This song is so hard to accurately describe. It has such a lonely feeling yet it also brings out pure emotion. Listening to this is like going through old pictures or old messages. Thinking back on not too long ago and wishing that you could go back, but you can't. When I listen to this song, I am brought to tears as I go back and wish that I could have done more. I wish I had a better outcome. I have so many regrets and I want so much more. I watched myself slowly slip away and now I am lost. I don't want this desolate feeling, but I want reassurance. I want to know that this will all work out in the end. I know this comment will be buried in the sea of others, but if it somehow doesn't then I'll be amazed. Thank you for your time.
@@DonnaAndCatsEthan Matthew (officiale_ethan) uses this song when he records his “one more day” motivational videos. Truth be told, he’s having a hard time himself…Trying to find motivation to be motivating. God bless him. Keep him in your prayers. 🙌🏻
Does anyone else want to go back to when they didnt care about anything? Once there was a time where nothing meant anything to me and i didnt understand the things in the world that were foul, but now i have realized how bad some people really are. It sounds crazy, but i sometimes wish i could visit my old self to take lessons on how to be carefree and happy. Kids are the happiest because they dont have anything to worry about. They dont have to care about the world and what it will become, or themselves and how they will make money for a house. All they care about is having fun. And if only it was that simple. If only.
I remember crying while walking aimlessly at 4 am aged 14 with this song in my headphones. I sat down by a bridge and stared out into nothing until the sun came up, this song on repeat the whole time, thinking about whether I was gonna make it till next week. Now I’m almost 19. Things are still shitty, but I’m still here. This song really brings back memories of a darker time in my life, but I made it.
I cry quietly in my room because life get hard and painful. So when I am with other people I want them to think I am OK so they can rely on me and then I repeat the process over and over again. Been doing it for the past 5 years
The type of song as you’re curled in bed, all the pain and suppressed emotions finally bubble back up. Silently crying into your pillow, wishing time would stop because it’s way too much right now.
You know what’s sad, trying to recreate a feeling from the past but you know it’s never gonna be that way ever again nor can you remake it. I guess I can move forward, but I wish I cherished those times more.
It reminds me of the lyrics in a song from the Counting Crows that goes "I can't remember how many times I told myself to hold on to these moments while you can"
hey, i just wanted to give you guys a quick reminder that life’s hard, like really hard. you’re gonna lose people, dreams, goals and unfortunately possibly yourself. sometimes we let things get in the way of the important stuff. just constantly remind yourselves that life is not supposed to be some essay where everything is perfectly formatted and corrected. it’s supposed to have mistakes and errors because that’s what makes it beautiful. live a life where you can wake up every morning and be happy to step out of the door, live a life where you adore the people around you, live a life where you don’t judge a soul but yet encourage them. live a life of laughter , live YOUR life not another’s for an original is worth much more than a copy. kudos to all and i hope everything goes to plans for you 💖
Try to transforme this into powerfull feeling maybe.. Cause I don't know what kind of pain u'v been throught but any event u found the courage to continu *positivibes*
Miina Räsänen omg ! same 😢 this is so beautiful but so deep emotional in same time ! it makes us remember wonderful memories and makes us cry by the emotions.
This song is the anthem for all the important words you wanted to tell that one special person. But then you just kept them all to yourself instead, and the *weight of the of emotions is just crushing* you inside. Again.
i cant say to anybody that im feeling alone (ive never met someone who loved me as much as i loved her), 5 years that this pain is Killing me and i cant do nothing
God will make the progress for you. Trust in Him, rely on Him and live your life as you are able at the moment. I'm in that spot too. All we've got is God. All we need is God. I love you.
Most of the music created by humans don’t have lyrics. It’s only recently and in the West that every piece of music was required to be a song to be popular. A trend that’s now reversing with the rise of YT stream channels like Lofi.
Hey stranger! My name is Dhobie I’m from the Philippines You don’t know me and I don’t know you. This is the only time we cross our paths And this is the only time you will hear from me And this is the only place we will meet ever Wherever you are I hope you’re okay I hope your fine But if you’re not.. I want you to know that I’m a friend And friends look out for one another So if you’re feeling sad I’m constantly praying for you You don’t know me but we’re are in this together Your fight is my fight So whoever you are you’ve got a friend😇
this song makes me think of all the people with anorexia, bulimia, depression, anxiety, insecurity, suicidal thoughts, etc. It makes me feel like their calling out for help and no is beside them. Their screams of disappointment, sorrow, and upsetting trying to reach out for a shoulder. Except no ones around. Until that one person comes out and gives them a hug telling them there is still hope in the air. so who ever has a illness, I know you can find someone special and find a way to recover. My names Taylor, I struggled with Depression and I have anger issues, but I recovered from Depression in therapy. I wish you all luck and happiness.
Yea....i have a bit of depression rn bc of what's happening in my life rn on top of that my mother really never let me leave the house since I was like 9 and I'm 13 rn almost 14 and now I have anxiety every time I try and talk to anyone I'm only able to talk to people by texting cuz that's all a know....I'm scared that I might not make it out in the real world and know how it feels cuz of how much anxiety I already have.....
I see a lot of people here talk about times gone by and wishing they cherished them more. For a long while when I listened to this song I felt the same. But, as I grew older, I felt it became less about trying to capture the past to me, but rather making sure to cherish the new ones you're making now with the ones you love.
I've never heard a song that makes me feel quiet. It sounds like silence. No. Sorry. It sounds like taking a walk in the rain, and listening to music. But the music is silence.
Hey you... Scrolling, fighting back tears.... Let them out... Let the pain and anger out right now. Listen to this song and just let it all go.... Its gonna be okay. We love you.
1. The reason I have tears in my eyes is cause I yawned and I’m tired 2. Thank you 3. When I try to let it out it won’t leave. I feel like I have emotions that need to be let out but they won’t leave.
This song reminds me of everything I wanna see in the world. I'm 13 and have big dreams and a vivid imagination. I wanna travel places and learn about the beautiful things in life. It hurts to know I may not see all of it in my short life, but I might as well try. I live in the quiet countryside and although I like it here, I really wanna experience the beauty of seeing a thousand city streetlights from a balcony, or feel the wind on my face as I walk through a bronze Autumn forest filled with hidden life, or a clear blue sea and sky with silky white sand. I have so many that I couldn't possibly list in this single comment. I guess what I'm trying to say is I can't wait for when I can go places, it'll be great.
Work bro for you dreams , not wait for that , people say your too young is bullshit . Future depend on what you do today , not tomorrow . Find a way to travel and work , you have time . Take care buddy
I leave in a french village where i grew up with my friends. This year we all turned 18, and they’re all leaving one by one for the studies. Can’t stop remembering all the good things we’ve been through. Now those people that give me the best memories are becoming memories. Enjoy each moment, time flies...
Si j'ai un conseil à te donner, garde le plus contact possible avec eux... captez-vous, buvez, faites des powerpoints de vos vie mais des amis qui s'éloignent arrive plus vite que prévu... paroles d'un mec encore en études
Je connais mon amie la plus proche depuis qu'on a 10 ans. On est pas allées au même lycée, elle a changé de continent durant mes études universitaires, elle a redéménagée loin de moi alors que je rentrai ssur le marché du travail et là elle va revenir bientôt au pays. On est excitée à l'idée de fêter nos 25 ans ensemble. Si vous vous aimez les uns et les autres, entretenir une amitié malgré la distance est tout à fait possible. L'amitié c'est comme une plante, ça s'entretient.
This song makes me feel like I’m slowly drowning and sinking to the bottom of the ocean and when the beat plays is when images of my life flash before my eyes
Personally it just makes me feel like I'm trapped in my own bubble- representing my rather monotone lifestyle. If you want to do something- Do your best in order to actually do it- Now... I know just saying "oh yeah it's so easy lol just do it" is obviously not gonna help with anything but- Just push forward and think "Do I truly want to do this?" You should get enough motivation to reach another point in which it shouldn't feel like that much of a task but more of a reward for your effort.
It should this guy stole this sound from We lost the sea, album departure songs, the last dive, it's about this diver David shaw who on his 333rd dive tried to retrieve a fallen diver and drowned himslself.
This song has let me let go of some of the most difficult mental difficulties i was having inside by just listening and crying by myself. May sound weird but it helped me face tomorrow.
That takes a lot of heart. Facing your inner demons is the only way to move forward. But when you do, it's like the sun rises again. You begin to see how blessed we really are. Every single day is an opportunity to find happiness and purpose.
I feel like my heart is beating to the beat of this song. When you close your eyes it feels like your floating. When you truly listen to this song you feel everything around you
It is weird that not everyone can interpret the song the way most of us do. I had this song playing on repeat and my boyfriend asked why I liked this music so much. I asked him to listen to it and tell me what he feels, what it reminds him of, what he can see when he closes his eyes. He told me he doesn't feel anything & doesn't like the music. I was shocked because I have literally cried to this song so many times as being overwhelmed with emotions & endless memories (good and bad). This song makes me so deep in my thoughts. Although I usually cry during it, by the end I find some sort of peace within mysef. Too think people do not feel anything when they hear this song.. truly heartbreaking.... but goes to show not everyone can interrupt things the way you do!
I'm overwhelmed with emotions and feeling... It is a time of healing for me and it is hard when I'm in the town that caused me so much and this song helps me to remember. It hurts .. but it has to be alright.
This song makes me wanna travel to finland and stay in a glass igloo and cuddle and stare at the beautiful aurora. This song makes me feel all kinds of feelings.
I’m sorry to read this only now, those are my only dream un life, you made me cry, thinking about this, while listening to this magical song ... thank you
I am so sorry for your loss man. Whereever you are and whoever you are, i just want you to know that as a stranger over the internet, i wish you all the best in life. Godspeed, legend.
@@thedae1706 hey but look on the bright side you will grow and learn from your previous relationship, the only way your gonna move forward on in life is if you learn to let go, bro I’m telling you and I promise you things will get better because I know your down because your listening to this song and I know your pain I’m like that too!
yup, even after we were talking. i still miss him, we werent anything, but i had feelings for him and he did too. but we stopped talking. the worse part is that i see him every single day and it just brings the memories back. but i wish him good luck, and even that i still want him.
This song makes me want to get up at 5:00 am and just walk around the small village I live in. It's beautiful. The sun rises right through my window. I forget about how many terrible people there actually are around me. The hated. The loved. The ones you've seen. And the ones you've lost. It all comes to you in a specific order. At a specific time. And hits you on a specific level. At 1:00 am it's the hatred. The sadness. At 6:00 am when you look outside, the beautiful dew on the ground glistening on each little strand of grass. The pinks and the purples and the oranges are perfectly blended to form one dream cloud you never thought existed. And there's one light that could kill us in an instant. But we still find it absolutely outstanding. I wanna walk to it. But then again I want to keep my distance and stay away for hours and hours admiring it's beauty and how it gives everyone hope. But then on the other side of the world people are going through the 1:00 am thoughts phase.
I hope this reaches someone who needs it, but I wanna tell you, don’t give up King/Queen, memories are permanent, but people DO change and never live in the past, just MAKE YOUR FUTURE MEMORIES UNFORGETTABLE... Period Had to get that off my chest, God Bless
The way this song makes me feel is like i am infinite.The unspoken summer nights with tough air and us running in the streets at 1 am though the city lights while they flicker.The summer kisses and lovers that went way to fast and friends that became strangers.Also the laughter and the gazing at the stars,all the secrets that are left there with no trace,the smiles and laughs,but also the moments we realized we are not strong and when we cried and had eachother's backs and helped one another to get trough what was the hardest,also growing up and how its okay to be broken from time to time.And the conversations only me my friends and the lightend up sky know of...
this song was the first song i listened to after my best friend passed away, the first song that silenced all the loud thoughts that felt like theyd never go away. this song is my comfort, the song i go to when my head is to heavy. i never thought i could find a song that made me feel like my world could never end. you made art that makes me feel infinite. 💛
This song makes me think of 2020 when Covid just started. I just was separated from my wife at the time. I was a Sgt waiting to PCS to California. Being locked up in the house and all I did was drink. Why the Lord got me through that I don’t know. I spiked pretty hard after that year. Now I’m out and back home. Rebuilding my life.
Going back only means you have to go through all the pain again. Go forward. Do something else with someone else. A few years from now u will think about it and feel nastalgic about this time. U will want go go back but u gotta keep moving foward and try other new things.
I did, its a weird feeling and it takes a lot of understanding to overcome it. Try to do some introspection and find the cause of this questionning. It will often give more good than bad. Good luck ❤
i heard it trough a coub meme compilation and had to look for it on my own (uploader was lazy), therefore i left a comment with timestamp title and who made it. now i can listen to this and have a good conciousness
This song allows me to see my cousin again who died at age 23. The first part is sad obviously. But then the beat kicks in and I remeber the adventures we had, the movie we made, the Christmas where we swapped all our gifts the time where his heart stopped, he got am elector shock. Woke up and said "whoa, let's wait a minute before we do that again" and then, his funeral. Thank you for allowing me to relive these wonderful memories 💖
me at my quiet bedroom: headphones on. this track is on. sitting on my bed. looking out the window at the sunset. maybe sunrise. thinking about memories, i don't have.
The beginning of this this song make me think about…It’s 1:09 on a Sunday morning…I’m almost 26 & I have no direction in my life anymore. But when the beat kicks in I remind myself that overall I’m generally content and it could be a lot worse.
Pretty crazy how fast time flies. As a little kid I never really worried about it, I had all the time in the world. No worries, life was about exploring and having fun. Now as a junior in high school, I’m getting ready for college. I have so many worries I never had as a kid. I’m much more aware of the world around me as well which is nice sometimes and painful at others. Sometimes I just wanna be a little kid again, life seemed so much more happy and carefree. That’s kinda what this song means to me.
@@Nadia-nk2po do well in school and really have fun. Don’t take your high school years for granted Cuzz u only got 4 of em. I hope you enjoy sophomore year 😊
Bro just some advice from someone who graduated 10 years ago. You still have time to enjoy some of the best years of your life and make amazing memories. I think about high school all the time
Fr i wish i was a kid sometimes i miss having fun and all that. I’m a freshman right now and honestly I’m scared of being lost because I don’t even know what i want as my career and I feel like i have not planned anything.
I’m not sad I’m not depressed I’m just stressed out and tired. The pressure to be perfect kills your soul and makes you less human. Be free. Live your life. Don’t let anyone tell you what the fuck to do or be. That’s YOUR choice. I love all of you. Look how far you’ve all come. I’m so proud. ❤️
This song is the story of a teenager who sits in the backseat staring out the window of the car at 3am while everyone else is falling asleep, but the driver of course. It's this teenager who feels astray from their friends. It's this feeling of running away into the night, not because of fear or broken hearts, but because of gratitude and all wonderful things of life. It's a belonging but a be longing, we be longing for something more. This song is sitting in a group in the forrest, under the same willow tree since third grade, bottles and other things in the center, enjoying one more night of fun before we're all gonna graduate and move on. Its moving along but never forgetting, because we all only became friends not so long ago but in another universe weve known each other forever because we clicked so well that we can't wait to go to the beach and swim half naked again while all being a little tipsy. This song is all the memories we never knew we had. This song is making it through the night trouble.
Another masterpiece, hard to actually describe what and how you're feeling when you listen to this....just want the whole world to be at peace just like this song
Dear person reading this, Hey, I hope you will see yourself with the eyes I see you one day, because I can you have an amazing music taste! :) You're such a beautiful human being and worth and enough. I hope you know that you do only need yourself to be happy, I know society built up the standard that whenever you're alone youre not living a happy life. But in fact, that is not true, if you start to realise that you actually deserve all the good things happening to you, you will treat yourself a lot nicer. I hope you let yourself rest, don't beat yourself up over past mistakes, over regret, and over everything your mind wants to destroy you. I wish I could remove all those demons inside of your head because you deserve to feel happy. If you ever feel lonely then watch the sky, because you know, someone, at the same time is watching the sky too, maybe feeling the same way... I am glad you exist and I hope you won't ever remove your own spot in this world, maybe you don't feel like you belong here but, then build your own home here. I don't want you to leave this world unhappy. I want you to live every little second, I want you to feel alive, I don't want you to see yourself just existing. You deserve it. Whatever happened. It is not your fault the demons in your head recognise thst you have a beautiful heart, they want to take it because they have never seen such beautiful heart as yours so why let them win over you? You're not selfish isolating youself, but you deserve to talk to someone. Never forget to breathe and smile. Don't live up to others standards! It's your story not theirs. Live for those who couldn't, smile for those who forgot what a genuine smile is, love like there's no other, hug like it's your last one. I love you and send you hugs. You're so strong. You're still here, and i am proud of you. YOU ARE NOT USELESS. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE WORTH IT. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE LOVED. READ THAT AGAIN. I AM GLAD YOU EXIST. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE NOT A PROBLEM. YOU ARE HUMAN AND YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID. READ THAT AGAIN. YOU ARE NOT BEING DRAMATIC. You're not a burden to anyone. Don't be afraid to talk, to use your voice. You're beautiful inside out. Your body is beautiful the way it is. Please don't starve yourself. Please eat, i know it's hard but you deserve food. You deserve to eat and drink. I CARE ABOUT YOU SO MUCH. READ THAT AGAIN. I WISH I COULD HUG YOU RIGHT NOW, SO I VIRTUAL HUG WILL DO. It hurts me to see you're in pain :( You deserve so much, don't let your emotions control you. Don't let them get the best of you. Please don't let go. I am sorry that no one is hearing you, I am sorry that no one hass noticed that you've lost yourself. I wish I could take your pain away, it hurts me to see the pain in your eyes. I love you through words and i mean it. I just want to say... Hold on a little longer. I hope you have an awesome day. All I want for you is to stay and feel alive. Now wipe those tears and smile for me, you really don't know how much a smile can brighten someone's day, do you? I hope one day yours will become a genuine one where you don't need to fake it anymore, because i can't say this enough, you deserve a good smile and to feel alive. You're worth more than every penny in this world. I need you here with me :) Remember crying is not a weakness, let it out as much as you can but don't let the emotion control you by giving up. Its okay, you're here, you're safe, you can let it out. Has anyone asked you how you are feeling today? If not, how are you really? If you're not doing good, you will feel good at one point. Don't give yourself up. I'm sorry you feel misunderstood. But anyone that gets to be with you, doesn't know how lucky he/ she/ they are :) Enough with beating yourself up for today, okay? -From random stranger on the internet
You are awesome Julia. I read this and so many people NEED TO! HAVE A WONDERFUL, HAPPY LIFE! PS- I ALWAYS look at the moon and wonder how many people are looking at it at the same moment as I am and I wonder where they are from.... XO
I have read it completely and if everyone reads this the world will be a better place because then everyone will know that you are loved -Thank you someone from the internet-
No words can describe the feeling I get when I close my eyes and listen to this song. It just brings back everything I’ve been through and I can say to myself.. thank you lord Jesus for everything I made it through.
Voila, Petit Bicuit, un gars de 16 ans (!!!!) qui nous fait complètement rêver, avec un talent juste énorme! Chaque morceau est un VRAI kiff à écouter, continue sur cette lancée s'il te plait! Merci!
To achieve your goal, you must sacrifice a lot. After all, somewhere in another part of the world, a person is training who pursues the same goal as you, one day he will come and take away everything that you aspire to. That's why you have to stay focused, in every single moment ✊🏻
To anyone listening to this while upset or sad etc., everything is going to be okay. You’ll get through this! You’re stronger than you think! And there are people who love the fact that you exist! Don’t give up! There’s still hope for you! So go and take it!
Je me souviendrai toujours de la première fois où j'ai entendu petit biscuit... J'etais sur la plage un soir avec des amis et on a juste regardés la mer sans dire un mot pendant que cette chanson passait.Ce soir là j'ai embrassé pour la première fois une fille, ma copine. Je suis tellement pressé de voir petit biscuit à bordeaux le 21! ca va etre le feu
Has anyone every thought about, how dead people get more flowers than those who are alive? This song makes me think about things like that. Regret is way stronger than gratitude..
it reminds me of the amount of growth a person has. from being so broken and not believing there is a tomorrow. to the world finally making sense being happy. giving so much love for your life and others. wanting to wake up another day and put a smile on someone’s face. it really shows the pain someone went through up until they are blossoming. that’s why i love this song so immensely
Petit Biscuit, Je voulais simplement remercier pour cette chanson. Elle fut pour moi le summum et le réceptacle de mes pensées assez noires que j'avais il y a deux ans. Installé dans ma bagnole dans la nuit, je mettais en boucle cette chanson et divaguais dans mes souvenirs et pensées obscures. Elle me permettait de me recentrer dans cette noirceur qui m'entourait et de m'amener dans un état particulier. Cette chanson a été là, autour de moi, dans mes questionnements, mes remises en question, mes colères et mes pleurs. Je ressortais de l'écoute de cette chanson avec la chair de poule et le cœur remplis d'émotion par la progression musicale incroyable de cette chanson ainsi que l'échange de résonance musicale qui rappelle un désordre ordonné emmaillé. Elle fut ma musique la plus écoutée des dernières années. Aujourd'hui, cette chanson n'a plus le même effet poignant sur moi honnêtement. Par guérison ou par habitude, je ne le sais point. Malgré ce constat, je la réécoute de façon sporadique pour me rappeler, rappeler des moments où j'étais il y a pas si longtemps que ça. Je lis les commentaires et je vois que nous avons tous une relation propre à cette musique. Je trouve ça beau. Merci encore, sincèrement.
This instantly reminds me of two childhood best friends spending the last night together before they go off to different colleges. They go to their favorite place in their small town. He's over looking the city, on a bridge, with an everlasting sigh and he looks back at her and he says, "what?" And she just bursts in tears. "Wait, why are you crying?" He hugs her instantly. "It's because I dont know when I'm going to experience another moment like this, this town, the memories we've created here... you. We've done everything together." And shortly after, the sun begins to rise. It's time to go.
When nostalgia hits you like a ton of bricks. Pleasant memories that will NEVER be lived again, moments of joy FOREVER GONE, the feeling of time forever LOST, people gone, relationships over, opportunities wasted, a past you (that was happier) dead. To think of these memories X amount of years later is painful. It hurts so much to think of those past memories.
Dont believe that tho Believing it means u truly gave up and will never ever go back to being happier so dont do that its never too late as long as possibily isnt 0% then keep fighting
This song used to make me cry, but I see it as a reminder that how far I've gone, how I went through hard and frustrating times. It speaks to me how life could always have ups and downs, but that doesn't mean you have to stay sad and cry everyday about how times changed so fast. We gotta move on someday, and whenever it may take time, you'll know you'll be ready for the REAL world. It could always start as a upsetting start, but it soon progresses as something lively and exciting ❤
Feels like I’m in 2010...the memories..going on road trips with my grandma and cousins..take me back.....just imaging being the age you are now but in the late 2000s to early 2010s
@@minibot12 I know right, it wish nothing was impossible and everything was possible. I wish I had time travel powers because I would go all the way back
I remember coming back from a trip to the sea with my mother and father- I just came back instantly to my o l d pc and started to play my favorite game for hours- Just the word "Skype" gives me heavy nostalgia of that time.
This song reminds me of the nights during a road trip, when sometimes half of the car is falling asleep and someone's driving.
And ya crash
There’s always someone driving on road trips.
This song is so hard to accurately describe. It has such a lonely feeling yet it also brings out pure emotion. Listening to this is like going through old pictures or old messages. Thinking back on not too long ago and wishing that you could go back, but you can't. When I listen to this song, I am brought to tears as I go back and wish that I could have done more. I wish I had a better outcome. I have so many regrets and I want so much more. I watched myself slowly slip away and now I am lost. I don't want this desolate feeling, but I want reassurance. I want to know that this will all work out in the end. I know this comment will be buried in the sea of others, but if it somehow doesn't then I'll be amazed. Thank you for your time.
Morgan Williams bless you 💖
exactly how i feel right now
This comment couldn't be more accurate and relevant to my life right now
Ennit and the comments at the top as well ❤️
definitly loved what you said
This song makes me want to wake up at 6am, go on a road trip, watch the sunrise and do a time-lapse of it😩🙃
Hmm its more like a midnight song to me
Stefan Toncic Same. when all the stars is out and when you can see the deep of the galaxy.
ivalila 22 Exactly, it's like you can see the song within the bright sky full of stars.
do it just do it man
What's up buddy? You made it! One more day!
Can you link to that? It's what introduced me to this song.
@@DonnaAndCatsEthan Matthew (officiale_ethan) uses this song when he records his “one more day” motivational videos. Truth be told, he’s having a hard time himself…Trying to find motivation to be motivating. God bless him. Keep him in your prayers. 🙌🏻
Does anyone else want to go back to when they didnt care about anything? Once there was a time where nothing meant anything to me and i didnt understand the things in the world that were foul, but now i have realized how bad some people really are. It sounds crazy, but i sometimes wish i could visit my old self to take lessons on how to be carefree and happy. Kids are the happiest because they dont have anything to worry about. They dont have to care about the world and what it will become, or themselves and how they will make money for a house. All they care about is having fun. And if only it was that simple. If only.
If only.. but we need to find joy in small daily things as we grow out of childhood, right?
Same but different. I want to care about my future but I don't have that opportunity
Reading your comment and listening to the song hit different... I miss those days too. The world seems a lot darker now
Everything becomes easier with prayer and God's presence ❤️! Jesus loves us all so much, you are not alone 🙏🏽❤️
Ask someone who’s rich with wealthy parents, all they gotta do is focus on happiness :D
This is my dog's favorite song .... He falls asleep to it everytime ... It makes me happy
This makes me happy
just smiled so wide
I miss my dog, funny how this song reminded me of him
i’m literally in love w/ everyone in this comment section, my god you all are gems i love you
69th like
Thanks man
You are one of those gems
You shouldn't call God's name in vain. Just a little notice
I remember crying while walking aimlessly at 4 am aged 14 with this song in my headphones. I sat down by a bridge and stared out into nothing until the sun came up, this song on repeat the whole time, thinking about whether I was gonna make it till next week.
Now I’m almost 19. Things are still shitty, but I’m still here. This song really brings back memories of a darker time in my life, but I made it.
Well done! I’m proud of you 🙂
@@mohammadsudaisbinsohail1758 so?
Been there before💯💯💯💯 I’m so happy you too found strength and didn’t lose sight of a better future.
@@mohammadsudaisbinsohail1758 stfu if you don't have anything nice to say
I'm so glad you decided to stay ❤️
The worst kind of pain is having to cry quietly.
think that’s hard I have to cover my mouth.
I do like crying without pain :)
I cry quietly in my room because life get hard and painful. So when I am with other people I want them to think I am OK so they can rely on me and then I repeat the process over and over again. Been doing it for the past 5 years
200% this😩
this gives me summer 2019 vibes
2018 Fs
I miss the old days and years I dont think well ever get that back with covid and everything hitting everybody
stop guys that 2 yrs ago
When I graduated
Before the desaster
this song makes me feel nostalgic. :(
What does that mean?
NessaLoveWoahxP ya me too ^w^
@@rafa9338 What he means is that it back old memories that he loved i guess.
Wow throwback to 3 years ago when I didn’t know what nostalgic meant 😂 no but this is a dope ass song glad I found it again :’)
The type of song as you’re curled in bed, all the pain and suppressed emotions finally bubble back up. Silently crying into your pillow, wishing time would stop because it’s way too much right now.
this is literally what i’m doing rn
@@tsyeehawI hope you feel better soon
Let's feel lonely together
If we all feel lonely, are we really lonely ? We can all be together... I dont know
Im right by you're side bro.
we all go trough emotions and try to be a happy person bur we are not
you dropped this 👑
That would make a great song title!... xoxo
Making a song with the same melody again and again without being boring is very difficult, but this song shows that you are able to do it!
It has just enough variance and by adding things on throughout the song it doesn't become boring.
This song is so hard to describe...
that’s the good part.
Just stays so beautiful. No words. Just amazing.
@ Thank u for replying to my comment 6 years later 😭
You know what’s sad, trying to recreate a feeling from the past but you know it’s never gonna be that way ever again nor can you remake it. I guess I can move forward, but I wish I cherished those times more.
Feel this!
It reminds me of the lyrics in a song from the Counting Crows that goes "I can't remember how many times I told myself to hold on to these moments while you can"
Portuguse people call this feeling "Saudade."
@TehAwesomer thank you. Knowledge is power❤
Try listening to this song in the winter. In the early morning, when the sky is little dark
@Cobra Kai Vibes Yesss I agree
Yes right now is about to snow i want to go outside and do a long walk with all the snow
And probably eat snow from the floor -_-
Or in a sunset time at the beach...
I always do every morning
I'm feeling like we're all the same human in this comment section. I don't feel alone. You guys have beatiful minds. Love you and love petit biscuit
I have it same
hey, i just wanted to give you guys a quick reminder that life’s hard, like really hard. you’re gonna lose people, dreams, goals and unfortunately possibly yourself. sometimes we let things get in the way of the important stuff. just constantly remind yourselves that life is not supposed to be some essay where everything is perfectly formatted and corrected. it’s supposed to have mistakes and errors because that’s what makes it beautiful. live a life where you can wake up every morning and be happy to step out of the door, live a life where you adore the people around you, live a life where you don’t judge a soul but yet encourage them. live a life of laughter , live YOUR life not another’s for an original is worth much more than a copy. kudos to all and i hope everything goes to plans for you 💖
lxf thank u so much 😌
This is amazing
lxf thank you some much I hope you a blissful life 🥰🥰
This really brought tears to my eyes. This comment was the best one 🙏
This Song Made Me Think About My Past Years That I Spent Happily And Full Of Enjoyment With my Family ❤
I cry like a river eveytime I hear this song because it gives me so many memories
Exactly how I feel
Try to transforme this into powerfull feeling maybe.. Cause I don't know what kind of pain u'v been throught but any event u found the courage to continu *positivibes*
basically all petit biscuit's song
Why so positive?
Miina Räsänen omg ! same 😢 this is so beautiful but so deep emotional in same time ! it makes us remember wonderful memories and makes us cry by the emotions.
Does any one just sit in there bedroom alone and listen to this?? Or is it just me 😂
My Life As Michelle that's what I'm doing right now.
My Life As Michelle I'm doing that now and it's helping me fall asleep
My Life As Michelle it's literally what I do every night to help me fall asleep...get me away from my own thoughts
My Life As Michelle me right now... contemplating everything
what the fuck do you think we've been doing all along?
This song is the anthem for all the important words you wanted to tell that one special person.
But then you just kept them all to yourself instead, and the *weight of the of emotions is just crushing* you inside.
Nikki Harris exactly 😣
i cant say to anybody that im feeling alone (ive never met someone who loved me as much as i loved her), 5 years that this pain is Killing me and i cant do nothing
That shit hurted
exactly. you put my feelings in words.
i commend you.
The worst thing about depression is when you see everyone around you make progress and be successful.....while your just stuck in the same place
It's all an illusion. There is no spoon.
God will make the progress for you. Trust in Him, rely on Him and live your life as you are able at the moment. I'm in that spot too. All we've got is God. All we need is God. I love you.
This song fixes my head at night... cant quite describe it
Driving home late from somewhere alone, while listening to this song is one of the greatest joys in life, truly.
This is the kind of song I listen to when I'm falling apart, it doesn't even need lyrics
The song just speaks for it self
It’s so good slowed as well, you should try and listen to that !
Same here
Most of the music created by humans don’t have lyrics. It’s only recently and in the West that every piece of music was required to be a song to be popular. A trend that’s now reversing with the rise of YT stream channels like Lofi.
Rainy Day + Night + Headphones + Alone + This Audio = Best Feeling ❤️😔
No doubt my friend 😊
you're right
It really is!
DANG IT, I had a rainy day yesterday.
Hey stranger!
My name is Dhobie I’m from the Philippines
You don’t know me and I don’t know you.
This is the only time we cross our paths
And this is the only time you will hear from me
And this is the only place we will meet ever
Wherever you are I hope you’re okay
I hope your fine
But if you’re not.. I want you to know that I’m a friend
And friends look out for one another
So if you’re feeling sad
I’m constantly praying for you
You don’t know me but we’re are in this together
Your fight is my fight
So whoever you are you’ve got a friend😇
Ur awesome 😎 I needed that Love you brother
@@geoanaglissca8 😇🙂
I literally arrived at my destination, am listening to this song, still sitting in my car, crying
But I'm fine, it's fine. Everything is fine.
is everything alright? do you want to talk about it? i'll listen x
Awh, no I'm ok ❤ sometimes things just seem to get overwhelming. But thank you so much for asking !
Me to lol. Can't turn it off to go inside. Think I may replay it again one more time.
Its not fine. But that's ok
this song makes me think of all the people with anorexia, bulimia, depression, anxiety, insecurity, suicidal thoughts, etc. It makes me feel like their calling out for help and no is beside them. Their screams of disappointment, sorrow, and upsetting trying to reach out for a shoulder. Except no ones around. Until that one person comes out and gives them a hug telling them there is still hope in the air. so who ever has a illness, I know you can find someone special and find a way to recover. My names
Taylor, I struggled with Depression and I have anger issues, but I recovered from Depression in therapy. I wish you all luck and happiness.
this song is my therapy, this type of music is therapy. people don't realize how this type of music can really help someone mentally.
My Best friend suicided last year. Now i read your message and feeling bad.. Why did i not give him a hug ?
Infam oh no...i am so sorry 😔😕
Yea....i have a bit of depression rn bc of what's happening in my life rn on top of that my mother really never let me leave the house since I was like 9 and I'm 13 rn almost 14 and now I have anxiety every time I try and talk to anyone I'm only able to talk to people by texting cuz that's all a know....I'm scared that I might not make it out in the real world and know how it feels cuz of how much anxiety I already have.....
Xxlunalove xX god can help you!
I see a lot of people here talk about times gone by and wishing they cherished them more. For a long while when I listened to this song I felt the same. But, as I grew older, I felt it became less about trying to capture the past to me, but rather making sure to cherish the new ones you're making now with the ones you love.
one of the most relaxing and peaceful songs i've ever heared in my life .
Yusef samy and try to heard quran that makes u feel peaceful:)
this is very calming,, it reminds me of a heartbeat
damn potato KIM NAMJOON
JUNG HOSEOK ( i know i‘m a Little late)😂
I've never heard a song that makes me feel quiet. It sounds like silence. No. Sorry. It sounds like taking a walk in the rain, and listening to music. But the music is silence.
Beck Jacobson wow amazing described😔😦😱
Marry me.
Nailed it
bless x
You just described my exact feelings.
Hey you... Scrolling, fighting back tears.... Let them out... Let the pain and anger out right now. Listen to this song and just let it all go.... Its gonna be okay. We love you.
1. The reason I have tears in my eyes is cause I yawned and I’m tired
2. Thank you
3. When I try to let it out it won’t leave. I feel like I have emotions that need to be let out but they won’t leave.
i am racist
But I’m at work 😢
If only it were that easy…
@@Crusader-1096Find your release. Find your time. It may have came already. But if it didn't it will.
This song reminds me of everything I wanna see in the world. I'm 13 and have big dreams and a vivid imagination. I wanna travel places and learn about the beautiful things in life. It hurts to know I may not see all of it in my short life, but I might as well try. I live in the quiet countryside and although I like it here, I really wanna experience the beauty of seeing a thousand city streetlights from a balcony, or feel the wind on my face as I walk through a bronze Autumn forest filled with hidden life, or a clear blue sea and sky with silky white sand. I have so many that I couldn't possibly list in this single comment. I guess what I'm trying to say is I can't wait for when I can go places, it'll be great.
I love this sm🥺 I’m 14 and I think about the same thing.
I am now 28 and that is my vision too. I think every single person should have the opportunity to travel this amazing planet
Me too. But sometimes, I feel like I can only dream and not do much else.
Same, im also 13 and ths just, its just it😭
Work bro for you dreams , not wait for that , people say your too young is bullshit . Future depend on what you do today , not tomorrow . Find a way to travel and work , you have time . Take care buddy
I leave in a french village where i grew up with my friends. This year we all turned 18, and they’re all leaving one by one for the studies. Can’t stop remembering all the good things we’ve been through. Now those people that give me the best memories are becoming memories. Enjoy each moment, time flies...
That hit harder than a big brick..
Si j'ai un conseil à te donner, garde le plus contact possible avec eux... captez-vous, buvez, faites des powerpoints de vos vie mais des amis qui s'éloignent arrive plus vite que prévu... paroles d'un mec encore en études
Je connais mon amie la plus proche depuis qu'on a 10 ans. On est pas allées au même lycée, elle a changé de continent durant mes études universitaires, elle a redéménagée loin de moi alors que je rentrai ssur le marché du travail et là elle va revenir bientôt au pays. On est excitée à l'idée de fêter nos 25 ans ensemble.
Si vous vous aimez les uns et les autres, entretenir une amitié malgré la distance est tout à fait possible. L'amitié c'est comme une plante, ça s'entretient.
I'm sorry bro. Take care
This song makes me feel like I’m slowly drowning and sinking to the bottom of the ocean and when the beat plays is when images of my life flash before my eyes
Personally it just makes me feel like I'm trapped in my own bubble- representing my rather monotone lifestyle.
If you want to do something- Do your best in order to actually do it-
Now... I know just saying "oh yeah it's so easy lol just do it" is obviously not gonna help with anything but- Just push forward and think "Do I truly want to do this?"
You should get enough motivation to reach another point in which it shouldn't feel like that much of a task but more of a reward for your effort.
maybe you are
Dog u good my guy
It should this guy stole this sound from We lost the sea, album departure songs, the last dive, it's about this diver David shaw who on his 333rd dive tried to retrieve a fallen diver and drowned himslself.
Did someone hurt you
This song has let me let go of some of the most difficult mental difficulties i was having inside by just listening and crying by myself. May sound weird but it helped me face tomorrow.
That takes a lot of heart. Facing your inner demons is the only way to move forward. But when you do, it's like the sun rises again. You begin to see how blessed we really are. Every single day is an opportunity to find happiness and purpose.
It doesn't sound weird at all
1. Do what you love, do it often, and do it unapoligeticly
2. Pay more attention to your thoughts what you are thinking is what you're attracting
3. Timing has a lot to do with everything
4. Not everybody thinks the same way you think
okayyvonne kay 5. Silence says a lot
6. If an opportunity doesn't exist create it , if an idea doesn't exist create it
I feel like my heart is beating to the beat of this song. When you close your eyes it feels like your floating. When you truly listen to this song you feel everything around you
“-They told me nothing would ever be mine-so I put on night trouble, and the world was mine for 6 minutes”
I love this
Fuck! This is deep. This touched my soul
So True
I cried reading this bro no cap why is life so shit and baned
If your a dad or a mom reading this just know your doing an amazing job im proud of you
anybody else just feel like they are in slo motion when you listen to this, like everything slows down ? just me ?
no, ur absolutelt not the only one
Ye I feel the same
I get this feeling. It’s wonderful♥️
You're not the only one
This song makes me feel like I shouldn't die without knowing/feeling the love of all of the kpop groups that I like
It is weird that not everyone can interpret the song the way most of us do. I had this song playing on repeat and my boyfriend asked why I liked this music so much. I asked him to listen to it and tell me what he feels, what it reminds him of, what he can see when he closes his eyes. He told me he doesn't feel anything & doesn't like the music. I was shocked because I have literally cried to this song so many times as being overwhelmed with emotions & endless memories (good and bad). This song makes me so deep in my thoughts. Although I usually cry during it, by the end I find some sort of peace within mysef. Too think people do not feel anything when they hear this song.. truly heartbreaking.... but goes to show not everyone can interrupt things the way you do!
I'm overwhelmed with emotions and feeling... It is a time of healing for me and it is hard when I'm in the town that caused me so much and this song helps me to remember. It hurts .. but it has to be alright.
I love this
He probably has aphantasia and cant see images in his head. Ask him if he can see ANYTHING when he closes his eyes.
People don't like beautiful songs like this when they are not thinking of they're past life
This song makes me wanna travel to finland and stay in a glass igloo and cuddle and stare at the beautiful aurora. This song makes me feel all kinds of feelings.
Specific but tru
I’m sorry to read this only now, those are my only dream un life, you made me cry, thinking about this, while listening to this magical song ... thank you
out of all countries in the world you picked finland are you dizzy blud
This brings me back to the most fondest memories of my dad. He passed away almost two months ago now 😔
So sorry for your loss. I pray that someday soon you may find peace
I’m sorry to hear about that 😢
Sorry for your lost, he sounds like a great and is watching over you no matter where he his
My condolences bro! God Bless!
I am so sorry for your loss man. Whereever you are and whoever you are, i just want you to know that as a stranger over the internet, i wish you all the best in life. Godspeed, legend.
You know what the saddest sh*t ever is?
When you want to talk to someone, or just text them. But you can't.
Because they don't want you anymore.
yep they blocked me
@@thedae1706 hey but look on the bright side you will grow and learn from your previous relationship, the only way your gonna move forward on in life is if you learn to let go, bro I’m telling you and I promise you things will get better because I know your down because your listening to this song and I know your pain I’m like that too!
yup, even after we were talking. i still miss him, we werent anything, but i had feelings for him and he did too. but we stopped talking. the worse part is that i see him every single day and it just brings the memories back. but i wish him good luck, and even that i still want him.
Rare de trouver des musiciens comme ça qui arrive encore a nous transporter de nos jours.
Aunt Prod c'est la relève 😌
Malheureusement elle s'ecroule par terre
This song makes me want to get up at 5:00 am and just walk around the small village I live in. It's beautiful. The sun rises right through my window. I forget about how many terrible people there actually are around me. The hated. The loved. The ones you've seen. And the ones you've lost. It all comes to you in a specific order. At a specific time. And hits you on a specific level. At 1:00 am it's the hatred. The sadness. At 6:00 am when you look outside, the beautiful dew on the ground glistening on each little strand of grass. The pinks and the purples and the oranges are perfectly blended to form one dream cloud you never thought existed. And there's one light that could kill us in an instant. But we still find it absolutely outstanding. I wanna walk to it. But then again I want to keep my distance and stay away for hours and hours admiring it's beauty and how it gives everyone hope. But then on the other side of the world people are going through the 1:00 am thoughts phase.
oh my god.
This is just so pure and beautiful..
Damn mate
I hope this reaches someone who needs it, but I wanna tell you, don’t give up King/Queen, memories are permanent, but people DO change and never live in the past, just MAKE YOUR FUTURE MEMORIES UNFORGETTABLE... Period
Had to get that off my chest, God Bless
The way this song makes me feel is like i am infinite.The unspoken summer nights with tough air and us running in the streets at 1 am though the city lights while they flicker.The summer kisses and lovers that went way to fast and friends that became strangers.Also the laughter and the gazing at the stars,all the secrets that are left there with no trace,the smiles and laughs,but also the moments we realized we are not strong and when we cried and had eachother's backs and helped one another to get trough what was the hardest,also growing up and how its okay to be broken from time to time.And the conversations only me my friends and the lightend up sky know of...
this song was the first song i listened to after my best friend passed away, the first song that silenced all the loud thoughts that felt like theyd never go away. this song is my comfort, the song i go to when my head is to heavy. i never thought i could find a song that made me feel like my world could never end. you made art that makes me feel infinite. 💛
one of my best friends passed away in august...and i just feel the same way. thank you so much for your comment. i don’t feel alone anymore.
I'm so sorry for your loss hun. Keep your head up, couldn't imagine having one of my friends passing away 😕
@@cyberkae I'm so sorry hear that.
petit biscuit , le seul mec qui arrive à te montrer tout ce qu'une musique peut te faire ressentir et à quel point c'est vraiment un art....
This song makes me think of 2020 when Covid just started.
I just was separated from my wife at the time. I was a Sgt waiting to PCS to California.
Being locked up in the house and all I did was drink.
Why the Lord got me through that I don’t know.
I spiked pretty hard after that year. Now I’m out and back home. Rebuilding my life.
the most underrated petit biscuit song
This makes me remember that this world isn’t the same as it used to be.
I wanna go back.
Going back only means you have to go through all the pain again. Go forward. Do something else with someone else. A few years from now u will think about it and feel nastalgic about this time. U will want go go back but u gotta keep moving foward and try other new things.
Hey bud. It’s the same world. You’re just letting the outside influences expand and poison it. Build your own world, keep it small and protect it.
Me too, hopefully those good days will be back soon.
Same here. I found this song just before the pandemic and it had me in my feelings.
The past is the past the future is unknown thats why they call it the present because you need to enjoy the now
Does Anyone Else Wonder: "Will I Be Loved?"
Ofc... I’m still waiting
You are not alone and never would be.
Every single day (pun intended)
I did, its a weird feeling and it takes a lot of understanding to overcome it. Try to do some introspection and find the cause of this questionning. It will often give more good than bad. Good luck ❤
Who still listening to this song? It is really comforting during hard times 😢
I feel sorry for the people who don't know the title to this song
Jordan Sundeen ikr
bruhhh same thats what i was thinkingg
Vibor I’ve been trying to find this for the past 3 hours 🙄 finally found it
I just found out this song, now
i heard it trough a coub meme compilation and had to look for it on my own (uploader was lazy), therefore i left a comment with timestamp title and who made it.
now i can listen to this and have a good conciousness
Try listening to this song at night while looking up at the stars contemplating your existence on this planet.
i feel like i'm unlocking memories i don't have
This is already a memory,
Prolly looking at tiktok a year or two ago, A lot has changed since then believe it or not (especially if it was 1.5 - 2 years ago)
@@ChristianBunnyGames it was unproblematic back then.
This song allows me to see my cousin again who died at age 23. The first part is sad obviously. But then the beat kicks in and I remeber the adventures we had, the movie we made, the Christmas where we swapped all our gifts the time where his heart stopped, he got am elector shock. Woke up and said "whoa, let's wait a minute before we do that again" and then, his funeral. Thank you for allowing me to relive these wonderful memories 💖
I’m sorry for your loss♥️ I’m glad that this song reminds you of the good memories you shared with him.
me too
one thing I love about songs that are just beats with no lyrics is that you get to choose how to feel when listening to them
I agree
For real there is no context, just how it makes you feel
me at my quiet bedroom: headphones on.
this track is on.
sitting on my bed.
looking out the window
at the sunset.
maybe sunrise.
thinking about memories,
i don't have.
That's deep-
@@ladybex8584 Fr..
I'm not crying, you are 🥺
thinking about memories, i won't have*
that's what i'd say.
Franchement ça fait plaisir d'avoir un artiste électro de qualité en France
si tu cherche un peu il y en a pas qu' un voyons ................ cherche du côté de St Étienne ou Lyon
la même ^^
WoodWire ,Brain dammage ....
club cheval mr oizo gesaffelstein kavinsky fakear ectect
The beginning of this this song make me think about…It’s 1:09 on a Sunday morning…I’m almost 26 & I have no direction in my life anymore. But when the beat kicks in I remind myself that overall I’m generally content and it could be a lot worse.
Pretty crazy how fast time flies. As a little kid I never really worried about it, I had all the time in the world. No worries, life was about exploring and having fun. Now as a junior in high school, I’m getting ready for college. I have so many worries I never had as a kid. I’m much more aware of the world around me as well which is nice sometimes and painful at others. Sometimes I just wanna be a little kid again, life seemed so much more happy and carefree. That’s kinda what this song means to me.
Ya sophomore next year and i feel like there's so much I haven't done yet
@@Nadia-nk2po do well in school and really have fun. Don’t take your high school years for granted Cuzz u only got 4 of em. I hope you enjoy sophomore year 😊
Bro just some advice from someone who graduated 10 years ago. You still have time to enjoy some of the best years of your life and make amazing memories. I think about high school all the time
Fr i wish i was a kid sometimes i miss having fun and all that. I’m a freshman right now and honestly I’m scared of being lost because I don’t even know what i want as my career and I feel like i have not planned anything.
I feel you. I'm a junior in highschool as well. Life just seems to go way to fast for me. It's so overwhelming!
I’m not sad I’m not depressed I’m just stressed out and tired. The pressure to be perfect kills your soul and makes you less human. Be free. Live your life. Don’t let anyone tell you what the fuck to do or be. That’s YOUR choice. I love all of you. Look how far you’ve all come. I’m so proud. ❤️
do you really think it ?...
Thanks I needed this
Love you bro❤️
Thanks man, I am stressed out, tired, sad depressed, and rage.
I needed someone to tell me this.
@@ThibKarting love u
This song is the story of a teenager who sits in the backseat staring out the window of the car at 3am while everyone else is falling asleep, but the driver of course. It's this teenager who feels astray from their friends. It's this feeling of running away into the night, not because of fear or broken hearts, but because of gratitude and all wonderful things of life. It's a belonging but a be longing, we be longing for something more. This song is sitting in a group in the forrest, under the same willow tree since third grade, bottles and other things in the center, enjoying one more night of fun before we're all gonna graduate and move on. Its moving along but never forgetting, because we all only became friends not so long ago but in another universe weve known each other forever because we clicked so well that we can't wait to go to the beach and swim half naked again while all being a little tipsy. This song is all the memories we never knew we had. This song is making it through the night trouble.
Another masterpiece, hard to actually describe what and how you're feeling when you listen to this....just want the whole world to be at peace just like this song
Dear person reading this,
Hey, I hope you will see yourself with the eyes I see you one day, because I can you have an amazing music taste! :) You're such a beautiful human being and worth and enough. I hope you know that you do only need yourself to be happy, I know society built up the standard that whenever you're alone youre not living a happy life. But in fact, that is not true, if you start to realise that you actually deserve all the good things happening to you, you will treat yourself a lot nicer. I hope you let yourself rest, don't beat yourself up over past mistakes, over regret, and over everything your mind wants to destroy you. I wish I could remove all those demons inside of your head because you deserve to feel happy. If you ever feel lonely then watch the sky, because you know, someone, at the same time is watching the sky too, maybe feeling the same way... I am glad you exist and I hope you won't ever remove your own spot in this world, maybe you don't feel like you belong here but, then build your own home here. I don't want you to leave this world unhappy. I want you to live every little second, I want you to feel alive, I don't want you to see yourself just existing. You deserve it. Whatever happened. It is not your fault the demons in your head recognise thst you have a beautiful heart, they want to take it because they have never seen such beautiful heart as yours so why let them win over you? You're not selfish isolating youself, but you deserve to talk to someone. Never forget to breathe and smile.
Don't live up to others standards! It's your story not theirs.
Live for those who couldn't, smile for those who forgot what a genuine smile is, love like there's no other, hug like it's your last one.
I love you and send you hugs.
You're so strong. You're still here, and i am proud of you.
You're not a burden to anyone. Don't be afraid to talk, to use your voice.
You're beautiful inside out. Your body is beautiful the way it is.
Please don't starve yourself. Please eat, i know it's hard but you deserve food. You deserve to eat and drink.
It hurts me to see you're in pain :( You deserve so much, don't let your emotions control you. Don't let them get the best of you.
Please don't let go.
I am sorry that no one is hearing you, I am sorry that no one hass noticed that you've lost yourself. I wish I could take your pain away, it hurts me to see the pain in your eyes. I love you through words and i mean it. I just want to say... Hold on a little longer.
I hope you have an awesome day.
All I want for you is to stay and feel alive.
Now wipe those tears and smile for me, you really don't know how much a smile can brighten someone's day, do you? I hope one day yours will become a genuine one where you don't need to fake it anymore, because i can't say this enough, you deserve a good smile and to feel alive. You're worth more than every penny in this world.
I need you here with me :)
Remember crying is not a weakness, let it out as much as you can but don't let the emotion control you by giving up. Its okay, you're here, you're safe, you can let it out.
Has anyone asked you how you are feeling today? If not, how are you really? If you're not doing good, you will feel good at one point. Don't give yourself up.
I'm sorry you feel misunderstood.
But anyone that gets to be with you, doesn't know how lucky he/ she/ they are :)
Enough with beating yourself up for today, okay?
-From random stranger on the internet
You are awesome Julia. I read this and so many people NEED TO!
PS- I ALWAYS look at the moon and wonder how many people are looking at it at the same moment as I am and I wonder where they are from.... XO
Jesus loves you all, He loves you and hears you:) turn to Him and He will give you eternal rest :)🥺
Just thanks....
I have read it completely and if everyone reads this the world will be a better place because then everyone will know that you are loved -Thank you someone from the internet-
Thank you
No words can describe the feeling I get when I close my eyes and listen to this song. It just brings back everything I’ve been through and I can say to myself.. thank you lord Jesus for everything I made it through.
Voila, Petit Bicuit, un gars de 16 ans (!!!!) qui nous fait complètement rêver, avec un talent juste énorme! Chaque morceau est un VRAI kiff à écouter, continue sur cette lancée s'il te plait! Merci!
Balfuer 17ans*
Evidemment, 1 an plus tard il a 17 ans mdr mais quand il l'a créé cette merveille, il en avait 16 x)
Putain, il a que 17 ans?
Margaux Desrumaux il a eu son bac au mois de Juin mention TB
To achieve your goal, you must sacrifice a lot. After all, somewhere in another part of the world, a person is training who pursues the same goal as you, one day he will come and take away everything that you aspire to. That's why you have to stay focused, in every single moment ✊🏻
The song just makes u wanna sit back and think just think about life and realise stuff
this song reminds me of summer 2018-2019 when i was happy and had no worries. now everything is messed up.
It will get better. It may not seem like that rn but sooner or later it will.
Trust in god and life will take you to where you want to be, keep your head held high🙌🏻
summer 2020, i'm cry
My life became the worse when 2016 started and now. My life is good mostly because of the internet. Like fr ;-;
Everything is messed up.. so am I :/
This quiet, simple, calm, peaceful, smooth, and soothing song touches me so deeply that I don't have any words to describe 😭
To anyone listening to this while upset or sad etc., everything is going to be okay. You’ll get through this! You’re stronger than you think! And there are people who love the fact that you exist! Don’t give up! There’s still hope for you! So go and take it!
I cry for real there are lots of messages like his ... thank you his really gives him the smile ...
Needed this message today 😭
I've been trying to find this song for ages omfg
What movie is this song from bc it's driving me nuts
Katrina Tennant exactly!!
Katrina Tennant i think it’s from the movie "a ghost story"
Je me souviendrai toujours de la première fois où j'ai entendu petit biscuit... J'etais sur la plage un soir avec des amis et on a juste regardés la mer sans dire un mot pendant que cette chanson passait.Ce soir là j'ai embrassé pour la première fois une fille, ma copine. Je suis tellement pressé de voir petit biscuit à bordeaux le 21! ca va etre le feu
Belle histoire mon garçon...
T'abuse pas un peux la 😂😂
Has anyone every thought about, how dead people get more flowers than those who are alive? This song makes me think about things like that. Regret is way stronger than gratitude..
this is such an incredible song I hope this plays in heaven for me
This song makes me remember the feeling of being in love.
it reminds me of the amount of growth a person has. from being so broken and not believing there is a tomorrow. to the world finally making sense being happy. giving so much love for your life and others. wanting to wake up another day and put a smile on someone’s face. it really shows the pain someone went through up until they are blossoming. that’s why i love this song so immensely
this makes me want to relive the memories i wished i never forgot 🤕
Petit Biscuit,
Je voulais simplement remercier pour cette chanson. Elle fut pour moi le summum et le réceptacle de mes pensées assez noires que j'avais il y a deux ans. Installé dans ma bagnole dans la nuit, je mettais en boucle cette chanson et divaguais dans mes souvenirs et pensées obscures. Elle me permettait de me recentrer dans cette noirceur qui m'entourait et de m'amener dans un état particulier. Cette chanson a été là, autour de moi, dans mes questionnements, mes remises en question, mes colères et mes pleurs. Je ressortais de l'écoute de cette chanson avec la chair de poule et le cœur remplis d'émotion par la progression musicale incroyable de cette chanson ainsi que l'échange de résonance musicale qui rappelle un désordre ordonné emmaillé.
Elle fut ma musique la plus écoutée des dernières années. Aujourd'hui, cette chanson n'a plus le même effet poignant sur moi honnêtement. Par guérison ou par habitude, je ne le sais point. Malgré ce constat, je la réécoute de façon sporadique pour me rappeler, rappeler des moments où j'étais il y a pas si longtemps que ça.
Je lis les commentaires et je vois que nous avons tous une relation propre à cette musique. Je trouve ça beau.
Merci encore, sincèrement.
This instantly reminds me of two childhood best friends spending the last night together before they go off to different colleges. They go to their favorite place in their small town. He's over looking the city, on a bridge, with an everlasting sigh and he looks back at her and he says, "what?" And she just bursts in tears. "Wait, why are you crying?" He hugs her instantly. "It's because I dont know when I'm going to experience another moment like this, this town, the memories we've created here... you. We've done everything together." And shortly after, the sun begins to rise. It's time to go.
DopestArtista omg that made me so emotional not even joking
DopestArtista Damnn that’s a breathtaking and emotional moment 🥺
have you hver seen echo its obout four kids in the last night to gether it good
@@batneerd is it a movie?
@@meow-bi6me 💞💞💞💞
i have no clue who jenn is but petit biscuit is amazing and calming
Jenn X penn
Coming off a bit strong with that channel descripton but where did the name jenn come from?
@@anthonyhamilton6843 jennxpenn
tide pods who said anything about her tho what
When nostalgia hits you like a ton of bricks. Pleasant memories that will NEVER be lived again, moments of joy FOREVER GONE, the feeling of time forever LOST, people gone, relationships over, opportunities wasted, a past you (that was happier) dead. To think of these memories X amount of years later is painful.
It hurts so much to think of those past memories.
the way you just described this feeling is spot on
Dont believe that tho
Believing it means u truly gave up and will never ever go back to being happier so dont do that its never too late as long as possibily isnt 0% then keep fighting
That was deep sir/madam. Salute
So make today a good day and the days after. No matter what, there is nothing you can't do :)
This song used to make me cry, but I see it as a reminder that how far I've gone, how I went through hard and frustrating times. It speaks to me how life could always have ups and downs, but that doesn't mean you have to stay sad and cry everyday about how times changed so fast. We gotta move on someday, and whenever it may take time, you'll know you'll be ready for the REAL world. It could always start as a upsetting start, but it soon progresses as something lively and exciting ❤
That’s good
Very well said
I really miss his old songs when he was young, it had so much more magic to it..
I close my eyes....and I am in LA at 3am surrounded by relaxing city lights and palm trees
u so lucky. my dream is go to LA
@@ЖаннаКривко-б1ш he said "close my eyes and then..."
I think he meant "I imagine myself in LA"
I'm going to Socal for my birthday vacation, I'm definitely taking a late night drive through big city LA ❤
Most complete memelord in the World nice I wish I would be with you I hate North Carolina 😭😖
@@mylifelieshere6091 aw, I have a few internet friends in that part of the country (Carolinas and georgia), beautiful breathtaking place ❤
When I lost my grandmother I listened to this song it is forever in my heart ❤️
I always love to see comments here ..
Everyone here is kind, lovable and has many memories.
The atmosphere in the morning, with heavy rain accompanied by this music, really feels the mood
Feels like I’m in 2010...the memories..going on road trips with my grandma and cousins..take me back.....just imaging being the age you are now but in the late 2000s to early 2010s
I wish time travel was a thing
@@minibot12 I know right, it wish nothing was impossible and everything was possible. I wish I had time travel powers because I would go all the way back
I remember coming back from a trip to the sea with my mother and father-
I just came back instantly to my o l d pc and started to play my favorite game for hours- Just the word "Skype" gives me heavy nostalgia of that time.
And tap tap revenge 4 the series and the tap tap revenge tour game too was in 2012 RIP TAP REVENGE 4
2008 - 2015😞🥲
"this song makes me..." "this song is...'" incredible how this music is going through us right?
Bro was 15 when he made this, amazing