Human Body Parts | Internal body organs and their functions | etukids ep.38

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ม.ค. 2025
  • Internal Organs | Human Organs| Internal body organs and their functions
    Brain Helps us to think and feel.
    Heart Pumps blood throughout the body
    Lungs Help us breathe air
    Liver Cleans the blood and remove toxins
    Kidney filter out waste and extra fluids
    Stomach Breaks down food.
    Small Intestine Absorbs nutrients.
    Large Intestine absorbs water from food and makes poop.
    Appendix is non functional in human.
    Pancreas secret enzymes and hormones
    Spleen Helps fight sickness.
    Gallbladder Stores bile for digestion.
    Urinary Bladder holds urine.
    Uterus is female organ where babies grow inside the body.
    Rectum collects and hold poop.
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    Our internal organs in english std 5
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