Aww Happy Birthday Mew 🎉💝💖 This made my heart glad to see so many fans supporting Mew. I hope his birthday was an amazing one. Love him so much.♥️❤️❣️❤️🔥😍😍🥰🥰
Lei de causa e efeito sr Mew. Aos 32 anos ja deveria saber que nem tudo o que pensamos devemos dizer. Ainda que o queres dizer tem que ter sabedoria na forma de falar e principalmente nao envolver quem nao está presente para se defender. Se colocar no lugar do outro é de extrema prudencia para que ninguem se sinta magoado ou ofendido. Tem mais: falar no momento de raiva, faz com que as palavras saiam desordenadas e dizem muito mais do que na verdade queriamos dizer. A sua imaturidade nao vai sair barato. O seu internamento hoje é motivo de discussoes quanto à veracidade da causa. Pena que no caminho que voce arduamente trilhou ate agora, voce mesmo está colocando pedras. A mim pouco importa quem voce namora, é a sua vida, mas uma pessoa publica sair da sua razao on line é no minimo lamentavel. Gostaria de ser sua amiga para dizer tudo isso pessoalmente sr Mew.
Take the consequences of all your actions @ words even though you are being honest to yourself as well in the fans... 💪❤ so let it be... sure enough there are still fans loving @ supporting all the way... 🙂
ADMIN: I believe you do an excellent job of balancing the reputation of the Mew Gulf fandom. With as little bias a possible. It is shameful to kick someone when they are down and feel justified in doing so. No one deserves that even when people expect celebrities to struggle alone, restricted, and oppressed. But money is expected to make them feel better? Do better? Hurt less? No. Love does. If you reaped what you sow, and no one offers love to get them right, then we have failed as humans. Charity is love and forgiveness matters. Even God can’t make everyone happy!
Gracias al creador de contenido de este canal,por su esfuerzo y dedicación. ¡¡Buen video!! Gracias al subtitulado automático, entiendo bastante los contenidos de estos videos. "Su su na" 💪💪👍👍. Saludos desde España.
Einem vielseitig talentierten Künstler zu seinem 32.igsten Geburtstag …🎂 Ich wünsche dir Glück 🍀 Ein liebendes Herz, das nur für dich schlägt. Einen treuen Lebenspartner, der mit dir durch dick und dünn geht. Einen gesunden Geist, der in einem gesunden Körper wohnt. Eine integre Familie, stark wie ein Fels in der Brandung. Einen vierbeinigen Begleiter, der dich in Krankheit und Kummer tröstet. Ein behagliches Heim, in dem du dich wohl, sicher und geborgen fühlst. Reisen an Orte, die dich faszinieren und deren Land dich kulturell begeistert. Grenzenlose Möglichkeiten, um nach den Sternen zu greifen. Ein Meer von Ideen und unerschöpfliche Kreativität. Astronomische Höhenflüge, die dich manchmal die Erdenschwere vergessen lassen. Positive Gedanken, die deinen Tag beflügeln. Ein gewinnendes Lächeln, das deine Seele berührt und Gefühle in dir weckt. Sanftmut und Herzensgüte, um anderen ihre Fehler zu verzeihen. Einen Sack voller Spaß und Humor, der dein Leben mit Heiterkeit und Lachen erfüllt. Beschauliche Stunden der Muße, die dich erden und in denen du wieder zu dir selbst findest. Achtsame Menschen, die dich liebevoll umsorgen. Eine stabile Beziehung, die dich das Gefühl der Einsamkeit über Bord werfen lässt. Magische Augenblicke, die das Feuer der Leidenschaft in dir entfachen. Aufrichtige Zeitgenossen, die dich um deiner selbst willen lieben. Zuverlässige Freunde, die auch in größter Not an deiner Seite stehen. Warmherzige Weggefährten, die dein Vertrauen verdienen. Charakterstarke Kameraden, die eine Lanze für dich brechen und für dich eintreten. Geradlinige Kollegen, die dir den Rücken freihalten und dich aus der Schusslinie nehmen. Taffe Geschäftspartner, die deine Pläne und Visionen unterstützen und dir den Weg ebnen. Inspirierende Begegnungen, mit interessanten Gesprächen im Gepäck. Eine Handvoll Erde, die dich an das Hier und Jetzt erinnert. Einen kräftigen Regenguss, der deine traurigsten Tage an weit entfernte Ufer spült. Eine sanfte Brise, die die still geweinten Tränen auf deinem Gesicht trocknet. Eine immerwährende Flamme, deren Licht deine dunkelsten Stunden erhellt. Ein inneres Auge, das dich nicht auf die Minuten, sondern auf die Momente achten lässt. Goldene Sonnenstrahlen, die dich wärmen, wenn dir kalt ist. Myriaden von Sternschnuppen, die dir alle deine Wünsche erfüllen. Sinnliche Funkenregen elysischer Wonnen, bei denen du die Bettkante aus den Augen verlierst. Silbernes Mondlicht, das dich nachts sanft streichelt, wenn du schläfst. Schillernde Regenbogen voller süßer Träume, die dich erholsam in Hypnos' Armen ruhen lassen. Einen Weg, auf dem du ein Ziel vor Augen hast und den du gerne gehst. Berufliche Erfolge, um die Früchte deiner Arbeit zu ernten. Wertvolle Erfahrungen, die dich reifen lassen und dich bereichern. Einen kritischen Blick, der deinem Denken Weisheit und deinem Handeln Mut gibt. Kraft und Ausdauer, um die Hürden des Lebens selbstbewusst zu meistern. Eine starke Hand, die dich hält, wenn du ins Straucheln gerätst. Ein engmaschiges Netz, das dich auffängt, wenn du fällst. Ein erfülltes Dasein, von den Stürmen des Schicksals unberührt. Ein blühendes Leben voller Liebe, Freude und Harmonie. Eine Welt, wie DEIN ICH sie sich ersehnt. Und ich wünsche dir Zeit, … denn sie ist der Pulsschlag des Seins und das Fortschreiten der Gegenwart von der Vergangenheit kommend, die uns zur Zukunft führt. Happy Birthday, Mew ❤❤❤ 👋 bye-bye
Well I'm sure he still has loving fans left even though he said those things about "what the mind wants to believe against reality of fan service " still can't get over my dissapointment though... But that's how it is. It was great illusion while it last. I'll be more clingy with #Gulf because he's more deserving of my affection. I felt used when it's with #Mew (sorry that's just my bubble bursting) please stay with him it's just me here.. Hoping for your success, hope you received many gifts on your B-Day hehehe
That was not the context for what Mew said. He told some "fans" who constantly asked him to go directly with his answers to personal things, to give them an answer, he answered them and they did not like it and they blamed him and kept asking him; That's why he was referring to who understands them? (Go check it out) And he's right. Mew also said that they could ship him with whoever they wanted as he didn't have a problem with that, they were within their rights. What he did have a problem with was that they harassed their families, friends and co-workers. He referred to those "fans" as lacking education and he is also right about that. That's why you weren't one of those kinds of inconsistent fans with a lack of respect for him and his environment. You shouldn't feel that way about him. But as Mew wisely said, this is like a courtship if they don't understand each other it's better to separate. So those who continue with him will be those who understand and accept his way of being and feeling and that does not make him ungrateful to his fans, because even when he wrote the tweets he thanked the fans for being cute (narak). And regarding Gulf not talking and not having the intention of talking about fan service and apologizing because he also lied to them, he doesn't do it better than Mew, even both families knew it and supported them with the lie because it was part of his job (So is the BL and it is well known), Mew faced by telling the truth losing fans, popularity, sponsorships, future works (translated to $$). and Gulf?? It's easier not to lose anything by keeping quiet. The question is: is it out of love for the fans or not to lose other things (which Mew might lose, regardless for his peace of mind. Because he should never put their expectations ahead of his)?? Mew did not use Gulf. On the contrary, he always supported him, he taught him to give interviews, how to communicate with his fans, to act, he encouraged him to sing and dance and when he felt insecure he supported him, when Gulf had a problem with his girlfriend he helped him and advised him, said by Gulf himself taught him how to do his autograph signing, many of the phrases, songs, poses that Gulf uses up to now were originally from Mew, etc. And he didn't want to use it so much that for the next 2 years he didn't even mention it or even give ambiguous answers until now that he told the truth and apologized. If you thought about it, just as rigid as with Mew. I support the 2 because as a fan I know my limits and I don't feel offended by him because I am not that type of "fan" and now how they attack and harass him on networks (who have no right, nor is it from people with mental health nor education). I support both not because of the ship but because of the good actors they are, workers, who love their families, are generous and good people.
É por isso que amo,amo,amo profundamente o Mew pelas sabia palavras é um homem muito inteligente e sabe respeitar todas os seus fãs mesmo nas brincadeiras ele é demais te amo Mew de sua fã Brasileira ❤️👏🇧🇷
Извините за мое мнение, но мне кажется, что вы несправедливый человек, кто бы ни делал эти видео, тратит много времени, чтобы дать своевременную информацию, просто из любви к этим двум артистам, возможно, он не понял, что субтитры были не активирован... будьте осторожны
@@beatrizhelenabuitragosclaf8619 Я ни в коем случае не хочу ни кого обвинять.!! Просто это уже второе видео где нет субтитров.И я очень благодарна авторам ,что дают нам возможность видеть наших любимых артистов.
Ahora a las 6 de la mañana, en mi mobil la traducción automática en ruso está activada. Lo acabo de comprobar. Espero que los/las companeros rusos que siguen a Mew ya no estén enfadados. Es curioso que Google no me deja traducir los comentarios en inglés ni en tailandes. En otros idiomas como el ruso no hay problema. Saludos desde España.
Aww Happy Birthday Mew 🎉💝💖
This made my heart glad to see so many fans supporting Mew. I hope his birthday was an amazing one. Love him so much.♥️❤️❣️❤️🔥😍😍🥰🥰
Lei de causa e efeito sr Mew. Aos 32 anos ja deveria saber que nem tudo o que pensamos devemos dizer. Ainda que o queres dizer tem que ter sabedoria na forma de falar e principalmente nao envolver quem nao está presente para se defender. Se colocar no lugar do outro é de extrema prudencia para que ninguem se sinta magoado ou ofendido. Tem mais: falar no momento de raiva, faz com que as palavras saiam desordenadas e dizem muito mais do que na verdade queriamos dizer. A sua imaturidade nao vai sair barato. O seu internamento hoje é motivo de discussoes quanto à veracidade da causa. Pena que no caminho que voce arduamente trilhou ate agora, voce mesmo está colocando pedras. A mim pouco importa quem voce namora, é a sua vida, mas uma pessoa publica sair da sua razao on line é no minimo lamentavel. Gostaria de ser sua amiga para dizer tudo isso pessoalmente sr Mew.
Mew est hospitalisé ?
@@velo7506 esta sim e isso é o motivo das discussoes do dia, porque segundo dizem ele postou com cara de saudavel e fazendo pose.
D accord
@@dagmarmagalhaes7889 quelqu un connait la raison de cette hospitalisation ?
Happy Birthday Mew, stay healthy and be proud of yourself.
Greetings from Germany.
Take the consequences of all your actions @ words even though you are being honest to yourself as well in the fans... 💪❤ so let it be... sure enough there are still fans loving @ supporting all the way... 🙂
Praying Mew to have a peaceful sleep in this silent night...☀️❤️🐼
ADMIN: I believe you do an excellent job of balancing the reputation of the Mew Gulf fandom. With as little bias a possible. It is shameful to kick someone when they are down and feel justified in doing so. No one deserves that even when people expect celebrities to struggle alone, restricted, and oppressed. But money is expected to make them feel better? Do better? Hurt less? No. Love does. If you reaped what you sow, and no one offers love to get them right, then we have failed as humans. Charity is love and forgiveness matters. Even God can’t make everyone happy!
La gente se va, solo los que tengan la paciencia de esperar para saber todo se quedarán!.
Gracias al creador de contenido de este canal,por su esfuerzo y dedicación. ¡¡Buen video!! Gracias al subtitulado automático, entiendo bastante los contenidos de estos videos. "Su su na" 💪💪👍👍. Saludos desde España.
Мью с днём рождения. Будь счастлив, сильным. Все наладится.
Einem vielseitig talentierten Künstler
zu seinem 32.igsten Geburtstag …🎂
Ich wünsche dir Glück 🍀
Ein liebendes Herz, das nur für dich schlägt.
Einen treuen Lebenspartner, der mit dir durch dick und dünn geht.
Einen gesunden Geist, der in einem gesunden Körper wohnt.
Eine integre Familie, stark wie ein Fels in der Brandung.
Einen vierbeinigen Begleiter, der dich in Krankheit und Kummer tröstet.
Ein behagliches Heim, in dem du dich wohl, sicher und geborgen fühlst.
Reisen an Orte, die dich faszinieren und deren Land dich kulturell begeistert.
Grenzenlose Möglichkeiten, um nach den Sternen zu greifen.
Ein Meer von Ideen und unerschöpfliche Kreativität.
Astronomische Höhenflüge, die dich manchmal die Erdenschwere vergessen lassen.
Positive Gedanken, die deinen Tag beflügeln.
Ein gewinnendes Lächeln, das deine Seele berührt und Gefühle in dir weckt.
Sanftmut und Herzensgüte, um anderen ihre Fehler zu verzeihen.
Einen Sack voller Spaß und Humor, der dein Leben mit Heiterkeit und Lachen erfüllt.
Beschauliche Stunden der Muße, die dich erden und in denen du wieder zu dir selbst findest.
Achtsame Menschen, die dich liebevoll umsorgen.
Eine stabile Beziehung, die dich das Gefühl der Einsamkeit über Bord werfen lässt.
Magische Augenblicke, die das Feuer der Leidenschaft in dir entfachen.
Aufrichtige Zeitgenossen, die dich um deiner selbst willen lieben.
Zuverlässige Freunde, die auch in größter Not an deiner Seite stehen.
Warmherzige Weggefährten, die dein Vertrauen verdienen.
Charakterstarke Kameraden, die eine Lanze für dich brechen und für dich eintreten.
Geradlinige Kollegen, die dir den Rücken freihalten und dich aus der Schusslinie nehmen.
Taffe Geschäftspartner, die deine Pläne und Visionen unterstützen und dir den Weg ebnen.
Inspirierende Begegnungen, mit interessanten Gesprächen im Gepäck.
Eine Handvoll Erde, die dich an das Hier und Jetzt erinnert.
Einen kräftigen Regenguss, der deine traurigsten Tage an weit entfernte Ufer spült.
Eine sanfte Brise, die die still geweinten Tränen auf deinem Gesicht trocknet.
Eine immerwährende Flamme, deren Licht deine dunkelsten Stunden erhellt.
Ein inneres Auge, das dich nicht auf die Minuten, sondern auf die Momente achten lässt.
Goldene Sonnenstrahlen, die dich wärmen, wenn dir kalt ist.
Myriaden von Sternschnuppen, die dir alle deine Wünsche erfüllen.
Sinnliche Funkenregen elysischer Wonnen, bei denen du die Bettkante aus den Augen verlierst.
Silbernes Mondlicht, das dich nachts sanft streichelt, wenn du schläfst.
Schillernde Regenbogen voller süßer Träume, die dich erholsam in Hypnos' Armen ruhen lassen.
Einen Weg, auf dem du ein Ziel vor Augen hast und den du gerne gehst.
Berufliche Erfolge, um die Früchte deiner Arbeit zu ernten.
Wertvolle Erfahrungen, die dich reifen lassen und dich bereichern.
Einen kritischen Blick, der deinem Denken Weisheit und deinem Handeln Mut gibt.
Kraft und Ausdauer, um die Hürden des Lebens selbstbewusst zu meistern.
Eine starke Hand, die dich hält, wenn du ins Straucheln gerätst.
Ein engmaschiges Netz, das dich auffängt, wenn du fällst.
Ein erfülltes Dasein, von den Stürmen des Schicksals unberührt.
Ein blühendes Leben voller Liebe, Freude und Harmonie.
Eine Welt, wie DEIN ICH sie sich ersehnt.
Und ich wünsche dir Zeit,
… denn sie ist der Pulsschlag des Seins und das Fortschreiten der Gegenwart von der Vergangenheit kommend, die uns zur Zukunft führt.
Happy Birthday, Mew ❤❤❤
👋 bye-bye
I always love you...thank you for being real...
12:19 lo sabía
Thank you for the video 👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✌️🇺🇸
Well I'm sure he still has loving fans left even though he said those things about "what the mind wants to believe against reality of fan service " still can't get over my dissapointment though... But that's how it is.
It was great illusion while it last. I'll be more clingy with #Gulf because he's more deserving of my affection. I felt used when it's with #Mew (sorry that's just my bubble bursting) please stay with him it's just me here.. Hoping for your success, hope you received many gifts on your B-Day hehehe
That was not the context for what Mew said. He told some "fans" who constantly asked him to go directly with his answers to personal things, to give them an answer, he answered them and they did not like it and they blamed him and kept asking him; That's why he was referring to who understands them? (Go check it out) And he's right. Mew also said that they could ship him with whoever they wanted as he didn't have a problem with that, they were within their rights. What he did have a problem with was that they harassed their families, friends and co-workers. He referred to those "fans" as lacking education and he is also right about that. That's why you weren't one of those kinds of inconsistent fans with a lack of respect for him and his environment. You shouldn't feel that way about him. But as Mew wisely said, this is like a courtship if they don't understand each other it's better to separate. So those who continue with him will be those who understand and accept his way of being and feeling and that does not make him ungrateful to his fans, because even when he wrote the tweets he thanked the fans for being cute (narak). And regarding Gulf not talking and not having the intention of talking about fan service and apologizing because he also lied to them, he doesn't do it better than Mew, even both families knew it and supported them with the lie because it was part of his job (So is the BL and it is well known), Mew faced by telling the truth losing fans, popularity, sponsorships, future works (translated to $$). and Gulf?? It's easier not to lose anything by keeping quiet. The question is: is it out of love for the fans or not to lose other things (which Mew might lose, regardless for his peace of mind. Because he should never put their expectations ahead of his)??
Mew did not use Gulf. On the contrary, he always supported him, he taught him to give interviews, how to communicate with his fans, to act, he encouraged him to sing and dance and when he felt insecure he supported him, when Gulf had a problem with his girlfriend he helped him and advised him, said by Gulf himself taught him how to do his autograph signing, many of the phrases, songs, poses that Gulf uses up to now were originally from Mew, etc. And he didn't want to use it so much that for the next 2 years he didn't even mention it or even give ambiguous answers until now that he told the truth and apologized.
If you thought about it, just as rigid as with Mew.
I support the 2 because as a fan I know my limits and I don't feel offended by him because I am not that type of "fan" and now how they attack and harass him on networks (who have no right, nor is it from people with mental health nor education). I support both not because of the ship but because of the good actors they are, workers, who love their families, are generous and good people.
Gentileza ativar as legendas em português
Check now you will see
Пожалуйста сделайте субтитры
É por isso que amo,amo,amo profundamente o Mew pelas sabia palavras é um homem muito inteligente e sabe respeitar todas os seus fãs mesmo nas brincadeiras ele é demais te amo Mew de sua fã Brasileira ❤️👏🇧🇷
Вы намеренно игнорируете нас русскоязычных фанатов и не только- не делая субтитры?
Извините за мое мнение, но мне кажется, что вы несправедливый человек, кто бы ни делал эти видео, тратит много времени, чтобы дать своевременную информацию, просто из любви к этим двум артистам, возможно, он не понял, что субтитры были не активирован... будьте осторожны
Конечно игнорируют русскоязычных. Убрали перевод на русский комментариев, сделали английский 😢
@@beatrizhelenabuitragosclaf8619 Я ни в коем случае не хочу ни кого обвинять.!! Просто это уже второе видео где нет субтитров.И я очень благодарна авторам ,что дают нам возможность видеть наших любимых артистов.
Ahora a las 6 de la mañana, en mi mobil la traducción automática en ruso está activada. Lo acabo de comprobar. Espero que los/las companeros rusos que siguen a Mew ya no estén enfadados. Es curioso que Google no me deja traducir los comentarios en inglés ni en tailandes. En otros idiomas como el ruso no hay problema. Saludos desde España.
Так есть же?
У меня планшет Хонор. Относительно старенький. Субтитры на русском бывают не всегда. Но именно здесь есть же?
Hola... puedes por favor activar los subtítulos en español
What is going to change ?