At least you was allowed to stay to 19. I graduated at 17, fall birthday, and the day after dad woke me up at 6am. Telling me it was time to man up and get out in my own. I jumped up, hit the head and asked if i could have a cup of coffee while i pack. "Yes but you need to get a move on" A hour later i was packed and gad my stuff in my truck. I learned something valuable that day. At 17 you cannot rent or get anything in your name. Luckily a friends parents had a good bit of property. They let me put my tent up on the back side if the property, unseen from the house. I joined a 24hr gym so i could shower and had a sink and bathroom. Took me till middle of January before i could save up enough to rent a little trailer. But it had heat so i was happy. Michigan winters suck in a tent.
lol.. this is like a fiction written by a pathetic failure to ease their mind 😂 I’m a golden child, and proud one at that. Don’t care abt any of my siblings. I’m a doctor and am preparing for my super specialisation. My siblings cut contact with my parents and they were so envious of me we never had a good relationship… but I don’t care. I’m earning more than enough money to make sure my parents had the time of their life and they have enough property that I’m secured in terms of inheritance. 😊 reality isn’t like fiction…
Such a heartbreaking story, I can't believe parents could be so unfair 😞
At least you was allowed to stay to 19.
I graduated at 17, fall birthday, and the day after dad woke me up at 6am. Telling me it was time to man up and get out in my own. I jumped up, hit the head and asked if i could have a cup of coffee while i pack.
"Yes but you need to get a move on"
A hour later i was packed and gad my stuff in my truck.
I learned something valuable that day. At 17 you cannot rent or get anything in your name. Luckily a friends parents had a good bit of property. They let me put my tent up on the back side if the property, unseen from the house. I joined a 24hr gym so i could shower and had a sink and bathroom. Took me till middle of January before i could save up enough to rent a little trailer. But it had heat so i was happy. Michigan winters suck in a tent.
Is this like a cultural thing? cuz I see this happen so often in American households.
Not all places in America are like this just the ones who don't want to be parents anymore the few bad parents ruin it for many good parents
They throw you out then expect you to help them.
There was no extra sister. It was just a sister and brother. Change the title please.
I'm confused how are you sleeping in your home an they're unloading stuff into your house do you just leave your door unlocked?
I dont get it. She was accepted to a prestigious collège. What happened regarding that ??
What happened to your little brother?
lol.. this is like a fiction written by a pathetic failure to ease their mind 😂 I’m a golden child, and proud one at that. Don’t care abt any of my siblings. I’m a doctor and am preparing for my super specialisation.
My siblings cut contact with my parents and they were so envious of me we never had a good relationship… but I don’t care. I’m earning more than enough money to make sure my parents had the time of their life and they have enough property that I’m secured in terms of inheritance. 😊 reality isn’t like fiction…
Well, you sound like a narcissist…but I’m not shocked that people like you exist 🌚
Damn stubby squid ur a bum ngl