@@gengy7 hsqfsmsDfqsqqqsqmqsfsmsqssfssqsndqsqssgmwqqfssqqsshqssmfffshsqfsmsDfqsqqqsqmqsfsmsqssfssqsndqsqssgmwqqfssqqsshqssmffffmffqffssqqgqssfqssmssqshmdqssgmmsmsqgsqsqfsqqsssmqhsmgqsfsmgfsdqmssfqsdgsmsqdsqhqdsqsqqsqsqqsgsqqsqqqsfsqsqdqqfmsfsqqsqsfqsqqsqfsqqssssqsqsqsmwsqsqmsgqssmqssqsqssqsqssqqfsqmsqsfqshsqmqdqsqjqsqjqddhsqfsmsDfqsqqqsqmqsfsmsqssfssqsndqsqssgmwqqfssqqsshqssmfffshsqfsmsDfqsqqqsqmqsfsmsqssfssqsndqsqssgmwqqfssqqsshqssmffffmffqffssqqgqssfqssmssqshmdqssgmmsmsqgsqsqfsqqsssmqhsmgqsfsmgfsdqmssfqsdgsmsqdsqhqdsqsqqsqsqqsgsqqsqqqsfsqsqdqqfmsfsqqsqsfqsqqsqfsqqssssqsqsqsmwsqsqmsgqssmqssqsqssqsqssqqfsqmsqsfqshsqmqdqsqjqsqjqdsqfqqsjqqfgqfqqsqjwqdgfmqmsmsqsqjqgsgqjsqssmfmsqsgsmqqsqmqqqfsqfqsqgjqqmwmhanghghhdmghjgshhghggfghghdmhshfshgggsmfgshqghggmhghgsjhgshgwmfhdmfwggsjhdmghghhgggghhhghgdmsghgghhgdmgdjhhhhfhgshgggghsmggghshgdmgsjfmhjggghgfghggggghhhfghgghghgdmgghghfsjhghdmgggghggggjdmgsmfgghdmggsjgghhsjsfmghghhghghdmggghwhhggggshdmgdggggdmgghshgshgshghfghghfghhghdmwjfgwhhggjsfmhhgggghgaasaxOn my wadfabfdmfdmwfmfhwmfjghfmfggdmfgfjgsjhgshshghhhghdmhfgfggghghfmshggjhhgjhwhfwmfgdmjghhdmghhfmhhhgghgwhhgmwfmhgshgfhfshhdjwgwmfghghghghsjhghshdmgwhfmhhgdmhhhhghgfjgghfmshfgwhhgggjhghgghhjghghdmgghghhjhhghhghhjggghhdmgghghgdmddmfmgjghhgfhfhsmghgfmgdmfhgshwfmdmhhghhghgfjgwjfghhhhhhhgggghhhgghggwjghjhdmhshgfmwgfgfmdjgfggdmhghshhgghsggggfjgwmfhgghgsjgsjhghdmfhfmdhghghggfmwgjfmghgmgwjfmdgdmghghdmhfdmggfmdmhsmhhsjghdjmghgwmfhghdmhghdmsjghwmfgghghjgghhfmdmgjhhdmhdmgdjmhhgjgwmfhhghghqhadfabfdmfdmwfmfhwmfjghfmfggdmfgfjgsjhgshshghhhghdmhfgfggghghfmshggjhhgjhwhfwmfgdmjghhdmghhfmhhhgghgwhhgmwfmhgshgfhfshhdjwgwmfghghghghsjhghshdmgwhfmhhgdmhhhhghgfjgghfmshfgwhhgggjhghgghhjghghdmgghghhjhhghhghhjggghhdmgghghgdmddmfmgjghhgfhfhsmghgfmgdmfhgshwfmdmhhghhghgfjgwjfghhhhhhhgggghhhgghggwjghjhdmhshgfmwgfgfmdjgfggdmhghshhgghsggggfjgwmfhgghgsjgsjhghdmfhfmdhghghggfmwgjfmghgmgwjfmdgdmghghdmhfdmggfmdmhsmhhsjghdjmghgwmfhghdmhghdmsjghwmfgghghjgghhfmdmgjhhdmhdmgdjmhhgjgwmfhhghghqgdmsjgfddgsjdmdsOn mwagrhhjfmgdmwgdmghhhfmhjfmhhdmghghjhwmffmgjgdmgghfmgdmhfmwfmgdmhjgdmhhdmhfmdwfmhghfmgsjhhhhhgdmhjgdmghgdmfmhdmgghhjhfmhgdmjfmhghdmhdmmghghhhjghdmhhghgdmhdmghdmhghdmhgjggjhdmdhghwmfhhghghfmdmhshhndmwhgwmfdhdmhsmjgfmmhgghghghgfhjhghhghjghshwfjdmgdmhdmhghghhjhhdmhwfmdjdmhhjdjgghhhjfmgdmwgdmghhhfmhjfmhhdmghghjhwmffmgjgdmgghfmgdmhfmwfmgdmhjgdmhhdmhfmdwfmhghfmgsjhhhhhgdmhjgdmghgdmfmhdmgghhjhfmhgdmjfmhghdmhdmmghghhhjghdmhhghgdmhdmghdmhghdmhgjggjhdmdhghwmfhhghghfmdmhshhndmwhgwmfdhdmhsmjgfmmhgghghghgfhjhghhghjghshwfjdmgdmhdmhghghhjhhdmhwfmdjdmhhjdjggghghgghghhjgfgdmdmshgmggdmgmgdmgmhmhmhshhghmhsjwfmghdmhhhhhgghdmghgwmfmgwfmghghdmdmghhgwmfdmhdmwfmhdmmgshfmhhwfmdmdnwmffmggghghdmwghghgfdmhgghdmwgjhdmgjjhhggghfmwhwmdmhdmhmmhwmfdmdmhghgsmfmghhwmfghghhnhfmhhjhdmhfmwshwfmgdmmhhfmfmgdmfhmwdhfmhmshgmggdm
i just remembered this song after... 2-3 years maybe???? hearing this song again for quite some time is just... something else... the nostalgia is running through my veins...
Welcome to Aishu Eurobeat, people. A lot of people thought Eurobeat is just fast sounding songs, but that's flat out wrong. This is also Eurobeat, where the emphasis is on the slow and more emotional tunes.
God foot wasnt the only one cut from the same cloth as keisuke. Wataru also had a raging fighting spirit as well. Its races like these that continue giving me chills just thinking about it. I cant think of a better song for 2 fighting spirits with a burning desire to win.
Annalise - Promised Land Lyrics Since you're away there is nothing to hold me Love for life is gone Beg you to stay I need someone to show me My love is the only one I wanna stay tonight I know that you love me like before Tell me you're gonna trust me now You'll be mine Just a while I need you baby understand That you are my promised land Don't you know why Take a chance and fall in love I need you baby understand That you are my promised land Don't you say goodbye Take a chance and fall in love Baby I'm asking you please understand me I can't let you go All that I have I will give you believe me Look at me and you will know
This feels different than a lot of other eurobeat, in a good way; at lot of stuff is just 'why not just play Running in the 90s/Deja Vu/etc.', but this doesn't just end up as a 'lesser' version of the most famous ones. I dig it!
@@Pandae8 It is the symbol used to denote the coefficient of friction in physics, it's "mu". It's the measure of the amount of interaction between two surfaces pretty much. I don't know why Keisuke used the symbol in his dialogue but maybe it's a Japanese thing
This is simply beautiful.. feel genuinely sorry for people who can't enjoy this style of music.
Welcome to neon city
fr fr this song is gold to me always will remember
This is one of my fave eurobeat songs and one of my fave songs in general, sadly can't add it to my spotify library
Could not agree more
@@gengy7 hsqfsmsDfqsqqqsqmqsfsmsqssfssqsndqsqssgmwqqfssqqsshqssmfffshsqfsmsDfqsqqqsqmqsfsmsqssfssqsndqsqssgmwqqfssqqsshqssmffffmffqffssqqgqssfqssmssqshmdqssgmmsmsqgsqsqfsqqsssmqhsmgqsfsmgfsdqmssfqsdgsmsqdsqhqdsqsqqsqsqqsgsqqsqqqsfsqsqdqqfmsfsqqsqsfqsqqsqfsqqssssqsqsqsmwsqsqmsgqssmqssqsqssqsqssqqfsqmsqsfqshsqmqdqsqjqsqjqddhsqfsmsDfqsqqqsqmqsfsmsqssfssqsndqsqssgmwqqfssqqsshqssmfffshsqfsmsDfqsqqqsqmqsfsmsqssfssqsndqsqssgmwqqfssqqsshqssmffffmffqffssqqgqssfqssmssqshmdqssgmmsmsqgsqsqfsqqsssmqhsmgqsfsmgfsdqmssfqsdgsmsqdsqhqdsqsqqsqsqqsgsqqsqqqsfsqsqdqqfmsfsqqsqsfqsqqsqfsqqssssqsqsqsmwsqsqmsgqssmqssqsqssqsqssqqfsqmsqsfqshsqmqdqsqjqsqjqdsqfqqsjqqfgqfqqsqjwqdgfmqmsmsqsqjqgsgqjsqssmfmsqsgsmqqsqmqqqfsqfqsqgjqqmwmhanghghhdmghjgshhghggfghghdmhshfshgggsmfgshqghggmhghgsjhgshgwmfhdmfwggsjhdmghghhgggghhhghgdmsghgghhgdmgdjhhhhfhgshgggghsmggghshgdmgsjfmhjggghgfghggggghhhfghgghghgdmgghghfsjhghdmgggghggggjdmgsmfgghdmggsjgghhsjsfmghghhghghdmggghwhhggggshdmgdggggdmgghshgshgshghfghghfghhghdmwjfgwhhggjsfmhhgggghgaasaxOn my wadfabfdmfdmwfmfhwmfjghfmfggdmfgfjgsjhgshshghhhghdmhfgfggghghfmshggjhhgjhwhfwmfgdmjghhdmghhfmhhhgghgwhhgmwfmhgshgfhfshhdjwgwmfghghghghsjhghshdmgwhfmhhgdmhhhhghgfjgghfmshfgwhhgggjhghgghhjghghdmgghghhjhhghhghhjggghhdmgghghgdmddmfmgjghhgfhfhsmghgfmgdmfhgshwfmdmhhghhghgfjgwjfghhhhhhhgggghhhgghggwjghjhdmhshgfmwgfgfmdjgfggdmhghshhgghsggggfjgwmfhgghgsjgsjhghdmfhfmdhghghggfmwgjfmghgmgwjfmdgdmghghdmhfdmggfmdmhsmhhsjghdjmghgwmfhghdmhghdmsjghwmfgghghjgghhfmdmgjhhdmhdmgdjmhhgjgwmfhhghghqhadfabfdmfdmwfmfhwmfjghfmfggdmfgfjgsjhgshshghhhghdmhfgfggghghfmshggjhhgjhwhfwmfgdmjghhdmghhfmhhhgghgwhhgmwfmhgshgfhfshhdjwgwmfghghghghsjhghshdmgwhfmhhgdmhhhhghgfjgghfmshfgwhhgggjhghgghhjghghdmgghghhjhhghhghhjggghhdmgghghgdmddmfmgjghhgfhfhsmghgfmgdmfhgshwfmdmhhghhghgfjgwjfghhhhhhhgggghhhgghggwjghjhdmhshgfmwgfgfmdjgfggdmhghshhgghsggggfjgwmfhgghgsjgsjhghdmfhfmdhghghggfmwgjfmghgmgwjfmdgdmghghdmhfdmggfmdmhsmhhsjghdjmghgwmfhghdmhghdmsjghwmfgghghjgghhfmdmgjhhdmhdmgdjmhhgjgwmfhhghghqgdmsjgfddgsjdmdsOn mwagrhhjfmgdmwgdmghhhfmhjfmhhdmghghjhwmffmgjgdmgghfmgdmhfmwfmgdmhjgdmhhdmhfmdwfmhghfmgsjhhhhhgdmhjgdmghgdmfmhdmgghhjhfmhgdmjfmhghdmhdmmghghhhjghdmhhghgdmhdmghdmhghdmhgjggjhdmdhghwmfhhghghfmdmhshhndmwhgwmfdhdmhsmjgfmmhgghghghgfhjhghhghjghshwfjdmgdmhdmhghghhjhhdmhwfmdjdmhhjdjgghhhjfmgdmwgdmghhhfmhjfmhhdmghghjhwmffmgjgdmgghfmgdmhfmwfmgdmhjgdmhhdmhfmdwfmhghfmgsjhhhhhgdmhjgdmghgdmfmhdmgghhjhfmhgdmjfmhghdmhdmmghghhhjghdmhhghgdmhdmghdmhghdmhgjggjhdmdhghwmfhhghghfmdmhshhndmwhgwmfdhdmhsmjgfmmhgghghghgfhjhghhghjghshwfjdmgdmhdmhghghhjhhdmhwfmdjdmhhjdjggghghgghghhjgfgdmdmshgmggdmgmgdmgmhmhmhshhghmhsjwfmghdmhhhhhgghdmghgwmfmgwfmghghdmdmghhgwmfdmhdmwfmhdmmgshfmhhwfmdmdnwmffmggghghdmwghghgfdmhgghdmwgjhdmgjjhhggghfmwhwmdmhdmhmmhwmfdmdmhghgsmfmghhwmfghghhnhfmhhjhdmhfmwshwfmgdmmhhfmfmgdmfhmwdhfmhmshgmggdm
this is a very peaceful song in the beginning
Its one of the more calm and slower eurobeat songs, perfect for chill mountain cruising
@@OG-Silesian haha, "mountain"
@@loser002 massive dschlong
i just remembered this song after... 2-3 years maybe????
hearing this song again for quite some time is just... something else... the nostalgia is running through my veins...
Perfect for a race in the rain
this and 24 hours a day with you - Ace Warrior
@GERARDBERGER777 man, you're the one, that deserves more than just a like or comment.
Welcome to Aishu Eurobeat, people. A lot of people thought Eurobeat is just fast sounding songs, but that's flat out wrong. This is also Eurobeat, where the emphasis is on the slow and more emotional tunes.
Underrated banger.
God foot wasnt the only one cut from the same cloth as keisuke. Wataru also had a raging fighting spirit as well. Its races like these that continue giving me chills just thinking about it. I cant think of a better song for 2 fighting spirits with a burning desire to win.
Annalise - Promised Land Lyrics
Since you're away there is nothing to hold me
Love for life is gone
Beg you to stay
I need someone to show me
My love is the only one
I wanna stay tonight
I know that you love me like before
Tell me you're gonna trust me now
You'll be mine
Just a while
I need you baby understand
That you are my promised land
Don't you know why
Take a chance and fall in love
I need you baby understand
That you are my promised land
Don't you say goodbye
Take a chance and fall in love
Baby I'm asking you please understand me
I can't let you go
All that I have
I will give you believe me
Look at me and you will know
song's so calming....I feel I'm like walking through the mountain drizzling
Damn, why am I just listening to this that guitar is beautiful in the beginning.
Perfect for a smooth ride through busy cities around the world. Avg speed in my city is prolly 2km/hr in the cities.
Dang, I’d rather just walk at that point
is it Jakarta by any chance? 😁
That's just average Mumbai or Jakarta, bro.
an 10 years old kid running is faster than that
bangalore type beat
This feels different than a lot of other eurobeat, in a good way; at lot of stuff is just 'why not just play Running in the 90s/Deja Vu/etc.', but this doesn't just end up as a 'lesser' version of the most famous ones. I dig it!
とりあえず雨の峠なら、NIGHT OF FIREよりこれ
バステ使用のPromised land出だし本当に好き、うp主さんナイス
*(That 86 Levin's moving funny...)*
I guess it's my time to make my move too.
What Richard the Lion Hearted listened to as he defeated Saladin
the ending is perfect
everybody gangsta till the rabbi starts drifting
Connie: Food dorifto
I've been looking for this song for the past hour, I'm so glad I found it. Haven't heard it in like 2 or 3 years.
This song was a part of me for a while. thanks.
Such a soothing song
Ah yes. This will be the perfect song to listen to when I drift around Israel.
Find some spots around Jerusalem and upload the footage.
Around what
DEUS VULT BROTHERS! We shall take Jerusalem!
For the holy land! For the lord!
RX-7 vs. AE86 Levin
it soo GOOOOD
Great soundin' music, Baby! Woo!
FD3S VS AE86 Supercharger
To this Mfkn Day 🔁🔁🔁
sounds like do you wanna fly
Silent Hill vibe at the beginning
Simply the best😊
(The) Promised (Never) Land
Wait so the 4 thangs aren't the promised land well fuck you too Tartar.
@@DetectiveLevi I just broke my engine so hard that I can't feel my left tire my left tire has gone completely numb.
Emma: giraffe paint AE86
Ray: full gasoline Rx 7 (FD)
Norman: white Rx7 (FC)
Isabella: M E R C E D E S
sounds like an Automation background sound at the beginning lol
underrated af
i this some sort of country × eurobeat collab that i don't know about?
The beginning of this song sounds like a koe wetzel song
Initial JEW
We must retake Israel
No wonder.
With his μ so low, he can’t even use half of his engine’s power.
I just need to be patient.
My chance will definitely come.
What does the u stand for?
@@Pandae8 It is the symbol used to denote the coefficient of friction in physics, it's "mu".
It's the measure of the amount of interaction between two surfaces pretty much. I don't know why Keisuke used the symbol in his dialogue but maybe it's a Japanese thing
Yeah this seems like a song.
@@mxwd. Soundsmith : *Nice.*
Song peaked at the beginning but it’s still a very great song
At first i was like wtf is this algorithm its going offtrack mfw and then i see the screen its still a eurobeat....Hmmm an odd tune
渉V S啓介
me suena a la cancion de despedida entre takumi y Mogi.
AE86 Levin vs FD3S
1st hehe
@James Marcus Got eem
This is probably the most non initial d song in the anime
try Jager - I won't fall apart, should be even more unfitting
@@takigosciudislike button
(H “Ola”)
Is it just me that thinks that the beginning guitar sounds like Metallica?
Every eurobeat comments be like : "UnDeR rAtEd SoNg" like what did asked 100+ ppl about any kind of eurobeat or what?
They mean like it’s not used in memes etc.