Hey guys. I designed this course. You do have a chance at a hole in one if you hit it into the volcano. Took me forever to design it right, but there is a volcanic tube made out of cart path that takes you all the way to the green.
@@andreas7604 Dr. Disrespect, a famous gaming streamer recently admitted to sending inappropriate messages to a minor on Twitch. That’s what Aculite was referring to here
Does PGA have the option for you guys to play foursome with stroke play, so you play in pairs and take alternate strokes playing off one ball? that would be a fun game mode to see I reckon if you got bored of singles! Loving the golf videos of you all, keep em up!
I remember playing EA sports golf back in the day with mates. Only difference is we all had to be in the same room,no internet gaming in those days .good times gaming and smoking weed with mates hanging out
I really need to start playing this because I've called everything you've messed up so far, on the second hole. I just can't do it today man! Good luck! 😅🤷♂️✌️🤣
Hey guys. I designed this course. You do have a chance at a hole in one if you hit it into the volcano. Took me forever to design it right, but there is a volcanic tube made out of cart path that takes you all the way to the green.
What’s the name of the course ?
@@thatguysully3279 "EP's Rock"
Am i blind or is this a wind up because i cant see no volcano? Lol
"the walls are constantly wet" hahahahah prolly the funniest shit toms ever said
I was dying laughing 😂
I love Tom’s enthusiasm for extra strokes
17:25 "Don't say boy. Especially after recent events" Aculite lol 👀
Could someone explain this to me? I live in Asia so if something happened in the west it's hard for me know
@@andreas7604 Dr. Disrespect a famous gaming streamer recently admitted to sending inappropriate messages to a minor
I didn't get it either and I'm in the west.
@@andreas7604 Dr. Disrespect, a famous gaming streamer recently admitted to sending inappropriate messages to a minor on Twitch. That’s what Aculite was referring to here
Didn’t even hear that lol had to go back and listen to it
This is literally my favorite way to start my weekend. Love the F.A.S.T squad
The day is complete when the fast crew hit a new course!
It’s mad how much I’m loving this golf series
You guys should play a 2v2 scramble. Would love to see the shenanigans from the guys while trying to pick the best shots 😂
The 9th hole banter is the best!!!! I hope no one got demonetized!!
Love the fast squad stuff mate! Keep it up,
And to the community, have an awesome week!
Toms the best at the very end. 😂😂 My walls are always wet maybe it's from all the clapping 🤣
Tom is BACK!!!
Another golfing masterclass from Tomographic. It just proves that even though his thumbs are toes, it doesn't stop him from trying.
Tom says “I’m blinded..” that might be from all the clapping 👏
Great job with the putts, Stone.
These videos are great dude 😅 keep em coming
I can watch these for hrs
Love your golf vids, do MORE!
Every day that I check out the beyond channel and it’s not golf I’m so sad.
Nahhhh yall actually made my day, thank you🤣
*Stone cleaning up around the house: "Cleanable"
Does PGA have the option for you guys to play foursome with stroke play, so you play in pairs and take alternate strokes playing off one ball? that would be a fun game mode to see I reckon if you got bored of singles! Loving the golf videos of you all, keep em up!
Sounds sus 😂😂
@@andreas7604 this would be awesome. tomo + stone V. acu + fugg
That would make for some excellent content! It’s always hilarious when they team up against each other 😂
You guys should play a scramble
hahah at 00:25 seconds. i hurt you talk but youre month wasnt moving. wierd hahahah
I remember playing EA sports golf back in the day with mates. Only difference is we all had to be in the same room,no internet gaming in those days .good times gaming and smoking weed with mates hanging out
The constant innuendo in these golf vids is so damn immature…keep up the good work guys 😂😂😂
The squad's biggest threats 👇
Fugg : Those damn lines
Aculite : Amateur game difficulty
Stone : Chippable
Tom : Himself
Nice one!
I really need to start playing this because I've called everything you've messed up so far, on the second hole. I just can't do it today man! Good luck! 😅🤷♂️✌️🤣
We just forget how elevation works on the first hole boys 😂
Stone...can you please include the name of the course in future so we can find it?
Ya this was called "PA" something, aculite is the one who finds them so i will try to ask him
And a list of the settings would be sick, then we could play along at home with the videos to see how we fare.
This course looks like they’re golfing in grayzone warfare
What’s the course called? I can’t find it!
Random question for anyone, anyone know why Aculite doesn’t get (more) editors?
He said in one of his streams that he cannot afford an editor.
What is the name of the course, please and thank you.
Still waiting on the “Chippable” merch….
This isn’t hell let loose…. No hold clap from me lol
If you dont see it
boo aculite is all safe. Booooo! No respectttt
Tom ugh whyyyyy????
Jeez Tom’s kinda a douche
@3:01 what did fugglet say?? ayooo. 😂😂😂