"Remember why the Sith are more powerful than the Jedi, Sidious: because we are not afraid to feel. We embrace the spectrum of emotions, from the heights of transcendent joy to the depths of hatred and despair. Fearless, we welcome whatever paths the dark side sets us on, and whatever destiny it lays out for us." - Hego Damask aka Darth Plagueis
This reminds me of the videos that Star Wars theory used to do back in the golden age of his channel, miss those old days now it’s just rants kinda boring/overly passionate watch parties that usually devolve into angry rants
There are small simplifications but honestly it doesn't matter. He's explaining his understanding of what he has studied so that we can have an educated theory of how the sith evolved at its very heart. What people have a problem with seems to be his definition of how and why things happened in the SW's universe. Everyone has opinions or theories, but few who have the kind of will to put himself and his work out for constant ridicule. Thank you Darth Youtubis-Maximus. Keep it up, currently working my way through legends books!! Hail Darth Malgus!
I love that nobody has done live action Plagueis yet. Let's learn from Palps and his master by playing the long game, allowing the era of Disneyfication to whither out and die first. "Such subtle plays are ideal for the Grandmaster, who's patience is infinite." EDIT: Fuck. Edit after they cancelled the 2nd season: "Hope" :).
the problem with this is that if Disney goes down, Star Wars and all other IPs will go down with it. Orphaned IPs don't mean they're public domian. someone important will have to goto court to make it public domain.
It's crazy that you understand this stuff more than the show runners who are paid millions of dollars to make SW content for us. Disney should pay people like Stupendous Wave to help them make shows, people who love the SW universe and want to create coherent and connected stories within that universe.
*sigh* Of course you know it's going to happen. Maybe not Darth Plaguis (who has been referenced, but not named as Palpys Master in DSW) . . . But we know that the Acolyte is going to do some retconning of Anakins Origin. . . . Ahh shit. . . Them witches are going to be the creators of the prophecy or be training Plaguis or some sh*t.
@@TH126 I honestly do not want to see these two villains as the aliens that they are because I just can’t take it seriously especially the Cantina band member with a light saber, Tenebrous. I’m sure if it’s Plagueis, they’ll come up with a good look for him. I personally wanted Snoke to be something close to him. We don’t want a bunch of corny looking Sith now. I really can’t take that Bith seriously.
@frontierlandfrank5314 ah hell no... surprised Ford didn't just sue her...I remember someone saying it was making indy look bad while a new recruit was the actual "star"
Man I love watching Sidious's combat style. It's so flowing, like a dancer, and also serpent-like -- coiling and uncoiling, moving up and down, and then throwing quick and vicious strikes and stabs. It's so elegant and evasive
more like Jesus vibes to me lol. I was actually kinda struck by one point of Plagueis's story. Although I already find all of Plaugeis's philosophizing extremely interesting, as it's clear the original author was well versed in classical (Ancient Greek and roman) philosophy, taking several well known ideas from them and using them in Plagueis's cosmology of the force and their metaphysical means of interacting with midiclorians, but the last part about The Force being 'done with Plagueis' and actually reacting in such a heavy handed way, i.e doing the same thing he was doing but in order to further its own homeostasis and balance by 'perverting the living force' and creating Anakin in a random slave woman. It's pretty crazy that the force would actually create a living human being just to counter Plagueis. It gives me some interesting literary ideas about the idea of Christ. That Christ, as a literary figure, was the world's way of consolidating its rejection of Roman "Master Morality" and all of the "master morality" that had dominated the world before Christianity. Much of the ancient world was actually like the ancient Sith world of Korriban. Endless fighting and violence driven by the will of the powerful to control the weak, and the weak bought into this system and they themselves wanted personal glory, power, and were willing to use violence to elevate themselves in any way they could. As it is highly likely that the reason Christ was such an influential figure that gained so much popularity was because the world had indeed shifted too far towards glorification of power and the desire for domination. And with the "known" world dominated by a small handful of empires at the time (romans, Persians, Chinese, mongol, some African empires, Olmec/Aztec/Mayan, etc), which were driven entirely by conquest and violence and power seeking, it makes sense that eventually the masses would reach a breaking point and create a savior mythos powerful enough to unite the world under virtues of the weak. The same could be said for Islam and Judaism as well.
Plagueis is definitely one of my favorite Sith. I love his curiosity and rather detached perspective on the Force. The way he describes the force kind of demystifies it without taking away from the awe it should inspire in anyone. Its a lot like how understanding how evolution works makes life on earth seem more incredible, not less!
Darth Vermin: Lord Iger has been expecting you. Oswald Rabbit: I know, Brother. Darth Vermin: So, you have accepted the truth. Oswald Rabbit: I have accepted the truth that you were once Mickey Mouse, my brother. Darth Vermin: That-Name...no longer has any meaning for me. Oswald Rabbit: It is the name of your true self. You've only forgotten. I _know_ there is good in you. The Lore Breakers haven't driven it from you fully.
Great video! 😁 I can imagine everything. We can imagine everything. Plagueis experimenting,Sidious joining him. They performing the ritual. The Force retaliated. The Force had enough of the Sith. Milleniums of evil and darkness. The Force choose Shmi.Humble,good women. Anakin Skywalker,Chosen One is conceived,to destroy the Sith! And he did. Prophecy is fullfilled. May the Force be with you always! 😀
..........A SHORT TIME AGO.......... IN A BOARD MEETING FAR FAR AWAY... *Disney* **Watches video as a "story development" group....** *Dev team after 4&1/2 minutes...* "Get Filoni! This is definitely a story that needs a PG cartoon series!! Don't worry about the historic details guys, just make sure the end of every episode is wholesome and light-hearted. DISNEY THAT PLAGUEIS GUY UP FILONI!!! We somehow made Pirates loveable and funny, no excuses." **Filoni kneels, anxiously, as Darth Mickey rises from his black and white throne** "FULFILL YOUR DESTINY AND WE SHALL RULE THE SEMI-ADULT CARTOON GALAXY!!!!!!"
I cant even imagine how terrible a Munn Sith would look like in Disney Star Wars, Think about how bad The Grand Inquisitor species the Pau'an looked in OWK compared to Revenge of the Sith. They look like the vampire Nosferatu, absolutely incredible. IN OWK it was just person with a fat head and it looked like they ran out money for makeup so told the actors to do the make up at home lol.
Great upload! Absolutely fantastic 😎 I've read 150+ StarWars books and countless others and "Darth Plagueis" by James Luceno is the best book I've EVER read!! Other incredible StarWars books: Lost Stars - Claudia Gray Darth Bane trilogy - Drew Karpyshin *Which should be a required read for anybody to call themselves a StarWars fan! Revenge of the Sith - Mathew Stover Rogue One - Alexander Freed Leia: Princess of Alderaan - another gem by Claudia Gray!! and Rebel Rising - Beth Revis
An easy explanation is that Plaugeis manipulated the Witches on Brendock. That he was using them to manipulate the force. It’s a bit pedestrian, but it could possibly work.
There is now a live action Plageuis in the very last episode of the Acolyte. Apparently he was the big bad of the tv show the entire time. So it seems that Plageuis himself was the one who came up with the knowledge and they took it. Edit Omg Plageuis self owned himself! I remember he mocked the Jedi in the novel saying, "Why would the Force need to be balanced? And why would it need the Jedi or anyone else to do that for it?" Now we know why. Plageuis and the Banite Sith themselves had created that imbalance. Which is why the chosen one was needed in the first place. These idiots were pawns of the force without realizing it. Not the all powerful masters they thought themselves as.
I understand that the ritual that Plaggueis and Sidius did was the culmination of Bane's plan to forcefully shift the force to favor the dark side. It started with the thought bomb that killed off all of the other SIth, purposely moving the force in the Jedi's favor for 1,000 so his successors could pull it back.
I feel with the way they brought the twins in, it makes plagueis's obsession with trying to figure it out himself. He saw what the twins were, and he wanted to replicate that power. It opens the storyline up for plagueis torturing either one of the twins to try and withdraw information, but being that the twins don't know how they were created, aren't able to reveal the secret, leading to plagueis's years and years of experiments etc, until finally creating Anakin.
Ki-adimundi also lacked empathy but was nonetheless a renowned Jedi master so I do believe if the Jedi found him either palpetine would conceal his dark side tendencies and inevitably leave the order or be like master ki-adi lacking empathy and adhering to the code as he sees it
Dooku was a master dueler, one of the best the jedi order or sith ever knew, i dont think hes canon ability has ever been properly put to screen but he wipes the floor with most in lightsaber combat. Him and sidious would be a brilliant match up and lightsabers only i think dooku would have it but a normal fight its sidious all day long.
@@leodesalis5915when Sidious found out Dooku contended with yoda in a duel it did worry him as though he knew his powers in the force were superior too dooku he was worried about Dooku’s skill with the lightsaber
1:16:22 was there ever a time where a dark lord was tasked with slaying all in a large city in a night and silently? Just imagining a story is there one way or another
I still love how unknown and shadowy Plagueis is, even to the majority of the modern fanbase. Like you can barely find an action figure of him let alone his own series or movie. His character mirrors itself in reality, as well as the fiction.
Which book or where did you hear that the force was avoiding plagueis after manipulating midichlorians? If it was Darth palgueis/luceno which chapter cause I totally missed that and I've read the book twice
Anakin became everything Plagueis intended when he willed a being from the Force to serve the Sith. The issue with The aacolyte this could be Mother Talzins origin. The mother of the twins had horns
Ya know... At this point, im thinking I should watch Acolyte simply because of the fact that it will make me love classic Star Wars even more so than i already do. Honestly... the fact that Acolyte was so bad is genuinely painful for me because of the fact that i really wanted this show to be great.
Why are we talking about Disney trash! Plagueis was learning how to stop people from dying, he tortured and killed a force user over and over to practice his force necromancy. It may have created Anakin by accident but it had nothing to do with whatever bs Disney is trying to feed people now.
If anything, the twins make give context to Plagueis in the show, since they were created thru the force. The witches did exactly what Plagueis dreams of
Thank you for bringing back logic to Star Wars, You may become the Chose One of the fans. The crap being thrown on our screens is an insult to all true fans. Hopefully this dark era for SW dies, and we can experience the true universe instead.
Since everyone's giving their opinion, I guess it's my turn to do so. I love the Plagueis novel. James Luceno, I know is a wonderful author and one of the only two Legends authors in my opinion, alongside Timothy Zahn, that they're going to make Canon. However, the acolyte doesn't decanonize anything about Plagueis. People are saying that the witches of Brendok being able to create life decanonizes Plagueis learning it, but it's completely possible for the same discovery to be made twice in isolation. As long as the witches don't tell Plagueis, his Discovery is still just as valid. With the acolyte, it's also still completely possible that Plagueis and Palpatine doing their work with the midichlorians is what created Anakin as a consequence from the force. It surely isn't possible that the witches of Brendok would be responsible for it because they died like 90 or so years before Anakin was born, and for it to be a consequence of the force, the two actions would have to happen around the same time. I find it interesting though that people are complaining about this and that nobody's complaining about how Palpatine and Anakin trying to find out how to revive people from the dead for Padme in Episode 3 (because Palpatine killed Plagueis before he could learn that skill from him), yet The witches of Dathomir have been able to revive people since who knows when. Does that make the discovery of the Sith in the Old Republic (through the work destroyed by Darth Gravvid) and the work of Tenebrous and Plagueis useless in that field? No, because similar to what's happening with the acolyte and Plagueis, These discoveries are being made separately in isolation, and thus are perfectly valid to happen in the same timeline. And to all the people who may comment that things can't be discovered in isolation like that, that's what happened in real life with agriculture all over the world. Within the same thousand years, essentially every single civilization on Earth discovered agriculture completely in isolation from each other (according to current archaeological/anthropological evidence) I think it will be very interesting if the acolyte ends up canonizing Tenebrous, specifically because in Legends, Tenebrous' Master is the one who opened the wound in the force which revealed to the Jedi the darkness which blocks their vision in the prequel films. Though it may be completely possible that the Acolyte reveals a different group of force users, and that is still perfectly valid with Legends. For example, groups such as the Aing-Tii Monks, the Baran Do of Kel Dor, and the Jensaarai All exist within Legends as alternate Force groups that aren't the Jedi or the Sith, but they still use the light and/or dark sides of the force. Therefore, having a new Force using group isn't really that controversial if it were brought into Canon. In fact, introducing more Force groups would make it more in line with Legends since Legends already has groups like that and Canon only has The witches of Dathomir (with the Baran Do being implied, if I remember correctly). I believe the parts of the fan base freaking out about this and saying it decanonizes everything are being completely unaware of the legends lore at best, or mad about the fact that the cast is led by black women and are just looking for something to still be mad at without having to put that racism to the forefront at worst.
your content is easily better than ALL of the disney shows, anything redeemable from them is clone wars callbacks i have read and own almost every book you mention and youve re solidified my understanding and memory
I love how in every story or literation theres someone who wants to live forever or some shit. Then someone actually achieves immortality or some shit..then "poof," theyre ugly as fuck or something. Then theyre killed somehow and the stupid plan they had, was, well .... stupid.
You just completely blew my mind with what you said it would all make sense think about it if Qi’mere is a standin for plagueis it would explain why he is so concerned with OSHA and may why he knows everything and what he wants think about it 😅
nah nah, epic fail - y'all don't know that darth plagueis began with visionary and former weinstein assistant lesley headland, where he was creeping around a cave and shyat!
Can you give me a link to the source material you got for this information. I have only read the Plagueis book and a lot of the information you are giving is not in that book. Thank you
I feel like Dookus order would be a weird amalgamation of the Jedi order we see in movies and the Sith order of the old republic where he would have likely allowed backstabbing and treachery but also would have tried to push for the master and apprentice dynamic of the Jedi order.
Hahahhaahhahahhaha, yeh I just heard Disney is doing a live Action "Tragedy of Plagueis the Wise" with Benedict Cumberbatch as Plagueis and Timothée Chalamet as Palpatine lmao
They’ll make him gay and canonise being gay as a requirement for using the force to create life. Im joking ofc but at the same time i wouldn’t be surprised at all.
@@mattbrooks162he confined himself in his lab for years. Pretty gay tbh! Or maybe he was born as a male but identified himself as female. A black female. A Black Asian female. A black Asian female with male genitals.
I don't think it actually messes up plaguesis story but adds to it... maybe may and ocea are how he found out it being possible... and whatever happened to the sisters family could be the force rebounding and causing the jedi to go crazy temporarily... just a theory
Stupendous wave is not a real nerd, but rather a super nerd assembled in a laboratory with spare parts of other, lesser super nerds
His nerdichlorian count is over 20,000 per cell
"Remember why the Sith are more powerful than the Jedi, Sidious: because we are not afraid to feel. We embrace the spectrum of emotions, from the heights of transcendent joy to the depths of hatred and despair. Fearless, we welcome whatever paths the dark side sets us on, and whatever destiny it lays out for us."
- Hego Damask aka Darth Plagueis
This reminds me of the videos that Star Wars theory used to do back in the golden age of his channel, miss those old days now it’s just rants kinda boring/overly passionate watch parties that usually devolve into angry rants
That's just a fucking lie, lol.
"Second comes right after first." - Darth Plagueis
There are small simplifications but honestly it doesn't matter. He's explaining his understanding of what he has studied so that we can have an educated theory of how the sith evolved at its very heart. What people have a problem with seems to be his definition of how and why things happened in the SW's universe. Everyone has opinions or theories, but few who have the kind of will to put himself and his work out for constant ridicule. Thank you Darth Youtubis-Maximus. Keep it up, currently working my way through legends books!! Hail Darth Malgus!
@@ZaWardo151his rants have a point. Keep woke ness out of SW
I love that nobody has done live action Plagueis yet. Let's learn from Palps and his master by playing the long game, allowing the era of Disneyfication to whither out and die first.
"Such subtle plays are ideal for the Grandmaster, who's patience is infinite."
EDIT: Fuck.
Edit after they cancelled the 2nd season: "Hope" :).
100% agree
A George Lucas series on Plagueis: banking simulator… 8 full episodes on banking and politics
Yes, the moment Palps kills him would be a moment of high drama.
The novel is good!
Also, does he have a nose or not?
@@LegendslayXwould be a good show tbh
the problem with this is that if Disney goes down, Star Wars and all other IPs will go down with it. Orphaned IPs don't mean they're public domian. someone important will have to goto court to make it public domain.
More of these videos where you compile all knowledge on characters like Plagueis, Sidious or Revan would be very welcome.
Dank ferrik yes
Disney writers: "Let's completely ignore all of this"
It isn't canon...
@@joepops727the acolyte is garbage 😂.
It had corny dialogue and questionable acting, but it's not nearly as bad as the angry 40 year old dorks are making it out to be.
@@joepops727 because of disney
People have been addicted to this like crack for 40 years, they will absolutely love it if we change literally everything about it. Genius!
Ah yes, all about the REAL Prequel to the Prequel Trilogy.
The Super Duper Prequel
The preprequelquel
Mostly the Darth Plagueis book
It's crazy that you understand this stuff more than the show runners who are paid millions of dollars to make SW content for us. Disney should pay people like Stupendous Wave to help them make shows, people who love the SW universe and want to create coherent and connected stories within that universe.
This with infinite power ⚡️
Fuck yes
But then no one would “put a chick in in and make her lame and gay”
Except just like Disney none of this is real Star Wars.
dont be naive. disney KNOWS. they just dont give a f... , disconsider james luceno's book and want to turn sw into the pathetic marvel.
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
Nope, care to share?
Darh Plagueis the gay
*Darth Plagueis the Peeper*
I can't help have fear that Plagueis and/or Tenebrous as we know them will be retconned into something else by the time Acolyte is over :(
We shall ignore it. For it is nothing but fanfiction.
Of course you know it's going to happen. Maybe not Darth Plaguis (who has been referenced, but not named as Palpys Master in DSW) . . .
But we know that the Acolyte is going to do some retconning of Anakins Origin. . . .
Ahh shit. . . Them witches are going to be the creators of the prophecy or be training Plaguis or some sh*t.
That would be heartbreaking but unsurprising. Star wars Plagueis is a goto read and honestly should be canon.
@@TH126 I honestly do not want to see these two villains as the aliens that they are because I just can’t take it seriously especially the Cantina band member with a light saber, Tenebrous. I’m sure if it’s Plagueis, they’ll come up with a good look for him. I personally wanted Snoke to be something close to him. We don’t want a bunch of corny looking Sith now. I really can’t take that Bith seriously.
Duh, tenebrous is nonbinary
Kathleen Kennedy: “I AM the Lore.”
Lmao fuck.
_"I am , the god of death. I am the night. I am the terror. I am the loss."_ -Kathleen Kennedy about to kill ANOTHER franchise...
What other did she also ruin?@@TheManInBlueFlames
@@PyroKitsuna11Indiana Jones
@frontierlandfrank5314 ah hell no... surprised Ford didn't just sue her...I remember someone saying it was making indy look bad while a new recruit was the actual "star"
Please dont stop doing what you do, bro. Some of, if not my absolute, favorite videos to find~
Man I love watching Sidious's combat style. It's so flowing, like a dancer, and also serpent-like -- coiling and uncoiling, moving up and down, and then throwing quick and vicious strikes and stabs. It's so elegant and evasive
Is it just me or did Plagueis' orchestrated birth give anyone else Antichrist vibes?
And jesus vibes
more like Jesus vibes to me lol. I was actually kinda struck by one point of Plagueis's story. Although I already find all of Plaugeis's philosophizing extremely interesting, as it's clear the original author was well versed in classical (Ancient Greek and roman) philosophy, taking several well known ideas from them and using them in Plagueis's cosmology of the force and their metaphysical means of interacting with midiclorians, but the last part about The Force being 'done with Plagueis' and actually reacting in such a heavy handed way, i.e doing the same thing he was doing but in order to further its own homeostasis and balance by 'perverting the living force' and creating Anakin in a random slave woman. It's pretty crazy that the force would actually create a living human being just to counter Plagueis. It gives me some interesting literary ideas about the idea of Christ. That Christ, as a literary figure, was the world's way of consolidating its rejection of Roman "Master Morality" and all of the "master morality" that had dominated the world before Christianity. Much of the ancient world was actually like the ancient Sith world of Korriban. Endless fighting and violence driven by the will of the powerful to control the weak, and the weak bought into this system and they themselves wanted personal glory, power, and were willing to use violence to elevate themselves in any way they could. As it is highly likely that the reason Christ was such an influential figure that gained so much popularity was because the world had indeed shifted too far towards glorification of power and the desire for domination. And with the "known" world dominated by a small handful of empires at the time (romans, Persians, Chinese, mongol, some African empires, Olmec/Aztec/Mayan, etc), which were driven entirely by conquest and violence and power seeking, it makes sense that eventually the masses would reach a breaking point and create a savior mythos powerful enough to unite the world under virtues of the weak. The same could be said for Islam and Judaism as well.
Darth Plagueis is the best Star Wars content ever
Darth Vader is the chosen one
he brings balance to the force twice
Wow. Thanks for the video! Great content
The way Mr Stupendous Wave has been uploading Plagueis related videos I can feel how angry he is at Disney for the "fan"fic series called acolyte
Plagueis is definitely one of my favorite Sith. I love his curiosity and rather detached perspective on the Force. The way he describes the force kind of demystifies it without taking away from the awe it should inspire in anyone. Its a lot like how understanding how evolution works makes life on earth seem more incredible, not less!
Darth Vermin: Lord Iger has been expecting you.
Oswald Rabbit: I know, Brother.
Darth Vermin: So, you have accepted the truth.
Oswald Rabbit: I have accepted the truth that you were once Mickey Mouse, my brother.
Darth Vermin: That-Name...no longer has any meaning for me.
Oswald Rabbit: It is the name of your true self. You've only forgotten. I _know_ there is good in you. The Lore Breakers haven't driven it from you fully.
Great video! 😁 I can imagine everything. We can imagine everything. Plagueis experimenting,Sidious joining him. They performing the ritual. The Force retaliated. The Force had enough of the Sith. Milleniums of evil and darkness. The Force choose Shmi.Humble,good women. Anakin Skywalker,Chosen One is conceived,to destroy the Sith! And he did. Prophecy is fullfilled. May the Force be with you always! 😀
Disney getting cooked with this one 👌🍿
..........A SHORT TIME AGO..........
*Disney* **Watches video as a "story development" group....**
*Dev team after 4&1/2 minutes...*
"Get Filoni! This is definitely a story that needs a PG cartoon series!! Don't worry about the historic details guys, just make sure the end of every episode is wholesome and light-hearted. DISNEY THAT PLAGUEIS GUY UP FILONI!!! We somehow made Pirates loveable and funny, no excuses."
**Filoni kneels, anxiously, as Darth Mickey rises from his black and white throne**
Plagueis may have had science and thousands of years of Sith knowledge to create life from the Force, but the Witches of Brendok have Leslye Headland.
Sidius didn`t want Vader healed.
“Castle made of flammable stone” is probably the snarkiest thing I’ve ever heard from Stupendous 😂😂😂
I cant even imagine how terrible a Munn Sith would look like in Disney Star Wars, Think about how bad The Grand Inquisitor species the Pau'an looked in OWK compared to Revenge of the Sith. They look like the vampire Nosferatu, absolutely incredible. IN OWK it was just person with a fat head and it looked like they ran out money for makeup so told the actors to do the make up at home lol.
Palpatine really jumped the gun and did something incredibly stupid by killing his master
Great upload! Absolutely fantastic 😎
I've read 150+ StarWars books and countless others and "Darth Plagueis" by James Luceno is the best book I've EVER read!!
Other incredible StarWars books:
Lost Stars - Claudia Gray
Darth Bane trilogy - Drew Karpyshin
*Which should be a required read for anybody to call themselves a StarWars fan!
Revenge of the Sith - Mathew Stover
Rogue One - Alexander Freed
Leia: Princess of Alderaan - another gem by Claudia Gray!!
and Rebel Rising - Beth Revis
Starting to think that Qimir is Darth Venomous
Using the dark side of the force to fuel lightsabers sounds like something malgus probally did lol
He needs to be put into the Galaxy Of Hero’s Mobile game seriously!
I can't help but think this is Anakin's full Thesis
I think the true tragedy is a Anakin never got to meet his sisters
Bravo!! this was great
One does not choose evil because they perceive it to be evil, but because they believe it to be actually good.
An easy explanation is that Plaugeis manipulated the Witches on Brendock. That he was using them to manipulate the force. It’s a bit pedestrian, but it could possibly work.
Can we start a petition to remove "The Acolyte" from existence?
This video was uploaded to prevent misinformation that The Acolyte has been spreading. Well done, sir.
There is now a live action Plageuis in the very last episode of the Acolyte. Apparently he was the big bad of the tv show the entire time. So it seems that Plageuis himself was the one who came up with the knowledge and they took it.
Omg Plageuis self owned himself! I remember he mocked the Jedi in the novel saying,
"Why would the Force need to be balanced? And why would it need the Jedi or anyone else to do that for it?"
Now we know why. Plageuis and the Banite Sith themselves had created that imbalance. Which is why the chosen one was needed in the first place. These idiots were pawns of the force without realizing it. Not the all powerful masters they thought themselves as.
You missed the part where he was hiding in the shadows watching a couple of kids
They are totally setting it up for him to be alive alongside possibly Thrawn
I understand that the ritual that Plaggueis and Sidius did was the culmination of Bane's plan to forcefully shift the force to favor the dark side. It started with the thought bomb that killed off all of the other SIth, purposely moving the force in the Jedi's favor for 1,000 so his successors could pull it back.
I feel with the way they brought the twins in, it makes plagueis's obsession with trying to figure it out himself. He saw what the twins were, and he wanted to replicate that power. It opens the storyline up for plagueis torturing either one of the twins to try and withdraw information, but being that the twins don't know how they were created, aren't able to reveal the secret, leading to plagueis's years and years of experiments etc, until finally creating Anakin.
Ki-adimundi also lacked empathy but was nonetheless a renowned Jedi master so I do believe if the Jedi found him either palpetine would conceal his dark side tendencies and inevitably leave the order or be like master ki-adi lacking empathy and adhering to the code as he sees it
I loved the Darth plagueis novel. One of my favorites by far
I never thought about it but dooku would actually have a chance against sidious with the saber
Dooku was a master dueler, one of the best the jedi order or sith ever knew, i dont think hes canon ability has ever been properly put to screen but he wipes the floor with most in lightsaber combat. Him and sidious would be a brilliant match up and lightsabers only i think dooku would have it but a normal fight its sidious all day long.
@@leodesalis5915when Sidious found out Dooku contended with yoda in a duel it did worry him as though he knew his powers in the force were superior too dooku he was worried about Dooku’s skill with the lightsaber
1:16:22 was there ever a time where a dark lord was tasked with slaying all in a large city in a night and silently? Just imagining a story is there one way or another
Love how stupendous wave is making fun of the flammable castles while ekhards ladder getting high of cope and farts.
Plagues prob learned the secrets when studying may and osha
Well done. I figured I would read the book a third time. This 3rd time has been the best.
I still love how unknown and shadowy Plagueis is, even to the majority of the modern fanbase. Like you can barely find an action figure of him let alone his own series or movie.
His character mirrors itself in reality, as well as the fiction.
The Wise has finally arrived into Cannon!
Edit: Just which the Book was the actual Cannon instead of….you know what.
sorry but acolyte will never be canon
@@Ilikebuffalochickenwings It is canon and will always be. Cope with it.
@@discobroccoli198 lmao disney shill
@@Ilikebuffalochickenwings 😂🫵
@@discobroccoli198 The amount of brain-dead women I've seen defend this shit...I swear.
_"I am , the god of death. I am the night. I am the terror. I am the loss."_ -Kathleen Kennedy about to kill ANOTHER franchise...
Which book or where did you hear that the force was avoiding plagueis after manipulating midichlorians? If it was Darth palgueis/luceno which chapter cause I totally missed that and I've read the book twice
I've been watching to much Anakin Skywanker and Anakin Skyscraper. darth plagus makes me lol😂
I love Darth plague can't wait to see him in live action not in the Disney star wars
Anakin became everything Plagueis intended when he willed a being from the Force to serve the Sith. The issue with The aacolyte this could be Mother Talzins origin. The mother of the twins had horns
I would love to learn more abou Qui-Gon Jinn
The image of him without a nose look so cool the second you add a nose he looks like a giant nerd
I was exited to watch this until I saw the space lesbians. Maybe make a Disney free version.
Ya know... At this point, im thinking I should watch Acolyte simply because of the fact that it will make me love classic Star Wars even more so than i already do.
Honestly... the fact that Acolyte was so bad is genuinely painful for me because of the fact that i really wanted this show to be great.
I’m so excited to see this
Why are we talking about Disney trash! Plagueis was learning how to stop people from dying, he tortured and killed a force user over and over to practice his force necromancy. It may have created Anakin by accident but it had nothing to do with whatever bs Disney is trying to feed people now.
I kind of like the mystery of Plagueis in canon. The more ambiguity that surrounds him, the more terrifying he is imo
"Something akin to the laws of Thermodynamics" - Plagueis. Apparently having their own Lord Kelvin from 19th century Earth is canon.
Thanks for calling out the BS on The Acolyte ❤
If anything, the twins make give context to Plagueis in the show, since they were created thru the force. The witches did exactly what Plagueis dreams of
Just another reason why legends is mostly superior to canon
Thank you for bringing back logic to Star Wars, You may become the Chose One of the fans. The crap being thrown on our screens is an insult to all true fans. Hopefully this dark era for SW dies, and we can experience the true universe instead.
I want the Dark Side Story of the Force. Sith Lore is so damn fascinating! Although, I doubt Disney could pull off a truly compelling Dark Side Story.
What do you say to the fans that state that Plagueis's novels here are from legends and can't be used because it's not canon?
Since everyone's giving their opinion, I guess it's my turn to do so.
I love the Plagueis novel. James Luceno, I know is a wonderful author and one of the only two Legends authors in my opinion, alongside Timothy Zahn, that they're going to make Canon.
However, the acolyte doesn't decanonize anything about Plagueis. People are saying that the witches of Brendok being able to create life decanonizes Plagueis learning it, but it's completely possible for the same discovery to be made twice in isolation. As long as the witches don't tell Plagueis, his Discovery is still just as valid.
With the acolyte, it's also still completely possible that Plagueis and Palpatine doing their work with the midichlorians is what created Anakin as a consequence from the force. It surely isn't possible that the witches of Brendok would be responsible for it because they died like 90 or so years before Anakin was born, and for it to be a consequence of the force, the two actions would have to happen around the same time.
I find it interesting though that people are complaining about this and that nobody's complaining about how Palpatine and Anakin trying to find out how to revive people from the dead for Padme in Episode 3 (because Palpatine killed Plagueis before he could learn that skill from him), yet The witches of Dathomir have been able to revive people since who knows when. Does that make the discovery of the Sith in the Old Republic (through the work destroyed by Darth Gravvid) and the work of Tenebrous and Plagueis useless in that field? No, because similar to what's happening with the acolyte and Plagueis, These discoveries are being made separately in isolation, and thus are perfectly valid to happen in the same timeline.
And to all the people who may comment that things can't be discovered in isolation like that, that's what happened in real life with agriculture all over the world. Within the same thousand years, essentially every single civilization on Earth discovered agriculture completely in isolation from each other (according to current archaeological/anthropological evidence)
I think it will be very interesting if the acolyte ends up canonizing Tenebrous, specifically because in Legends, Tenebrous' Master is the one who opened the wound in the force which revealed to the Jedi the darkness which blocks their vision in the prequel films. Though it may be completely possible that the Acolyte reveals a different group of force users, and that is still perfectly valid with Legends. For example, groups such as the Aing-Tii Monks, the Baran Do of Kel Dor, and the Jensaarai All exist within Legends as alternate Force groups that aren't the Jedi or the Sith, but they still use the light and/or dark sides of the force. Therefore, having a new Force using group isn't really that controversial if it were brought into Canon. In fact, introducing more Force groups would make it more in line with Legends since Legends already has groups like that and Canon only has The witches of Dathomir (with the Baran Do being implied, if I remember correctly).
I believe the parts of the fan base freaking out about this and saying it decanonizes everything are being completely unaware of the legends lore at best, or mad about the fact that the cast is led by black women and are just looking for something to still be mad at without having to put that racism to the forefront at worst.
No logic, false statements, purposeful non-verifiable language and ad hominems. Your writing is a reflection of your intelligence.
your content is easily better than ALL of the disney shows, anything redeemable from them is clone wars callbacks
i have read and own almost every book you mention and youve re solidified my understanding and memory
I love how in every story or literation theres someone who wants to live forever or some shit. Then someone actually achieves immortality or some shit..then "poof," theyre ugly as fuck or something. Then theyre killed somehow and the stupid plan they had, was, well .... stupid.
Plagues doesn't have the Power OR THE GUTS to hold his own to these witches!! These witches created twins!! Son!!! These witches ain't no joke bro
You just completely blew my mind with what you said it would all make sense think about it if Qi’mere is a standin for plagueis it would explain why he is so concerned with OSHA and may why he knows everything and what he wants think about it 😅
Plagueis's favorite track on the Aenema album is StinkFist.
Plagues always reminded me of Abes Odd World. Several chatacters in fact. Once i saw this i could never unsee it
nah nah, epic fail - y'all don't know that darth plagueis began with visionary and former weinstein assistant lesley headland, where he was creeping around a cave and shyat!
Can you give me a link to the source material you got for this information. I have only read the Plagueis book and a lot of the information you are giving is not in that book. Thank you
The Force literally created Anakin like an antibody for Plagueus' machinations, neat.
I feel like Dookus order would be a weird amalgamation of the Jedi order we see in movies and the Sith order of the old republic where he would have likely allowed backstabbing and treachery but also would have tried to push for the master and apprentice dynamic of the Jedi order.
Acolyte writers don't care about anything, they or other writers can always rewrite anything they want.
Man, why are you talking about the acolyte like that show deserves to be taken seriously.
Looks like Darth Plagueis took lessons on immortality from Dr. David sinclair 😂
a sci fi horror series about Plagueis could be interesting, in theory anyway
ty i love plagueis
Just when I thought I found a lore video to watch without having to deal with the annoying "The Acolyte sucks!" Discourse...
I use to love deep dives like this but after the Acolyte introduced Plagous I'm not as interested. None of this matters now.
intriguing your comment section looks normal 😂
I can’t wait till I see my Star Wars friend this weekend.
Before Darth Plagues the wise…. Have you ever heard of the Witches of Brendauk….
Disney, don't you ever dare touch this masterpiece
Sounds like a great character, can't wait until he's retconned into being some random witch.
"...and live in a castle of flammable stone." 😂😂
The majority of fans will never count the acolyte as canon or even any part of the star wars multiverse
"In a castle made of flammable stone"
Cooking Disney like their castle.
Hahahhaahhahahhaha, yeh I just heard Disney is doing a live Action "Tragedy of Plagueis the Wise" with Benedict Cumberbatch as Plagueis and Timothée Chalamet as Palpatine lmao
I think they were going to go there but got cancelled😂
Disney will ruin Plagueis if they ever decide to portray him on film. They’ll make him female or some other such nonsense.
Non binary plagues
They’ll make him gay and canonise being gay as a requirement for using the force to create life. Im joking ofc but at the same time i wouldn’t be surprised at all.
@@mattbrooks162he did seem a little gay
@@mattbrooks162gay, black, trans, and identifies as a light sabre.
@@mattbrooks162he confined himself in his lab for years. Pretty gay tbh! Or maybe he was born as a male but identified himself as female. A black female. A Black Asian female. A black Asian female with male genitals.
I don't think it actually messes up plaguesis story but adds to it... maybe may and ocea are how he found out it being possible... and whatever happened to the sisters family could be the force rebounding and causing the jedi to go crazy temporarily... just a theory