Hey you! :D I'm feeling so much better now, thank you! Unfortunately Brad's caught whatever it is so fingers crossed it doesn't loop back to me haha. Thanks for watching! :D
Oh dear! In that case, I really hope it doesn't turn into a circle of doom - and that Brad feels better soon too. Hehe, no problem, I love all your videos.
I always get so happy when I see that you've uploaded, my sub box just feels empty without your videos. I really love how your favorites aren't the same things that everyone else is talking about. Also, I could be wrong, but I lowkey feel like that is the lipstick Exo mentioned in Lotto? Maybe not, but it looks stunning on you (though everything usually does, tbh). I hope you're feeling better these days. Oh & your hamster is precious!
Nawh, well hopefully I can get back to uploading more again now! I had so much fun spamming you all over Halloween but it almost killed me. LOL. I know the line you mean actually! 'Lipstick Chateau wine coooooolour'? Or something. :P Thanks for watching lovely! Pabo says thank you. ^_^
I'm not sure if anyone will already have suggested this but I have the fresh blossom DKNY perfume and I use a mini funnel to spray perfume into the atomiser it normally only takes about 5 mins to do
I had to rewind a couple times from 0:40 to 0:46 because I’m too American to understand what the heck you were even talking about 😹 love you so much, I’ve really missed your vids, they never fail to make my day
Hehe thank you! Oooh! My friend had 10 chinchillas during primary school. I was scared of them at the time and now I wish I hadn't been! They're beautiful creatures. I've gotten lost on chinchilla channels before lol. How are the geckos?! We looked into those a little while ago. They seem like fun!
wow 10!! thats so much work...so much poop too! They are wonderful animals and they truly do bond with their humans! I have an instagram account for my chins (instagram.com/chanseythechinchilla ) and my two giant geckos (instagram.com/murielthegecko ) and the others can be found on my page (instagram.com/kittje7 ) if you want to see them! A bit of an animal nerd over here lol. So happy to see you posting again and thanks for the reply :)) I hope you post more videos about your lil hamster!
definitely not trying to tell people what they should and shouldn't buy, but thought i should give a PSA to anyone who hasn't heard this. Donna Karan is not a very good person, and has recently defended her friend harvey weinstein by commenting that "women are asking for it by presenting themselves in a sexual way by how we act and dress". this is not someone who i want to be giving *any* money to again. there are much better companies with honest and empathetic owners.
Ffs ew. It's easy to forget that big brand names and companies still have a person at the heart of them. I even had to Google who Donna Karan was, I was like 'wait what the hell does this comment have to do with my video?' lol. What a shame. Thank you for letting me know.
How are you feeling health wise? You look SO MUCH BETTER than you did a few months ago. So happy to see you recovering, you had me scared for a good while there
Between you, Marzia, and Jenna, it has taken all my willpower to not go buy a little pet of my own 😅 they’re all so cute, I could never pick just one and I know I’d end up with 40 pets in no time flat
That lipstick looks so good on you! It’s nice it’s not a liquid but still matte, I live a mile above sea level so liquid lipsticks basically dry my lips to nothingness
Yes! I have the Real Techniques cleansing face sponge too & I love it! I picked up another one after I got the 1st! I don't use face clothes or towels much, I use my hands or a silicone cleansing pad thing, or sometimes my spin brush, but the little egg is cute & convenient & I can fit it in a beauty blender holder to hold it :D Glad to see you're doing well, Emma! Despite you getting sick twice in 3 weeks d: Hopefully it'll pass quickly! (Just read a few other comments & your blog! I am sorry that you've been pretty much nothing but sick ): BUT I am glad that you are strong enough to take it upon yourself to keep going & keep making videos! It's encouraging to other people who may be having similar issues! I know it can get discouraging, but you ARE strong & you'll always have so many people who support you & believe in you & understand! ♥ ) & It was so sweet for Marzia to get you a gift like a pet! :D Glad you're happy with a pet again! ^-^ ♥
Hi emma, congratulations on your hamster! It always makes me glad to see adults having small pets to show that hamsters etc are not just for children. I do want do recommend that you upgrade his wheel though, i know you already did so from the wheel that came with the cage but from what i could see in the video it looked like you have a 6 inch silent spinner. Syrians should have an 11 or 12 inch wheel, some say an 8 inch will do but i think its better not to risk the damage that a wheel too small could to to a hamsters spine. I hope this doesnt come of as rude, that is not my intention at all, im just very passionate about small animal care and im only saying this to help out your little guy , i hope you will take my comment into consideration! :))
Hey! :D Ohhh I know! Don't worry. I knew I would get this comment lol. His back stays flat in this one at his current size so it's fine for now. The bigger one wouldn't fit in the cage he's currently in, so even though we have a bigger one for him already, he can't use it until we move him into a tank. It doesn't come off as rude, don't worry. Just a lil condescending. :P But I know the internet is full of idiots, so I don't blame you for thinking I'm one of them too lmao.
I dont think youre an idiot!! I just have veeery low expectations from people online who are not exclusively pet channels i know the pet community on various social media can be a pain in the butt, but we are only lookiing to help. Thats great that you got him a bigger wheel already, also awesome that youre getting him a bigger cage soon! I dont mean to be condescending, im actually impressed cus youre one of few youtubers lately who didnt get a tiny horrible cage for their hamster, so again, sorry if im rude, im pretty bad at knowing how to get my tone across in writing since english isnt my first language.
I love how many very different items you have on your shelves: #girlboss, a skull, beauty therapy, think like a pancreas, some anime/ videogame figurines... All of which is very "Emma", in my perception :D
beb where did u get the first stripy shirt? i can't really tell if it's red and black or red and navy (or white n gold amirite memes lol) but the neckline is really nice and i want it. also, when you first said little ham's name i thought it was 'pebble' and pebble pickles needs to be a thing at some point. imagine. a tiny fluffy grey kitten with the roundest face called pebble. that would be perfect. omg. hugs xx p.s.: btw did u ever get around to reading 'six of crows'? i sent that one over mostly with you in mind tbh, it has some characters i think you'd really love
So happy to see an upload from uuuuuu! is that weird to say i missed you, Emma ? ❤😭 congrats on getting a hamster he's the cutest 😍 ps: Emma is not Emma without putting some cheeky kpop playlist in the description 😏😁 have a lovely day xx
This one is fine for his current size. His back stays flat so it's safe. He already has a bigger one for when we move him across into a larger tank. :)
Hey lovely! Thank you. :) Oh man, you should look back at my Amsterdam video and Makeup Bag video if you think I look thin now... I was gaunt. :( I don't know if you saw my Health Update so just in case you didn't - I had ketoacidosis which means my body couldn't use the glucose in my system and instead it started burning my fats/muscles for energy instead. I was very sick and a few days away from a coma apparently. I've always been one of those people who can eat whatever they want and never put on weight so the weight regain process has been a little rough since I can't just eat a bunch and my carb intake is controlled now. I look much better now though if you go back and compare! Very happy with the progress I'm making. ^_^ Thanks for checking up on me. You're the sweetest.
check out VanillaHamHam and ErinsAnimals for hamster DIY's and updated care guides! so much changes in the community and what was ok a few years ago isn't anymore, the minimum cage size increases pretty much every year now and more and more products are being found to not be safe for little hams! it's always awesome to see adults with hamster's because they always get such better care!!!
Bro I am SO excited to be an adult with a hamster and look after one with an adult brain. :D Looking back at how people used to house hamsters when I was little makes me feel sick lol. I'm very researched up, don't worry. He will get the best care.
Emma Pickles No! Hamsters and Gerbils are illegal here :( I think this is the perfect excuse to board a plan ASAP. I may have to hold you to some pets with my ham nephew!
I love how hamsters are becoming more popular!! They're so adorable and deserve so much love
I have watched until the end and got startled seeing my fan art on the screen. It was a nice surprise to wake to! Im glad you like it. THANK YOU ❤
Please do share more of how you decorate and make that new big cage for your hamster
So happy for you! ! ! ! I love hammys! ! ! He looks just like my sister Rebecca,s ham toby. He is so adorable.
Hamsters are the best! I’ve had four in my adult life and I love them
Yay, the video is here! I've been so excited to see this since you mentioned you were filming it on your blog.
Hey you! :D I'm feeling so much better now, thank you! Unfortunately Brad's caught whatever it is so fingers crossed it doesn't loop back to me haha. Thanks for watching! :D
Oh dear! In that case, I really hope it doesn't turn into a circle of doom - and that Brad feels better soon too. Hehe, no problem, I love all your videos.
I haven’t worn blush in at least a year, but I NEEEED THAT ONE
Your hamster is so cute!
Hope you feel better soon 😁 was so happy to see a new vid from you ❤
Aww he’s so cute! 😍 sorry you’ve been sick! Hope you feel better soon!!
That blush looks beautiful!
I always get so happy when I see that you've uploaded, my sub box just feels empty without your videos. I really love how your favorites aren't the same things that everyone else is talking about.
Also, I could be wrong, but I lowkey feel like that is the lipstick Exo mentioned in Lotto? Maybe not, but it looks stunning on you (though everything usually does, tbh). I hope you're feeling better these days. Oh & your hamster is precious!
Nawh, well hopefully I can get back to uploading more again now! I had so much fun spamming you all over Halloween but it almost killed me. LOL. I know the line you mean actually! 'Lipstick Chateau wine coooooolour'? Or something. :P Thanks for watching lovely! Pabo says thank you. ^_^
I'm not sure if anyone will already have suggested this but I have the fresh blossom DKNY perfume and I use a mini funnel to spray perfume into the atomiser it normally only takes about 5 mins to do
This is... the most WONDERFUL idea. I will try it! Thank you thank you!
Your shirt is so cool. And I'm glad you have a new friend to keep you company, he is adorable. :)
I had to rewind a couple times from 0:40 to 0:46 because I’m too American to understand what the heck you were even talking about 😹 love you so much, I’ve really missed your vids, they never fail to make my day
Stripes are so YOU! I wish I could find something that suited me as much :D
Congrats on your new hamster he is precious! I have 2 chinchillas myself (and 5 geckos). Rodents are the best :)
Hehe thank you! Oooh! My friend had 10 chinchillas during primary school. I was scared of them at the time and now I wish I hadn't been! They're beautiful creatures. I've gotten lost on chinchilla channels before lol. How are the geckos?! We looked into those a little while ago. They seem like fun!
wow 10!! thats so much work...so much poop too! They are wonderful animals and they truly do bond with their humans! I have an instagram account for my chins (instagram.com/chanseythechinchilla ) and my two giant geckos (instagram.com/murielthegecko ) and the others can be found on my page (instagram.com/kittje7 ) if you want to see them! A bit of an animal nerd over here lol.
So happy to see you posting again and thanks for the reply :)) I hope you post more videos about your lil hamster!
definitely not trying to tell people what they should and shouldn't buy, but thought i should give a PSA to anyone who hasn't heard this. Donna Karan is not a very good person, and has recently defended her friend harvey weinstein by commenting that "women are asking for it by presenting themselves in a sexual way by how we act and dress". this is not someone who i want to be giving *any* money to again. there are much better companies with honest and empathetic owners.
Ffs ew. It's easy to forget that big brand names and companies still have a person at the heart of them. I even had to Google who Donna Karan was, I was like 'wait what the hell does this comment have to do with my video?' lol. What a shame. Thank you for letting me know.
How are you feeling health wise? You look SO MUCH BETTER than you did a few months ago. So happy to see you recovering, you had me scared for a good while there
Emma Pickles I think I will right after the holidays are over ;) they’re just too darn cute to not get one 😁
I'm glad your okay Emma I've missed you! 💛💜💚💙
Between you, Marzia, and Jenna, it has taken all my willpower to not go buy a little pet of my own 😅 they’re all so cute, I could never pick just one and I know I’d end up with 40 pets in no time flat
That lipstick looks so good on you! It’s nice it’s not a liquid but still matte, I live a mile above sea level so liquid lipsticks basically dry my lips to nothingness
Your hamster is so cute!!!
I was binge watching your videos because you had not uploaded and you updated while I was at it! Your hamster is lovely, by the way
Awhh, you were?! Well then this video I dedicate to you.
ow, that is very sweet! thanks
Awww how cute and so lovely to see you again, Emma 😊
Hello! :D
Get well soon Emma.
Yes! I have the Real Techniques cleansing face sponge too & I love it! I picked up another one after I got the 1st!
I don't use face clothes or towels much, I use my hands or a silicone cleansing pad thing, or sometimes my spin brush, but the little egg is cute & convenient & I can fit it in a beauty blender holder to hold it :D
Glad to see you're doing well, Emma! Despite you getting sick twice in 3 weeks d: Hopefully it'll pass quickly!
(Just read a few other comments & your blog! I am sorry that you've been pretty much nothing but sick ): BUT I am glad that you are strong enough to take it upon yourself to keep going & keep making videos! It's encouraging to other people who may be having similar issues! I know it can get discouraging, but you ARE strong & you'll always have so many people who support you & believe in you & understand! ♥ )
& It was so sweet for Marzia to get you a gift like a pet! :D Glad you're happy with a pet again! ^-^ ♥
I’d love to see hamster videos! Cage and care. ❤️
It’s so great to see you again ☺️❤️❤️❤️your hamster is so cute 💕
Hi emma, congratulations on your hamster! It always makes me glad to see adults having small pets to show that hamsters etc are not just for children. I do want do recommend that you upgrade his wheel though, i know you already did so from the wheel that came with the cage but from what i could see in the video it looked like you have a 6 inch silent spinner. Syrians should have an 11 or 12 inch wheel, some say an 8 inch will do but i think its better not to risk the damage that a wheel too small could to to a hamsters spine. I hope this doesnt come of as rude, that is not my intention at all, im just very passionate about small animal care and im only saying this to help out your little guy , i hope you will take my comment into consideration! :))
Hey! :D Ohhh I know! Don't worry. I knew I would get this comment lol. His back stays flat in this one at his current size so it's fine for now. The bigger one wouldn't fit in the cage he's currently in, so even though we have a bigger one for him already, he can't use it until we move him into a tank. It doesn't come off as rude, don't worry. Just a lil condescending. :P But I know the internet is full of idiots, so I don't blame you for thinking I'm one of them too lmao.
I dont think youre an idiot!! I just have veeery low expectations from people online who are not exclusively pet channels i know the pet community on various social media can be a pain in the butt, but we are only lookiing to help. Thats great that you got him a bigger wheel already, also awesome that youre getting him a bigger cage soon! I dont mean to be condescending, im actually impressed cus youre one of few youtubers lately who didnt get a tiny horrible cage for their hamster, so again, sorry if im rude, im pretty bad at knowing how to get my tone across in writing since english isnt my first language.
Hey Emma your new pet is awesome.
I love how many very different items you have on your shelves: #girlboss, a skull, beauty therapy, think like a pancreas, some anime/ videogame figurines... All of which is very "Emma", in my perception :D
We have 2 Syrian hamsters & 2 guinea pigs. So much love & cuteness!
Ahhh guinea pigs! I've had a few of them too! I love their lil squeaks. ;~;
beb where did u get the first stripy shirt? i can't really tell if it's red and black or red and navy (or white n gold amirite memes lol) but the neckline is really nice and i want it. also, when you first said little ham's name i thought it was 'pebble' and pebble pickles needs to be a thing at some point. imagine. a tiny fluffy grey kitten with the roundest face called pebble. that would be perfect. omg. hugs xx
p.s.: btw did u ever get around to reading 'six of crows'? i sent that one over mostly with you in mind tbh, it has some characters i think you'd really love
All of these outfits are so good though. 10/10.
So happy to see an upload from uuuuuu! is that weird to say i missed you, Emma ? ❤😭 congrats on getting a hamster he's the cutest 😍 ps: Emma is not Emma without putting some cheeky kpop playlist in the description 😏😁 have a lovely day xx
I would recommend getting an 11-12 inch wheel
This one is fine for his current size. His back stays flat so it's safe. He already has a bigger one for when we move him across into a larger tank. :)
I was literally thinking 'I hope she knows that means idiot in Korean' hahah! Honestly love the name and he's adorable!
HAHAHA. It's such a dumb name. I love it. Thank you lovely. :')
My lil pup's name is Lucky but I call him Nugget, Little Man, Luckems...etc the list goes on. Thankfully the poor guy isn't confused yet!
Omg he is soooo cute!
Hey Emma. I love your videos as always.
Hey lovely! Thank you. :) Oh man, you should look back at my Amsterdam video and Makeup Bag video if you think I look thin now... I was gaunt. :( I don't know if you saw my Health Update so just in case you didn't - I had ketoacidosis which means my body couldn't use the glucose in my system and instead it started burning my fats/muscles for energy instead. I was very sick and a few days away from a coma apparently. I've always been one of those people who can eat whatever they want and never put on weight so the weight regain process has been a little rough since I can't just eat a bunch and my carb intake is controlled now. I look much better now though if you go back and compare! Very happy with the progress I'm making. ^_^ Thanks for checking up on me. You're the sweetest.
Aww thanks : ) I wish you the best and I hope you will keep being able to manage things and improve your health
From your insta I thought you cut your hair - it looks great! ☺
You noticed! Thank you lovely. :D I had a mad moment at 4am the other week and snipped it all off hahaha.
Yay Emma 💖
Omg hi I missed you!
Hey lovely! :D
Would you do a what's in my bag tag?
Sure! I'll include it in the next Chit Chat! :D
Awww, what a cute little boy...
hamster mom lmao
You got a hamster!
check out VanillaHamHam and ErinsAnimals for hamster DIY's and updated care guides! so much changes in the community and what was ok a few years ago isn't anymore, the minimum cage size increases pretty much every year now and more and more products are being found to not be safe for little hams! it's always awesome to see adults with hamster's because they always get such better care!!!
Bro I am SO excited to be an adult with a hamster and look after one with an adult brain. :D Looking back at how people used to house hamsters when I was little makes me feel sick lol. I'm very researched up, don't worry. He will get the best care.
He is so precious oh my god! Hope you are doing good otherwise :))
This video makes me so fucking happy!!
OMG YOUR HAM HAM IS SO CUTE! I’ve never seen a hamster... Can I come pet yours? ❤️
YOU'VE NEVER SEEN A HAMMU?! Of course! We must book you a plane ticket straight away. Pabo is ready for auntie Shiv to visit.
Emma Pickles No! Hamsters and Gerbils are illegal here :( I think this is the perfect excuse to board a plan ASAP. I may have to hold you to some pets with my ham nephew!
EMMA!! Netflix just released season 2 of Good Morning Call!!! Squee!!! *\o/*
Gurrrrrl you know I've already watched it. ;) I'm such trash LMAO. You seen it? Are you liking it? :D
Emma Pickles lol!! Man you’re quick. Not yet. I’m trying to hold off until I finish King 2 Hearts. It took everything in me not to binge right away 🙈
I missed your pretty face and awesome videos 😍😇
😘 so happy to see your little face
Hey you! How's it going? :D
Emma Pickles I’m good! I’m glad you’re better.
I missed a scene from your new friendo ;D.
I saw so many kpop references then I clicked the description. 😂
I'm trashhhhh. ;~; lmao
same, girl 😅✌️
You got a hamster and didn’t name him Hamtaro :(
Is katty know that you are her ?
Please do a pride look!
New subbie. Hey
So how have you adjusted to you having diabetes?
Like your hamster...
I no,speak English can you speak English