Bravo on Forward 2026! Though primary companies typically incubate new forms of coverage, reinsurance companies can play a substantial role in supporting this new product development. However, they must overcome two challenges: first, how to underwrite white-space risks without a critical mass of loss experience. Second, how to sustainably monetize investments in building “new” expertise, since in an efficient and competitive market, other companies will eventually begin to “follow the leader” and offer competing capacity, even if they did not make the same level of initial investment. [Source: Mckinsey & Co.] How does SCOR SE fair
Bravo on Forward 2026!
Though primary companies typically incubate new forms of coverage, reinsurance companies can play a substantial role in supporting this new product development. However, they must overcome two challenges: first, how to underwrite white-space risks without a critical mass of loss experience. Second, how to sustainably monetize investments in building “new” expertise, since in an efficient and competitive market, other companies will eventually begin to “follow the leader” and offer competing capacity, even if they did not make the same level of initial investment. [Source: Mckinsey & Co.]
How does SCOR SE fair