Hi everyone! I recently had the pleasure of completing a small, three date trio tour with the incredible Ant Law and Jake Willson, demoing Ibanez's range of amazing jazz guitars through Laney's beautiful Lionheart amps. We played three dates at GuitarGuitar Newcastle, Epsom and Glasgow. In true Jazz form, we had no rehearsals, arrangments or even a pre-show practice - we just turned up to the first show with four tunes in hand and played, hoping for the best. In fact, the first clinic in Epsom was literally the first time I'd ever met Ant in person and none of us had ever played together, so this raw, un-edited, truly improvised playing with warts and all - a rarity in these modern social media days. It was also staggering to see the number of people who attended these clinics - each one was a packed out show with fantastic questions and enthusiasm for this art form and style of playing! This video is from our final clinic in Glasgow, where we had people spilling out the door into the showroom - thanks so much to everyone who came to hear us play these wonderful instruments. It was a blast, a real honour (and a slightly nerve wracking experience) to play a jazz gig for the first time in literally years for me! Ant and Jake are extraordinary musicians and wonderful people to hang out with, so I couldn't have asked for better sparring partners. Thanks Ant, Jake, GuitarGuitar, Ibanez and Laney for hosting us - we'd love to do more of these in the future, so stay tuned.
I enjoyed so much Reading these trully revelation form of a real musician.Showing the real part on being musician, guitar player,etc. Nowadays we have lots of "CINEMATIC" or "movie format" for showing something so simple and natural like making music or playing an instrument.Sometimes t'he real message is missunderstood or blurred. Thanks Tom to show us your own experience, as you said.No rehearsals , no predicted or agreed arrangements. Just plug and play!! And jump in to the Pool!!
Obviously everyone's playing was fantastic! It is crazy to me that you are known for your legato technique (which is mind blowing), when your jazz chops are stellar. The comping and improvisation was excellent! I really enjoyed this.
Was great to be there - it was standing room only at the back in Glasgow! Everyone was absolutely killing it and guitarguitar did a great job of hosting things as always. Hope you all come back some time.
Simply incredible. I’m glad I read your comment, Tom, because my appreciation for this recording went even further through the roof once I did. And fyi, your new MIJ Ibanez sig should be the standard by which all beautiful guitars are measured. What a stunner!
What a nice surprise to see Ant show up on your channel. This was amazing given no prep, practice or even meeting each other previously. Glad the two schools/directions of all-fourths can get along
Ant's an absolute monster - so inspiring to play with him and Jake. We did joke about sacking Jake cos he plays in standard tuning and getting Alex Hutchings in for the next ones. Haha!
Awesome stuff Tom. I got to see you in Birmingham in guitar guitar store. Hope to catch you live sometime. I am the guy who asked you the breathing question :P
I was wondering if any of the products you sell break down the patterns you use for 7th arpeggios in major scales and/or the fusion related scales as well? Or at the very least, if any of your products cover the hybrid rules you use and when to use them. That's pretty much what I am after. I've transcribed what I believe are your methods/approaches for arpeggios, but before I start burning them into my brain/hand muscles I should probably get it right, first.
hi, tom, i'd like to ask why no video upload in solo app channel any more?and the app has no update for more than half a year?(android version still 1.44) bought and like the app very much, wish it be better
Hi everyone! I recently had the pleasure of completing a small, three date trio tour with the incredible Ant Law and Jake Willson, demoing Ibanez's range of amazing jazz guitars through Laney's beautiful Lionheart amps. We played three dates at GuitarGuitar Newcastle, Epsom and Glasgow.
In true Jazz form, we had no rehearsals, arrangments or even a pre-show practice - we just turned up to the first show with four tunes in hand and played, hoping for the best. In fact, the first clinic in Epsom was literally the first time I'd ever met Ant in person and none of us had ever played together, so this raw, un-edited, truly improvised playing with warts and all - a rarity in these modern social media days. It was also staggering to see the number of people who attended these clinics - each one was a packed out show with fantastic questions and enthusiasm for this art form and style of playing!
This video is from our final clinic in Glasgow, where we had people spilling out the door into the showroom - thanks so much to everyone who came to hear us play these wonderful instruments. It was a blast, a real honour (and a slightly nerve wracking experience) to play a jazz gig for the first time in literally years for me! Ant and Jake are extraordinary musicians and wonderful people to hang out with, so I couldn't have asked for better sparring partners.
Thanks Ant, Jake, GuitarGuitar, Ibanez and Laney for hosting us - we'd love to do more of these in the future, so stay tuned.
I enjoyed so much Reading these trully revelation form of a real musician.Showing the real part on being musician, guitar player,etc. Nowadays we have lots of "CINEMATIC" or "movie format" for showing something so simple and natural like making music or playing an instrument.Sometimes t'he real message is missunderstood or blurred. Thanks Tom to show us your own experience, as you said.No rehearsals , no predicted or agreed arrangements. Just plug and play!! And jump in to the Pool!!
Is there some way we can view the full show?
Great playing guys! 🙂
thanks Jens! 🙏
You too Jens Larsen , you are a great jazz player 🔥🎸🔥
Obviously everyone's playing was fantastic! It is crazy to me that you are known for your legato technique (which is mind blowing), when your jazz chops are stellar. The comping and improvisation was excellent! I really enjoyed this.
great playing with you bad boys 🤙
Wow what a revelation, I'd love to hear more of this.
Beautiful phrasing Tom. I’m clapping after each soloist as deserved!
😍Wonderful stuff guys! Glad you got some recorded 😀
Toms chordal work on this is insanity
Beautiful. This cut should be in an album ❤
Was great to be there - it was standing room only at the back in Glasgow! Everyone was absolutely killing it and guitarguitar did a great job of hosting things as always. Hope you all come back some time.
Thank you so much, I've played it three times already, real interactive impro, top players on the top of their game, perfect.
Beautiful! Chick’s beautiful composition “Windows”, Ibanez, Laney & these 3 cats. Couldn’t get any better💪🏻
Nice to see some refreshing content on your channel!
Wow - ethereal! top notch!
This was so good in the room too
three of my favorites among many but n really jazz guys. wish i could get on stage with them and embarrass myself lol. nice job guys.
Utterly brilliant as ever - or as my old mate Louis Balfour would say…
Nice…really nice
I LOVED this.
Wonderful all around.
Thank you for the video!
4:58 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Awesome playing all round, love the comping
Please record one these gigs and release it, i'd buy it!
You guys made playing Windows look easy!!!
So awesome, two of my tip top favorites together (yourself and Jake) and all 3 of you just made such a cool jam!
We absolutely will do more of these ! What a great night, Cheers Robert (GG Glasgow)
Really happy some of these performances were recorded Tom! Hope to hear and see more from you three together!
what a great performance, Tom!
thumbs up to the amazing ant Law, of course, and the other guitar player whom i did not know :)
Simply incredible. I’m glad I read your comment, Tom, because my appreciation for this recording went even further through the roof once I did.
And fyi, your new MIJ Ibanez sig should be the standard by which all beautiful guitars are measured. What a stunner!
Thanks so much, Chris!
Why doesn't Tom release an album??? And Jake Wilson's album is one of the best in my collection.
Absolutely fantastic, you all nailed it! Wish I could have been there.
Cheers Lee!
That hold on the first long legato run on quayles part with that breath before taking the pocket again was awesome man. @ 3:05
What a nice surprise to see Ant show up on your channel. This was amazing given no prep, practice or even meeting each other previously. Glad the two schools/directions of all-fourths can get along
Ant's an absolute monster - so inspiring to play with him and Jake. We did joke about sacking Jake cos he plays in standard tuning and getting Alex Hutchings in for the next ones. Haha!
@@tomquayleguitar Tom I am on the way too join you,ant and alex...4th tunning.
Hope in future I'll sit beside you and will play together.
This was pretty amazing! Well done guys! :)
Thanks Guillaume!🙏
Real nice.
Sweet. This is fantastic.
Thanks Jim!
This is so good!!
Good shit.
Awesome stuff Tom. I got to see you in Birmingham in guitar guitar store. Hope to catch you live sometime. I am the guy who asked you the breathing question :P
Nice - thanks for coming along to that one.
I was wondering if any of the products you sell break down the patterns you use for 7th arpeggios in major scales and/or the fusion related scales as well? Or at the very least, if any of your products cover the hybrid rules you use and when to use them. That's pretty much what I am after.
I've transcribed what I believe are your methods/approaches for arpeggios, but before I start burning them into my brain/hand muscles I should probably get it right, first.
hi, tom, i'd like to ask why no video upload in solo app channel any more?and the app has no update for more than half a year?(android version still 1.44) bought and like the app very much, wish it be better
Excellent ! Ibanez ne prend pas n'importe qui pour la promo de ses guitares !
3:09 ohhh
😂 exactly!
Tom more jazz tone but all is nice too👍
Ant goes to look more like my mum's yoga instructor every time i see him.
😂 Thanks! I think… 💅