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Hello Vibhor, Thanks for sharing valuable information as always. Can you please also make a video of your review for 63 moons tech? Many thanks in advance for your advice.
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Sir jai hind 🇮🇳 🇮🇳
suzlon energy par video banao
Please do a video on all ipo together Vibhor
Bhaiya sare ipo ka combined video bnayiye or 1 lot wale ky kre ye bhi btayiye
Sir blue cloud pls 🙏
Should we consider buying FMCG stocks currently as they have fallen by a huge margin
Bharat global developer k share split and bonus k baad hold Krna chiya ?
Sir do a video about manappuram Finance stock ?
Tata steel and IDFC First Bank Analysis
Thanks for this analysis..
Again need analysis on Hardwyn if possible
Thank you
Bhaiya suzlon energy be phir video banaye.
Bahot time se paisa Pasa hua h usme
Sir analysis for zee media
Iocl and sail
Clean science please
Juniper hotel,has less public holding s, stock analysis please.
,very nice,i had 26.40 price 300 contetiy,i sold 29.50, one month ago
Sir IGI share for long term how it is hold or sell ?
Same question please reply sir
Suumaya industries par
Kaynes technology
Blue cloud pl
Jtl industry ??
Ok play sir
Thanks sir
Buy kaga per Krna hhhhhh kis price prrrr
Mazdock stock ka video sir
Hello Vibhor,
Thanks for sharing valuable information as always. Can you please also make a video of your review for 63 moons tech?
Many thanks in advance for your advice.
Tata power or ntpc ka details analysis
HLV ltd Sar iska fundamental analysis pleass
ITC has bought some quantity
Kaynes technology entry-level or leave this stock
One f and o stock option buying, one month one stock ...please try
Bajaj housing finance
Senores ipo details give please
Hi sar
Isse better Trident,IRB,
Better As Fundamental, But Technically Not Better Because Range Bound In A Specific Range From Very Long Time...
Sanghvi movers
Waaree renewable