Museo del Vetro di Murano
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- Il Museo del Vetro di Murano venne fondato nel 1861, quando, superato il periodo più oscuro che la storia del vetro muranese ricordi,dopo la caduta della Repubblica di San Marco (1797) e i lunghi anni di dominazioni straniere, Antonio Colleoni (1811-1855), allora sindaco dell'isola, e l'abate Vincenzo Zanetti (1824-1883), cultore di arte vetraria, riuscirono a far approvare in seno alla deputazione comunale il progetto di istituire un archivio nel quale potessero essere raccolte tutte le testimonianze reperibili ai fini di illustrare la storia e la vita dell'isola. Ben presto sull'archivio ebbe il sopravvento la parte museale, in virtù delle numerose donazioni di vetri prodotti nell'isola nei secoli trascorsi, e di vetri contemporanei, da parte dei titolari delle fornaci che, nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento, ricominciarono a lavore con intenso impegno. Vincenzo Zanetti, nel 1862, istituì anche una scuola, annessa al Museo, che nei giorni festivi i vetrai frequentavano studiandovi, oltre che disegno,anche i modelli dei vetri soffiati nel passato e ivi conservati. Dopo l'annessione di Murano al Comune di Venezia, nel 1923, il Museo Vetrario passò a far parte dei Musei Civici Veneziani; le sue collezioni furono, infatti,soggette a un riordinamento, curato nel 1932 sulla base di più moderni criteri espositivi da Giulio Lorenzetti e da Nino Barbantini e furono accresciute dall'aggiunta dei vetri delle collezioni Correr, Cicogna e Molin, che annoverano, tra l'altro, i più bei pezzi rinascimentali del Museo. In seguito i depositi della Soprintendenza archeologica permisero di istituire la sezione archeologica, della quale gli elementi di maggior prestigio sono i vetri provenienti dalla necropoli di Enona (Zara). Anche oggi le collezioni del Museo, oltre che per mezzo di acquisti,vengono incrementate da donazioni da parte delle fornaci dell'isola, che vanno ad arricchire soprattutto la raccolta contemporanea.
The Murano Glass Museum was founded in 1861 when the darkest period in the history of Murano glassmaking had been overcome, following the fall of the Republic of San Marco ( 1797) and the subsequent years of foreign rule. Antonio Colleoni (1811-1855) who was then mayor of the island and Abbot Vincenzo Zanetti (1824-1883) -- an enthusiast regarding the art of glassmaking -- were able to get the town Council to approve the idea of setting up archives consisting of any available information in order to map out the history and life of the island. The museum expanded faster than the archives due to the fact that a large number of glass pieces made on the island over the centuries as well as contemporary objects were donated by the ownwers of the glass factories which had started working again in the second half of the 19th century with renewed vigour. In 1862 Vincenzo Zanetti also started up a school which was annexed to the museum and attended by the glassworkers on their days off. They studied design as well as past examples of blown glass conserved there. Following the fusion of Murano with Venice Municipality in 1923, the Glass Museum became part of the Venetian Civic Museums. In 1932 its collections were put in order under the guidance of Giulio Lorenzetti and Nino Barbantini who adopted more modern criteria regarding dispaly techniques. The museum's collection was further expanded by the addition of the Correr, Cicogna and Molin Collections which include, among other things, the most beautiful Renaissance pieces in the museum. The Archeological Heritage Department was responsible for setting up the archeological section whose most outstanding exhibits come from the necropolises of Enona (Zara). Except for occasional purchases, even today additions are nade to the museum's collection thanks to donations made by the island's glassworks which enrich, above all, the contemporary collection.
I was so extremely fortunate to meet Murano’s top glass maker who invited me into her NON TOURIST shop to help me discover the original maker of my 4’ tall root beer coloured glass bird tree replete with an assortment of multi colored birds, babies birds in nests and ruby red cherries with thin green stems and green ruffled leaves all in a glass tree. I told her what I knew of its history and she and her english speaking assistant were able to discover on line that the maker was Igor Balbi. We went for coffee later on and I met the other top 4 glass makers plus an elderly retired glass master who I showed one of the birds to and he took it into his hand and covered it with his other hand saying, Magnifico, MAGNIFICO, and queried, “Balbi”???? He told the interpreter that There were two houses on Murano that were for sale and I should buy one, send the Balbi bird tree there and he would show me how to make repairs to the broken parts and we could buy a boat and become fishermen together!!! Christina was so gracious and at her work bench even showing me how the huge tree, birds and cherries would have been made over the period of approximately a year!, She made a small glass branch with a bird on it in front of me while I filmed her making it which now sits in the glass case where my Balbi original bird tree is housed! An experience I shall never forget!!!! Beautiful weather, beautiful people, beautiful glass art work!
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E' di una bellezza disarmante.