This raid was ethically wrong, and the police officers raided the elderly co-owner 's house allegedly caused this poor woman's death. The Chief is wrong for doing this hypocrisy and now refusing to speak to other reporters from different news organizations. This woman who started this b/s needs to be sued, too..The police chief was on a power trip.
the starting woman is the Judge, who does not have to know the law to sign the warrent. OUCH. Judges, etc are protected from responsibilty, as are cops and law makers in nearly every situation. Newspaper tells chief they won't run the story, That should have been the end but was the chief grateful? He wanted to know who the source was. I've seen this happen in Fairview NJ politics but there was no legal action, or illegal, done. One example; 24 story hi-rise approved in 2 family zone and we presented signed petitions from 3K residents objecting. Knowing the potential vendetta from the Mayor, we masked the names. School yard bullies
this is my question also. how were they going about getting info on the dui? were they getting it under the table from someone? if not then especially the police chief and judge should be gone as well as all of those officers that just stood there watching their buddies break the law.
This is sickening! How on earth can this be allowed to happen? Legal actions must be pursued against the PD! Thank you for reporting this story - absolutely horrifying.
Joan Meyer died defending our Constitutional Rights to FREEDOM OF THE PRESS WE HONOR YOU! My deepest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues.
Our Constitution is now obliterated behind our back even the Bible was twisted calling Jesus Christ rioters when he turned over the table where these people were gambling in the house of his father in heaven
Thanks so much for covering stories like this. Mainstream media seems to avoid reporting on horrendous violations of fundamental rights in our so-called democracy.
I'm 62 years old. I arrived to the United States in 1964 because my country of birth, Cuba, did the samething to newspapers and homes.I never thought that I would see this in this country. That's how it started in Cuba.
Kansas is full of goons with badges, exactly like those in Marion. I was born & raised there, but will NEVER go back to visit for this very reason. There is not enough money in the world to repay this hero.
Lol yea cause searching a place is now extreme. Sshe was 98! Jesus! Almost a hundred years old! Wtf. I want to know why the raid happened. Not jump on the omg the old ass women died way after the police came. They pushed for shit that caused cities to turn into hell holds but she can't get searched.
Shocking?!? Why? It is the traditional pattern of all government over time. They become complacent and incompetent. They then become paranoid or frightened their power will be taken or their crimes exposed. They then turn the power of the state on the citizen. Ref: FJB, DOJ, FBI, KGB, Stassi, etc. Read history.....
Call in the National Guard to arrest these police officers IMMEDIATELY! WE DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN A POLICE STATE. IF YOU DO WRONG, YOU'RE GOING TO GET EXPOSED!
@lookitwasnotme225 then do the research you asshat. You're playing devils advocate when the whole story is already very available. The paper was also investigating the chief of police so he used some nonsense claim from a woman who admitted she did do exactly what they were investigating if she did (get a dui, drive without a license, and try to get a liquor license while breaking these laws that prevent you from having a liquor license. You know because it seems you might have a alcohol problem and a inability to follow the law) they didn't even print the fucking story. She botched about them investigating her and claimed with no evidence that they illegally obtained the info and they gave it to people illegally all not true and even if the anonymous source got it that way its not illegal for them to print it. After she made these claims in a public meeting even though they never printed the story they where them inclined to print a correction story. They also didn't follow the law regarding press searches and the warrant they did get wasn't even followed correctly it was a unlawful search on every level and it was all based on the most frivolous shit that is not remotely close to probable cause of a search.
@@whygohome172 seems fair, I'm not a supporter of no knock warrants but these guys would be a resonable exception. 1 they are armed violent people who committed a crime that resulted in a death (felony murder) 2 they deserve the same fear they have inflicted on others😢
The American people behave like bad dog owners, they treat Amerikkka like a pup, the constitution, but when Amerikkka propogates global war and corruption, an untrained dog that chews on furniture, steals food at dinner, barks at and invades the space of visitors and shits and pisses everywhere, the American people makes excuses for its behaviour knowing full well its dangerous to other neibghours. This not unusual, Amerikkka has form.
the woman was 98 years old, you seriously believe that this could be legally considered "premature death", and attributed to the unusual stress? come on... this doesn't even require cop immunity to dismiss 🙄 not only is it impossible to prove that this 98 year old woman would have otherwise been unlikely to die to the criminal court standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt", but there's no way this could even meet the civil law standard of "preponderance of the evidence".
The entire state of Kansas is full of nothing but dirty cops protecting dirty cops. Judges & lawyers are all in on it, so the wealthy do anything they want & pay when they must. The Koch brothers had it just the way they wanted it in Kansas.
Thanks for bringing awareness to us. Abuse of power has been happening in so many ways. Look at how they've limited free speech about so many different things. I can't believe this is the same country I grew up in. I'm sorry for the women's passing. Thank you for standing on the side of free speech. I pray you continue to do so.
Cops have been getting away with too much for too long, we've had to start active surveillance against our own police to try and stop them from doing shit like this, and they still get away with it all the time. Individuals are abused by cops every day the same way this paper was but they don't have the ability to publish news about their abuse or have the resources to pursue charges most of the time. It's only in extreme cases like the one that just got resolved in Rankin county Mississippi where 6 cops plead guilty to assault after literally torturing two Black men where you see individuals be able to get justice. And they'd gotten away with similar behavior in the past. It's not just a few bad apples either, like in this case, the police brass is a part of the problem. I have a couple of friends who are former officers, both in conservative states (Florida and Texas) and both only lasted a year or so because the climate within the departments was so insanely toxic and hostile. And if you're not willing to join in on abusing your power, they make your life a living hell until you quit so they don't anyone around who won't stand on the blue line with them
And unfortunately it isn't just cops or police or all of them. But they exist in all types of positions in society. So its they have been getting away with it for much too long.
What i just read is the disgusting civilization and culture in the country of what they call the u.s. its their truth. Its the culture and civilization they've made for themselves. Lets unite to one day end the corruption, violence, wars ect once in for all.
For following up on what a judge signed off on? Because someone working there broke the law? 😂 You ppl either collectively have the lowest IQ on earth, or you're all willfully ignorant.
On top of everything else wrong with this police chief's violation of Constitutional rights, it seems the newspaper owners' handling of information on the restaurant woman and the police chief was highly responsible and absolutely ABOVE REPROACH.
They wont. Theres no law enforcement for law enforcement and the govt. They investigate themselves lol and they'll fine justice? Its one big gang and you aint in it
I used to publish magazines. They stopped me by infiltrating and putting me out of business. I am now having to file complaints against local police for illegal stalking and harassment. I am a disabled senior and live in Atlanta, Georgia.
I just came across this story a week after it was posted. This is scary, the a police department, feels they will have a negative story about them, so instead invade the news organization to threaten them and shut down free press. Scary times
Heads are gonna roll, big and small. Rest in Peace, Mrs. Joan Meyer. They have your blood on their hands, no one can help them. We will pray and work for justice.
Heads may roll but its probably not the ones you expect. Remember Julian Assange! Freedom of the press ended years ago. This is just another nail in the coffin of democracy.
No. Nothing will happen. Otherwise the police wouldn't have considered this as an option. Maybe if people were more comfortable confronting local officials than they were grandstanding online, it would be different. The only solution to this is that PD being under threat of harm or death if they continue to play jackboot tactics. Get wise, America. We need to become dangerous again.
This happens all of the time to individuals. Just try to piss off a cop or a dispatcher and see how your life changes. You learn a lot about the fascism of America.
Republicans hate it when their crimes are exposed . . but why murder a 98 year old woman because you are a coward and afraid of the truth exposing crimes of the police.
Freedom of the press doesn't allow you to break the law. Somehow, you're all missing this... it's almost like you're letting the person who broke the law off the hook. Wouldn't it be their fault? But no. Blame it on the cops who were told to go do their jobs... smh
@drummerk6756 The paper did not violate ANY law by taking an anonymous tip, then checking public records to attempt to verify it, and then not even publishing it. *The police violated federal law because they seized items that cannot be seized absent subpoena.* Look it up.
Never forget and never forgive! That corrupt judge and cops need to be held accountable for this woman's death! Their actions distressed her so much that she died mid-sentence! I live in Kansas and it is wretched here!
This is so utterly sad, particularly when you think that this poor Woman was old enough to remember when *most* cops held the constitution as sacred. I hope that all involved are investigated, and if deemed unlawful, are held to the highest accountability. Rest in peace, Mrs Meyer, you shouldn't have passed away this way.
Really when was that... or where was that earth 2.0 because cops have never been consistently or mostly good never has there been a time where good cops outweigh the number or power of bad cops
When was that? When did "most cops" ever hold up the Constitution as sacred? Policing has historically been at the direction of prevailing political interests, and if you are skeptical, read about the role of the police in the 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. Currently, the police are more constitutionally compliant than ever before, owing to a flow of court decisions since the 60s governing how far the police can reach. This "raid," otherwise known as service of a search warrant, happened in line with the requirements of the Fourth Amendment. A judge had to sign off on the probable cause to search. Why don't we wait until we know what the cops were looking for? Maybe evidence of illegal activity not related to press functions at all? You can no more hide criminal activity in a newsroom than you can terrorists in a mosque. It's sad to see the knee-jerk reactions in the comments. If jumping to conclusions led to actual fitness, all of America would have six-pack abs.
You got every last bit of this right. This poor, abused and mistreated lady, overwhelmed by a runaway perverted landscape that for her, inverted and turned upside down without warning. I hope LEOs are able to reclaim some shred of their former respect and dignity. I hope we, as a people, can stop despising one another and get back to some general, baseline respect as fellow citizens. But I doubt there is any chance of any of that happening - the swamp is too dank, deep, and treacherous. It's coiled around D.J. Trump as we speak, preparing to swallow him whole. What chance do the common citizens have against the voracious appetites of our corrupt, perverted ruling class? I mean, they make Caligula look conservative and refined. RIP, Joan Meyer.
Everyone involved in this travesty needs to be charged with murder. So many things WRONG and anti-American in this whole mess. Investigate... prosecute... PUNISH.
I have worked in the newspaper industry my entire life and I have worked for a few different newspapers this is absolutely ridiculous and the Marion county sheriff's office needs to pay/be healed accountable for their wrongful investigation and causing a woman so much stress that she dies what kind of police force do you people have it sounds to me like someone needs to start a war against these people I know a very good lawyer that would love to squash them in court
Yet on MSNBCI I just saw an interview with the highly respected Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer saying "Voters aren't stupid." Unfortunately, far too many of them are. It's like my Mom use to say to my brother and I when young while encouraging us to read, learn, think, and to be aware, "I love my dear friends, but too many of them don't have a clue as to what's going on in the world. They don't read anything, think about what they are hearing on the news, or have intelligent conversations. Ask them to eat doo-doo and they'll say how much." That describes 50% of our Republican citizenry and why we're close to losing our republic.
That'll bring back the dead owner and restore the security and peace of mind of all the innocent people who's doors they kicked down... Ah well, the cops had a piece of paper that said they could. All good, I guess. But yeah, the victims should pursue justice through the system that the government runs. The exact same system that signed all the warrants authorizing this to happen. The system that relies on police to keep you all paying their paychecks. Seems legit.
Police never have to suffer personal consequences when a police department loses a lawsuit. Police are protected by Qualified Immunity, meaning police never have to pay out financial settlements when they lose a lawsuit. These settlements come from taxpayers. This is why US citizens must END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY. Settlements for police illegality must come from police assets, police pensions, and police unions. END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY.
I'm not sure that qualified immunity would apply in this situation - I would definitely pay towards the legal fund for the newspaper or the estate of the owner - consequences of this injustice must be crippling and PERSONAL for everyone involved
The magistrate rarely looks at the facts of a case before signing a warrant. If anything, they read the affidavit, which is a hearsay statement from an ofiicer. A lot of times the cop will fabricate information to support probable cause.
Why is the Chief of police so spooked by the newspaper having info on him that they already said didn’t have any credence, so the story was not being published! That would make me rethink that maybe there was a story he was hiding! What an awful overreaction!😮
I'm going to be following the lawsuit. I doubt that the small town has any money, but Eric Meyer deserves a huge settlement. I hope he gets a good lawyer.
The town is just as guilty, wanting to brush this story under the rug. "Let the corruption happen. We're just a small town who doesn't care as long as the cops don't raid all of us." That newspaper was probably the last bastion of integrity in that town.
The People of this County need to call their State Representatives and demand this Police Chief be held liable for his actions as ALL involved in allowing and participating in the violation of Rights! Demand Justice!!
The judge that signed this "warrant" needs to be permanently disbarred, kari newall should be sued into poverty, and this idiot of a police chief needs to be in a jail for the rest of his life. This chief is a goon and should not be allowed to walk in public ever again. This dude is so scared of this moron of a chief he has to keep adding in legalize to try and protect himself from this goon.
It’s interesting that a little paper doing good journalism, being careful reporting the truth, checking sources, and being savvy not to succumb to the manipulation of others is getting shut down by “law enforcement” while garbage corporate media runs wild. We are in trouble as a country. This is authoritarian.
Old school journalism hardly exists today. Few are fiercely independent like this small town paper. Most only run memos on meetings and parades, bridge club attendees and weddings etc. I hope the people who live there don’t disappoint. They have a rare jewel.
@@susanpetropoulos1039 I agree they are rare. I studied and worked in journalism and the real death of most small town papers was in 2008-09 when their ad revenue disappeared and many were taken over my parasitic hedge funds. Corporate infotainment is no substitute. Look where it’s gotten us.
Immediately after the warrant was executed, the top prosecutor in Marion County immediately withdrew the search warrant executed on the publication's office and returned ALL seized items. This was after the prosecutor now overseeing the case reviewed the Marion Police Dept's application for a warrant. The prosecutor stated that he came to the conclusion that "insufficient evidence exists to establish a legally sufficient nexus between this alleged crime and the places searched and items seized." With that said, why the "Magistrate" signed the warrant in the first place is mind-blowing. While Marion PD is a small department, it seems extremely odd that the Police Chief goes out on and supervises a friggin' warrant execution on a "rag" that's investigating allegations of sexual improprieties against the Police Chief.. It doesn't appear as if the newspaper staff are a heavily armed group of desperadoes! lol
Rural communities can be wonderful, and sometimes if people with power or powerful friends decide they are unhappy with you, can be difficult. This is over the top.
Amy tyvm for giving national coverage to help mitigate the erosion of our 1st Amendent protections. Overreach to sickening proortion. What judge issued the warrant and on what basis
Outrageous- there are no other words & the loss of the mother due to the violation on the press/fourth estate compounds it, hopefully the consequences are swift.
Power does what it wants. Welcome to America. The hierarchy, first and foremost, protects the hierarchy; It will only punish itself when the threat of an outside punishment is greater- EX: They'll finally prosecute someone like Derrick Schauvin when half the country is ready to riot. Otherwise, if you executed Daniel Shaver in a perverse, ego-fueled game of Simon Says captured on film, you get to file for disability from the incident and retire to Thailand because the external threat to the established hierarchy is non-existent. We're nothing but chattel to them, replaceable gears in their money making machines.
this is terrible and I remember when I worked at a small newspaper in Connecticut a certain town didn't like what was printed about their police dept. and wanted to know where we got the information and the police came into the newsroom but they knew they were wrong and left. This is outrageous because the cops actually went through with the raid. I used to work on a small paper in Kansas years ago. UNBELIEVABLE.
This is frightening on a whole new level. We need police to police the police! This magistrate judge and this whole department should be brought up on criminal charges!
Like the ACLU advertisement used to say, "Where do you go for help when the gangs wear blue?" I used to scoff at the ACLU, but maybe they have a point after all.
It is heartening to see that real small town journalism like this still exists somewhere in this corporatist world, and heartbreaking to see how the US state apparatus views that threat in 2023.
WOW PLEASE Keep us all informed on this Hopefully this will be resolved in favor of the newspaper. And please keep fighting Marion county. Keep us posted
It's not just the local police department, it's the KBI (Kansas Bureu of Investigation) too. Freedom of the press is vital for a Republic and freedom to exist and function properly. We now live in the beginnings of a Bananna Republic Police State.
Looking someone up on the internet is "Identity theft" That is an ridiculous and the search warrant is blatantly unconstitutional as is the actual search.
“Wherever despotism abounds, the sources of public information are the first to be brought under its control. Where ever the cause of liberty is making its way, one of its highest accomplishments is the guarantee of the freedom of the press. “ Calvin Coolidge “Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of law and order.” John Lindsay
😢 there are still good people in this country. I am praying that this horrendous display by the police in this "sleepy little town" cause more good people to wake up and realize that we are on the brink ... everyone must speak up & stand up.
this is blatant police state fascism. I think we all know exactly what needs to be done, but we simply are not going to do it, the country has become so propagandized and pussified that we simply are never going to stand up and put a stop to this insanity. So we all deserve exactly whats coming
I don't think the victims will deserve it when it happens. The victims will be the people who opposed the injustices, not the sickos that cheered it on. Unfortunately the amount of people that reject the path we are heading down is less than the amount that support it or just don't care.
Who is that buisness owner? Small town police found a drunk driver to use as a front. All to cover up, confuse, or slow down a report on the police Chief. They wanted info that newspaper had on this Chief. I cant imagine they were trying to protect a drunk driver case. Yeah, what happens in that town, stays in that town. May the press owner Rest easy.
Small town law got itself on the map now. Being bullies is not the way you want to be recognized. An illegal action that results in a death has consequences. 😢😤😡
This case demonstrates how important it is to defend Mr Assange. The freedom of the press or, even more broadly, the freedom to disseminate information that is in the public interest is an essential element in democratic society.
I'm shocked and deeply impressed by the newspapers owner through all of this. It seems that he acted with real integrity through all of the buildup to this coverup raid. The fact that he plans to publish a week after his mother was killed by the city council, the magistrate and the police chief is heartbreakingly admirable.
Wow That police chief and Keri Newell killed that poor woman. I hope the city will hold these killers responsible. Her restaurant is called chefs plate in Marion ks.
I feel so sorry for the passing of this woman and hope those involved pay for this. I hope that this stays in the news and don't let people forget about the atrocities committed by these thugs.
Wow they are in big trouble 😢 Ma was overwhelmed and extremely upset. It took a lot out of her to stand on a walker and move about like that ..For a 98 years old she stood,walked, and expressed herself for a long while 😮 You know her heart rate was through the roof. I'd say someone has a big problem.
The paper probably actually called the police to report the info because of the application for the liquor license. Wanted to make sure they were aware of the situation. The police used this to get into the office over the chiefs misconduct.
Big news agency needs to do a full investigation and leave no stoned unturned Freedom Of Press At Risk.
like that is ever going to happen. Our country is thoroughly corrupt. Turn your head if the truth offends you.
They only do shi$ to fit their narratives.
It might be the big ones causing this.
By big news do you mean our so called MSM? If so, I wouldn't hold my breath for them to get involved. That's not what they do.
The tree of liberty must be fed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson
This raid was ethically wrong, and the police officers raided the elderly co-owner 's house allegedly caused this poor woman's death. The Chief is wrong for doing this hypocrisy and now refusing to speak to other reporters from different news organizations. This woman who started this b/s needs to be sued, too..The police chief was on a power trip.
this is not new...police shoot propel in the streets every day without reasonable justification
Aaron d ALL because the police chief didn't want to be exposed as a pedophile!!! Can't keep his hands off little kids!!!
the starting woman is the Judge, who does not have to know the law to sign the warrent. OUCH. Judges, etc are protected from responsibilty, as are cops and law makers in nearly every situation.
Newspaper tells chief they won't run the story, That should have been the end but was the chief grateful? He wanted to know who the source was. I've seen this happen in Fairview NJ politics but there was no legal action, or illegal, done. One example; 24 story hi-rise approved in 2 family zone and we presented signed petitions from 3K residents objecting. Knowing the potential vendetta from the Mayor, we masked the names. School yard bullies
@cliffontheroad I wasn't talking about the judge, but the restaurant owner! The judge doesn't get a past neither.
Clearly retaliation for investigating the police chief
Couldnt get any more crooked 🐖
That's for sure!!!😬
Yep, and he wants to know their sources. I shiver at the thought of what he might do with that information.
based on what?
searching someone on the internet is NOT considered "identity theft". It's "investigation".
this is my question also. how were they going about getting info on the dui? were they getting it under the table from someone? if not then especially the police chief and judge should be gone as well as all of those officers that just stood there watching their buddies break the law.
This is sickening! How on earth can this be allowed to happen? Legal actions must be pursued against the PD! Thank you for reporting this story - absolutely horrifying.
It happens ALL the time to smaller press. They're pretty arrogant about it. Regular media sides with police when it comes to independent outlets.
It is allowed now days, no freedom of speech.
Why can’t we get consequences for these armed thugs and the judges that enable them?
Because they control most things including cops and Judges!
Nobody really respects the badge ....they all respect the gun
Because suburban whites love police because police usually only terrorize POC and poor whites
What we approve in ukraine is coming home
soy boys
This is unconstitutional and everything needs to be given back to them and all these LE and Judge need to be held criminally and legally liable.
HOW are they going to give the life of his mother back to him?
The police killed her!!!!!!
National Liberty Alliance
@@siriuzbizAnd yet this channel pushes the same shit that makes this happen. Funny. And yet they see nothing wrong.
Joan Meyer died defending our Constitutional Rights to FREEDOM OF THE PRESS
My deepest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues.
@@thatoneguybones8036 keep scrolling, I'm afraid the message from this video might be utterly lost on you
@@thatoneguybones8036Nope... No.. Nyet.... Neine!!
May the ghost of Joan Meyer haunt all the assholes that did this to her.
Those same assholes need to be charged with homicide.
Our Constitution is now obliterated behind our back even the Bible was twisted calling Jesus Christ rioters when he turned over the table where these people were gambling in the house of his father in heaven
Thanks so much for covering stories like this. Mainstream media seems to avoid reporting on horrendous violations of fundamental rights in our so-called democracy.
Not this time. It's been big news.
I'm 62 years old. I arrived to the United States in 1964 because my country of birth, Cuba, did the samething to newspapers and homes.I never thought that I would see this in this country. That's how it started in Cuba.
Shocking this law enforcement need to be held accountable and investigated. May Joan Meyer Rest In Peace 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
I'm not shocked. Cops are the ultimate thugs.
Kansas is full of goons with badges, exactly like those in Marion.
I was born & raised there, but will NEVER go back to visit for this very reason.
There is not enough money in the world to repay this hero.
Lol yea cause searching a place is now extreme. Sshe was 98! Jesus! Almost a hundred years old! Wtf. I want to know why the raid happened. Not jump on the omg the old ass women died way after the police came. They pushed for shit that caused cities to turn into hell holds but she can't get searched.
Just doing our jobs wasn’t an excuse in the past and should be an excuse now.. remember that people!
It is the traditional pattern of all government over time.
They become complacent and incompetent.
They then become paranoid or frightened their power will be taken or their crimes exposed.
They then turn the power of the state on the citizen.
Ref: FJB, DOJ, FBI, KGB, Stassi, etc.
Read history.....
Call in the National Guard to arrest these police officers IMMEDIATELY! WE DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN A POLICE STATE. IF YOU DO WRONG, YOU'RE GOING TO GET EXPOSED!
Call in who? Naw, I need the whole story.
No! Not the National Guard. That’s what the state police are for.
@lookitwasnotme225 then do the research you asshat. You're playing devils advocate when the whole story is already very available. The paper was also investigating the chief of police so he used some nonsense claim from a woman who admitted she did do exactly what they were investigating if she did (get a dui, drive without a license, and try to get a liquor license while breaking these laws that prevent you from having a liquor license. You know because it seems you might have a alcohol problem and a inability to follow the law) they didn't even print the fucking story. She botched about them investigating her and claimed with no evidence that they illegally obtained the info and they gave it to people illegally all not true and even if the anonymous source got it that way its not illegal for them to print it. After she made these claims in a public meeting even though they never printed the story they where them inclined to print a correction story. They also didn't follow the law regarding press searches and the warrant they did get wasn't even followed correctly it was a unlawful search on every level and it was all based on the most frivolous shit that is not remotely close to probable cause of a search.
@lookitwasnotme225 a SWAT TEAM maybe? With a NO KNOCK, GUNS DRAWN arrest?
@@whygohome172 seems fair, I'm not a supporter of no knock warrants but these guys would be a resonable exception. 1 they are armed violent people who committed a crime that resulted in a death (felony murder) 2 they deserve the same fear they have inflicted on others😢
Very sad knowing this woman past away seeing freedom of press being violated in such away
And yet this channel pushes the same shit that makes this happen. Funny. And yet they see nothing wrong.
@dont-touch-mepg1392 you are full of SHITE. What don't you understand about "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS"?!?
@@dont-touch-mepg1392 agreed as evident in amy goodmans coverage of the canadian trucker protests.
The American people behave like bad dog owners, they treat Amerikkka like a pup, the constitution, but when Amerikkka propogates global war and corruption, an untrained dog that chews on furniture, steals food at dinner, barks at and invades the space of visitors and shits and pisses everywhere, the American people makes excuses for its behaviour knowing full well its dangerous to other neibghours.
This not unusual, Amerikkka has form.
@@JB-mm5ff This old woman was old enough to remember when the FBI banned the Hunter Biden lap top story.
Passing away the next day from the raid is awful but passing away in the middle of a sentence speaking about it is next level horrendous...
Sad sad 😢
A true heart-wrenching tragedy...I often ask the same thing, "Where are the good people?"
How did they do that?
We the people do not count in communism
Wake up
Did you feel the same way when the FBI rated a credentialed media Outlets offices about a year ago?
Doesnt that happen all the time?
They caused her premature death. These police officers are following unlawful orders. They need to be held accountable.
Not premature death . . it was Murder by terror.
the woman was 98 years old, you seriously believe that this could be legally considered "premature death", and attributed to the unusual stress? come on... this doesn't even require cop immunity to dismiss 🙄
not only is it impossible to prove that this 98 year old woman would have otherwise been unlikely to die to the criminal court standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt", but there's no way this could even meet the civil law standard of "preponderance of the evidence".
It was murder by intimidation by Republican GOP MAGA love'n dirty cop. Nothing more nothing less.@@Ass_of_Amalek
actually, all could be charged with involuntary murder... ridiculous... this had nothing to do with freedom of the press.. drama queens🎉
Horrific. Dirty cops have been EXPOSED, & now need to be held ACCOUNTABLE.
The entire state of Kansas is full of nothing but dirty cops protecting dirty cops.
Judges & lawyers are all in on it, so the wealthy do anything they want & pay when they must.
The Koch brothers had it just the way they wanted it in Kansas.
He and his cronies will be held account. KBI and federal levels will investigate!
@@jacknguyen5677 personally, i leave the predicting to others, as i focus on the present, but i certainly share your HOPE for the future
@jacknguyen5677 lol yeah sure Joe's doj charges lawyers doing there job good luck
Qualified immunity will save their asses just like it does every time
Thanks for bringing awareness to us. Abuse of power has been happening in so many ways. Look at how they've limited free speech about so many different things. I can't believe this is the same country I grew up in. I'm sorry for the women's passing. Thank you for standing on the side of free speech. I pray you continue to do so.
Corruption is monumental in little towns let alone big cities ! Especially the corrupt policing !
Why is this not on every news network across America. That sheriff needs to be jailed.
Yall approves of criminality and depravity in liberal states and you are surprise when things like this happen smh
Exactly. Now I don't want to drive through Kansas let alone live there.
Make that happen!
It doesn't further the agenda. Most media is CORRUPT.
If the state attorney general is required to defend the police department, who are victims of the police supposed to appeal to?
Police need to remember they are public servants.
How about the Institute for Justice?
They should appeal to the DOJ that their constitutional rights are being violated!
The press is our ONLY recourse.
Where is Julian Assange right now?
Americans should be hiding in shame.
DOJ, Biden's DOJ.
Cops have been getting away with too much for too long, we've had to start active surveillance against our own police to try and stop them from doing shit like this, and they still get away with it all the time. Individuals are abused by cops every day the same way this paper was but they don't have the ability to publish news about their abuse or have the resources to pursue charges most of the time. It's only in extreme cases like the one that just got resolved in Rankin county Mississippi where 6 cops plead guilty to assault after literally torturing two Black men where you see individuals be able to get justice. And they'd gotten away with similar behavior in the past. It's not just a few bad apples either, like in this case, the police brass is a part of the problem. I have a couple of friends who are former officers, both in conservative states (Florida and Texas) and both only lasted a year or so because the climate within the departments was so insanely toxic and hostile. And if you're not willing to join in on abusing your power, they make your life a living hell until you quit so they don't anyone around who won't stand on the blue line with them
That's right
And unfortunately it isn't just cops or police or all of them. But they exist in all types of positions in society. So its they have been getting away with it for much too long.
What i just read is the disgusting civilization and culture in the country of what they call the u.s. its their truth. Its the culture and civilization they've made for themselves. Lets unite to one day end the corruption, violence, wars ect once in for all.
Nothing solidifies guilt like raiding the newspaper that is exposing you.
This is probably the best reporting on this incident that I've seen yet. Nicely done.
I hope all of these cops are fired and face jail time.
For following up on what a judge signed off on? Because someone working there broke the law? 😂 You ppl either collectively have the lowest IQ on earth, or you're all willfully ignorant.
And if they dont lets make sure to fire the ones in charge of firing these crooks.
I think you need to go higher up than the coppers
@@janedmunds4218 apparently the whole town is very corrupt
On top of everything else wrong with this police chief's violation of Constitutional rights, it seems the newspaper owners' handling of information on the restaurant woman and the police chief was highly responsible and absolutely ABOVE REPROACH.
No good deed goes unpunished
These criminals need to be arrested and be put in prison for a very very long time!
They won’t
This is Democracy/ Communism at work why are you liberals complaining?
at the very least every officer who participated in the raid should be fired and no longer be allowed to be a cop ever again
They wont. Theres no law enforcement for law enforcement and the govt. They investigate themselves lol and they'll fine justice? Its one big gang and you aint in it
We've seen the same kinda thing with james O'Keefe. No ones been arrested or charged in that crime.
I used to publish magazines. They stopped me by infiltrating and putting me out of business. I am now having to file complaints against local police for illegal stalking and harassment. I am a disabled senior and live in Atlanta, Georgia.
I just came across this story a week after it was posted. This is scary, the a police department, feels they will have a negative story about them, so instead invade the news organization to threaten them and shut down free press. Scary times
Heads are gonna roll, big and small.
Rest in Peace, Mrs. Joan Meyer. They have your blood on their hands, no one can help them. We will pray and work for justice.
I wish I had your faith (that the proper people will be held to account)!
Heads may roll but its probably not the ones you expect. Remember Julian Assange! Freedom of the press ended years ago. This is just another nail in the coffin of democracy.
No. Nothing will happen. Otherwise the police wouldn't have considered this as an option.
Maybe if people were more comfortable confronting local officials than they were grandstanding online, it would be different.
The only solution to this is that PD being under threat of harm or death if they continue to play jackboot tactics.
Get wise, America. We need to become dangerous again.
Actually, this is Kansas, theze corrupt officials will stay in power and abuse citizens. Be Suze its Kansas and theze garbage humans stay in power
This happens all of the time to individuals. Just try to piss off a cop or a dispatcher and see how your life changes. You learn a lot about the fascism of America.
They have ways they retaliate against innocent citizens.
Republicans hate it when their crimes are exposed . . but why murder a 98 year old woman because you are a coward and afraid of the truth exposing crimes of the police.
Well pack heat and get like minded friends
@@robertmarley8852 It wouldn't take that if our laws were adequately followed... all it takes is the people to demand it.
Facts! 100%
Will THIS be deemed "qualified immunity?" Police aren't expected to know about *freedom of the press?*
I.W.; the police had better be educated enough , to know, “ freedom of speech “ 🙀😩🤪 !
Freedom of the press doesn't allow you to break the law. Somehow, you're all missing this... it's almost like you're letting the person who broke the law off the hook. Wouldn't it be their fault? But no. Blame it on the cops who were told to go do their jobs... smh
@drummerk6756 The paper did not violate ANY law by taking an anonymous tip, then checking public records to attempt to verify it, and then not even publishing it. *The police violated federal law because they seized items that cannot be seized absent subpoena.* Look it up.
Damn. What a shame!
Im not surprised by anything anyways now. this is a corrupted state, and we know what happens to corrupt evil empires.
Never forget and never forgive! That corrupt judge and cops need to be held accountable for this woman's death! Their actions distressed her so much that she died mid-sentence! I live in Kansas and it is wretched here!
Thank you Ms. Goodman and Democracy Now for your work and commentary. Condolences to the Meyer family on their loss. R.I.P. Joan Meyer.
The implications of this are truly terrifying.
This is so utterly sad, particularly when you think that this poor Woman was old enough to remember when *most* cops held the constitution as sacred. I hope that all involved are investigated, and if deemed unlawful, are held to the highest accountability. Rest in peace, Mrs Meyer, you shouldn't have passed away this way.
Really when was that... or where was that earth 2.0 because cops have never been consistently or mostly good never has there been a time where good cops outweigh the number or power of bad cops
When was that? When did "most cops" ever hold up the Constitution as sacred? Policing has historically been at the direction of prevailing political interests, and if you are skeptical, read about the role of the police in the 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. Currently, the police are more constitutionally compliant than ever before, owing to a flow of court decisions since the 60s governing how far the police can reach. This "raid," otherwise known as service of a search warrant, happened in line with the requirements of the Fourth Amendment. A judge had to sign off on the probable cause to search. Why don't we wait until we know what the cops were looking for? Maybe evidence of illegal activity not related to press functions at all? You can no more hide criminal activity in a newsroom than you can terrorists in a mosque.
It's sad to see the knee-jerk reactions in the comments. If jumping to conclusions led to actual fitness, all of America would have six-pack abs.
@@dlbutler oh damn dude dropping knowledge
You got every last bit of this right. This poor, abused and mistreated lady, overwhelmed by a runaway perverted landscape that for her, inverted and turned upside down without warning. I hope LEOs are able to reclaim some shred of their former respect and dignity. I hope we, as a people, can stop despising one another and get back to some general, baseline respect as fellow citizens. But I doubt there is any chance of any of that happening - the swamp is too dank, deep, and treacherous. It's coiled around D.J. Trump as we speak, preparing to swallow him whole. What chance do the common citizens have against the voracious appetites of our corrupt, perverted ruling class? I mean, they make Caligula look conservative and refined. RIP, Joan Meyer.
Everyone involved in this travesty needs to be charged with murder.
So many things WRONG and anti-American in this whole mess.
Investigate... prosecute...
I have worked in the newspaper industry my entire life and I have worked for a few different newspapers this is absolutely ridiculous and the Marion county sheriff's office needs to pay/be healed accountable for their wrongful investigation and causing a woman so much stress that she dies what kind of police force do you people have it sounds to me like someone needs to start a war against these people I know a very good lawyer that would love to squash them in court
What a horrible little town to live in..the town politicians in coo-hoots with law enforcement. I hope this town can achieve justice!
It's like that in most small towns nowadays 😢
definitely no collusion between the police and politicians in big cities, just in those damn small towns.
There are tens of thousands of towns and BIG CITIES just like this across the U.S. Towns and cities dominated by goon squads of cops.
This is most towns in America.
For those who thought it couldn't happen in our country, there you have it,stand up or lose all your rights 😑😔
N*zi Germany
There's a lot of yellow bellied out here
I'll stand and fight
Yet on MSNBCI I just saw an interview with the highly respected Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer saying "Voters aren't stupid." Unfortunately, far too many of them are. It's like my Mom use to say to my brother and I when young while encouraging us to read, learn, think, and to be aware, "I love my dear friends, but too many of them don't have a clue as to what's going on in the world. They don't read anything, think about what they are hearing on the news, or have intelligent conversations. Ask them to eat doo-doo and they'll say how much." That describes 50% of our Republican citizenry and why we're close to losing our republic.
@@marshcreek4355-It seems like republican votes most definitely are, unfortunately! They are easily duped.
Wow. She cant even live in peace her elderly years. Who authorized this raid??
These people need to be held accountable!
I'm so sorry for the loss, this needs to be thoroughly investigated
The police force was retaliating against the newspaper...sue them. 😡
They need to be sued but the Tax payers cover the Bill..This isnt right..They need to be personaly sued and pay out of ther own pocket!
That'll bring back the dead owner and restore the security and peace of mind of all the innocent people who's doors they kicked down...
Ah well, the cops had a piece of paper that said they could. All good, I guess. But yeah, the victims should pursue justice through the system that the government runs. The exact same system that signed all the warrants authorizing this to happen. The system that relies on police to keep you all paying their paychecks. Seems legit.
Sue and those cops need to be in jail!
Police never have to suffer personal consequences when a police department loses a lawsuit. Police are protected by Qualified Immunity, meaning police never have to pay out financial settlements when they lose a lawsuit. These settlements come from taxpayers. This is why US citizens must END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY. Settlements for police illegality must come from police assets, police pensions, and police unions. END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY.
I'm not sure that qualified immunity would apply in this situation - I would definitely pay towards the legal fund for the newspaper or the estate of the owner - consequences of this injustice must be crippling and PERSONAL for everyone involved
The magistrate rarely looks at the facts of a case before signing a warrant. If anything, they read the affidavit, which is a hearsay statement from an ofiicer. A lot of times the cop will fabricate information to support probable cause.
Why is the Chief of police so spooked by the newspaper having info on him that they already said didn’t have any credence, so the story was not being published! That would make me rethink that maybe there was a story he was hiding! What an awful overreaction!😮
I'm going to be following the lawsuit. I doubt that the small town has any money, but Eric Meyer deserves a huge settlement. I hope he gets a good lawyer.
The town is just as guilty, wanting to brush this story under the rug. "Let the corruption happen. We're just a small town who doesn't care as long as the cops don't raid all of us."
That newspaper was probably the last bastion of integrity in that town.
Where are all the law biding citizens to bring this corrupt indulgence to a halt?
The People of this County need to call their State Representatives and demand this Police Chief be held liable for his actions as ALL involved in allowing and participating in the violation of Rights! Demand Justice!!
God rest the publisher’s soul. Imagine the violation of all she had and stood for at age 98!
The corruption in this country is staggering.
God bless the Reflector. And thank you for covering the story! I haven't heard a word from the MSM
Fu/ck MSN
The judge that signed this "warrant" needs to be permanently disbarred, kari newall should be sued into poverty, and this idiot of a police chief needs to be in a jail for the rest of his life. This chief is a goon and should not be allowed to walk in public ever again. This dude is so scared of this moron of a chief he has to keep adding in legalize to try and protect himself from this goon.
It’s interesting that a little paper doing good journalism, being careful reporting the truth, checking sources, and being savvy not to succumb to the manipulation of others is getting shut down by “law enforcement” while garbage corporate media runs wild. We are in trouble as a country. This is authoritarian.
Old school journalism hardly exists today. Few are fiercely independent like this small town paper. Most only run memos on meetings and parades, bridge club attendees and weddings etc. I hope the people who live there don’t disappoint. They have a rare jewel.
@@susanpetropoulos1039 I agree they are rare. I studied and worked in journalism and the real death of most small town papers was in 2008-09 when their ad revenue disappeared and many were taken over my parasitic hedge funds. Corporate infotainment is no substitute. Look where it’s gotten us.
Immediately after the warrant was executed, the top prosecutor in Marion County immediately withdrew the search warrant executed on the publication's office and returned ALL seized items. This was after the prosecutor now overseeing the case reviewed the Marion Police Dept's application for a warrant. The prosecutor stated that he came to the conclusion that "insufficient evidence exists to establish a legally sufficient nexus between this alleged crime and the places searched and items seized." With that said, why the "Magistrate" signed the warrant in the first place is mind-blowing. While Marion PD is a small department, it seems extremely odd that the Police Chief goes out on and supervises a friggin' warrant execution on a "rag" that's investigating allegations of sexual improprieties against the Police Chief.. It doesn't appear as if the newspaper staff are a heavily armed group of desperadoes! lol
Rural communities can be wonderful, and sometimes if people with power or powerful friends decide they are unhappy with you, can be difficult. This is over the top.
Fascists be fashy.
That old big fish in a small pond problem.
"Try that in a small town"
Well, it looks like they tried it and no one stood up for the victims.
Amy tyvm for giving national coverage to help mitigate the erosion of our 1st Amendent protections. Overreach to sickening proortion. What judge issued the warrant and on what basis
It said in the article, did u not watch it?
Land of the free, my ass! This is disgraceful behaviour by the Police
More like police state!
land of the fee, home of the slave.
Land of the fee and the home of the slave.
;@@gerrycastlemanwarde5933 preach!
This police department needs to be brought to justice. I hope federal charges follow.
Hopefully the police and judge are thoroughly investigated for what appears to be very suspicious activity.
Damn. Blatant criminal behavior by this police force!!
POLICE here have always been dirty
Now you can say we are a third world country . Corruption up da azz 🇺🇸
"Where are all the good people who will stand up" -Joan Meyer -God bless you.
This is outrageous!
Need to have the Dept. of Justice investigate. unfortunately most state Bureau of Investigation are corrupt.
Police chief needs to be fired immediately as well as the county attorney who advocated the warrant
Outrageous- there are no other words & the loss of the mother due to the violation on the press/fourth estate compounds it, hopefully the consequences are swift.
That newspaper should to SUE the city, the Police Chief, and the Police Department.
What does this mean for 1st A auditors? 1st, 4th, 14th A violations are already a major area of police overreach
Power does what it wants. Welcome to America.
The hierarchy, first and foremost, protects the hierarchy; It will only punish itself when the threat of an outside punishment is greater- EX: They'll finally prosecute someone like Derrick Schauvin when half the country is ready to riot. Otherwise, if you executed Daniel Shaver in a perverse, ego-fueled game of Simon Says captured on film, you get to file for disability from the incident and retire to Thailand because the external threat to the established hierarchy is non-existent.
We're nothing but chattel to them, replaceable gears in their money making machines.
@@steventatlock5443 It's always nice to read a well written post from someone with their eyes open.
Auditors should head there and take a stand. They should find people to talk shit about the chief.
this is terrible and I remember when I worked at a small newspaper in Connecticut a certain town didn't like what was printed about their police dept. and wanted to know where we got the information and the police came into the newsroom but they knew they were wrong and left. This is outrageous because the cops actually went through with the raid. I used to work on a small paper in Kansas years ago. UNBELIEVABLE.
If she had been publishing “Covid disinformation” DN would be applauding the cops.
This is frightening on a whole new level. We need police to police the police! This magistrate judge and this whole department should be brought up on criminal charges!
Like the ACLU advertisement used to say, "Where do you go for help when the gangs wear blue?" I used to scoff at the ACLU, but maybe they have a point after all.
It is heartening to see that real small town journalism like this still exists somewhere in this corporatist world, and heartbreaking to see how the US state apparatus views that threat in 2023.
It was all fun and games until lots of people asked real questions.
How much you want to bet the judge is in cahoots with the police and that restaurant? This story better go viral.
WOW PLEASE Keep us all informed on this Hopefully this will be resolved in favor of the newspaper. And please keep fighting Marion county. Keep us posted
May God protect our Journalists of real news and the good ones we need…..
The DOJ really needs to step in on this atrocity.
The DOJ is a joke
I was just saying the same... obvious violation of constitutional rights!
DOJ is just as filthy
The DOJ is owned by the politicians
What DOJ? Christopher Wray lied Under Oath To Congress 😱 The DOJ has committed high Treason. Investigate!
It's not just the local police department, it's the KBI (Kansas Bureu of Investigation) too. Freedom of the press is vital for a Republic and freedom to exist and function properly. We now live in the beginnings of a Bananna Republic Police State.
Looking someone up on the internet is "Identity theft" That is an ridiculous and the search warrant is blatantly unconstitutional as is the actual search.
“Wherever despotism abounds, the sources of public information are the first to be brought under its control. Where ever the cause of liberty is making its way, one of its highest accomplishments is the guarantee of the freedom of the press. “
Calvin Coolidge
“Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of law and order.”
John Lindsay
😢 there are still good people in this country. I am praying that this horrendous display by the police in this "sleepy little town" cause more good people to wake up and realize that we are on the brink ... everyone must speak up & stand up.
this is blatant police state fascism.
I think we all know exactly what needs to be done, but we simply are not going to do it, the country has become so propagandized and pussified that we simply are never going to stand up and put a stop to this insanity.
So we all deserve exactly whats coming
Qtards be ruble'n.
I don't think the victims will deserve it when it happens. The victims will be the people who opposed the injustices, not the sickos that cheered it on.
Unfortunately the amount of people that reject the path we are heading down is less than the amount that support it or just don't care.
Just eat more gummies - it will all be fine. We are doomed
Who is that buisness owner? Small town police found a drunk driver to use as a front. All to cover up, confuse, or slow down a report on the police Chief. They wanted info that newspaper had on this Chief. I cant imagine they were trying to protect a drunk driver case. Yeah, what happens in that town, stays in that town. May the press owner Rest easy.
Let’s pay tribute to that great woman,rest in peace,it’s very touching indeed.
May all the oath breakers burn in Hell for the death of this woman.
My god the 98 year old mother was probably in better shape than the cop in the black.
Unfortunately, they will investigate themselves and find they did nothing wrong.
Abolish the Police!
How can anyone who wears a badge not be sufficiently trained to understand the constitutional implications of the police raiding a newspaper?
Small town law got itself on the map now. Being bullies is not the way you want to be recognized. An illegal action that results in a death has consequences. 😢😤😡
This case demonstrates how important it is to defend Mr Assange. The freedom of the press or, even more broadly, the freedom to disseminate information that is in the public interest is an essential element in democratic society.
So did the police and magistrate conspire to commit a felony and during the felony a victim died?
Well if so, they should be charged with murder.
They need to sue everyone that was involved
I'm shocked and deeply impressed by the newspapers owner through all of this. It seems that he acted with real integrity through all of the buildup to this coverup raid. The fact that he plans to publish a week after his mother was killed by the city council, the magistrate and the police chief is heartbreakingly admirable.
Wow That police chief and Keri Newell killed that poor woman. I hope the city will hold these killers responsible. Her restaurant is called chefs plate in Marion ks.
And all just so she could get a beer permit. Sad.
I feel so sorry for the passing of this woman and hope those involved pay for this. I hope that this stays in the news and don't let people forget about the atrocities committed by these thugs.
Wow they are in big trouble 😢 Ma was overwhelmed and extremely upset. It took a lot out of her to stand on a walker and move about like that ..For a 98 years old she stood,walked, and expressed herself for a long while 😮 You know her heart rate was through the roof. I'd say someone has a big problem.
The paper probably actually called the police to report the info because of the application for the liquor license. Wanted to make sure they were aware of the situation. The police used this to get into the office over the chiefs misconduct.
I am stunned that any judge - even a judge who is an idiot - would sign this warrant.
Judges have absolute immunity and people are generally cowards. So they know the justice system and their victims aren't going to be coming for them.
Well she needs to be questioned about this and probably disbarred