That little imperfection on the old spool does have a use. It was where the end of the thread was anchored when it was bought. Useful in hand sewing to anchor the thread end.
Thank you for this video! I have been struggling on my new Bernina that I’ve only had for a year and I had chalked it up to me using thread that wasn’t guterman. As many videos as I’ve watched I’ve never seen such a detailed and helpful one as this for threading!! I cannot wait to adopt these best practices but feel sure it’s going to help me with my threading challenges!! Thank you and I will keep tuning in to your other videos!!
This was just GREAT!!! Thank you, Gayle! I have such difficulty threading my 790 and now I know what I was doing I correctly! And how to use the vertical spool was very informative!! Gayle, every tutorial I learn something new!😃✂️✂️
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! for demystifying spool caps for people. I love the blocks you have on the back drop. Ziggy Stardust caught my eye. I miss him. Please tell me if there is a video where you took these images and did what you are doing with them. Never thought about making a quilt out of record covers. Great idea!! Love your channel .
Those album covers are samples we use for our software courses. They teach photosnap, photostitch, advanced Applique and more. I think I should do a video. So stay tuned.
Thank You so much. I have a artista 730 that I'm trying to learn how to use for embroidery. I've had it for a while and having some trouble doing certain things. I wish you were in Arizona.
Great info! I learned so much. I wish when I bought my Bernia and took my beginner classes this info was shared. Can you go over the netting I got with my machine for metallic threads,
Very useful video…thank you! However, when demonstrating the take up lever threading for the 570, approximately 9:27 of the video, you said the thread must go between the little black piece and the RIGHT side of the chrome lever. Please correct me if I misunderstood, but isn’t it on the LEFT side of the chrome lever??
No. The thread goes up between the black cozy and the right of the chrome piece then down the left side of the chrome piece. I find many do not realize there’s a black cover on the thread take up. The 7 series doesn’t have that.
I was taught to use that silver loopie at the top of the machine when the vertical spool holder was being used and not when winding the bobbin. Please clarify?
@@dianekranz9450 with the multiple spool holder and when your winding a bobbin from the verticals spool pin when the top threading path is threaded. The thread goes from the tiny silver “loopy” thing to the bobbin tensioner and then to the bobbin. (You skip the chrome clip in the back of the machine behind the tension slot.
Thank you Gayle, very informative! I have a 350 and 720 and realise with the 720 I’ve been threading incorrectly. At the thread guard step before the needle threader, I’ve been putting my thread to the front of the wobbly bar that sticks out, and it does pop out when sewing sometimes. Did I fully understand that you held this bar with your nail and put the thread behind this little wobbly bar? There is no clear instructions in the Bernina manual for this area and I would really appreciate your guidance, thank you.
I recommend that you watch a tutorial suited for the B 880 rather than this one for tips on specific 880 techniques. I think you will find this one one from BERNINA of America useful:
You’ve gotten to like those nail’s haven’t you? When I used to wear them, they were the toughest things I ever had. Now I’m old and don’t need them, but they are something.
Демонстрировать для обозрения такие корявые, как старые пни, руки с загнутыми красными когтями вряд ли может особа культурная и разумная, так как таковое зрелище может оскорбить эстетическое чувство зрителей.
Спасибо за ваши рекомендации, но лучше бы забрать производство у китайцев и изготовлять катушки ниток в нормальных странах, где у людей руки растут из правильного места и они умеют работать, а не производить брак.😢
Don't know what you don't know until someone - Gayle, shows you. Outstanding information.!! Well done, clear and concise .
I didn’t know all of this. Thank you!
Wonderfully detailed instructions! Best ever. Ty!
Thanks Gail. Even though I’ve had Bernina machines for many years I still learned some new things from this video
I learned so much… I knew about stack vs cross wound… but clockwise…nope. Thanks Gayle!!
Best thread/threading video on TH-cam!
I've had a 770Q for Years & Never Knew all this about the different spool caps!! THANK YOU so much! Wonderful & very clear video.
Yes! Thanks for this info! Very smart PRACTICAL, COMMON SENSE information! I learned something new…always a good thing!!❤️
That little imperfection on the old spool does have a use. It was where the end of the thread was anchored when it was bought. Useful in hand sewing to anchor the thread end.
Thank you for your comment. We know it’s not an imperfection and done on purpose, but not appropriate to expose for machine work.
SUPER helpful video, thanks so much.
Ohhhhh that’s wonderful…I love how the ties do up 👏👏👏👏
thank you so much!!!
Thanks so much! so helpful to understand the caps and the best methods.
Teaching adult sewing keep all your little tips. Thanks again. You almost make me want to move to Naperville. 😂
As always, soooo helpful and full of nuggets of info that I wouldn’t have learned if it weren’t for you! ❤
You are the best!!!! Thank you so much!!!
Thank you for this video! I have been struggling on my new Bernina that I’ve only had for a year and I had chalked it up to me using thread that wasn’t guterman. As many videos as I’ve watched I’ve never seen such a detailed and helpful one as this for threading!! I cannot wait to adopt these best practices but feel sure it’s going to help me with my threading challenges!! Thank you and I will keep tuning in to your other videos!!
Thank you for this. Very informative
❤ thank you so much for this valuable information. Keep up the outstanding work ❤ greetings from Germany ❤
Oh my gosh! I learned so much. I will now know how to put my thread on my Bernina 770QE. Thank you so much! I was putting on my Aurifil incorrectly.
You are so awesome! And your nails are gorgeous! Thank you!
Love your videos! I Always learn something!
This was just GREAT!!! Thank you, Gayle! I have such difficulty threading my 790 and now I know what I was doing I correctly! And how to use the vertical spool was very informative!! Gayle, every tutorial I learn something new!😃✂️✂️
Always a great review! ❤
I use Aurefil all the time and never knew about the interchangeable end!
Me either!
Great video
This was a very informative video. Thanks!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! for demystifying spool caps for people. I love the blocks you have on the back drop. Ziggy Stardust caught my eye. I miss him. Please tell me if there is a video where you took these images and did what you are doing with them. Never thought about making a quilt out of record covers. Great idea!! Love your channel .
Those album covers are samples we use for our software courses. They teach photosnap, photostitch, advanced Applique and more. I think I should do a video. So stay tuned.
Thank you so much! Now I know that notch on the old spool was causing problems 😀
Thank You so much.
I have a artista 730 that I'm trying to learn how to use for embroidery.
I've had it for a while and having some trouble doing certain things. I wish you were in Arizona.
Great info!
Thanks Gayle!! I never use that little one that came with my machine. I will have to do that to sew better. 🤪Your hair look so good!!!
Thank you so much
Thank you for the great information on thread, when to use what spool cap and what should go horizontal and what should go vertical.
Great information!
Excellent thank you
Great info! I learned so much. I wish when I bought my Bernia and took my beginner classes this info was shared. Can you go over the netting I got with my machine for metallic threads,
What is there to go over? I never use the nets so I will have to do some experimenting.
Hi, thanks for the info! One question: any tips for cones of thread? I use the big Aurifil cones. Thanks again!
I use the multiple spool
Excellent video. Thank you so much!
Love the Bernina’s but the Brother Innov-is range have the better automatic threaders. (I have both brands)
This was great info! Oh, and I have a Bernina 475 QE, but don’t recall getting a small spool cap with it. Where can I get one of those?
Your local BERNINA dealer
This was a great refresher on thread, etc! Thank you Gayle!!
Very useful video…thank you! However, when demonstrating the take up lever threading for the 570, approximately 9:27 of the video, you said the thread must go between the little black piece and the RIGHT side of the chrome lever. Please correct me if I misunderstood, but isn’t it on the LEFT side of the chrome lever??
No. The thread goes up between the black cozy and the right of the chrome piece then down the left side of the chrome piece. I find many do not realize there’s a black cover on the thread take up. The 7 series doesn’t have that.
What about using a Thread Stand? How does the spool position change? -thank you
Spool position? You can use a thread stand for a single spool, but this is designed for multiple spools.
Does it matter on how the thread comes off when using the thread stand. I have a B570QE. Thanks!
I'd like to know too....
I was taught to use that silver loopie at the top of the machine when the vertical spool holder was being used and not when winding the bobbin. Please clarify?
Do not use the silver loopy when the thread is on vertically. It will tighten the tension and cause your bobbins to be wound too tightly.
@@BERNINAofNaperville , so when is it used? It’s still unclear to me! Thank you.
@@dianekranz9450 with the multiple spool holder and when your winding a bobbin from the verticals spool pin when the top threading path is threaded. The thread goes from the tiny silver “loopy” thing to the bobbin tensioner and then to the bobbin. (You skip the chrome clip in the back of the machine behind the tension slot.
@@BERNINAofNaperville, thank you so much for clarifying!! So appreciated! 🌸🧵
Would a new 1008 machine use these methods too?
No. That is not a new machine and therefore this will not attach to it.
Love your hair!
Thank you Gayle, very informative! I have a 350 and 720 and realise with the 720 I’ve been threading incorrectly. At the thread guard step before the needle threader, I’ve been putting my thread to the front of the wobbly bar that sticks out, and it does pop out when sewing sometimes. Did I fully understand that you held this bar with your nail and put the thread behind this little wobbly bar? There is no clear instructions in the Bernina manual for this area and I would really appreciate your guidance, thank you.
You don’t need to do that, I just have to because of the long nails
@@BERNINAofNaperville Gayle, should the thread go behind or in front of the wobbly bar that sticks out the side of the thread guage please?
@@irishcamper2106 behind
@@BERNINAofNaperville thank you! Your help spreads across the world all the way in my case to Somerset in England
@@irishcamper2106 I certainly would love to set up BERNINA of Somerset. Hehe.
Very helpful video. Thank you for showing us the proper way.
How about threads on the Bernina 880 Plus?
I recommend that you watch a tutorial suited for the B 880 rather than this one for tips on specific 880 techniques. I think you will find this one one from BERNINA of America useful:
What about glyde thread? It comes from the bottom
Glide 🤦🏼♀️
@@frankhenderson2443 we don’t carry or endorse that product.
Excellent video! Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Really cute top, did u make it?
Yes. It’s a vogue pattern.
Love love your blouse you look stunning in it.know back to watch the tutorial.
I better take notes.
We all know the thread vomit 🤮 😂 thank you Gail.
You’ve gotten to like those nail’s haven’t you? When I used to wear them, they were the toughest things I ever had. Now I’m old and don’t need them, but they are something.
Hiya, Bonaparte here, we think you’re on the wrong channel. This is for sewing not fashion critiques or grooming practices.
I will remember the thread rule as opposite to the toilet paper roll.😉
The thread goes over like in the video. Toilet paper also goes over.
Демонстрировать для обозрения такие корявые, как старые пни, руки с загнутыми красными когтями вряд ли может особа культурная и разумная, так как таковое зрелище может оскорбить эстетическое чувство зрителей.
Спасибо за ваши рекомендации, но лучше бы забрать производство у китайцев и изготовлять катушки ниток в нормальных странах, где у людей руки растут из правильного места и они умеют работать, а не производить брак.😢