It’s statistically just as difficult to be the lowest rank league player in the world compared to the highest rank league player, meaning that Forsen is technically on the same skill level as Faker.
I don't understand his objective, on top of that he starts testing champions in ranked, he doesn't see guides, he doesn't learn basic concepts and then he gets angry because he loses and even worse he is in a terrible elo.
It’s statistically just as difficult to be the lowest rank league player in the world compared to the highest rank league player, meaning that Forsen is technically on the same skill level as Faker.
copium overdose it works
i believe he made a similar argument on the recent 17 minute mensa and narcissism link OMEGALUL
600+ games
Peaked Bronze I 27 LP
Its definitely matchmaking system, teammates and stream snipers fault hesRight
All the stream snipers can’t even snipe him cause his rank is too low what is this hobo talking about
The gnar sniper that made him quit temporarily literally had to buy a botted yuumi account to get the same rank as him lmao
Forsen should've notice the pattern.
People will keep sending him narcissistic videos the more he plays League.
I've filled a restraining order
People who still watch his League phases are even more insane than forsen still playing it
Why does he keep saying theres stream snipers? Hes so low elo that its hard to get into his games
what the hell, why is he not playing hearthstone???
🗣️📢🔥 ROAD TO CLAY IV | !disability
Kadeem > Forsen
Every time forsen die. A Zulu warrior rises from the grave.
Vi Von...
1:27:55 good..good... forsenSith
When Nani left she took his remaining brain cell with her FeelsBadMan :clap:
"He can't keep getting away with this!!"
Imagine if X starts playing league and reaches plat/diamond, Forsen would spend his whole life playing league to beat his record monkaOMEGA
forsenDespair 2 week straight league vods
Mr. Forsen Plays...
Why does my lamp looks oddly flat…?
Part 100 PauseMan
TF Someone pretend to be Forsen on riot games customer support and ask to get banned.
I don't understand his objective, on top of that he starts testing champions in ranked, he doesn't see guides, he doesn't learn basic concepts and then he gets angry because he loses and even worse he is in a terrible elo.
Play more League Forsen!!!!
why does he pick mid and then play non mid chars
This is just sad. I can't watch this
League of Legends
Aware league
space created EZ