Ich bin nicht über dir, Ich bin nicht unter dir, Ich stehe nicht hinter dir ( sonst falle ich um ), Ich bin nicht vor dir ( sonst kann ich nicht meinen Weg sehen ) -- Ich bin neben dir . Rio hat es verstanden !!!!! -- Rio ist und wird immer mein Poet bleiben.......RIP
Beautiful! TSS and Rio Reiser are Punk at it's most poetic and inviting. However, a big chunk of nuance is lost in the translation presented here: "Komm. Schlaf BEI mir!" means something like "Come. Sleep AT mine!" like the french "Chez Moi". Sex MIGHT be on the table. But the poet leaves no question that there no automatism in coming with him:"I'm not above You, I'm not beneath You. I'm next to You! Whoever takes Rios invitation will be absolutely free every moment she/he is at his place. So it's not "Come, Sleep WITH me!", something between begging and demanding sex. Please correct that! I hold this song very dear. So much so, that I think it would be a beautiful german national anthem. I really do. Imagine the melody at state visits and sporting events! Imagine the message translated to people in repressive, openly sexist/racist and patriarchic countries: "I'm not above You, I'm not beneath You. I'm next to You. Sleep at mine!" And how plain and stupid it will sound to the world if it's just demanding a fuck.
Ich bin nicht über dir, Ich bin nicht unter dir, Ich stehe nicht hinter dir ( sonst falle ich um ), Ich bin nicht vor dir ( sonst kann ich nicht meinen Weg sehen ) -- Ich bin neben dir . Rio hat es verstanden !!!!! -- Rio ist und wird immer mein Poet bleiben.......RIP
Beautiful! TSS and Rio Reiser are Punk at it's most poetic and inviting. However, a big chunk of nuance is lost in the translation presented here: "Komm. Schlaf BEI mir!" means something like "Come. Sleep AT mine!" like the french "Chez Moi". Sex MIGHT be on the table. But the poet leaves no question that there no automatism in coming with him:"I'm not above You, I'm not beneath You. I'm next to You! Whoever takes Rios invitation will be absolutely free every moment she/he is at his place. So it's not "Come, Sleep WITH me!", something between begging and demanding sex. Please correct that! I hold this song very dear. So much so, that I think it would be a beautiful german national anthem. I really do. Imagine the melody at state visits and sporting events! Imagine the message translated to people in repressive, openly sexist/racist and patriarchic countries: "I'm not above You, I'm not beneath You. I'm next to You. Sleep at mine!" And how plain and stupid it will sound to the world if it's just demanding a fuck.
Yep! - Genau DIESES Wort wollte ich soeben in die Kommentare schreiben.. - aber DU warst schneller, früher.. 🤗