The fear that the scripture is talking about is that we are not to fear death because sin and death was the reason Shattan had the power over sinners. And now that we are one with THE MOST HIGH sin and death is powerless because (the Afrikan Yissayah) destroyed it … and His Blood should cleanse our conscious because His Seed is IN US! The Seed is THE TRUE WORD THAT WAS FROM THE BEGINNING- THE MIGHTY ONE that is Himself UNCREATED which CREATED EVERYTHING (visible and invisible) and HE IS first, THE SOVEREIGN ETERNAL, and OPERATES THROUGH THE MOST HIGH (known as the Afrikan TATA - ABBA in Hebrew and HaBah and Father in English). Yet it was THE FATHER THAT SENT HIS SON into the world to do what? (Please read Psalms Chapter 50 and the entire Chapter Psalms 51). Now in Ps: 51:14 it states “Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed” (that was on our conscious year after year under the Torah (LAW). And the LAW IS THE TEN COMMANDMENTS now written ON OUR HEARTS AND IN OUR MINDS! It’s not on paper because “the letter killeth but the Ru’AH (Spirit) giveth LIFE! How did MA’sha(H) (aka Moses) receive the TEN WORDS (Commandments)? WAS IS NOT BY THE FINGER OF THE MOST HIGH who wrote it first, upon Stone tablets and the a second time upon Gopher Wood?! But the third time is according to the Promise to Father Ahbarym (or TATA or BABA in Africa). Now the Son “THE WORD” that became flesh and dwelt among us is called Bantu which is the word for son or child (Wanda in Kiswahili). So, before the white man altered the Bible the Black ancestors in Afrika called Him TATA Nzambi in Kikongo. Kikongo is known as Congo today. But unless you get the ETHIOPIAN BIBLE you won’t see what other Festivals and celebrations that our race followed well over 2,000 years ago. And SoNINI NaNINI (which also means THE MOST HIGH in Xhosa (nini). Now why did THE POPE BAN THE ETHIOPIAN BIBLE? Because he is the Devil - SHATTAN that deceives THE WORD. The word POPE comes from the Italian word PAPA. And they claim to be “the one who takes the place of God on earth). There CHURCH dwells on the Seven Hills in Rome, Italy. And you should already know what the Roman Emperor Augustas Constantine did in 325 AD. And I hope you have read “CONSTANTINES CREED” it is on the Internet in Chrome (please search for it and read the original document for yourself). Please pass it on to Everyone who calls upon the NAME OF YAH! Salama my brothers and sisters, I am your brother in London, England and I promote the truth here. 🔥🔥🔥🌪️🌪️🌪️⚡️⚡️⚡️
JAH Rastafari Victory 🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲☀️🪴🪴🪴💯 control
Rasta girl 🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲💯☀️🪴🪴🪴
Hi. Nice album melody reggae relaxing 😊😇🥰🤗😌😑💗👍👌👏thanks
A woman who's soul contains all zodiac lives in her soul.
The fear that the scripture is talking about is that we are not to fear death because sin and death was the reason Shattan had the power over sinners. And now that we are one with THE MOST HIGH sin and death is powerless because (the Afrikan Yissayah) destroyed it … and His Blood should cleanse our conscious because His Seed is IN US! The Seed is THE TRUE WORD THAT WAS FROM THE BEGINNING- THE MIGHTY ONE that is Himself UNCREATED which CREATED EVERYTHING (visible and invisible) and HE IS first, THE SOVEREIGN ETERNAL, and OPERATES THROUGH THE MOST HIGH (known as the Afrikan TATA - ABBA in Hebrew and HaBah and Father in English). Yet it was THE FATHER THAT SENT HIS SON into the world to do what? (Please read Psalms Chapter 50 and the entire Chapter Psalms 51). Now in Ps: 51:14 it states “Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed” (that was on our conscious year after year under the Torah (LAW). And the LAW IS THE TEN COMMANDMENTS now written ON OUR HEARTS AND IN OUR MINDS! It’s not on paper because “the letter killeth but the Ru’AH (Spirit) giveth LIFE! How did MA’sha(H) (aka Moses) receive the TEN WORDS (Commandments)? WAS IS NOT BY THE FINGER OF THE MOST HIGH who wrote it first, upon Stone tablets and the a second time upon Gopher Wood?! But the third time is according to the Promise to Father Ahbarym (or TATA or BABA in Africa). Now the Son “THE WORD” that became flesh and dwelt among us is called Bantu which is the word for son or child (Wanda in Kiswahili). So, before the white man altered the Bible the Black ancestors in Afrika called Him TATA Nzambi in Kikongo. Kikongo is known as Congo today. But unless you get the ETHIOPIAN BIBLE you won’t see what other Festivals and celebrations that our race followed well over 2,000 years ago. And SoNINI NaNINI (which also means THE MOST HIGH in Xhosa (nini). Now why did THE POPE BAN THE ETHIOPIAN BIBLE? Because he is the Devil - SHATTAN that deceives THE WORD. The word POPE comes from the Italian word PAPA. And they claim to be “the one who takes the place of God on earth). There CHURCH dwells on the Seven Hills in Rome, Italy. And you should already know what the Roman Emperor Augustas Constantine did in 325 AD. And I hope you have read “CONSTANTINES CREED” it is on the Internet in Chrome (please search for it and read the original document for yourself). Please pass it on to Everyone who calls upon the NAME OF YAH!
Salama my brothers and sisters, I am your brother in London, England and I promote the truth here.