In an interview Amy Lee said that her husband, who was a great friend of hers for years before the marriage, inspired both this song and Bring Me Back to Life. Looking at those two songs she clearly has adored the man for a long time.
I don't know about the rest of my fellow millennials but her voice makes me feel like I'm still 17, locked in my room because nobody understand me but Evanescence always will. I'm 36 now and their music, her voice, is like comfort music. We're not the "freaks", everyone else is.
At my wedding reception, I had this song played during the first dance with my wife. We took ballroom dance lessons for months together, but she had no idea this was going to be the song. She had never heard it before and the lyrics made her cry almost immediately.
Under your spell again I can't say no to you Crave my heart and it's bleeding in your hand I can't say no to you Shouldn't let you torture me so sweetly Now I can't let go of this dream I can't breathe but I feel Good enough I feel good enough for you Drink up sweet decadence I can't say no to you And I've completely lost myself and I don't mind I can't say no to you Shouldn't let you conquer me completely Now I can't let go of this dream Can't believe that I feel Good enough I feel good enough It's been such a long time coming But I feel good And I'm still waiting for the rain to fall Pouring life down on me 'Cause I can't hold on to anything This good enough Am I good enough For you to love me too? So take care what you ask of me 'Cause I can't say no
Amy Lee IS Evanescence. She is also the master of bridge composition. As a songwriter myself, I am very aware that bridges are incredibly challenging to write, because they completely stray from the flow of the song, and can be jarring if done poorly. The main purpose of a bridge is to deviate from the structure, add tension that resolves back to the chorus or solo, making it feel more epic then the verse transition. She consistently pulls this off, emerging unscathed into the chorus and that is a major part of why her music puts a lump in our throats and raises goosebumps. If you don't have any musical training, you might just think she does this using instinct. But once you know what to listen for, you understand that it's all planned. Listen to her bridges with this in mind and you'll understand why I'm babbling.
At your absolute best, you still won’t be good enough for the wrong person. At your worst, you’ll still be worth it to the right person. - Steve Maraboli
I had a girl once sing me this song. Looked straight into my eyes and sang her heart out. Still makes me cry when I think about it 10 years later. Miss you my love.
This song reminds me of my little brother. Before he was born I felt like I wasn't good enough for anyone or anything. When he was born, however, I felt so unconditionally loved. I used to sing him to sleep when he was a baby. One morning I woke up and I was in a lot of pain, I cryed as quietly as I could so I wouldn't burden anyon. My brother came into my room and wiped the tears from my face. He asked me what was wrong and at first I told him it was nothing, he caught my lie and I told him that I was in pain. He got me pain killers and hugged me till I felt better! I love him so much, I got so lucky with him.
This song perfectly explains the vulnerability of opening up to love, the hope, the fear of being hurt, the desire for care and dedication. I can't believe it but today I learned to play it on the piano. Something that only existed in my dreams. Maybe, maybe, I can also open my heart again. Thanks Amy. este temardo explica a la perfección la vulnerabilidad de abrirse al amor, la esperanza, el miedo de salir dolida, el deseo de cuidado y de entrega. No lo puedo creer pero hoy aprendí a tocarla en el piano. Algo que solamente existía en mis sueños. Quizás, quizás, pueda también abrir mi corazón otra vez. Gracias Amy.
I have to say that at 57 years old, I have heard many many ballads, but this one is my no.1. What a voice and talent she has. My no.2 is My Immortal. Peace
The fire represents her old life being burned away, every burden and negative thing. The growing of vines and flowers that follows represents the start of her new life, happy and in love.
Actually, I think the fire represents the spark in her new love that she's singing about and how in love she is. And the rain represents how she expects something bad to happen because that's all she has ever known. She sings. "I'm still waiting for the rain to fall, pour real life down on me, 'cause I can't hold on to anything this good..." Meaning, she's waiting for their relationship to go wrong. And "pour real life down on me" means that she thinks her love is too good to be true and she can't ever hold on to anything that good. And the flowers represent her new love that will last as long as they live. But I guess we can all interpret the song differently. That's what makes music so amazing; we interpret it to fit our lives.
My ex-girlfriend used to listen to this song all the time when she met me. I was a complete jackass all these years, broke her heart, and we are no longer together. Now every time I listen to this song, it brings tears to my eyes, makes me miss her so much, reflect upon what an asshole I was to her, and how could I let her go. There's a magic in Amy's voice which most of the mainstream artists these days lack by all means.
The emotion and poetry in your words show not only the remnants of your love for her but the sincerity in your self reflections. I'm sure wherever she is;with that intensity, she felt it 🤗
I love the imagery of she pain and devastation the fact that all her relationships are nothing but ashes and she blames herself for it, yet she wants to heal find love again and be worthy of being happy. Lovely interpretation and who hasn't been there.
I love "Call Me When You're Sober", "Sweet Sacrifice", and "Lithium"... but no song defines this album to me better than "Good Enough." This was "The Open Door" Amy never walked through until this song... a song designed to showcase her realization that she is good enough. Happy 13th Birthday, "The Open Door." You will forever hold a special place in my musical heart.
This is an orchestra level song, you just get lost while listening to it some how you don’t even know! Such a soothing calming relaxing breathtaking soulsuccing bonecrushing song
She's one of the greatest singer of all time, her voice is unique... I fell in love with her when I first hear her music.. stay loyal if you are a true fan of her...
Miss Amy, I know this song is old, but your voice and words carry farther than you know. I don't think you sing now. You have made a difference to people. Good,be it. Thank you for what you have given people.
Even so, it stills has much wider applicability and the love theme is sufficiently implicit to make it relevant for anyone wondering if they're 'good enough'.
@@Jurek009 Amy actually wrote it about finally having a different, hopeful perspective on things, and it was influenced by her then-friend and now husband's positive influence on her. It's was first "happy" song she had ever written. This is what she said: "I had gone through a lot of difficult things during the writing of the whole album, and by the end of it, I had stepped away from those bad situations. ... After doing that, I felt so amazing. For the first time I felt like I could write a song based on how good I felt. I have never done that before ever."
Only 14 million? I agree, its amazing but she has billions of views collectively, many videos, a good number of albums, and innumerable fans. 14 million views on one video is a lot more than what some people will ever achieve!
Amy lee you are so gifted with the voice of an angel and the beauty of a goddess. I listen to your music and i dont just hear it. I feel it. You are very very talented.
Mayaizzy H Comparatively, not really. It's one of their least viewed videos. It starts to get impressive once it breaks 100 million. I know of artists who pull in over a million likes. (Referring to Imagine Dragons' Radioactive... I know of a lesser known cover of that one that also pulled in over a million likes. (Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix)) So, no, just measuring from likes and views, it isn't that impressive. I'm still quite fond of the song and video though...
The truly fact is that Good Enough was not very promoted which made it no that "successful" for example Bring Mw To Life was pretty promoted and the audience took it in a good way, so if you listen to a song which everyone's talking about and you find out that is going to be released a video for it, many people will see it, but in Good Enough didn't happen that, but it doesn't mean that is not a excellent song or video. They are more than amazing, gorgeous, phenomenal, all those good extreme adjectives haha.
She has more class, grace, and style than all of the others put together....... She doesn't need sex or nudity to sell herself and her music. She does it better than them all. Amy Lee, you're a DOLL!!
I don't know the reason why my eyes become tearful when I listen Amy's voice and songs. But I like to continue to listen her songs again. They are haunting me. I feel sad and then I can't stop adoring her. And then I feel happy again.
So I think these lyrics are about the "danger" of falling in love with someone you can't live without, and the feeling of unworthiness when you meet that wonderful person.
@@elgatodelskz I don't really know where y'all have read this but no. No. Amy wrote this song for her longtime partner who would become her husband a few months later in 2007. It's not about a toxic relationship lmao it's literally a love song. That's what Amy said about Good Enough: "Good Enough". She said, "It's called 'Good Enough,' and it's completely, completely, completely different for me because it sort of [has a] happy ending. It's the last song that I wrote for the record, and it's sort of the bravest, I think, for me because I had to tell the truth and the truth is, I feel, good now. The rest of the album is pretty aggressive and dark and everything else, but the last one is like, I got to the good place that I was heading for and I wrote about how good I felt. It turned out amazing, but it's like nothing we've ever done. I just have to write from my heart and be genuine, because I think that's what people loved about our music to begin with, and if that changes, then that changes."
@@ale_98_ it has the same tone to a child hearing a lullaby and trying not to fall asleep. She was trying to resist falling in love because she couldn't bear the thought of not being loved back, and then realised he does love her, and all her doubts, anxieties and insecurities melted away, and she finally felt "good enough" for her love, because she learnt to love herself. I'm in the same situation. I'm falling in love, but I'm not sure how he feels, and I'm assuming the worst and that he isn't actually interested in me, and from looking at my current circumstances, I feel like I'm not good enough for him because I'm not accomplishing anything, or moving forward in life, or I'm not conventionally attractive, or cause of x,y and z reasons. But I'm just deluding myself, he has feelings for me, I know it, I just don't accept it cause I'm not "good enough".
Audrey Doyle thank you, just thank you for writing this! I'm in a completely the same situation. And..confused..feeling myself ”not good enough”.. I know he has a feeling but it's just the beginning and I cant stop torturing myself with doubts and anxieties and insecurities.. It just doesn't let me go. Anyway, I wish you all the best. ❤️
Crisp clear talent. It goes to show that no matter how talented a person is there will always be someone there to try and tear them down. This chick rocks!
I'm not a ballad person and usually I skip them, especially the 4-5 minute ones, but not in Evanescence's case. Good Enough is so magical and hypnotizing you just can't skip it, you need to listen to it and enjoy every second. And what a great song to close The Open Door album.
Same. Not only does she of course rock the hell out of a stage, Amy Lee also made me enjoy listening to ballads, particularly her own. Well anything she ever sings in any genre, her voice and musicianship is incredibly compelling, whether it's sad, dark, empowering, headbanging, and any other kind of material
It's funny - so many people think that Evanescence was at its best with "Fallen". I actually believe that "The Open Door" is their best, most complete album. I remember listening to it like crazy as a teenager. It might have actually been the first album I have been obsessed with, from the first song to the last.
it is far better than fallen in both sound and lyrical content. When you think about it, the songs on Fallen are almost basic and simple in style. Whereas in The Open Door, both lyrically and vocally, the songs are more complex.
The open door were the first album Amy really wrote it all by herself. I think it is pure art. Such a shame EV3 were censured by the record and she had to addapt the songs for some commerical and usual music. Good anyway
This song was so much about her husband, just as BMtL was a premonition of their eventual relationship. When Amy first met Josh, he asked her if she was truly happy in her life (hence, the mega-hit BMtL). Sometime after she’d split with Seether’s Shawn Morgan, Josh asked her to marry him ... and Good Enough was just one of her responses to that proposal. I love that Amy has always been so out front with regard to so much of her personal experience. She’s an incredible lyricist as a result. We fans have her because she’s real and I love that most about her! I already love the new material from The Bitter Truth and can hardly wait for the new music that has already been created and recorded!
God the emotion in her voice. Listen to when she sings "Cause I can't hold on to anything this good enough, am I good enough for you to love me too?" That quiver in her voice during the first "enough" is heartbreaking. Beautiful track, one that brings me to tears every time.
Evanescence songs are like alcohol! Beautiful and a great thing in decent portions. But could make you sick (depressed) and addicted if consumed excessively
The most beautiful inspiring female artist of my life time. Her voice has such hidden pain but yet such beauty and inspiration. You are a beautiful individual and your music will always be my fav.
Hermosa,hermosísima canción,me encanta la sensación de calma que contagia,y por supuesto como Amy la interpreta,que belleza.Recuerdo de adolescente haberla escuchado pero nunca grabé su nombre.Gracias TH-cam por recomendármela.Evanescence❤
I sang this song to my boyfriend every day when he was in the hospital, and after he came home. Right up until the day he died. Now i listen to it on his death anniversary, and his birthday (today) in remembrance of him; and how no matter what he asked of me, i could never say no.
I just recently sang this song to my boyfriend and he had never heard it before.... It made him cry good, happy tears ❤️ Amy Lee is such an amazing artist.
I get it. Especially when you can relate to her. Probably nothing feels worse in life than to love someone and they don't really love you back; or the part where she's looking in the mirror. You have that sense of self-doubt like, "I'm about as useless as a screen door on a submarine to everyone..." lol.
Between her looks, her screen presence and her singing talent along with great special effects, this video is a masterpiece. With the way the camera loves her, she should be making films in Hollywood.
I turned 40 years old today and Amy/Evanescence helped me through my 20s so much. I'm a recovering drug addict that is a single a mother to 3 kids one of my kids is disabled and very sick, then my dad passed away of cancer in 2005 and he spent most of his life I'm prison and I was abused my husband and just had a hard life....these songs helped me so much
There are a few songs, since the 60's, that just "got it." This song, and this video, is by far the greatest piece of music and visual I have ever seen. Immediately draws my attention to her dark attire and running her hands over the books in her library. Then she plays piano and sings like, omfg, I don't know the? Purely Angelic. This one? Goes down in the books, as one of the greatest compositions for this genre ever. And to see her do it unplugged, omg.
Since time is a spiral, I should let you know that Sweet Caroline was the song playing in the creators' mind when they created this version. They were James, Amal, Nera, Ulric, Samuel.
Hi there 😊☺how do I go about this country and 👋and all the people who have no idea what they want are for the event and I have no problem 😊I just want are we not going out of town for the event that I am not a good idea for the most important part is
Josh Hartzler. He used to be her therapist, it seems. That's why her official name is Amy Lynn Hartzler. Her name when she was born was Amy Lynn something (don't know her original last name), but now she's married to him and so she got that name. New member of the family! (and for the band I guess).
Listening to 2023 from: Portugal, this song is a true anthem. A lot of nostalgia makes you think about the past, present and future. Health, Peace, Love for the whole World are my wishes
There is so much heartbreaking feelings in their Songs, but especially this one. She seems to want to process a lot in her Songs. We should all do that, process emotions and learn to deal with them, even sentimentality does not harm in any way, it only makes us stronger than we would ever guess and you learn what it means to show compassion.
This song is so very moving. Magical, swiftly moving through out my being. Her voice can make even the coldest person weep. Good thing I am NOT cold. It is hard to control my emotions. She reaches such depths with her voice that tare out emotional pain. This group is Breathtaking.
In an interview Amy Lee said that her husband, who was a great friend of hers for years before the marriage, inspired both this song and Bring Me Back to Life. Looking at those two songs she clearly has adored the man for a long time.
I don't know about the rest of my fellow millennials but her voice makes me feel like I'm still 17, locked in my room because nobody understand me but Evanescence always will. I'm 36 now and their music, her voice, is like comfort music. We're not the "freaks", everyone else is.
Don't ever call our age group millennials. That's a complete insult.
@@BoozyGamer How so? Im a millennial and I don't feel insulted.
@@EvanRockwell1 millennials are born between 2000 and 2010, Us Gen y and Z are between the 80's and 00's and are far superior beings.
2024, this song still hits and will never disappear… I will never stop listening and watching all of Evanescence’s music videos…
I’m 73, and her voice always sends me soaring
Its never too late
Older Gen X'r and couldn't agree more. She is sublime.
Fa volare ancora questo giovane corpo e mente qui in Italia che di anni ne ha 33 ! Greetings from Italy!
Desde quando existe idade para voar, sonhar, amar. Música boa é atemporal. ❤❤❤ Voz maravilhosa, mulher incrível...👏👏👏
Diversity in music food. Everything ❤
This is Amy Lee's hidden masterpiece. No one talks about it, but it's one of my favorite songs ever.
As much as I love the piano I can listen to the song over and over just for that not mentioning her angelic voice
I didn't like this song at first. Then I met my parter and I can't listen without crying anymore. A masterpiece
Very romantic and full of different emotions this song is .
@@codypulley7682 So many songs such as this and Lithium and many more are COMPLETELY UNDERRATED
The most underrated song out of every evanescence album.
I fully agree.
Io non mi soffermerei su questo aspetto,ma sulla gioia dell' averla riscoperta e poterla ascoltare ,il resto é solo contorno ! Enjoy it !
She is underrated !!
so true. this is beautiful
Underrated songs don't have videos, so i don't think this is the most underrated of all
It's strange how songs become so much more relatable when you're older. Like you've finally accessed a different portal of understanding.
Yeah it's true
A lot of favorite's I do have here 😘 love this playlist a lot ❤️🎵 can I ask you a question please @Lanitana
very true.
Your emotional intelligence grows as you do. But yes, this song was bad ass when it came out. Now its epic and completely relatable.
Exactly what i am going though in the music that comes to me as I have new understanding
Lee is a real life angel, face and voice to match.
At my wedding reception, I had this song played during the first dance with my wife.
We took ballroom dance lessons for months together, but she had no idea this was going to be the song. She had never heard it before and the lyrics made her cry almost immediately.
I may have to steal this if I ever get married again.
such a dream!!
@@charles1412 please don't get married again Charles. It's not worth it. My ex-wife ended our marriage after 22 years. I will never get married again.
That's beautiful
I have this song already as my future wedding playlist and I didn't know someone actually used this song at their wedding 🥲
Under your spell again
I can't say no to you
Crave my heart and it's bleeding in your hand
I can't say no to you
Shouldn't let you torture me so sweetly
Now I can't let go of this dream
I can't breathe but I feel
Good enough
I feel good enough for you
Drink up sweet decadence
I can't say no to you
And I've completely lost myself and I don't mind
I can't say no to you
Shouldn't let you conquer me completely
Now I can't let go of this dream
Can't believe that I feel
Good enough
I feel good enough
It's been such a long time coming
But I feel good
And I'm still waiting for the rain to fall
Pouring life down on me
'Cause I can't hold on to anything
This good enough
Am I good enough
For you to love me too?
So take care what you ask of me
'Cause I can't say no
+Alvida “#Pray4TheWorld&humanity” Night It's "I'm still waiting for the rain to fall, pouring life down on me." :)
heatherelf77 okay, I did just copy this from a page...
tan profunda.................tan profunda.................tan profunda.................tan profunda.................tan profunda.................tan profunda.................
Man I really love this woman. She literally raised me, my spirits, everything
Nada haver
Amy is a rare talent
tan profunda.................tan profunda.................tan profunda.................
You can call her mum 😅🐰
This was my cat's favorite song. She passed away last night
Amy Lee IS Evanescence.
She is also the master of bridge composition. As a songwriter myself, I am very aware that bridges are incredibly challenging to write, because they completely stray from the flow of the song, and can be jarring if done poorly.
The main purpose of a bridge is to deviate from the structure, add tension that resolves back to the chorus or solo, making it feel more epic then the verse transition.
She consistently pulls this off, emerging unscathed into the chorus and that is a major part of why her music puts a lump in our throats and raises goosebumps.
If you don't have any musical training, you might just think she does this using instinct. But once you know what to listen for, you understand that it's all planned.
Listen to her bridges with this in mind and you'll understand why I'm babbling.
Man the Bridge of Erase This is a masterpiece!❤ its my fav
Spot on !
Amy + piano = unbreakable love
At your absolute best, you still won’t be good enough for the wrong person.
At your worst, you’ll still be worth it to the right person.
- Steve Maraboli
+Laura Ciocoiu So, true!
Thanks, I really, really, needed to hear that.
Laura Ciocoiu thank god you exist and said this.💖
That's true
Laura Ciocoiu chiar aşa
I had a girl once sing me this song. Looked straight into my eyes and sang her heart out. Still makes me cry when I think about it 10 years later. Miss you my love.
Damn used missed someone who would love you with all she had....
you had one much more vulnerable could she have possibly made herself?
This song reminds me of my little brother. Before he was born I felt like I wasn't good enough for anyone or anything. When he was born, however, I felt so unconditionally loved. I used to sing him to sleep when he was a baby. One morning I woke up and I was in a lot of pain, I cryed as quietly as I could so I wouldn't burden anyon. My brother came into my room and wiped the tears from my face. He asked me what was wrong and at first I told him it was nothing, he caught my lie and I told him that I was in pain. He got me pain killers and hugged me till I felt better! I love him so much, I got so lucky with him.
Such a beautiful story. :')
@@mythicalsurvivor okay I will bite. Why do psychics abandon their craft?..
Chrissy your brother seems like he may be an empath. At least he has empathic ways
He’s your healer
she has an opera voice which is what makes evanescence so unique her voice is not one you usually hear in this style of music
True ! This music is near to classical romantic operas
she started out in opera did ya know? shes amazing i wish she still made music :/
+tristan mayhew she does.
i mean music that you hear every day on the radio i dont hear anything new from her ever :/
Radio sucks novadays. It doesn't deserve Evanescence
My adolescence was marked entirely by Evanescence. I always come back to Amy.
Love you too
Same though
My too.😍😢 I'm brasilian
This song perfectly explains the vulnerability of opening up to love, the hope, the fear of being hurt, the desire for care and dedication. I can't believe it but today I learned to play it on the piano. Something that only existed in my dreams. Maybe, maybe, I can also open my heart again. Thanks Amy.
este temardo explica a la perfección la vulnerabilidad de abrirse al amor, la esperanza, el miedo de salir dolida, el deseo de cuidado y de entrega. No lo puedo creer pero hoy aprendí a tocarla en el piano. Algo que solamente existía en mis sueños. Quizás, quizás, pueda también abrir mi corazón otra vez. Gracias Amy.
I have to say that at 57 years old, I have heard many many ballads, but this
one is my no.1. What a voice and talent she has. My no.2 is My Immortal. Peace
She just sends chills up my spine. How can anyone be that incredibly talented? She's so passionate.
Rob Billeaud go check out Lacey Sturm.
i will a sept it more batter on won fowles me the job as singer baie ahter school
Try Tori Amos if you want real talent
She's not millennia.
She's beautiful in every way
Her voice will never get old.
Evanescence are the reason of how and why I learned English
The fire represents her old life being burned away, every burden and negative thing. The growing of vines and flowers that follows represents the start of her new life, happy and in love.
The fire is because she is so hot, everything bursts into flames when shes around.
Actually, I think the fire represents the spark in her new love that she's singing about and how in love she is. And the rain represents how she expects something bad to happen because that's all she has ever known. She sings. "I'm still waiting for the rain to fall, pour real life down on me, 'cause I can't hold on to anything this good..." Meaning, she's waiting for their relationship to go wrong. And "pour real life down on me" means that she thinks her love is too good to be true and she can't ever hold on to anything that good. And the flowers represent her new love that will last as long as they live. But I guess we can all interpret the song differently. That's what makes music so amazing; we interpret it to fit our lives.
She is still hot though ;)
Michael Darwin sexzs🌽🍑🍅🍒🍒🍒
I think the fire represents the climax, her big orgasm and the beautiful way she feels “good enough”.
Amy Lee is a goddess and her vocals are to die for. Not to mention how well she holds her notes. Lungs of steel babe!
I turned 61 last November so I've heard a LOT of musicians in my time. You, m'lady are truly a talented young woman.
Audie Vickers yes she is, listen to evanescence’s album. She’s great
She is entirely herself in this. All aspects of her is showing and it’s absolutely breathtaking. You inspire me Amy.
God, she's probably one of the most beautiful humans in the world...and has one of the best voices. The universe is not fair.
For sure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beauty is in your mind not the the things that you see or hear
You took the words right out of my mind. I think she is just so unbelievably beautiful and her voice is to die for.
She is a classic Goddess! When absolute talent and great beauty are melting, there is Perfection!
@@bigbadcat4838 : above all in what you see, no doubt!
Amy, you do not even know how awesome you are! The world needs more. you are an angel in a world of darkness.
Or she's the avenging angel in the world of hypocrisy.
+AHMAD DRAGON +Harmony Hawthorn Both!!
No, the beautiful light in the entire music industry.
AHMAD jAMEL google is the only reason for me
Evanescence has the most haunting songs that your soul cannot forget!
My ex-girlfriend used to listen to this song all the time when she met me. I was a complete jackass all these years, broke her heart, and we are no longer together. Now every time I listen to this song, it brings tears to my eyes, makes me miss her so much, reflect upon what an asshole I was to her, and how could I let her go. There's a magic in Amy's voice which most of the mainstream artists these days lack by all means.
Empathy man.
The emotion and poetry in your words show not only the remnants of your love for her but the sincerity in your self reflections. I'm sure wherever she is;with that intensity, she felt it 🤗
well then now you know how to not treat a person.
plz talk to her how you regret it and miss to her, you won't know if you don't try
Well said, Destiny :D
Am I the only one who feels like this song would be played as a first dance song for a newly wedded couple at their reception?
that's a good idea
This was my wedding song actually.
+Steve Chase Good choice. It does have a wedding feel to it
this was also my 1st dance song at my wedding
But it's talking about a bitter divorce. I mean, it feels like a wedding song. Cheers!
No other song speaks to the way falling in love with depression feels like. Still love this band, after all these years.
I love the imagery of she pain and devastation the fact that all her relationships are nothing but ashes and she blames herself for it, yet she wants to heal find love again and be worthy of being happy. Lovely interpretation and who hasn't been there.
This is a masterpiece: the vocals, the piano and the stringed instruments. A very underrated song that deserves more attention.
totally underrated because nowadays people have no taste for real ART!
She is so cute, she has pretty face, good constitution and touching voice, drowning me down in thoughts and then making me on the surface again
@@Igorr2010 : so true!
You forgot the awesome video to this song. Actually my favorite song from Evanescence.
@@husbyhogan For sure this video is also a rare masterpiece! Excellent work! Real art!
I love "Call Me When You're Sober", "Sweet Sacrifice", and "Lithium"... but no song defines this album to me better than "Good Enough." This was "The Open Door" Amy never walked through until this song... a song designed to showcase her realization that she is good enough. Happy 13th Birthday, "The Open Door." You will forever hold a special place in my musical heart.
my heart is broken 🔥🔥🔥
I agree with you 🎧🎼✍💖💋
i agree with you
This is an orchestra level song, you just get lost while listening to it some how you don’t even know! Such a soothing calming relaxing breathtaking soulsuccing bonecrushing song
I could listen to amy every day she has a unbelievable voice!!!!
She's one of the greatest singer of all time, her voice is unique... I fell in love with her when I first hear her music.. stay loyal if you are a true fan of her...
@@zahira_rania yes, she is...
I will 💯💯💯💯💯💯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
yeah she's good singer , she; is a phenomen , I am lookingg to the lyrics. crazy
Will be loyal to her forever as long as I live 🤘🤘. Like how can you not. She's just so perfect 💙🤘
Miss Amy, I know this song is old, but your voice and words carry farther than you know. I don't think you sing now. You have made a difference to people. Good,be it. Thank you for what you have given people.
she does, check out the Amy Lee TH-cam channel :)
I heard Evanescence is creating a comeback album or something
REALLY??? where?? when??
She still sings!!! She has a New Children's album out!!!....(she is a Momma now;)
just Love her.....
I like that not all of Evanescence's songs are just about love, like 99% of bands. They actually have songs with deeper meaning to them. :)
It's weird because this song is really about love. She feels loved and good enough for someone.
Even so, it stills has much wider applicability and the love theme is sufficiently implicit to make it relevant for anyone wondering if they're 'good enough'.
@@Jurek009 Amy actually wrote it about finally having a different, hopeful perspective on things, and it was influenced by her then-friend and now husband's positive influence on her. It's was first "happy" song she had ever written. This is what she said: "I had gone through a lot of difficult things during the writing of the whole album, and by the end of it, I had stepped away from those bad situations. ... After doing that, I felt so amazing. For the first time I felt like I could write a song based on how good I felt. I have never done that before ever."
Total humility. I wish I could sing this to the one I love
Amy's voice... the perfection...
I hope that whoever she is with, is treating her like a princess!
She wrote this song about her husband Josh. They’ve been married 14 years now :)
who's still here in 2024?
Will always be here.
I'm here
I'm here ♥️
Hi !
Me from Finland
My god her voice and these songs when your life is in each one of these songs. How could I forget 18 years with someone we were these songs.
Amy Lee is so freaking talented. She's also eternal.
How is it possible this song has only 14 million viewers, that's insulting for something good as this song is!
+Armando P Yeah
+Armando P : I do agree ! Unfortunately the majority is'nt able to perceive real art
Only 14 million? I agree, its amazing but she has billions of views collectively, many videos, a good number of albums, and innumerable fans. 14 million views on one video is a lot more than what some people will ever achieve!
Yeah, I agree. It's a great song and she has a great voice.
+Armando P : Her songs are sophisticated, of very high quality: therefore not for all
Одна из крутых клипов, этой группы!!! 😊 ❤❤❤❤❤
The most beautiful woman and voice I've ever seen or heard.
So mighty in her vocals. Leaves the hairs on my neck frozen in time.
Beautiful performance.
She is one of my favorite artists....her voice is like no others....her lyrics are like no others.....
This women's voice is AMAZING!!! She deserves more attention!
This is one of the most incredibile songs ever created.
yes, it is.
@@MultiDean1980 true, also with "Lost In Paradise" !!
@Kry Kry Stott : yesssss!
Amy is a versatile artist, composes songs, sings them and plays the piano.
Not to mention an underrated actress
@@da3musceteers I didn't know It. Thanks for Your information.
I think that's part of why people like her to be honest.
@@da3musceteers She's not an actress, as she's never acted professionally, but she's really good in her band's music videos
She's a classically-trained pianist, and also plays other instruments including harp and guitar. Her voice is incredible, haunting and versatile too
Amy lee you are so gifted with the voice of an angel and the beauty of a goddess. I listen to your music and i dont just hear it. I feel it. You are very very talented.
Wow! What a great declaration of love!
She's stunning. Gorgeous, with an absolutely angelic voice.
One of the most beautiful songs ever written. Still love it to this day.
I don't understand how this video doesn't have more views or likes. It's one of my all time favorites.
Mayaizzy H
Comparatively, not really. It's one of their least viewed videos. It starts to get impressive once it breaks 100 million. I know of artists who pull in over a million likes. (Referring to Imagine Dragons' Radioactive... I know of a lesser known cover of that one that also pulled in over a million likes. (Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix)) So, no, just measuring from likes and views, it isn't that impressive.
I'm still quite fond of the song and video though...
Because unless someone is around evenescence fans they never even heard of it
i agree
The truly fact is that Good Enough was not very promoted which made it no that "successful" for example Bring Mw To Life was pretty promoted and the audience took it in a good way, so if you listen to a song which everyone's talking about and you find out that is going to be released a video for it, many people will see it, but in Good Enough didn't happen that, but it doesn't mean that is not a excellent song or video. They are more than amazing, gorgeous, phenomenal, all those good extreme adjectives haha.
Last time I checked it was 9mil come back like 2 days later it's at 10 mil, and I'm like "well that was fast" o-O
She has more class, grace, and style than all of the others put together.......
She doesn't need sex or nudity to sell herself and her music. She does it better than them all. Amy Lee, you're a DOLL!!
+Tony Sinopoli : Absolutely agreed !!
Yes!! She is so beautiful, a classic, classy, beauty. The others don't even compare, they aren't even in the same category.
+chantelle hyde : She is far above all others; her music is near to the classical level
your very right
You have exquisite taste!
I don't know the reason why my eyes become tearful when I listen Amy's voice and songs. But I like to continue to listen her songs again. They are haunting me. I feel sad and then I can't stop adoring her. And then I feel happy again.
Best female voice EVER it's hauntingly beautiful and powerful I can't find words to fully describe it
So I think these lyrics are about the "danger" of falling in love with someone you can't live without, and the feeling of unworthiness when you meet that wonderful person.
It's actually about being in a toxic relashionship. And then you get so insecure and emotionally dependent that you cant feel good by yoursslf.
@@elgatodelskz I don't really know where y'all have read this but no. No. Amy wrote this song for her longtime partner who would become her husband a few months later in 2007. It's not about a toxic relationship lmao it's literally a love song. That's what Amy said about Good Enough:
"Good Enough". She said, "It's called 'Good Enough,' and it's completely, completely, completely different for me because it sort of [has a] happy ending. It's the last song that I wrote for the record, and it's sort of the bravest, I think, for me because I had to tell the truth and the truth is, I feel, good now. The rest of the album is pretty aggressive and dark and everything else, but the last one is like, I got to the good place that I was heading for and I wrote about how good I felt. It turned out amazing, but it's like nothing we've ever done. I just have to write from my heart and be genuine, because I think that's what people loved about our music to begin with, and if that changes, then that changes."
@@ale_98_ it has the same tone to a child hearing a lullaby and trying not to fall asleep. She was trying to resist falling in love because she couldn't bear the thought of not being loved back, and then realised he does love her, and all her doubts, anxieties and insecurities melted away, and she finally felt "good enough" for her love, because she learnt to love herself.
I'm in the same situation. I'm falling in love, but I'm not sure how he feels, and I'm assuming the worst and that he isn't actually interested in me, and from looking at my current circumstances, I feel like I'm not good enough for him because I'm not accomplishing anything, or moving forward in life, or I'm not conventionally attractive, or cause of x,y and z reasons.
But I'm just deluding myself, he has feelings for me, I know it, I just don't accept it cause I'm not "good enough".
@@audreydoyle5268 exactly, i mean... it's all about learn to love and trust love, because it is scary. It has nothing to do with a toxic relationship.
Audrey Doyle thank you, just thank you for writing this! I'm in a completely the same situation. And..confused..feeling myself ”not good enough”.. I know he has a feeling but it's just the beginning and I cant stop torturing myself with doubts and anxieties and insecurities.. It just doesn't let me go. Anyway, I wish you all the best. ❤️
Crisp clear talent. It goes to show that no matter how talented a person is there will always be someone there to try and tear them down. This chick rocks!
Am I the only one who gets lost in Amy Lee's eyes? I love her eyes. I don't know what I would do if I met her. Probably get lost in her eyes.
Yes, she is so sexy and beautiful she will marry me one day
Sinjin Van Cleef sorry bro , she's mine already
Nawfal Abdessadek No, go away I called dibs first.
We are already married but she doesn't know yet
It's because of guys like us that the song "Snow White Queen" was created lmao
I'm not a ballad person and usually I skip them, especially the 4-5 minute ones, but not in Evanescence's case. Good Enough is so magical and hypnotizing you just can't skip it, you need to listen to it and enjoy every second. And what a great song to close The Open Door album.
Same. Not only does she of course rock the hell out of a stage, Amy Lee also made me enjoy listening to ballads, particularly her own. Well anything she ever sings in any genre, her voice and musicianship is incredibly compelling, whether it's sad, dark, empowering, headbanging, and any other kind of material
Anyone who doesn't have the feels while listening to this song is soulless.
It's everything
@@natashamckinney6668 this is a good music
Yes. All the feels. Her songs are so full of emotion and power
It's funny - so many people think that Evanescence was at its best with "Fallen". I actually believe that "The Open Door" is their best, most complete album. I remember listening to it like crazy as a teenager. It might have actually been the first album I have been obsessed with, from the first song to the last.
Yes! This is my favorite album by them. So many emotions!
it is far better than fallen in both sound and lyrical content. When you think about it, the songs on Fallen are almost basic and simple in style. Whereas in The Open Door, both lyrically and vocally, the songs are more complex.
@Kry Kry Stott i agree!
The open door were the first album Amy really wrote it all by herself. I think it is pure art.
Such a shame EV3 were censured by the record and she had to addapt the songs for some commerical and usual music. Good anyway
@@DiegoCoutinhoGameplays I didn't know that about the third album. I bet it was amazing live though.
This video gave me a kind of chill and deja vu that I can't explain
+reginalunaraea I love her piano playing! I get goosebumps every time!
+Karen Larson love her styl with fire rain plants cool
+Karen Larson : She is also a great pianist; an highly gifted artist indeed. Should have more worldwide success, but her music is not for all
+reginalunaraea Same. I've never heard it or seen it before, yet it feels so familiar...
+reginalunaraea hi are you french : You said " Deéjà vu "!?
This song was so much about her husband, just as BMtL was a premonition of their eventual relationship. When Amy first met Josh, he asked her if she was truly happy in her life (hence, the mega-hit BMtL). Sometime after she’d split with Seether’s Shawn Morgan, Josh asked her to marry him ... and Good Enough was just one of her responses to that proposal. I love that Amy has always been so out front with regard to so much of her personal experience. She’s an incredible lyricist as a result. We fans have her because she’s real and I love that most about her! I already love the new material from The Bitter Truth and can hardly wait for the new music that has already been created and recorded!
Hurrr, durrr-pada-hurrrrrrrrrp
Couldn't have said it any better!
Awesome 💜💜💜
no wonder this song sounds so sweet and romantic
Love you
God the emotion in her voice. Listen to when she sings "Cause I can't hold on to anything this good enough, am I good enough for you to love me too?" That quiver in her voice during the first "enough" is heartbreaking. Beautiful track, one that brings me to tears every time.
that's so true and I'm sitting here in tears now, 7 days later :)
She's a belter, voice of an angel.
Excellent voice, but if you ever heard !!!!!
Evanescence songs are like alcohol!
Beautiful and a great thing in decent portions.
But could make you sick (depressed) and addicted if consumed excessively
Philipp perfect
insightful...but then alcohol is a poison..hmm...
The most beautiful inspiring female artist of my life time. Her voice has such hidden pain but yet such beauty and inspiration. You are a beautiful individual and your music will always be my fav.
She’s is so absolutely beautiful as is her voice, love Amy have since I was a little girl ❤
@@Kaylaw9 oooh same i still have it from my 14's ;D ive keep it preciously since then
this song didn't get the recognition it deserved
She is one of the most beautiful women alive and incredibly talented. We love you, please do not change.
The most beatiful woman on this planet.I'm serios.
probably not. but good enough :D
I would marry her
@ayan I actually want to marry him
Hermosa,hermosísima canción,me encanta la sensación de calma que contagia,y por supuesto como Amy la interpreta,que belleza.Recuerdo de adolescente haberla escuchado pero nunca grabé su nombre.Gracias TH-cam por recomendármela.Evanescence❤
I sang this song to my boyfriend every day when he was in the hospital, and after he came home. Right up until the day he died. Now i listen to it on his death anniversary, and his birthday (today) in remembrance of him; and how no matter what he asked of me, i could never say no.
Nikky Weiser . So sorry for your loss. Hope you experience Love again
I'm sorry :(
Nikky Weiser so toching Nikky. 😞
Nikky Weiser It's a beautiful song sorry for your loss life is tough be strong stay strong
Everyone should listen deep with their hearts and let Amy's angelic voice touch their souls. We are all Good Enough...
A woman like her must be an angel on earth
Her voice still gives me goosebumps and saved me so many times!
I just recently sang this song to my boyfriend and he had never heard it before.... It made him cry good, happy tears ❤️
Amy Lee is such an amazing artist.
Mature enough to understand this song, finaly.
Omg shut up
@@johnmartin650 whyyy?
GACHA's got FEELINGS My guess is john Martin isn’t mature enough to understand this comment.
Jealous! Still waiting for that feeling....
Know the feeling...
Does this song make anybody else cry?
Makes me cry everytime I hear it... pretty strong imagery in this video too.
I get it. Especially when you can relate to her. Probably nothing feels worse in life than to love someone and they don't really love you back; or the part where she's looking in the mirror. You have that sense of self-doubt like, "I'm about as useless as a screen door on a submarine to everyone..." lol.
Bruh I'm a grown ass man and this song still makes me cry.
Listen to her cover of coming to california. You can cry for another 3 min like me. Lmao
Going not coming
i get goosebumps erry time
try listening to songs in 432 hz its great
heres some evanescence in 432 hz
is it because its gothic song?
Exactly how I feel! So amazing her voice.
Only true on that.. I agree
Between her looks, her screen presence and her singing talent along with great special effects, this video is a masterpiece. With the way the camera loves her, she should be making films in Hollywood.
I turned 40 years old today and Amy/Evanescence helped me through my 20s so much. I'm a recovering drug addict that is a single a mother to 3 kids one of my kids is disabled and very sick, then my dad passed away of cancer in 2005 and he spent most of his life I'm prison and I was abused my husband and just had a hard life....these songs helped me so much
Me too...
A lot of favorite's I do have here 😘 love this playlist a lot ❤️🎵 can I ask you a question please @katrina
@@MegaMommaUlman Hello, how are you doing?
Are we sure she’s not a fallen angel? Or like just a visiting angel? She’s such perfection
Am nearly 62 and this song still gets me every time i hear it, just ❤ it and Amy's voice just wow
“So take care of what you ask of me cause I can’t say no” omg
There are a few songs, since the 60's, that just "got it." This song, and this video, is by far the greatest piece of music and visual I have ever seen. Immediately draws my attention to her dark attire and running her hands over the books in her library. Then she plays piano and sings like, omfg, I don't know the? Purely Angelic. This one? Goes down in the books, as one of the greatest compositions for this genre ever. And to see her do it unplugged, omg.
Since time is a spiral, I should let you know that Sweet Caroline was the song playing in the creators' mind when they created this version. They were James, Amal, Nera, Ulric, Samuel.
Yes its good music and as long we not going under im ok because i dont see no one drowning im not drowning
His name was so high that I was so proud to go to a great day with a good deal on it and will get back on the other day and get
Hi there 😊☺how do I go about this country and 👋and all the people who have no idea what they want are for the event and I have no problem 😊I just want are we not going out of town for the event that I am not a good idea for the most important part is
shes so incredibly beautiful and cute!
Haha I just feel the exact same way.
i feel the same way too
teresa mccabe Did you know she's having a baby? She just said it on Facebook this Saturday.
omg realy? =D whos her husband ??
Josh Hartzler. He used to be her therapist, it seems. That's why her official name is Amy Lynn Hartzler. Her name when she was born was Amy Lynn something (don't know her original last name), but now she's married to him and so she got that name. New member of the family! (and for the band I guess).
Listening to 2023 from: Portugal, this song is a true anthem. A lot of nostalgia makes you think about the past, present and future. Health, Peace, Love for the whole World are my wishes
There is so much heartbreaking feelings in their Songs, but especially this one. She seems to want to process a lot in her Songs. We should all do that, process emotions and learn to deal with them, even sentimentality does not harm in any way, it only makes us stronger than we would ever guess and you learn what it means to show compassion.
This song is so very moving. Magical, swiftly moving through out my being. Her voice can make even the coldest person weep. Good thing I am NOT cold. It is hard to control my emotions. She reaches such depths with her voice that tare out emotional pain. This group is Breathtaking.
Christian men and women grew up learning to sing well. I know, I am one of them. She has a haunting voice.
@@bigmclargehuge7170 Same Here man I am too
People who said they only like the song "Bring Me to Life" obviously don't know how much they're missing out.
DrugMusic_ so true!!!!! This band helped me through highschool
DrugMusic_ right
One the most melodic and powerful voices I've ever heard people need to listen to Amy's full range of lyrics the perfect individual
I've only ever heard people say that they only like My Immortal but I definitely agree either way.
Peopple that dont elaborate on what bring me to life means....Stay DEAD
I keep returning ... cannot help myself to listen to our favorite voice ...
She proves that a woman doesn't have to be painfully thin to be gorgeous. :)
Kaleb H or have to take her clothes off to be famous
You guys both are correct 🤗
She's absolutely beautiful.
Kaleb H thank you for that