[Arcane Mage S2 M+] 20 Uldaman +2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
  • Can Spellsteal Spiked Carapace if it goes off. I don't think it's worth doing this but it's something to keep in mind. It can be a lot of party damage depending on week affix and pull size. It's better to just stop the casts (Blast Wave, DB, etc.)
    For 2nd boss, I'm honestly not sure what's the optimal CD usage yet. It might be worth holding off your CDs until adds spawn or even until Totem spawns depending on what your group wants to do. I hear it's a strat to ignore adds until after you kill the Totem and they get stunned. I haven't had sufficient time to test what's better so I just open full CDs on the opener. Also ALWAYS interrupt the Geomancer add on his 1st cast when he spawns. I use a set focus mouseover macro and @focus interrupt macro for this but you can use whatever. Alter Time the Totem phase as lots of unavoidable party wide damage goes out.
    For trio dwarves boss, start your AoE burn on either Olaf or Baelog NOT Eric because he jumps around. Hopefully tank pulls the other bosses to him as he jumps so you can continue cleaving them all down with your AoE burn. If he doesn't, just continue ST rotation. I actually just do my ST rotation just incase Tank decides not to pull the bosses but I could've done a much better job here as my DPS is vastly suboptimal. Alter Time the Ricocheting Shield cast. Stack with the group on boat phase so AoE swirlies don't cover the entire room. I should've saved my BL for the add group after but I've got into a habit of using my BL asap because I've had scenarios where the debuff drops for the group and my BL is still on CD for a while and it feels bad.
    3rd boss (Sentinal Talondras) SAVE BLOCK FOR EARTHERN SHARDS DEBUFF. This deals a lot of damage on Tyrannical weeks and you don't need Block for anything else. If you know your Tank is gonna stun the Crushing Stomps then save Alter Time for other RNG Earthern Shards otherwise I use it for the knockback. Save Ginvis+Prismatic Barrier+Mirror Image for RNG Earthern Shards casts. Also just realized I absolutely BUTCHERED my Mini @10:41.
    DB/Blast Wave Hail of Stone casts outside of Spark/TotM OR even during Burn in Fort weeks if no one else is stopping. Be the type of DPS willing to sacrifice his DPS for the good of the team. I've played Healer for a lot of Seasons and I've had my fair share of DPS who refuse to do anything BUT DPS and that's the worse type of player to have even if they're 1st on the meters.
    Can Spellsteal Earthern Ward. Useful to have to mitigate Runic Protector AoE cast.
    Have a Defensive for Runic Protector Earthquake cast. I usually Alter Time it to save a GCD but you can also use other Defensives. Be willing to BLOCK IT on Fort weeks if you literally have nothing else otherwise you will die or will put a lot of pressure on your Healer to waste GCDs on you when he needs to do party wide healing. I'm not sure if this cast can be LoS'd using the pillars tbh but doesn't seem worth for everyone to waste that much time when you can just use Defensives.
    For Emberon use Alter Time for Unstable Embers (but don't die like an idiot like I did.) You can also Blink through the beams on the adds phase if you need to for whatever reason. All your other Defensives should also be used for Unstable Embers cast. Rotate them properly so you have at least 1 Defensive up for each cast. This is not a hard boss and seems to die relatively fast but just don't be greedy with defensives.
    For the double Ebonstone Golems pull either LoS the casts, Alter Time, or completely ignore it if you have faith in your healer.
    Can Spellsteal haste buff on Timereaver. Might be worth using when he has 4-5 stacks. Don't forget to LoS so you drop your own debuff if you don't have a Priest for MD.
    For last boss, I messed up here and didn't get Energized Barriers talent but if you have it, save Prismatic Barrier for the Time Sink debuff. Basically any Freedom spell can remove this Debuff so Energized Barrier works. Use Alter Time for the knockback. Use every other defensive for the knockback as well. Be mindful of where you place your RoP so you don't outrange it especially during the Soak phase. Careful not to be knocked back on swirlies. I have Blinked like a millisecond before the knockback goes off (not in this video but in another run) and took no damage but I haven't tested this to know if it's a consistent strat worth implementing; I just save Blink for repositioning and use other defensives for the knockback.
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