Padraic's literary tour of Dublin

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 เม.ย. 2011
  • Padraic joins the literary tour of Dublin. Follow the craic with Padraic, as he discovers the 3 P's the Pub, Pint and the Poet.

ความคิดเห็น • 5

  • @ucry4me72
    @ucry4me72 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'd give anything to be there. So full of history. How wonderful.

  • @crc778Hypnodoc
    @crc778Hypnodoc 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    And good humoured. Plus some still some trad music at w.e's. And very good trad music on week nights. I'm sure there must be some good trad pubs still in Dub, and if you can reccomend any in or walking distance to that central area I'd be grateful and will pay a v isit next time. Cheers (p.s drinks VERY expensive in Dub)

  • @molemaninthemorning
    @molemaninthemorning 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    You must be going to the wrong pubs in Dublin if you can't find any craic in them. There are plenty of gems that cater for everyone, English included and not just full of stags and hens. The effers and blinders are mostly the Dubs though. Also, Kilkenny is a top destination for stags and hens too....

  • @crc778Hypnodoc
    @crc778Hypnodoc 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @molemaninthemorning Hi, well I think trouble was I've only stayed in Dublin for week ends and I'm not a driver so I'm restricted to the area round The Busares, O'Connel St, Temple bar etc. The latter was a real let down, just Italian and chinese everywhere and every other pub round there had so many Hen/stag parties it was more like Blackpool! and of course English foul mouth's who just can't take a drink. KK yes some such parties on week ends but few English and (continued)

  • @crc778Hypnodoc
    @crc778Hypnodoc 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well, sad to say the 'pint' has inceased in price way higher than the rest of Eire. Dublin has become a very dirty old town, it's pubs infested every week end by English Hen and Stag parties, with no literacy gems beyond blind drunk English men and women F'ing and blinding all over the place. Try Kilkenny a much nicer and more entertaining place altogether