In Mickey's Magical Friendship Faire stage show at Walt Disney World, who arrived on the set with Daisy Duck as soon the Tug of War between Donald Duck Started? A. Rapunzel and Flynn B. Prince Charming and Cinderella Or C. Snow White and the 7 Dwarves ❤
Nice quiz overall. However, for the Star Wars answers, despite Disney owning Lucasfilm, The Empire Strikes Back, along with the original trilogy were made WAY before Disney bought it. It may sound silly to most people, but as a diehard fan of Star Wars, I find it kinda insulting to consider the movie as a Disney movie, especially when we see what Disney has done to the franchise
It is a very good quiz
amazing thank you, im glad you enjoyed the Quiz 😊
Bonus question Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
awesome work!! and yep you got it right
44/50 my score took a big hit when we got to the voice actor category. I’m not good with recognizing or recalling celebrity’s names
yer that did make it a lot more difficult - really good score though!
I scored 30 of 50. I like this quiz!
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it ☺️
In Mickey's Magical Friendship Faire stage show at Walt Disney World, who arrived on the set with Daisy Duck as soon the Tug of War between Donald Duck
A. Rapunzel and Flynn
B. Prince Charming and Cinderella
Or C. Snow White and the 7 Dwarves ❤
as a guess, i would say...C
hocus pocus 2 Aristocrat Toy Story Mary poppins princess dairies 2 lion king frozen
Nice quiz overall. However, for the Star Wars answers, despite Disney owning Lucasfilm, The Empire Strikes Back, along with the original trilogy were made WAY before Disney bought it. It may sound silly to most people, but as a diehard fan of Star Wars, I find it kinda insulting to consider the movie as a Disney movie, especially when we see what Disney has done to the franchise
yer i get that, and i would have stuck in one of the newer films, but i wanted to honour James earl Jones due to his recent passing
@@A-ZQuizzz yeah I get that as well. He was an amazing actor, with tons of iconic roles
No Herbie. Booooooo.
Answer to Bonus Round: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Good job 👏