Ameyu you have no idea how much i appreciate you....ur voice,humbleness ,ur beauty,ur everything ....nd Reduye yene Ergeb mesay konjo...Atselechum sitaweru bitwlu❤❤
Dear Ethiopians let's give people a chance ! Ya I know you miss your old host but this lady is also interesting...& Enjoy the conversation with the guest, she is an authentic lady too...
I think the interviewer was a host at EBS and she was really wonderful but she quit her job right away glad to see her here. I am wondering why she stopped working there because I can tell she was a good fit I am glad to see her here
Poet Radate Tefera, I am glad to hear what you are saying, what i got and understand from your conversations with the journalist is that Poet Radate like earth, wind, and fire beauty ! Radiate Tefera, you are good at what he says and your poems, because you can read people, you do your homework, and you can connect the dots. I admire you beyond. Regarding your beauty it was mentioned by the journalist that you Poet Radate, you are like a bold, provocative, intelligent, elegant woman with a strong character and sense of humor. Also I hear repetdely saying “some people gave me a huge love based on their own heart to express their admiration for my work/ for my poems or poetry. ” Powerful words… I hope one day I meet Poet Radate Tefera in person, I do hope! The journalist, the Host, you are very beautiful and optimistic and thoughtful, your voice and style is timeless. Thank you
ጽድት ያለች ኢትዮጵያዊት ቆንጆ ያለሜካፕ ተፈጥሯዊ ለዛ ይመችሽ እህቴ
ከአድናቆት ዉጪ NATURAL የሆነች ሴት ናት 🤌 I love and respect her። Salute host 🙏
Wow፤ እጅግ አደንዛዥ የሆነች ፍጥረት፡፡ ምንም ሊማርክ የማይችል አንዳች ሀሳብ የለም፡፡ ግን በአንዲት ሀሳቧ ጋር ፈጥሞ አልተስማማሁም፡፡ አገኚቼ ብሞግታት ደስ ይለኝ ነበር፤ እግዚአብሄር ይጠብቃት፡፡
ሁሌም በተለያዩ ሚዲያዎች ላይ ረዱ ለጥያቄ ቀርባ አድምጫለሁ ለኔ ግን ረዱ ለዘንድሮ ጠያቂ ትከብዳለች !! እሷ ግን ጠያቂ ብትሆን አረፊ ነገር እንሰማ ነበር ! ምክንያቱም ረዱ ልዩ ነች !!!
በጣም ረዱን ከመውደዴ የተነሣ ምን ብዬ ብፅፍላት ይደርሳታል ብዬ ተጨነቅሁኝ እኮ
ጠበቅ አድርገሽ እ ወ ድ ሻ ለ ሁ በያት❤❤❤❤
እኔም እኮ ምን ልበላት ለሷ መሳሳትም አለ መውደድም አለ ማድነቅም አለ።
ጹሑፍ አይበቃም። እሷን የሚመስሉ ሴቶች ስለጠፉ ስስት አልኩላት።❤❤
ቱባ ውበት በእስዋ እይታ ምንግዜም የማይቀየር❤❤❤
Ameyu you have no idea how much i appreciate you....ur voice,humbleness ,ur beauty,ur everything ....nd Reduye yene Ergeb mesay konjo...Atselechum sitaweru bitwlu❤❤
አንቺ መሆን በስለትም አይገኝም።
በአእምሮዬ ብዙ አለ ለመዘርዘር ወደቃል አልመጣ አለኝ።
ረዱዬ እወድሻለሁ❤❤❤❤
ረዱዬ ግን ምን እናድርግሽ እስኪ ሁሌም የትም በየትኛውም ሰዓት ሁሉ ተናገሪ ፍቅር እኮ ነሽ የሀገር ቅመም🙏
Eshe Aylekbeshe......Lealea Addis kaleshe degmo✍️🦻✍️🦻✍️🦻😴😴😴
The host👏👏👏 You are in your element
ውብ ሴት። እፁብ ድንቅ ሃሳቦች ወርቅ ግጥሞች 👉🏾“እኔ ኩሬይቱ” እና “ቅፅበት ስታልፍ አታስታውቅ” አቻ የሌላቸው ግጥሞች ናቸው 💝🙏🏽
አረ ሰላምየ we need more interviews አትጥፊብን
የሚያምር ሃሳብ ደስ ከምትል ሰው
Dear Ethiopians let's give people a chance !
Ya I know you miss your old host but this lady is also interesting...& Enjoy the conversation with the guest, she is an authentic lady too...
Redu...she is real...❤
ታምራላችሁ ሃገራዊ ቀለም ያለው ለዛ ያልሸሸም እሩቅም ያልሆነ መግባባት ያለበት ባያልቅ ብየ ያነሰብኝ ህይወታዊ ወግ! tnx dear bunna new host & redu
This is my show!!! I hope one day I will sit on Redu’s place and will talk about my poems 😉
I think the interviewer was a host at EBS and she was really wonderful but she quit her job right away glad to see her here. I am wondering why she stopped working there because I can tell she was a good fit I am glad to see her here
Keep up Ammeyu 👌 i like your movie suggestion on tik tok
Where is Selam
Buna products ❤❤❤
እረዱዬ የኔ ውብ ስወዳትኮኮኮኮኮኮኮኮኮኮኮ ኡኡኡኡኡፍፍፍፍፍፍ የኔ ቅመም❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
የኢትዮጵያ እናቶች ተገልጠው የማያልቅ መፅሀፍ ናቸው
Your voice is almost the same,I am listening through earphone and a bit hard to identify who is actually talking
selam batnorm ebe products btm wedjewalew 1gna❤🎉
ብትወልጅም ገና ገና ወጣት ነሽ ለእኔ በጣምም ታምሪያለሽ ❤❤❤
2 seat mulu beza
Rediye mewled ewnet neaw yasresal. Yene konjo I enjoyed every minute.
ጨዋ ገጣሚ የጥበብ ሰው የመድረክም አጋፋሪ ናት ግጥሞቿም ነብስም ስጋም አላቸው አንዴ ሲመቱ ሌላም ግዜ ባልመቱበት ቤት እንኳ ስሜት ይሰጣሉ
የድርሰት ነብስ ውብ ስለሆነ እንደ ባለ ጌዜ የሌለውን መስሎ ለመታየት እንደሚሹቱ የኛ ሃገር የፊልም ወይም የሚዲያ ሰዎች ( ባለሙያ ያላልኩት ሙያውን ስለማይመጥኑ ነው በተለይ ሴቶች ስሪቱ ምን እንደሆነ በማያውቁት መዋቢያ (Makeup ) ጊዜዎን ምታጠፋም አይደለችም ለምን ነብሷ ከእውነት ጋር ናትና ስለዚህ ካለሁበት አገር ሆኜ በተጣበበም የስራ ሁኔታ ውስጥ በሶስት ግዜ ከፍዬ አዳመጥኩት በዚህም ደስ አለኝ
የሰው ልክ❤❤❤
እረዱ ቆንጆ❤
Poet Radate Tefera, I am glad to hear what you are saying, what i got and understand from your conversations with the journalist is that Poet Radate like earth, wind, and fire beauty ! Radiate Tefera, you are good at what he says and your poems, because you can read people, you do your homework, and you can connect the dots. I admire you beyond. Regarding your beauty it was mentioned by the journalist that you Poet Radate, you are like a bold, provocative, intelligent, elegant woman with a strong character and sense of humor. Also I hear repetdely saying “some people gave me a huge love based on their own heart to express their admiration for my work/ for my poems or poetry. ” Powerful words… I hope one day I meet Poet Radate Tefera in person, I do hope!
The journalist, the Host, you are very beautiful and optimistic and thoughtful, your voice and style is timeless. Thank you
ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ከምወዳቸው ሴቶች አንዷ ረዱ ናት አርአያ መሆን የምችሉ ብዙ ሴቶች አሉ ከእነሱ አንዷ ረዱ ናት ይደንቃል ራስን መግዛት ነው ራስን መሆን እንዲ ነው
R-8 wondo Genet college of Forest & Natural resources temary hona yetsafechew tikis teyikat Buna tube ebakish
Yene wede ❤sewdeshi eko
selam where is selam
Ere where are you Selam ???😪
ቡና ጠጪ እያልሽ አታድክሚያት ጨዋታዋን አታቋርጪያት ብትፈልገው ትጠቀም ነበር
errre uuuuuuuuuuuu selamin amtullllllllllllnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
ጥሩ አቀራረብ ግን የምትስቂበት ሰአት ለኚ መሳቅ በሌለብሽ ሰአት ስትስቂ ነበር በተረፈው ካንቺ ብዙ እንጠብቃለን
betay sewedshe redu
ስትመቹ ጥፍጥ ያለ ውይይት
OMG..... just b4 starting to watch 😁
ረድኤት እዉነትም ረዴት
Rediet Wedededddddd🎉
Redu - what you are discussing is a philosophy. Just write it. Please write....
Ere selamn melsuln 😭😭😭
ምርጧ የት ሄደች
ያ ማለት ይህ ማለት አይደለም!😂😂
Ewyyy swedat ❤❤❤❤❤marrrr
ውይ ሰላምሳ ?
እንዴት ነው የተጣጣችሁት የሚገርም ቃለምልልስ ነው፡፡
Where is selam
ሰላምስ ምነዉ ጠፋች
endet des endemetey betay redu
Selam yet hedech
ረዱዬ 🥰
rediet den sayins?besmeab baknesh abakneshin neber
የኔ ውድ ጥሩ እንግዳ ነው ያቀረብሽልን እናመሰግናለን ግን በመሃል ግጥን ጣል ቢልበት እንዴት ያምር ነበር💚💛❤🙏💚💛❤🙏👏👏👏በእውነት ብዙ ግንዛቤ ነው ያገኘሁት አሁን የአስራ እራት አመት ልጅ አለችኝ አስተዳደግዋ ይደንቅ ነበር እውነት እየቆዩ ይፈካሉ እኔ እንቡጥ ነበር የምላት🌷🌹🌷🌺💐
ወይኔ ሰነበት ት/ ቤት ሜድልሰ አለቁ እኮ😂😂😂
Where's selam😢
ማታ በሜካፕ አይተውሽ ጥዋት ፌትሽ የት ሄደ ከሚሉሽ ተገላገልሽ
ከወጪውም ተገላገልሽ $$$$$
ብትወልጅም ገና ገና ወጣት ነሽ ለእኔ በጣምም ታምሪያለሽ ❤❤❤