляются любимые места Таймыр, Хакассия, Тыва, Кызыл и, наконец, Алтай:
«Я езжу туда-сюда, туда-сюда
Алтай и Саяны -
Родная земля,
Таймыр и Тыва,
Хызыл Ал и Ангара.
Земля предков, земля предков…»
- Но идея назвать песню «Алтай» принадлежит не нам, а Уммету Озкану. Он услышал слово и остановился на нем, - подчеркнул Андрей Медонос.
- У меня в группе есть чулымцы (тюркский народ, один из коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока, прим. ред.), а их всего осталось 200 человек. В прошлом году мы вошли в 20 популярных исполнителей в Америке - месяц держались на 18-м месте. Илон Маск купил у нас три трека для своей программы. Поэтому предложений о сотрудничестве нам поступает очень много, приходится выбирать, - добавил продюсер группы.
Так с группой и связался иностранный диджей, работы которого в свое время поддерживали звезды мирового диджеинга Сандер ван Дорн (Sander van Doorn), Армин ван Бюрен (Armin van Buuren), Тьесто (Tiësto) и Кельвин Харрис (Calvin Harris). Уммет Озкан неоднократно входил в рейтинг лучших диджеев мира. При этом музыканту тоже близки этно-жанры. В прошлом году у него даже вышел альбом под названием «Шаман».
Читайте на WWW.ALT.KP.RU: www.alt.kp.ru/daily/27576/4845888/
Пару лет назад, случайно удалось пообщаться с ними. Ребята явно взяли курс на западную аудиторию . Не удивлюсь если скоро намылят лыжи, в сторону США.
Молодцы девчонки и парни!!!!
Им не доказать кто есть кто..они в наших песнях только ритм чувсткют а смысла песни не понимают....
@@Евгенийсинистер не
Смысл песни не для их ума
Это не спецэффекты ))) Это настоящий Алтай! Это группа из народов Сибири исполняет песню совместно с голландским ди-джеем Озкан.
Ничего страшного. Есть музыкальные "критики", которые назвали девчонок норвежками. Так что в условиях новых реалий красоты красноярской земли вполне могут быть спецэффектами)
Озган турецкого происхождения ))) как и эти девочки тюрского у них общие предки ведь предки турков вышли из Сибири))))
@@Tania.Krimea.что Вы несёте...🤦♂️ Почитайте хотя бы что такое Тюрский каганат, и территорию которую он охватывал-соответственно какие народы кто был гегемоном, и что из этого вышло после распада, давайте заспойлерю, разные диалекты тюрского языка...
Вот только они с Хакасии,а не алтайцы.Поют на хакасском
@@Tania.Krimea.не надо путать тюрков и тюркоязычных. То же самое происходит сейчас, сибирские народы говорят на русском как на родном, но это не делает их русскими, и если в ходе истории они останутся, и поменяется титульная нация в регионе, они будут говорит на другом языке как на родном. Такова жизнь
Моя Родина - Алтай! Сибирь! Россия!😘
Здравствуй Брат
Не поймут вас.
Они реагируют на ритм музыки а не на смысл.музы́ки
До дыр я прослушал этот альбом👍🏻👌🏻💪🏻🤗это зарядка для души👍🏻всем советую🤗👌🏻Россия!Сибирь!❤
Collaboration between two different artists: Otyken and Ummet Ozcan. otyken are indigenous Siberians and Ummet is Turkish/Dutch. Music like this is phenomenal and just shows what we can accomplish together when we celebrate our differences and work together to make something new.
Is Siberia a country? Why don't you write that Otyken is from Russia?
@@ferryman4931 Russia is huge and diverse. Calling out Siberia is not to diminish Russia, but to recognize the very unique cultures and people from a particular region. The Otyken band was formed specifically to preverse the language, culture of the indigenous Siberians and related peoples.
Этот перец везде пишет, уничижительно о России
İt's actually Ötüken Turkic siberians or "Turkic rusians?" Made of
@@ferryman4931 To be specific they're indigenous Siberian Turks preserving Chulym and other native Siberian cultures, born in Russia.
I'm not super familiar with Ummet Ozcan, but I believe he is a throat singing DJ. Now Otyken is from Siberia and they speak a few languages including their own that only about 200 from their village still speak. I absolutely love Otyken. Check out more of their songs. Pulse, Steps, Phenomenon, Genesis, Belief, and Paradise Lost are all amazing. Ayzan has a powerful, and beautiful voice (Lead Singer) who as you noticed is very beautiful too.
They're pretty amazing alright. Ummet is singing in old Turkic, - tribal and a mix of the old Turkic religion believing in Tengri etc. Such a beautiful harmony yeah?
Storm 😊
01:30 this is ancient Turkic culture (the music band members of Otyken and Ummet Ozcan also are Turkic people), Turkic people and Mongolians are sharing culture with each other. In the past they used to live together while they both were nomads, therefor not only Mongolians are doing throatsinging, Turkic people do too. Oh, btw... the lyrics contains the names of ancient Turkic gods and goddesses.
Tengri, Kayra, Adaghan, Ulgan, Mergen, Kyzaghan, Umay, Kuara, Kubai, Koyash, Jak(ak) Ana, Ay Ata, Gun Ana, Yel Ana, Yel Ata...
and the meanings of them are:
Tengri - God of Sky. Originally the sky itself. Creator of everything. Tengri was the main god of the Turkic pantheon, controlling the celestial sphere.
Kayra / Kaira - Supreme God of universe. He is the Spirit of God and creator god in Turkic mythology.
Adaghan - Mountain God. He protects the mountains and the creatures that live there. His name means sacrifice acceptor.
Ulgan / Ulgen - God of benevolence. Son of Kaira. He is a Turkic and Mongolian creator-deity.
Mergen - God of wisdom. Son of Kaira. He is a Turkic deity of abundance and knowledge.
Kyzaghan - War god of the European Huns. The first Turks did not have a war god. Kyzaghan is the son of Kayra and the brother of Ulgan.
Umay / Umai - Goddess of fertility. She is the goddess of virginity and as such related to women, mothers and children.
Kuara - God of Thunder and son of Tengri. He is comparable to Thor in Norse Mythology.
Kubai - Goddess of birth and children. She protects women who give birth. She gives the children souls.
Koyash / Kuyash - Sun God. Koyash is the son of Gok Tengri.
Jak(ak) Ana - Goddess of creation. Ak Ana, is the primordial creator-goddess of Turkic people. She is also known as the goddess of the water.
Ay Ata - Moon God. According to the mythology, he is a moon god and he have been living in sixth floor of the sky with Gun Ana (Goddess).
Gun Ana - Sun Goddess. She is the common Turkic solar deity, treated as a goddess in the Kazakh and Kyrgyz mythologies.
Yel Ata - God of winds. In Hungarian folklore he is also referred to as the "king of wind".
07:28 looool, some1 coppied my comment :D I'm writing this text below to every reaction vid on youtube since the first day... He even coppied the other pronouncations of some gods and goddesses wich I mentioned as like "Umay/Umai".
They are not turkic people
@@JoeBriben en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkic_peoples
@@BayPizzaTR iam their tribesman i dont need Wikipedia
Sen yalancının tekisin..
Votkayı az iç yoksa
Kafayı yersin..
Onlar : Türk ve
Ötügen ; Türkçedir..
Lütfen, böyle cahilleri
Biraz Türk tarihi okursanîz bu bölgelerde bir sürü
Türk, òzerk bölgeler olduğunu, aslinda buraların Türk toprağı olduğunu gòrürsünüz .
Бред не пишите. Хакасы не тюрки.
чулымский язык, на котором по данным переписи 2010 года в 2010 году говорили всего 44 человека, а в 2020 г. - около 25 человек. Некоторые песни также поются на хакасском или русском языках.
Их песни все на хакасском, абсолютно.
Живу на реке Чулым, все говорят - очень красивые места, а сам привык не замечаю. К сожалению дедов язык утратил
Hello from Turkiye. All Turks comes from Altay. Altay is our mother land so not only Turkiye Turks speaks Turkish. Turkiye population is 85 million but there is 350 million people on the world who speaks Turkic(Turkish) languages and mostly we can understand each other. Turkiye Turks came all the way here from Altay to Middle East and then to Europe with Ottomans. On the way they mixed with different Turkic tribes and lots of different other culture and then Turkiye was the last stop for Turkic people. Now when you look the country you can see some people who has blue eyes and blondie hair, mostly west side of Turkiye becuse of they mostly mixed with Europeans. The middle part, the south side and the south west side of Turkiye mostly look like Turkic people, even some people look like they never mixed anyway :) and the East side has more darker skin because of mixed with Middle East.and also there is a lot of Kurdish, Armenian, Greek and some other populations in Turkiye.
i faqing like you... im from altay from qazaqstan and im qazaq. i live in germany and many many alman turks here in germany dont belive me when i say original turks are from altay from the Uyghurs they think the turkiye right now is the original :D:D i feel realy bad for them to be so dumb, the motherland in honor but have no idea where the motherland comes from, also they dont belive that original turks has asian eyes...alman turks are realy dumb for sure i was a few times in turkyi but not the tourist places i was a few times in aksaray and konya and they are much cooler there
Так и есть бро❤
OTYKEN Group is a project of Krasnoyarsk resident Andrey Medonos (Chernetsov), which is gaining popularity all over the world. Performers sing in Chulym, Khakass, Dolgan and Russian languages, and their songs, combining ethnic and popular dance genres, are broadcast on the radio in different parts of the world. Last year, the band was even nominated for a Grammy (a prestigious music award, editor's note).
As OTYKEN producer Andrey Medonos told Komsomolskaya Pravda, the song lists Taimyr, Khakassia, Tyva, Kyzyl and, finally, Altai:
"I go back and forth, back and forth
Altai and Sayan-
Native land,
Taimyr and Tuva,
Khyzyl Al and Angara.
Land of our ancestors, land of our ancestors... "
- But the idea to name the song "Altai" belongs not to us, but to Ummet Ozkan. He heard the word and decided on it, " said Andrey Medonos.
- I have Chulyms in my group (a Turkic people, one of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, editor's note), and there are only 200 of them left. Last year, we entered the top 20 most popular artists in America-we stayed at the 18th place for a month. Elon Musk bought three tracks for his program from us. Therefore, we receive a lot of offers for cooperation, we have to choose, " the producer of the group added.
So the band was contacted by a foreign DJ, whose work was once supported by world DJING stars Sander van Doorn, Armin van Buuren, Tiësto and Calvin Harris. Ummet Ozkan has repeatedly been ranked among the best DJs in the world. At the same time, the musician is also close to ethno-genres. Last year, he even released an album called "Shaman".
Я где то вычитал комментарий, что при прослушивании их песен: "Если ты даже головой не качаешь! Значит что ты просто мертв!" Я с ним согласен
Listen, i'm munted on me 60th birthday, checked out a bitta youtube and ended up lookin at this. What a great, honest, review.. Cheers from New Zealand, old fella
Very well done the choreography, the editing, the contrast between the two singers, the dimensional shifting, as the harmonies bring resonance to the heart. Great job.
Yes this band opens up realms to other different dimensions in a resonance of a flow that generates a positive lift of the spirit. As we move forward on the timeline warriors of light in all forms, in all the arts, in all the earth rise with song and dance lyrics to enhance, to meet the challenge as the veil is removed between realms to bring joy as a most powerful weapon against darkness that threatens all the tribes of humanity in the last days cycle of the circle of time. In Ancient Atlantis sound vibrations, with power crystals were used for prayer, meditation, healing, cleansing, time dialation and in the cutting of megalithic structures and stones, by a Ancient Atlantian device called a Resonator.
The Remnant
January 6th 2024
Это многонациональная РОССИЯ!!!!)))) У нас каждая народность уникальна и величественна, в своем существовании, что Европе не понять..... Не в силу "глупости", а по причине отсутствия многонациональности и разного вероисповедания в стране. У нас это заложено уже в корнях, а у них только привыкание
Ümmet Özcan is Türkiye's Türk and Ötüken is Siberian Türk's Group❤
Отукен, просто суппер.
Они сохраняют свй родной язык :)
The lyrics are in old Turkic language about Turkic mythology "Tengrism" it is also a religion and culture.
And also Ummet is Turkish and Otyken group is from Russia/Siberia but they have Middle Asian Turkish ancestory.
Songs name is Altay which is mountain series in middle asia and russia.
Ummet Lyrics -
Tengri, Kayra, Adaghan, Ulgan, Mergen, Kyzaghan, Umay, Kuara, Kubai, Koyash, Jak(ak) Ana, Ay Ata, Gun Ana, Yel Ana, Yel Ata...
Tengri - God of Sky. Originally the sky itself. Creator of everything. Tengri was the main god of the Turkic pantheon, controlling the celestial sphere.
Kayra / Kaira - Supreme God of universe. He is the Spirit of God and creator god in Turkic mythology.
Adaghan - Mountain God. He protects the mountains and the creatures that live there. His name means sacrifice acceptor.
Ulgan / Ulgen - God of benevolence. Son of Kaira. He is a Turkic and Mongolian creator-deity.
Mergen - God of wisdom. Son of Kaira. He is a Turkic deity of abundance and knowledge.
Kyzaghan - War god of the European Huns. The first Turks did not have a war god. Kyzaghan is the son of Kayra and the brother of Ulgan.
Umay / Umai - Goddess of fertility. She is the goddess of virginity and as such related to women, mothers and children.
Kuara - God of Thunder and son of Tengri. He is comparable to Thor in Norse Mythology.
Kubai - Goddess of birth and children. She protects women who give birth. She gives the children souls.
Koyash / Kuyash - Sun God. Koyash is the son of Gok Tengri.
Jak(ak) Ana - Goddess of creation. Ak Ana, is the primordial creator-goddess of Turkic people. She is also known as the goddess of the water.
Ay Ata - Moon God. According to the mythology, he is a moon god and he have been living in sixth floor of the sky with Gun Ana (Goddess).
Gun Ana - Sun Goddess. She is the common Turkic solar deity, treated as a goddess in the Kazakh and Kyrgyz mythologies.
Yel Ata - God of winds. In Hungarian folklore he is also referred to as the "king of wind". Thank you for reading this far .
Красота - страшная сила!😁😍😍😍
Горловое пение принято у жителей Сибири и крайнего севера....это их индивидуальность...
Otyken is a band based out of Siberia creating modern music using traditional poetry and stories with traditional instruments. Ummet Ozcan is a Dutch citizen of Turkish ancestry that is a renowned DJ that utilizes throat singing in many of his productions. For Otyken, I recommend the songs "Storm" and "Phenomena". You will not be sorry. The vocalist of Otyken is named Azyan and she is absolutely phenomenal.
Not to take away anything from Mr. Ozcan, but I would not be surprised if the majority of people watching this came for Otyken... I know I did. 😂
Agree with you about Azyan. I've been telling people about this for a while: she can do absolutely anything--angelic, throaty, squeals, screams. And she's beautiful, let's be honest.
What kind of country is this - Siberia? This is the same territory. Or are you writing about an American artist that he is from the Black Rock Desert?
@@ferryman4931 Well, there is this AWESOME thing called Google. If you type those words in - Otyken and Siberia, it will give you whole bunches of information. It is really cool. You should try it.
@@ferryman4931 They're in Central Asia, I think. The Altai mountains are there. The song is called Altay. Otyken are Turkic from Russian Siberia, but related to the Turkic peoples of Central Asia.
Мой край родной, моя Величественная Сибирь!! 👍🇷🇺❤
Привет из Красноярска, user)
Из Горного Алтая с любовью❤
Из Сибири с любовью ❤
Горный Алтай ❤❤❤❤
Привет из Кузбасса, Кемерово.😊
Ummet is my discovery of 2023! I listen to him for hours, no matter where I am. Otuken did not impress with their creativity (only one song I like is Legend). This track is just super, I've loved it since it came out!
Omet Ozgan, a Turk from Turkey. OTYKEN are a Chulum Turkic people from Russian Siberia.
In total, there are 36 Turkic related peoples in the world, descendants of one large empire "Turkic Khaganate", which split.
The languages, traditions, culture, and appearance of all Turkic peoples are very similar. Regardless of geographical location and religion.
At the time of the Turkic Khaganate, the peoples of the Turanians, the Turks established Tengrism (paganism)
Россия❤, Это мы❤
Там песня на 2х языках. Турецкий и язык из Сибири. Его мало кто знает.
Это Россия. Этномузыкальная группа из Сибири. Основными представителями группы являются чулымцы (малый коренной народ центральной Сибири). Песня на исчезающем чулымском языке .
Это язык коренного народа крайнего севера.
Всего 44 человека говорят на этом языке.
Есть надежда , что адаптируя фолк музыку , появится интерес к изучению и сохранению языков и песен малых народов Севера.
This song about girl, who is traveling in Siberia. She hold a star in her hand. And talking about beautiful Siberian places. One of this places is Altay
Наши алтайские красавицы
Ümmet Özcan (born 16 August 1982) is a Turkish-Dutch DJ and music producer, ranking 99th in 2013. In 2014, it rose to 31st place. [1] In 2016, it rose to 19th place. In 2015, it fell to 36th place.
Always is near Baikal lake (the biggest and the deepest lake in the world)- it is Siberia. From Russia with love
Основная часть песен OTYKEN посвящены их верованиям, песни простые, состоят из повторяющихся фраз. На странице OTYKEN на TH-cam есть субтитры на английском, русском, испанском
This is spiritual warrior music 😊 straight from the source
Thats a pure Turkic ritual.
Парень турок. А отакен народность в Сибири!
You've stumbled onto two unique artists - Ummet Ozcan, and Otyken. I was not a fan of the former until this collaboration, but I've been listening to Otyken for a couple of years. As others in the comments have noted, Otyken is Siberian, and much of the lyrics they use are in their indigenous language that only a few hundred people still speak. Many of their tunes also use the throat-singing highlighted in the song. To really see what they're capable of by themselves, check out the track "Phenomenon" here on the tube. Cheers.
not siberian, otyken is turk.
@@leopoldleopoldovich6516 Do your research better, my friend. Otyken are Russians from Siberia. Ummet Ozcan is Dutch, of Turkish descent. The words Otyken uses are a Siberian language that very few people speak. The people in the group are all from Krasnoyarsk, Russia (which is in Siberia).
@@nicholasblue Dude, you said everything. You said everything except that those people living in Siberia are Turks. Do you know the meaning of the band's name? It's the capital of the sacred city of the Turks.
The way the girls dress is again Turkish motifs. the girls are already Turkish. have you ever seen such Russians? Today, 90% of the peoples you mentioned, which are small in population, are Turks.
The clip and the song are bursting with Turkishness :) by the way, there is no such race as Siberian. This is the Russians' attempt to make minorities forget their identity.
I am a Turk living in Istanbul but these girls are 100 times more Turk than me :)
Both, Ummet Özcan and the band members of Otyken have Turkic roots, both belong to different Turkic tribes whose original homeland was central Asia and Siberia
(although some new findings now suggest that the Turkish tribes were first in the Near East, Anatolia and even further west in the Mediterranean, i.e. southern Europe, thousands of years ago and then migrated to Asia)
Over thousands of years, due to migration and the very large geographical areas, the different Turkic tribes grew apart from each other. Some of these tribes even migrated across the Bering Strait to North America thousands of years ago and are the ancestors of the indigenous tribes there.
Although the various Turkic clans are widely distributed throughout Asia and Europe, they share the same original language in various dialects, same culture, instruments and mythology.
According to Turkic mythology and history, the area around the Altay Mountains was the original home of many Turkic tribes and "Otyken/Ötüken" was the first capitol of these tribes.This area is sacred to most of the Turkic tribes and clans.
Ummet Özcan, who himself has Turkish roots, is a DJ and lives in the Netherlands. He uses the throat singing technique here, which is very common among the Turkish and Mongolian peoples in Asia.
Many instruments used here are also ancient and traditional.The second instrument Ozcan plays is the "dombra", also called ikili (iki means 2 in Turkic languages) because it has 2 strings. A further development of this is the Turkish Saz/Bağlama which has more strings (6 - 7). The mouth instrument looks modern, but the traditional version of it has existed for hundreds of years and is called "Gubuz". If I saw it correctly, there is also something like "Muhinhur" (an instrument with a horse's head and the strings made from the hair of the horse's mane) and "Kılkopuz", also called ikili, a kind of mixture of violin and double bass, the strings also made of horse hair.
Ozcan sings about ancient Turkish deities that the Turkic folks believed in when they were still shamans.
Here are the names of some of the goddesses and gods Özcan sings about:
* Tengri = sky god. He is the creator of everything. Tengri was the main god of the Turkish pantheon who controlled the celestial sphere.
* Kayra or Kaira = Supreme God of the Universe
* Adaghan = mountain god.
* Ülgen or Ulgen = God of goodness.
* Mergen = God of wisdom.
* Kyzaghan/Kızagan = god of war
* Umay = goddess of fertility. She is also the goddess of virginity and therefore refers to women, mothers and children.
* Kuara = God of Thunder
* Kubai/Kübey = Goddess of birth and children. It protects women who give birth.She gives children soul.
* Koyash/Kuyaş = Sun God. Koyash is the son of Sky Tengri and the Earth Goddess.
* Ak Ana = (Ak means White) Goddess of Creation. She is the original creator goddess of the Turkish people. She is known as the goddess of water.
* Ay Ata = God of the Moon.
* Gun Ana/Gün Ana =
Goddess of the Sun.
* Yel Ana = Goddess of the Wind
* Yer Ata = God of the Earth
* Od Ata or Öd-Ögöd = God of time. In Turkish mythology, he is seen as the personification of time. Often seen with the Time Horse
* Od Ana = Goddess of Fire. She is also called the goddess of marriage
Ummet Ozcan sings about the Turkic pantheon, listing the gods and goddesses: Kök Tengri (God of the Sky), Kayra (God of the Universe), Erlik Khan (God of the Underworld), Ulgen (God of Good Deeds), Mergen (God of Wisdom), Kızag Khan (God of War), Umay (Goddess of Fertility), Kuara (God of Thunder), Kubay (Goddess of Children), Koyash (Sun God), Ak Ana (Goddess of Creation, in modern Turkish means White Mother), Ay Ata (Moon God - in modern Turkish means "Father of the Moon"), Gün Ana (Goddess of the Sun - in modern Turkish means "Mother of the Sun"), Yel Ana (Goddess of the Winds - in modern Turkish means "Mother of the Wind"), Yel Ata (God of the Winds - yes, Dad of the Wind), Burkut (Eagle God), Od Tengri (God of Time), Boz Tengri (God wandering the steppes), Su Ana (Goddess of Waters, Mother of Water in modern Turkish), Su Ata (God of Waters), Od Ana (Goddess of Fire), Od Ata (God of Fire), Yer Tengri (God of Earth), Etugen (Goddess of Earth).
Я не знаю что означает название группы,но если перевести с татарского(моего родного) получается Цветущий День или что то близкое по смыслу,все же думаю название связано с тюркским языком
отукен это святое место
etnic old turkish music ( shamanic ritual )
Прет ДРАЙВ🤗👍🏻💪🏻👌🏻😍
Чувак, послушай другие песни этих исполнителей! ❤ они охрененные
To add to others comments, their blood is Turk.
Interesting, this band, Otiken and Melanie Martinez both produces songs I really like, it is interesting you are reacting to both. Because
Actually,this language is so rare,now only 44 people talking on this. Thats why they create this band-just to attract your attention.
🇹🇷 🇹🇷
Ummet is throatsinging the Turkish pantheon. Don't know what are Otyken are singing about but would assume it's something similar.
I reccomend that you react to Otyken's 'Phenomena'. It is magical.
you dont need to understand what they are saying...music transcends all boulders😊
Ethnic Drum&Bass
They are old Turkic peoples 🈴 Real Turkish girls ✅
Every turkic is real turk. There are no fake ones. The one who say the opposite is gypsy from İndia himself
Every Turk is real Turk.
Норильск тут!!!
This is Turkic Throat singing. Ummet Ozcan is of Turkish origin Dutch artist !
Otyken is a musical group of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, which mixes elements of modern pop music with local folk music using traditional instruments, lyrics and languages. "Otyken" is a word in the Chulym language, translated into Russian meaning "a sacred place of power; a place where warriors laid down their weapons" The Otyken group was formed in 2015 and consists of various representatives of the small peoples of Siberia: Chulym, Ketov, Selkup, Khakass and Dolgan. Their main style is a combination of different musical genres with the sound of ethnic instruments and throat singing. Such music is called World Music. The tracks are released in Chulym, Khakass, Dolgan and Russian languages. The band members play authentic and rare instruments - harp, ikili, khomys - as well as drums, bass guitar, keyboards and saxophone. Throat singing is oft
14,000 years ago, the ancient Turks of Siberia
Lyrics is in old Turkic language
Россия, Сибирь.
Этот инструмент - варган) Национальный инструмент северян) Держись, чувак)))
Парень прям балдеет
Тюркский не значит турецкий. Турки это лишь несколько тюркских племен. Основной центр тюркской культуры - Россия, это Сибирь в том числе Алтай, Урал, Дальний Восток, юг России.
Westerners after this video : Wish they conquered us back then xD 😂😂
This instrument is called minet. Erdogan, salam. 😂
Эта группа состоит из малочисленных народов Сибири!
Ребята пойте давите всех!!!
This is ancient Turcic its not Russian.
Ummet Ozcan is Turkish and Altai is also Turcic.
Surprise Turcic origins are not from middle east but baltic to Ural Altai. Ending in it current space
Азиаты вышли из Африки параллельно с нами, почему они так отличаются внешне, я не знаю, но по сравнению с неграми это наши самые близкая родня, не негры нам тоже родня, но азиаты ближе.
это Россия чувак..да да,та самая с медведями ,многонациональная ,культурная.
This is mother Siberia 💪🏼
This is a Russian enigma from Siberia
Both Ummet Ozcan and Otyken are of Turkic origin and i think they honored their common ancestors by making this music.While I respect the Russians, this has nothing to do with them, at least in terms of origin
Siberia… and she playing mouth harp ..😊
Tengri this Turic Mythologie ( Turkish mythologie )
Такое впечатления , что он ее зовет, а она сопротивляется))))))) как приказывает))))
Hi! Could you react please to japanese breakfast - Be sweet music video? i think you might like it , grettings from mexico 😊
The Culture is Altai/Turkic culture. Old Instruments of Turks (Race wise) the DJ is also Dutch/Turkish. The vocal is from Siberia/Altai zone. Pretty similar to Mongolians. Singer sings in ''Tatar Turkish'', DJ is doing the Throat singing and naming the Old Shamanistic Gods of Turks like Tengri, Kayra, Yel Ana, Yel Ata, Umai, Erlik etc. and ''TURKIC'' means every race and country that speaks Turkish or Relative Languages of Turkish and Coming from the same ancestors. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Yakutsk, Hungary (If I am not wrong), Gagauz, Tatars, Siberean Tatars, Crimea Tatar, Golden Horde relatives etc. are all generally called Turkic. I hope that information helps to you man.
Hungarian is not a Turkic language. It belongs to the Finno-Ugric languages.
Yakutsk is not a country, but a city - the capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) within the Russian Federation.
The Golden Horde relatives do not all belong to the Turkic peoples. But, yes, a noticeable part of them.
Everything else is correct.
Yalan, yalan, yalan,
Oralar Türk özerk bölgeleridir..
Lütfen, bu tür yazılara itibâr etmeyin...
Biraz okursanız..
Buraların, Türk òzerk bölgeleri olduğunu gòrür ve
Konuşulan dilin Türkçe olduğunu anlarsınîz..
@@nadiravc5958 What?
Tarih bilgin ne ?
Tarihcimisin ?
Trol müsün ?
Biraz tarih oku..
Senin daha kendi ulusundan haberin yok....!!
Lütfen bilgi sahibi olmadığın konularda biraz oku..
Macar bir çok bilim adamı ve sanatcı 1950 lilerde bizim ülkemizde köklerini arıyordu...!!
Hunguray ne demek ?
Hun ne demek bunları iyi araştır..
Ve gerek askeri veya diğer alanlarda kullandığınız arma ve flamaları araştırırsan kendini tam Türklerin ortasında bulursun....!!
Umarım bu yazılarımdan birşeyler anlarsın...
Ummet is a big-time DJ and producer of Turkish origin, based in the Netherlands. Otyken are a group from remote central Siberia. They are all members of small tribes (Chulym, Ket, Selkup, Tuvan, etc.) There are just over 200 native speakers of the Chulym language left in the world. Like other tribes in the region, they were decimated by centuries of invasion and war, and more recently by the rampant environmental destruction starting in the Soviet era.
They play authentic traditional instruments, made by the band-members and their families. The artists also sew their own costumes. These are based on traditional indigenous outfits, but incorporate attributes of several Siberian tribes at once. They want to be ambassadors for all of the indigenous people of the region.
Their instruments include: ikili (a two-stringed bowed instrument used in Siberia, similar to the Mongolian morin khuur); khomys (jew’s harp); rattles similar to maracas and tambourines; a local variant of the mandolin; and several kinds of drums, as well as modern electric bass guitar and electronic keyboard/synthesizer. They occasionally play a saxophone they found abandoned in the forest near one of their villages.
The best description of their ikili is “You look like someone who no one should mess with when you have an instrument that’s made out of a freakin’ BEAST!”
Otyken incorporate throat singing and chanting into their vocals, as well as imitating wild animal sounds and bird calls. When they were founded, they started off doing straight-up folk music. When they began to add a fusion of folk with modern rock sounds, they found themselves attracting fans from all over the world.
They are fully aware that their language is dying. Part of their purpose in performing and recording their music is to leave behind a record of their culture before they disappear. Their manager and producer is a Russian who is sympathetic to their history and wants to get their story out to the world. To date, they have released tracks mainly in Chulym, but also in Khakass, and one song in Russian, addressed to the people who took their land.
As they say in “Paradise Lost”: “The land is yours now, but the sky is ours.”
Это Российская группа из Сибири, Красноярский край. Отукен, название группы, означает место силы, которое долго ищут, но не могут найти. Участники группы местные малочисленные народы. А переводчика не ищите😂 Язык, на котором они поют, знают 300 человек в мире.
Песня на Хакасском, здесь и там земля Чаян, такой перевод.
'What is this culture' This culture is one of the oldest culture in the world. Mongolian and Turkish culture. Foundation stone of your culture. You should know Europeans !!
Do you know that these are the most popular in Russia?
From Mongolia all the way to Croatia - throat singing.
Moğolistan'dan hırvatistana kadar geçmişte ;
14 000 yıllik tarihi olan ;
TÜRK' ler hüküm sürdü...
Atila' yı hiç duydun mu ?
Hun imparatorluğunu ?
Iskitleri, sakaları, etrüksleri , oğuzları, yakutları, kazakları ..?
Hiç sanmıyorum ..!
Belkide hepsini çok iyi biliyorsunuz ?
Ama işinize gelmiyor olabilir mi ?. ..
Lütfen, hem kendinizi hemde başkalarını kandırnayın veya kandırdiğınızı sanmayın...!!!
Now listen to belief by OTYKEN
siberian folk with throat singing and a jaw harp. The woman sings to mimic the sound of a hawk.
this language will soon extict.
200 natives left to speak it.
Ни когда не слышал? Подумай, и на твоей улице может эта песня звучать, или " Выйду в поле с конем..."
Descendants of Genghis Khan's grandson, Bat Khan, Golden Horde, Russian Siberia.
They are turkish
The is Russia😊😊😊
Siberian folk-pop music. This language is spoken by 40 people all over the world. This is the Chulym language.
Поют они на хакасском,который не считается умирающим языком пхпхпх
@@gesarshorsky6577уважаемый, вы - хакас?
Это не монголы. И в композиции используется горловое пение, а не спецэффекты. Это Сибирь Россия.
Детка это Чулымский народ малый.. и прикинь мы не учтожили его как вы индейцев
Нивхи самое древнее племя
Everyone say some shit about "russian culture" bla bla. This singing style and group and also dj ummet ozcan are TURKISH. Sibirian people are NOT RUSSIAN! All these clothes, insturments, throat singing, even the words that Ummet Ozcan telling "goktengri, al ana vs." are gods name in old Turkish Mythology! Russian people love stealing, but historically that's all TURK's culture. Thanks for your kind reaction bud!
Турци су монголско-татарског порекла тако да и не чуди да Умат користи њихов начин певања.
Only 40+ people speak that language. So if they wont provide translation, hardly we will get it.
Ummet is a turk.
Otyken is siberian native band two similar but different languages.
Too Spiritual to me but I loved it.