I cried of laughter when the video of the guy getting in his friends car that was the wrong car, when Ssundee came up sideway saying "Hey ma'am im very sorry, don't freak out" 😂😂😂😂
It’s isn’t assault, assault is attacking someone but it is battery because they think they are going to get hit which causes fear which is called battery
Any prank that involves destroying something of someone's without their permission, then immediately replacing it with a new one absolutely pisses me off. I usually see this with earbuds, cutting corded earbuds and replacing them with airpods. I prefer corded earbuds, so that would already set me off. But destroying someone's LAPTOP? As you said, all of my information and projects are on this thing. If someone did that to me, they'd be lucky if I let them crawl away.
Are you a comedy is so nice bro, but now I take respect on that. I know my mum and my dad and everyone in my family actually did that to me I was screaming like I just did a homerun
1:40 I'd definitely be upset if someone did that to me. I have photos of my dad who passed on my phone and I'd be so upset. I do have them downloaded and backed up but I'd still be upset.
Ssundee's videos really never get old... They are so fun to watch
Edit: I have never gotten this many likes before, thanks!
yeah right
I agree! I watch videos from 8 years ago and still get entertained!
pls dont make me cry🤧
5:20 the bald guy behind jumpscared me and i wouldve poop myself its so funny keep it up ssundee
Pov the guy:AAAAAAAAAAH😵
Where was her seat belt
♧♧ me in a car KABOM THE CAR Exploded 🤯 💥 because of the woman xx
5:22 The Store: Yep Your Banned For Life
😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
lol the guy in the caseoh saying yeah your banned… have a good night
The one were it said it's the wrong car caught me lacking no cap I couldn't stop laughing
I think that was a trend
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Aggred. It got me too. 😹😹😹😹😹
Oh my God, I am literally laughing she just jumped out of her seat
I like my own comment
Ssundee needs to get Sigils, Zud, and Biffle together and have a prank off for 24 hours😂❤
you are speaking my language
Bro just no😂
an og would say crainer and team crafted
Wow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa pow
Heck yeah
8:43 nah bro looks like the rock Johnson man💀
*side eye*
now that is a genuinely funny one
Ya 💀
Bro smacked him to mars💀☠️
i love when ssundee uses conan's glasses and bow and hair
@@yahyahamed6219 A💀😏
Bro was armed. Double dogs, I sent you.
As a baseball player,the fake poop thumbnail is what I thought was a mini catchers glove lol.
Bros face be Like: WUT DUH HEEECK?! 😂😂😂 8:31
you spelld it rung
@@mariejoylingo sort out ur own spelling before telling anyone else they spelt something wrong 💀
What do you mean you like your own comment?
@@MsWilliamsr people press the like button underneath their comment and that means they like their own comment🤨
@@Shellyismybbg brooo do you know what a joke is??
at 2:05 "Sigls=I'd kill him" went hard 😂🤣
The one with the guy putting the bucket on the guys head had me laughing for 1min or more.
That is Ian when he blinds someone and then talks to them as the impostor in among us lol.
I had an uncontrollable burst of laughter on the water bed 😂😂😂
@@haydenyoung4941 lol
@@TheDigiWorld That one was funny too.
That first prank on this video was my most favorite one in the whole universe!
Ssundee is a goat in my opinion and Nico is a FOOT
sendee is the gout but sunny and melone is morre gouted
Clicked faster than sigils going bald😂
5:19 Never gets old! 😂😂😂
it so fun to watch his videos and him reacting to things.
I cried of laughter when the video of the guy getting in his friends car that was the wrong car, when Ssundee came up sideway saying "Hey ma'am im very sorry, don't freak out" 😂😂😂😂
2:50 always wear your seatbelts kids!
Yeah 2:50
4:23 when the door fell a firework went off😂
Bro just cures my boredom keep it up
If this gets 100 likes I'll ask my crush out in school
What school do u go tu
Every like is 100 likes
Me too
1:04 - Me this entire clip (even while rewatching it lol): 🤔
I feel so bad that they spilled there drink. I real life it would make me sad all day ish if I spilled my drink.
Zud is right. Always wear a seat belt in the car.
Also, the Pranking with Taxidermy segment
I subbed
Just imagining sundie as a buff marine lol is a trip
he wasn’t a marine he was in the air force, he talked about it in his old videos
This was one of the best reacts videos so far, please do more like this :D
I’m not sure they will😂 0:32
@@MrClayyay I can't help it if you are afraid of toys lol.
You’re going to ask your Cush out on a date with you ❤
SSundee is the best. he just makes the best content keep it going❤😊
7:12 give the editor a raise
Yeah that was a lot of editing
Bro, he yeeted is iPhone like yeet😂
0:47 This is technically assault in the legal sense, which is the wrong act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm.
Um no it is 0:51
@@Thesniper122it’s not
It’s isn’t assault, assault is attacking someone but it is battery because they think they are going to get hit which causes fear which is called battery
"Try this banana ice cream"😂
The It’s the wrong car had me dying
These should be on Americas got talent 💀
The person who hit the tennis ball looks like topper
2:50 This is why you wear a seat belt kids. Especially in a relationship lol
True lol
I love it! Keep up the good work!
I am loving these vids
Ssundee fans
👇 4:21 = 2 doors getting payed
Good content man love this
4:03 I swear I’ve seen this in an ad before
What's your emergency? @@haleyrose8567
Bro thrower her bag in 522 minutes😂😂😂😂
amazing video ssundee! keep up the great work!
I. Wacth. Sundee every day it’s. My routine
Ye awesome video spread the love guys
DUN DUN DUHHHHHH!🤣🤣🤣🤣3:29 it had me laughing for minutes!🤣😭❤
2:00 if i am in one of those situations i will sue them because if i sue them for destroying my property i will be able to buy 2 new computers or more
I was laughing so hard a cryed😂😂😂😂😂😂Lol
I like SSundee.
well what if I just said I DONTTT!!!
If you actually say that then I will not subscribe to you
@@aurorasmith1007 then you would be stupidly wrong
@@angelaellingson8491 yes
You are RIGHT
Wait....... Ssundee was in the military
I bet he has a pistol
8:04 Hey, it's #vector!!!
My stomach hurts now from all that laughing
And a nuclear bomb of fart goes off: 6:29
Any prank that involves destroying something of someone's without their permission, then immediately replacing it with a new one absolutely pisses me off.
I usually see this with earbuds, cutting corded earbuds and replacing them with airpods. I prefer corded earbuds, so that would already set me off.
But destroying someone's LAPTOP? As you said, all of my information and projects are on this thing. If someone did that to me, they'd be lucky if I let them crawl away.
these vids are always amazing and crazy
Ssundees videos always makes my day better
One time I went to my cousins house there was fake poop and I screamed so loud it sounded like qeso farted😂😂😂😂
Are you a comedy is so nice bro, but now I take respect on that. I know my mum and my dad and everyone in my family actually did that to me I was screaming like I just did a homerun
Let's be honest, SSundee is just a better TH-camr. He's fun to watch, and his videos never get old.
Edit: I beat the bots lets gooo
Unless of three years old
True that
Trust man’s talking facts
Never old.
Bro got on the wrong car😂😢😮
@@paulscoville7838Tru though
@@paulscoville7838why did I translate that
Never seen something so funny
The first one is so funny like every resisted. My daughter can’t stop laughing.
Guys is it just me or is it that his editing has went to 75% to 999 999 999%
The doll one and the woman got scared was so funny😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Did someone realize toy Freddy in FNAF 2 at the back
Where is he
At 0:34
Either my graphics are terrible or I just need glasses 👓
Yes everyone did.
SEE YA IN PRISON 😂 of that wrong car one
2:59 quick reminder to wear your seatbelt. Or this could happen
who will NOt likr these funny pranks? there all funny!
7:49 if someone ever did that to me, They would be force fed a knuckle sandwich straight to the nose
7:53 I was scared by one before 😂😂😂😂😂
Get ur five mins pass here
Am I late😂
@@Things29 just a tad
Got one
@@BiggestOSCFan313 ur way 2 l8
I got 5 months
Lol ssundee's video's never get old like there so fun to watch❤❤
2 videos in one day my life just got 2x better
Guess the dudes now a hot dog 😂
5:00: LOL
2:39 dig eyes for ssundee😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂😅😅😅
9:29 😂😂
who’s laughing like that?
I love your videos
3:10 this is not real it is his friends car but he pretended it was I different car I hope so😅
When I saw the I nilly wet my pants😂😂
Ssundee TOP G
1:40 I'd definitely be upset if someone did that to me. I have photos of my dad who passed on my phone and I'd be so upset. I do have them downloaded and backed up but I'd still be upset.
People who saw the clip with the Pearson trying to scare his friend by going in his car , thought immediately it was there car
you should do more of these
3:37 *”DUMB WAYS TO DIE!”* 💀
4:46 I have seen this vid before
4:06 broooo not the doors!😂😂😂😂
5:59 I thought I got 2 adds💀
I did, in a row
The way she was so into the twin prank 😂😂😂
At 3:20 how would you be driving with out the keys
"He's losing one of his parts..."
how the hell did topper get into this?!
That made me laugh so hard to your place, SSundee! Hehehehehehe 5:22 😂😂😂😂
Got me laughing to the point my mom almost heard
Best vid ever