Hello brother, the question I had is why the finder model GTMEDIA V8 FINDER2 cannot store all the searched channels from several satellites and the error of insufficient storage space shows whether this is a defect and my device is broken or not. ? The maximum storage is 1040 channels. Is this correct?
GTmedia v8 finder 2 e o max são excelentes!🏆
Impian aku dari dulu, tapi gk kebeli hingga sekarang 🤭🤭 waktu itu jaman Kekaisaran Chinasat 11 .. Heehehe
Assalamualaikum tuan..nak tanya UTK menggunakan dicoder botato di lock Asiasat 9 di kugosky ada tambahan Chanel baru tak tuan ..tq bgi info tuan
try blindscan balik bang tgk apa dpt.. cuma decoder botato tak sure ada auto biss ke tak
Gtmedia v8 finder 2
Bagus Mane freesat v8 atau Gramedia V8 S2 bang
Hello brother, the question I had is why the finder model GTMEDIA V8 FINDER2 cannot store all the searched channels from several satellites and the error of insufficient storage space shows whether this is a defect and my device is broken or not. ? The maximum storage is 1040 channels. Is this correct?
Astrol dpt bukakah bos😃😃
X dpt bos...
Kef ramai cakap skg nex prabola saja terbaik betul ka??
Antara yg terbaik sebab tiada komitment bulanan...pakai sistem top up jak...klu x top up pun masih dpt tingu sebahagian chanel selamanya
What satlite
Thaicom 6,8
Bang brpa kalo beli itu
@@kevzone115 hrg brp bang
Bagusan yg mna di banding fressat v8 🙏