💫Stream Hightlight🖋 2:04 Kanata and Ao already start bantering through chatroom and stream 4:19 stream start, the tea is too hot ww 5:09 Greetings 6:25 Today Ao kun wants to solve Kanata's misunderstanding on her: Kanata thinks Ao Kun is a depressing girl behind her comedic on stream character 9:09 - 12:08 Talk about their "date" and their progressing friendship 12:30 Ao: Today we are here to battle! Look at the thumbnail 12:53 lol 13:30 Kanata and Ao taking copium 14:18 - 15:31 They will do a Ikeman battle to decide their combo name! Kanata is very confident 15:33 *Hilarious and chaotic height battle* 16:39 Listener's suggestion: KameGori lol 16:55 Kanata's suggestion: Blue bule (wrong spelling lol) 17:47 Ao's name: Hiodoshi Kanata (married name lol) 19:05 Kanata: I am getting all your girl fans with my ikeman 19:38 *Glock* blows tea 19:51 *First corner: Ikeman response battle!!!* (Doing their best ikeman response to rizz girls in a situation) 21:10 Ao's situation: The shoelaces on princess's shoes are loose! 22:20 Kanata's rizz attempt, Ao pretending to be the princess 24:07 Ao's rizz attempt, Kanata pretending to be the princess (so cute) 24:35 Ao: *takes off Kanata's shoes: You chose this cute pair of shoes becuase it's our important date? / Kanata: Yes! I wear crocs all the time. 26:00 Kanata's situaion: Spilled my curry udon on princess's clothes! 26:10 Ao's rizz attempt, Kanata pretending to be the princes 27:39 Ao kun stepped on landmine by asking Kanata to go fashion shopping for the 2nd consecutive time / Kanata: Are you trying to say my clothes are lame? 29:09 Kanata's rizz attempt, Ao pretending to be the princess 30:44 Chat poll: so far Kanata is winning! 32:07 *Kanata and Ao's Ikeman voice* 32:38 *Ikeman voice rizz turned into cat meme LMAO* 33:27 *Second corner: Situation Roulette!!!* (Pretending to be a pair and take turns to rizz the other) 34:06 *Kanata noticed Ao kun spinning her head and joined, cute LOLL* 35:39 Spin! They will now act as a loving couple 36:05 *Kanata thought Ao drew their couple illust for this corner but...* 37:23 - 40:15 Situation: Kanata and Ao date before Ao's birthday! 39:05 *Chaos as Kanata tries to make herself as the present LOL* 40:27 Kanata refuse to Chu with Ao 41:15 spin! Kanata won something! 42:00 The present: To sing "Ao kun is handsome 3 times" 42:47 Kanata sang it in 3 type of voice (cute) 43:42 Kanatan called Ao an old man and Ao can't take it 44:44 Spin! Kanatan will now act as a Ao's pet 45:37 Lmao this picture 46:13 *Super cute doggo hamster Kanatan* 46:32 *Cat meme again LOL* 46:54 Pet Kanata tsukkomi on Ao / Ao hitting pet Kanata's Buuutt?! 47:31 - 48:53 *Ao kun: Looks like you require more *training* / Kanata burst out laughing on the word "training"* 50:02 Iyajanai! kawaii 50:19 Back to the steamy room ww 51:30 *Last corner to decide the winner: Loud voice battle!!!* (The louder one will win) 52:29 Cute banter 53:03 *PREPARE YOUR EARS* 53:49 Kanata only used 70% strength but it's enough to win 54:12 *Kanata wins! Kanata X Ao combo name decided: BLUEBLUE* 55:11 They both knew someone will turn this combo name into BL / Kanata: Of course the name I came up with included this meaning as well! 56:08 Kanata rejected Ao kun, Ao kun propose to live together for a period (!?) 57:20 Kanata said she will think about it! / cute banter 57:30 cute banter 57:55 *YADAYADAYADA* 57:58 Ao: So yea, we will be living together for a while / Kanata: Oh? ok I guess we will! (!?!?!?) 58:11 Ao's new intro with BlueBlue ww 58:32 *Kanata flying away, OtsuBlueBlue!* 4:315:0515:3319:3832:3834:2043:4246:0646:2452:2957:5558:17 BlueBlue being 2 absolute dork
2:38 ここにいる!
2:50 このいけめんは僕!
3:05 こら!
3:30 はじまります!!!!
かなたん 💫
青くん 🖋
4:19 開始 / 湯気を吹き消す二人
5:20 自己紹介💫
5:34 自己紹介🖋 失笑たそ
6:15 本日はかなたんとのコラボ!
┣6:46 💫青くんは本当は影のある人なのでは?という心配
┣9:01 最初は誤解を解くコラボをしたかったがこれまでに色々あった
┣9:45 てぇてぇ路線ではない / お互いに変顔を送り合える関係
┣11:06 💫ものすごくマメな青くん / 何度も
┣12:09 💫「マメさとカメさ」
┣12:33 🖋今日は勝負をしに来た!
┣12:54 🖋ピザ屋Among Usのサムネを出してしまう
┣13:02 本来のサムネ
┗13:32 共通点の多い二人
14:19 コンビ名を決めたい!
┣14:53 イケメンレベルでバトル!
┣15:19 💫「対戦相手を間違えたね」
┣15:34 身長バトル / 椅子の上に立つかなたそ、股下2mの青くん
┣15:52 残像
┣16:35 勝ったほうの案を採用!
┣17:07 かなたんの案『BLUEBULE』(原文ママ)
┣17:50 青くんの案『火威かなた』 💫「だっさ」
┣18:26 💫かなたんのド正論
┣19:08 💫青くんに負ける気がしない / お互いの女の子ファンを共有しようとする二人
┗19:51 💫何でイケメン度を測る?
20:03 🖋タイトルコール
┣20:28 🖋ルール説明
┣21:11 お題『デート中。。。お姫様の靴紐が解けちゃった!』
┣21:23 🖋かなたんに靴ひもを結んでもらった青くん
┣21:52 💫女子の靴紐はほどけやすい!
┣22:20 💫「青くん女の子役やってよ」 🖋「女の子なんですけどね」
┣22:35 💫シチュエーション開始
┣23:06 💫縦結びしかできないかなたん
┗24:14 🖋シチュエーション開始 / クロックスなかなたん
26:05 かなたんの考えたお題 『カレーうどんを服にこぼしちゃった!』
┣26:32 🖋シチュエーション開始
┣27:43 💫洋服を買わせたがりな青くんに怒る
┣28:26 🖋リスナー向けのアドバイス
┣29:15 💫シチュエーション開始
┣30:05 💫服の汚れに関する過去の悔しい思い出
┣30:28 🖋どっこいどっこいかもしれない
┣30:55 コメント欄にどっちが強いか聞く
┣31:51 アンケートをとる二人
┣32:10 彼方くんと青くん
┣32:38 ヤギとネコのミーム
┣32:55 アンケート結果
┗33:09 かなたんが1ポイント!
33:31 部屋移動 / 見覚えのあるルーレット(詳しくはスバルちゃんコラボへ)
┣34:09 この企画の説明 / 回る青くん
┣35:39 ルーレットスタート! / 恋人同士
┣36:29 クソコラ再び 💫「顔ハメパネルやん!」
┣36:56 アー写が真顔な二人 / 🖋かなたんの顔は前の凸待ちで来なかったときのやつ!
┣38:20 💫シチュエーション開始 / 青くんの誕生日前日
┣39:24 分裂かなたそ
┗40:18 恋人が普段何をしているかわからない
41:18 ルーレットスタート! / あたり♡
┣42:02 あたりは「青くんかっこいい」と三回唱える
┣42:31 🖋青くんかっこいい×3
┣43:09 💫青くんかっこいい×3
┣43:22 ハムたそとドラえもん
┗43:46 💫「このおっさん」 / 💫心の中で青くんをおっさんだと思っていた
44:45 ルーレットスタート / 飼い主とペット
┣45:41 今回のクソコラ
┣46:24 シチュエーション開始 / 💫犬ハムスター天使
┣46:43 猫ミーム再び
┣47:05 🖋お尻を叩く青くん
┣47:35 💫キメ台詞に大爆笑かなたそ
┣48:24 🖋「一条莉々華はこれで堕ちるのに…」
┣48:55 💫分裂の際のイケメンポイント
┗49:40 火威かなたはやばい
50:19 部屋移動
┣50:29 💫久しぶりに火傷をしたけどたまにはあり
┣50:40 🖋青くんの考える企画は地獄?
┣51:14 最後にやる予定だった企画 / 次勝ったほうが1億点
┣51:35 タイトルコール
┗52:25 掛け声はかっこいい~! / 💫狩野英孝さんみを感じた
53:06 スタート! / レベルの違うかなたん
┣53:48 💫今のは70%もいってない
┣54:14 第一回デカ声バトル優勝は天音かなたさん!
┣54:24 二人のコンビ名は『BLUEBLUE』
┣55:27 二人がてぇてぇだったら百合を越えてBL
┣56:21 💫まだちゃんと青くんのことを理解しきってない
┣56:43 🖋期間限定の同棲を申し込む青くん
┣57:59 🖋同棲宣言
┣58:18 百合かと思った?BLでした
┗58:32 💫明日旅行に行くかなたそ、帰宅
58:54 エンディング おつBLUEBLUE
青くん、かなたそ、おつ #BLUEBLUE ~!!
またふたりで何か楽しいことをしてほしいほど、とても気にいりました♥ (イケメン系女子に弱い!)
今更だけど beyond Blue(青の彼方へ)を思い付いた
Thanks for the BLUEBLUE collab, Ao. It was a funny and entertaining collab.
43:18 ここ好き
Aokuyu got another collab! Awesome! 😆 Man that tea really is insanely hot, huh? I love how much they both cracked up at the 'master and pet' segment 🤣
28:53 この無言の間が面白すぎた
Kanata and Ao-kun are an amazing comedic duo lmao, they hit it off so well, the collab was so much fun to watch haha.
Thanks for the stream, Kanatan and Ao-kun! w
Thanks for the fun stream! Otsu BlueBlue! 💫🖋
29:17 34:10
コンビ名が BlueBlue(ぶるぶる)なのに、胸はぶるんぶるんじゃなくてってコメあって
藍璃かんな氏は以前Stellar Stellarをcoverしてた人
美しい ありがとう 愛しています Kanata & Ao
💫Stream Hightlight🖋
2:04 Kanata and Ao already start bantering through chatroom and stream
4:19 stream start, the tea is too hot ww
5:09 Greetings
6:25 Today Ao kun wants to solve Kanata's misunderstanding on her: Kanata thinks Ao Kun is a depressing girl behind her comedic on stream character
9:09 - 12:08 Talk about their "date" and their progressing friendship
12:30 Ao: Today we are here to battle! Look at the thumbnail 12:53 lol
13:30 Kanata and Ao taking copium
14:18 - 15:31 They will do a Ikeman battle to decide their combo name! Kanata is very confident
15:33 *Hilarious and chaotic height battle*
16:39 Listener's suggestion: KameGori lol
16:55 Kanata's suggestion: Blue bule (wrong spelling lol)
17:47 Ao's name: Hiodoshi Kanata (married name lol)
19:05 Kanata: I am getting all your girl fans with my ikeman
19:38 *Glock* blows tea
19:51 *First corner: Ikeman response battle!!!* (Doing their best ikeman response to rizz girls in a situation)
21:10 Ao's situation: The shoelaces on princess's shoes are loose!
22:20 Kanata's rizz attempt, Ao pretending to be the princess
24:07 Ao's rizz attempt, Kanata pretending to be the princess (so cute)
24:35 Ao: *takes off Kanata's shoes: You chose this cute pair of shoes becuase it's our important date? / Kanata: Yes! I wear crocs all the time.
26:00 Kanata's situaion: Spilled my curry udon on princess's clothes!
26:10 Ao's rizz attempt, Kanata pretending to be the princes
27:39 Ao kun stepped on landmine by asking Kanata to go fashion shopping for the 2nd consecutive time / Kanata: Are you trying to say my clothes are lame?
29:09 Kanata's rizz attempt, Ao pretending to be the princess
30:44 Chat poll: so far Kanata is winning!
32:07 *Kanata and Ao's Ikeman voice*
32:38 *Ikeman voice rizz turned into cat meme LMAO*
33:27 *Second corner: Situation Roulette!!!* (Pretending to be a pair and take turns to rizz the other)
34:06 *Kanata noticed Ao kun spinning her head and joined, cute LOLL*
35:39 Spin! They will now act as a loving couple
36:05 *Kanata thought Ao drew their couple illust for this corner but...*
37:23 - 40:15 Situation: Kanata and Ao date before Ao's birthday!
39:05 *Chaos as Kanata tries to make herself as the present LOL*
40:27 Kanata refuse to Chu with Ao
41:15 spin! Kanata won something!
42:00 The present: To sing "Ao kun is handsome 3 times"
42:47 Kanata sang it in 3 type of voice (cute)
43:42 Kanatan called Ao an old man and Ao can't take it
44:44 Spin! Kanatan will now act as a Ao's pet
45:37 Lmao this picture
46:13 *Super cute doggo hamster Kanatan*
46:32 *Cat meme again LOL*
46:54 Pet Kanata tsukkomi on Ao / Ao hitting pet Kanata's Buuutt?!
47:31 - 48:53 *Ao kun: Looks like you require more *training* / Kanata burst out laughing on the word "training"*
50:02 Iyajanai! kawaii
50:19 Back to the steamy room ww
51:30 *Last corner to decide the winner: Loud voice battle!!!* (The louder one will win)
52:29 Cute banter
53:49 Kanata only used 70% strength but it's enough to win
54:12 *Kanata wins! Kanata X Ao combo name decided: BLUEBLUE*
55:11 They both knew someone will turn this combo name into BL / Kanata: Of course the name I came up with included this meaning as well!
56:08 Kanata rejected Ao kun, Ao kun propose to live together for a period (!?)
57:20 Kanata said she will think about it! / cute banter
57:30 cute banter
57:58 Ao: So yea, we will be living together for a while / Kanata: Oh? ok I guess we will! (!?!?!?)
58:11 Ao's new intro with BlueBlue ww
58:32 *Kanata flying away, OtsuBlueBlue!*
4:31 5:05 15:33 19:38 32:38 34:20 43:42 46:06 46:24 52:29 57:55 58:17 BlueBlue being 2 absolute dork