i assume that, prior to this episode, rookie got into detention, but then escaped out the window and got his detention teacher running after him! EDIT: this must've also been how he figured out the culprit with minimal evidence, because he knew it was in his path while chasing after rookie
837 months = 69 years
1:57 The Oliver Hardy voice
Request: Bowling Bro gets His Detention Teacher Brian Redson Arrested/Grounded
1:57 oh oh oh oh oh
At least, he doesn't need to worry about having detention, as he's suspended for 37 weeks
James Carter: You are going to jail for a long (many times) time.
I wonder if either Dark Bowser or Rookie gets grounded is your most popular grounded series?
Rookie's mom's eyes look different.
i assume that, prior to this episode, rookie got into detention, but then escaped out the window and got his detention teacher running after him!
EDIT: this must've also been how he figured out the culprit with minimal evidence, because he knew it was in his path while chasing after rookie
I'm here because of the bloopers
Rookies Detention teacher is Anderson Fost
make boom boom waste time in the bathroom/grounded
Request: Please do Rookie, Boom Boom and Dry Bone Bro Street Race and Get Grounded.
Make boom boom destroys the buildings and gets grounded
Kiss and love