Thank you for your concern and we appreciate it much, but first I would like to note that it is a book review and not a discussion about "Tradition" and a book review is a critical analysis that is supposed to illuminate what a literary work purports to do. And therefore the main concern here should be about the subject matter and the writing style (not the language). Plus A prior notice was given to those who took part in the review. Since the review itself was for those who read the book and want a different point of view and insight on it. 📌 I'd also like to mention the fact that the book was originally penned in Russian and was later on translated to English and wasn't even in Amharic. NB: The reviewer here wasn't obviously showing off his knowledge and in addition to that some theological terms are actually really hard to translate into Amharic. As an advice I'd like to add that we don't always have to use Amharic in church discourses if there are other references in other languages we should be flexible enough to use them. And we also shouldn't wait for others to translate books to read too.
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን
Kale hiwot yasemaln🕎
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን ወንድማችን
kale hiwot yasmalin
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን ወንድማችን🙏
ቃለ ህይውት ያሰማልን ውንድሜ
Post the documentary of 2016
Saint John Chryston
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን።መጽሐፉን እንዴት ላግኘው?
በርግጠኝነት የኤርምያስ ክንዴ ወንድም ነህ
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን ።......ነገር ይሄ ገለጻ የሚቀርበው በዋነኝነት አማርኛ መስማት ለሚችሉ ምዕመናን ይመስለኛል። ሕዝባችን ያለው የእንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ እውቀት ይታወቃል። ይሄን ያህል የሌላ ቋንቋ ቃላት መጠቀም ምንድነው ጥቅሙ ? የሌላ ባእድ ቋንቋ ቃላት ሳይጠቀሙ በአማርኛ ሙሉ መልእክት ማስተላለፍ አይቻልም ወይ ? ከልደት እስከ እውቀት በተማርንበት በተነጋገርንበት ቋንቋ ሀሳባችን መግለጽ ለምንድነው የቸገረን?.....ወንድሜ የሚሰሙህ ሰዎች የአንተን አእምሮ ከማድነቅ ወጥተው በትምህርትህ ጌታህን ማሳየት ካልቻልክ ከንቱ ድካም ላይ ነህ።
Thank you for your concern and we appreciate it much, but first I would like to note that it is a book review and not a discussion about "Tradition" and a book review is a critical analysis that is supposed to illuminate what a literary work purports to do. And therefore the main concern here should be about the subject matter and the writing style (not the language). Plus A prior notice was given to those who took part in the review. Since the review itself was for those who read the book and want a different point of view and insight on it.
📌 I'd also like to mention the fact that the book was originally penned in Russian and was later on translated to English and wasn't even in Amharic.
NB: The reviewer here wasn't obviously showing off his knowledge and in addition to that some theological terms are actually really hard to translate into Amharic.
As an advice I'd like to add that we don't always have to use Amharic in church discourses if there are other references in other languages we should be flexible enough to use them. And we also shouldn't wait for others to translate books to read too.