You hit the nail on the head! Make fish cakes available to me at a reasonable price and I will show you an endangered species! I heard about this carp invasion since 96. But nobody in all that time has made it available to me and I live in lower Michigan. The cost of tuna has done nothing but gone up, give us something cheaper and it will fly off of the shelves! If you send me a case of frozen fish patties I'll share them with people I work with.
I wish we could, but these carp are so bony they're extremely labor intensive, time consuming and expensive to process ... so they'd likely end up costing more than tuna while _not_ tasting nearly as good. That's not to say that they taste "bad", they're just nothing to write home about. And when you consider all the work it takes to clean them (because American consumers expect boneless fish) you might as well just grind them up into cat and dog food or something. That's honestly what I think we might have to do with them is just grind them up into liquid for pets foods, protein, fish oils and figure out what other products we can mass produce with them. In any case, we gotta figure something out, fast, and get everyone slaughtering them like there's no tomorrow ...
@@GameDevNerd -- *_And when you consider all the work it takes to clean them (because American consumers expect boneless fish) you might as well just grind them up into cat and dog food or something._* I'm gonna take a _wild_ guess that you've _never_ opened a can of salmon.
If you listened to the video the bones come out easy after cooking. Eater size walleye and perch ,I don't bother with pin bones, you just waste some of the best meat there is. If you grind them up for patties you won't notice any bone. And what about fertilizer? I'd rather have my vege's grown with fish instead of some weird chemical concoction.
That is exactly what I was thinking. Then have ice machines on there, a fish processing part and do just like they do the fish way out in the ocean. Chill em and sell them out of the country. New billion $ business just waiting to be made.
Hi everybody, we in Hungary love to eat this invasive fish in various forms of dishes. One more tip: make sousage from this fishmeat adding some bacon to it. Smoke it, dry it for some weeks. Delicious.
I absolutely LOVE cooking fish with bone-in, head on. Adds a lot of flavor, retains the moisture and the whole experience of picking your meal apart is actually primal and very satisfying. It's like eating a lobster in the shell; you set up your butter, buns, utensils, put on a movie and crack open a couple cold ones. Great way to spend an occasional evening.
OMG i couldnt agree more. i love meat on the bone almost always. and actually sometimes is much much better, like with salmon. salmon steaks are much nicer than the filets i think. i get lots more meat like the belly meat too. i wonder if these carp would be good like that too. the bones might come out very easily once they are cooked. it looked like nice meat they had on them!
Yes, but Lobster has no bones, whereas Asian Carp, have more bones than a sewists pincusion, most people, cannot be bothered, removing the bones ! The Asian Carp, has a strange skeleton, unlike most fish, you cannot just slice off, bone free fillets ! No, they have a whole bunch of sideways growing bones, almost like a comb, sticking out, at an angle, away from the usual ribs !
@@holgerdanske8935 That's because you all are pampered with eating everything boneless not bothering to pick the meat plenty left from the bones. It takes a little patience but is rewarding.😁😁
@@holgerdanske8935 -- *_Lobster has no bones_* Yeah it does, i.e. that large flat bone in the middle of the claw. Don't tell me you _eat_ that, unless you're a shark! There are similar internal parts in the legs.
In central Illinois these fish are easy to catch in the Illinois river and the one good thing is they can be used to feed the animals at Wildlife Prairie Park in Hanna City, Illinois. Donations of meat are needed at Wildlife Prairie Park. The jumping carp are a good source of meat for many of their animals.
I have lived my entire life in the Allegheny Valley. Tons of regular bottom mouth carp 3 gens thought they were always there. Also lived three lots away from Pymatuning dam only 9.3 miles from "Where the ducks walk on the fishes backs" every weekend as a kid. Worked at a Chinese restaurant in Squirrel Hill. The owner was in his glory fishing the Pymatuning the Bridge at the spillway. I have eaten carp. NOT on the menu but as a guest. The way the Chinese cook them that fish falls off the bone. It was banging good. Hats off to Lady Ping.❤
There was a team in Australia working on genetically engineering "Daughterless Carp". After several generations of all male offspring, the population collapses. That team had its funding pulled in 2012, after proof of concept testing with Zebra Fish, but I'm sure they could be rounded up and offered jobs to clear the US of Silver and Bighead Carp.
@@petercorcoran2702 Silver carp can live 20 years, so it will take at least double that to achieve population collapse. You just have to continue with other control mechanism in the meantime - ideally using a mechanism that allows you to cul unaltered fish and return those containing the gene driver to the water.
LOVE your play on words, "CARP-diem." In any event, as an avid fisherman, I fear that NOTHING we try to do to stop the wholesale invasion of this unwanted species will ever ultimately stop them (like building a wall between the US and Mexico to stop illegal immigration). *It's just a matter of time at this point,* just like the Snakehead and the Zebra Mussel invasion of Florida and the Great Lakes. The ONLY method I believe will even help in this regard is to simply create ways to use this fish as a cheap and easily available FOOD SOURCE, something that McDonald's can turn into some form of profit, like "McCarp Tenders," or organic fertilizer, or simply shipping them out to global Asian markets to satisfy their demand. Nothing else is going to slow down, much less stop, this creature from destroying America's valuable sport fishing industry or waterway system... NOTHING.
@Ichigo Red We have $23,000,000,000,000 for 20 yrs of endless fucking wars. Figure a way for the MIC cocksuckers to profit on asian carp and problem solved.
Dire Straitz they taste good but bony . To solve the problem is to find some way to process them in way that is profitable . There is a market for them in Asia .
All you have to do is announce this to the Chinese community, they will mobilize and over fish for them and no problem anymore. By the way, I’m Chinese so I’m not being racist.
I agree with you, these fish must be beautiful to eat... what's wrong with you people.? They are not rats that live in sewers. You must be stupid to think these fish are a problem,. Start fishing them and eating them, they are a great protein source of clean food.
@@susananastasiastavros1402 apparently they are not delicious,they are a very bony fish and a lot of people do consider them vermin, and they have been known to destroy native fish species. The only good purpose that I'm aware of for these fish is fertilizer.
A massive source of protein here, and fertilizer as well. If I were younger I would be making fish meal out of them to use for animal feed and fertilizer as well. A reduction plant would be a money maker I would think.
For your info ,Carpe are allready in the great lakes, Last time i went out fishing,all that I caught was carpe. No good for anything except to carry home and bury under your rose bushes. Just another big thank you from Asia..
If people can make good money from catching the Asian carp, and the carp are not regulated, then the numbers will drop due to over fishing. If a person were to establish a business that used the carp to make fertilizer, fuel and food, then the numbers will drop.
That's exactly my line of thinking. Allow unlimited commercial catch of these fishes. Turn them into food and fertilizer (hey it's organic!) and the numbers will drop.
A guy, a few years back, came and caught a bunch of the Asian carp and took them to our famous Fast Eddie's and cooked them up, the people around here seemed to like it but idk whatever came out of it, I'm in Alton Illinois, right on the Mississippi
To stop them, promote habitats for nesting for Herons, Storks, Pelicans, Egrets, Bald Eagles, Osprey, Fishing Owls. Promote habitats for Snakes, Otters, Pike, and other predatory fish. Another solution close off all access to the Great lakes from the Mississippi waterways. Damn them up. These fish are highly tassty too, so humans eat them up left and right. Eat a Carp, save a native fish!
Are those native to that area? (I don't know if any of the ones you mentioned are or not.)They should probably promote the species that are their naturally. If not it might prove to be the next invasive species threat that scientists need to figure out how to get rid of. Although I do agree that it would be good to introduce a predator only may be one that either lives their already or can be put in, monitored and removed with little trouble. If that's possible. I know it's easier said then done.
If you introduced all those predators , who aren’t targeting only the carp, wouldn’t they over eat all the native species too. Then you would have to cull all the introduced predators. I think the solution you said is right, save the native fish and eat the delicious carp. They are probably good fertiliser too.
One aspect of this issue was not addressed: what keeps the population of Asian carp in check in their native Asian habitat. Could the replicating of those conditions be achieved in North America or, at the very least, could more input be provided as to preventing them from being dominant in every habitat they invade?
It seems the size and depth of the great lakes are stopping the Asian carp. They haven't came to Ontario yet. We only have European and Mirror carp here. (Im one of Ontarios top carp fishermen....caught thousands of them all over the province.
Correction: Silver carp (White carp), AKA Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, do not grow to 100 kilos. They max out at about 50 kilos; I think the narrator meant to say 100 lbs (100 lbs=50 kilos - still big enough to kill a person!). @25:00 Since these fish are so sensitive to sound, they could be herded en masse by "Carpbuoys" (no horses needed!) using sound cannons. Since they're headed to Lk Michigan we could build a series of cut out 'abattoirs' along the way, then launch a program of "Roundups", herding them into the kill pools, shock them to death, and dredge the bodies out for animal feed or fish patties, etc for humans. Put fish sensors along the path to track populations and progress. Rinse. Repeat. NO POISON NEEDED!
I am a fisherman. This looks like heaven. Carp is a delicious fish and is highly priced in many nations. The ocean is depleted and is getting worse. These carps are our saviors and not our enemies. Why don't we pack them and ship them all over the world. McDonald better add carps to the menu! These fishes prosper in the rivers and lakes already and has not destroyed them! So what is the problem. How come they don't infect Asian fish to Africa?
I hv been thinking along the same line: issue visas to Indochinese fishermen to live along the river(their govt pay for their wages) the fishes get exported with no tax impose. In fact subsidies some of the freight charges.
I'm very surprised to say this because I'm very picky about fish. I caught my first Asian Carp and was told to treat it a little like catfish/cod somewhere in there. My buddy told me to pick a recipe in there and try it. Aware of the bones, i flash boiled the meat and it fell right off the bones then made a German beer battered fish stick. I'M A CONVERT . It is not as good as catfish with this recipe but it is so good I'm confident anyone with a brain will make this over and over. I next day i made a mango dipping sause and that hit it perfectly. Get some and try it
@@lynnloiselle4025 This is an ecological nightmare and highlights what happens when humans try to mess with nature and introduce invasive species without doing their homework first. And of course many humans are irresponsible when it comes to animals. Look at how huge the feral cat problem is world wide. So many species of birds, small mammals, reptiles and amphibians are now extinct because of being preyed upon by feral cats. Some countries have declared all out warfare on feral cats and other introduced invasives like rats and stoats as a last ditch effort to preserve their own native animals, some of which don't live anywhere else in the world. I am not talking about pets, I mean wild domestic cats that have not been and can't be socialized and this is not time to be sentimental and oh poor cats which number in the millions. New Zealand and Australia have iconic ground nesting birds that cannot fly and they have zero defense against these predators. And being islands there is limited space and resources. Unless they get rid of invasive predators many of their own wild animals will be eliminated. And what happens when the cats have eaten most of the available prey animals ? They will die a horrible death from starvation. There's no easy answers to such huge problems.
Ask Australia about bringing in non-native species to take care of a problem, because when you do that you right away have two problems. Would it be possible to close the canals, or run screen across the whole width? It almost seems insurmountable.
There are still large markets around the world for dried salt fish and smoked fish, the problem is not so much the fish as the governments reluctance to provide incentives for the building of processing plants and development of automated production lines . If anchovies can be processed by machine there is no reason why carp can't be. The answer to this problem is to pitch up on mass in washington and proceed to wack senators, congressmen and the president around the head with good heavy carp. I can assure you they will vote the funds and tax breaks required in under two minutes.Nothing like a angry mob waving fish to get indolent self serving politicians off their backsides. Come on America don't put up with these dilettantes any longer this problem should have been dealt with ten years ago. The jobs that it would create would be enormous a real boost to the US economy. How about converting May day into wack a politico around the head with a stinky dead fish day. Dumping tons of dead fish on the front lawns of the industrial/oil and tec barons and Ivy league families along with the white house also likely to produce good results, just look at the French they don't have a problem meating out this sort of encouragement to their governments. Go on catch a carp and post it to your state senator. or better still hang a couple over the engine block of his car. And try to remember politics is a very fishy trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Invasive carp were originally imported from Southeast Asia to the southern United States to help aquaculture and wastewater treatment facilities keep retention ponds clean. Flooding and accidental releases allowed these fish to escape into the Mississippi River system and migrate into the Missouri and Illinois rivers. The Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois rivers are all connected and therefore fish swim freely between them. The Illinois River is also connected to the Great Lakes by a manmade connection, known as the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. Time-line 1963: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service imports grass carp from Eastern Asia to Arkansas for federal research on controlling aquatic vegetation in aquaculture ponds. 1966: First believed escape of invasive carp into U.S. waters, in Arkansas. 1970: State of Arkansas begins stocking grass carp in weed-choked waters throughout the state. 1972: Bighead carp are first brought into the US by a fish farmer in Arkansas to improve water quality and fish production in aquaculture. 1973: Silver carp are introduced into the US for phytoplankton control in culture ponds and as fish food. 1973: An Arkansas fish farmer who ordered grass carp unintentionally receives the nation’s first shipment of black carp. 1974: The Arkansas Fish and Game Commission report extensive stocking in more than 100 public or semi-public lakes with over 50,000 acres stocked with more than 380,000 grass carp. 1976: Silver carp, stocked in sewage ponds, escape into wild during flood. 1976: First wild sighting of invasive carp in Arkansas. 1980: The first report of silver carp swimming in the wild. 1981: The first record of a Bighead carp caught in natural waters when an individual was caught on the Ohio River below Smithland Dam, Kentucky. 1982: Carp considered “established” in the wild in Arkansas.
Early 1990s: Heavy flooding allowed more carp to escape from fish farms in the Mississippi and they have since migrated into the Missouri and Illinois rivers. 1994: The first record of escapement or release to the wild of black carp occurred in Missouri. Thirty or more black carp escaped into the Osage River in Missouri when high water flooded holding ponds at a private aquaculture facility near Lake of the Ozarks. 1996: Army Corps of Engineers directed to build demonstration electric barrier for aquatic nuisance control.
i live in the Florida Keys and they say we have a Lion Fish problem on the reef here they have round up here also to get rid of the Lion Fish , here they do serve the Lion Fish on the menu, there is a market for Lion Fish
... sort of the same problem .. Lion fish look pretty tho... but overwhelming ... can't eat all of them either ... there like Canada geese in that respect as well ...
I have seen documentary were divers scientists are teaching sharks an grouper to feed on the lion naturally sharks won't touch them due to their color an shape which lets predators know they are venomous. It is working but will take years to get to the point where shark see the lion as food. In the mean time the lion eats anything it can fit in its mouth desemateing the native species
If Asian Carp can jump twelve feet or more they will get through the electric barriers in the Chicago river , it’s just a matter of time . Fill in the Chicago river channel .
I would be willing to bet that Asian Carp are already in the Great Lakes. All it would take is for some idiots to catch them and keep them alive long enough to transplant them in the Great Lakes or other inland lakes.
Fish stocks world wide are being depleted by over fishing .Troll fishing often upsets marine ecosystem and destroys coral reefs . If not for the bones, troll fishing the Asian carp from the over populated rivers, may be one solution to the problem .
This battle was lost many, many years ago, as soon Asian Carp was introduced to this continent. Now this is a way to make money, getting grants and salaries. By the way, fish eggs get from one river or lake to another by ducks, geese, cormorants and other birds.
Maybe find a market in a neighboring state (ship the fish to be used as meat) theirs a big supply now they just need a demand. once people like it and the interest grows a lot of fish sent out, could help a little, plus could be used to raise money for the areas affected or support other efforts to stop the Asian carp from spreading. After watching full thing called it.
The point is this fish is invasive and terrible for its surroundings. So either let this fish damage and over populate while just about EVERYTHING else dies. Or control them and let nature flourish
government: they're going to spend a crap ton of our tax dollars to control these fish, but they shouldn't, because they're going to fail. Instead, spend the money on marketing the fish as a food, allow unrestrained commercial fishing, fishing for the carp without a license and no limit, etc. Create markets, get rid of laws (netting) that will prevent some from going out and getting it, etc.
I have seen some very different carp with other carp in the mouth of a small river connected to the Detroit river . They looked a lot like the asian carp . I am sure of it. Now I don`t know if they were the buffalo carp or the asian I`m not sure but they were a different kind of carp. I have told officials who were collecting information but they just shrugged me off.
I don't understand why thry don't just use massive nets, catch em and feed the starving millions around the world or use it as plant fertilizer. Asian carp are low in mercury, not fishy tasting and absorb flavors of sauces etc
In Australia the common carp has plagued the Murray River. One business has turned a problem into a useful commodity. Its Charlie Carp Fertilizer. So we could do the same. Here's the link:,and%20stabilise%20the%20natural%20ecosystem%20here%20in%20Australia.
Common carp have naturalised and arent a threat. also they're often mixed up with native buffalo, which get killed in hopes of stemming the invasive surge
@@baldieman64 They can muddy waters badly, combined with the impact of asian carp yes they can exasperate problemd. But their environmental impact has been controllable for the 2 or 3 hundred years they've been around for
26:36 all those fish should be processed and sent to starving people in this country and abroad… imagine how many starving people could be fed from that!
They are really easy to catch, and when pressure cooked, they make great fish patties for breakfast, tacos, munchies, smoked. Give people a free fishing license if they catch 200 carp fish.
My great grandmother who grew up during the great depression always talked about knowing how to cook carp. It is a bony fish but if you use a pressure cooker, it renders the bones incredibly soft and edible.
Those kids in Illinois that are starving and half a mile from the carp need to be educated on how to fish, that seems so obvious and the lady says they have no way to get them fish?
The Silver Carp are beautiful fish. I want to bake a whole fish. In a similar way you do with prized fish. Just think about cooking a 20 pound fish, there might be a lot of bones but the bigger the fish, the easier to deal with the bones. But I live in northern Minnesota and never eaten one before.
Don’t scare yourself those are good eating fish start eating do fish and chips and do something else and try to reduce the populations. Those are good good eating fish by eating and two fish and chips and another step would be really good will be reduced and will be safe.
They apparently do clean water of over-fertilization-a big problem in Florida where lawn runoff causes algae blooms and eutrophication. Are they doing so in the Mississippi? Gamefish do eat the young ones. The meat is actually tasty. How about those quarter million eggs? Could they be harvested for Copi caviar? The war analogy (invasion, attack, etc) is not helpful. Let's use 'em.
Asian fishmongers in the USA were tired of not being able to get Asian carp for cooking so they kept their own in other fish ponds then when there was a massive flood the carp were able to get free and enter the Mississippi river
You hit the nail on the head! Make fish cakes available to me at a reasonable price and I will show you an endangered species! I heard about this carp invasion since 96. But nobody in all that time has made it available to me and I live in lower Michigan. The cost of tuna has done nothing but gone up, give us something cheaper and it will fly off of the shelves! If you send me a case of frozen fish patties I'll share them with people I work with.
I wish we could, but these carp are so bony they're extremely labor intensive, time consuming and expensive to process ... so they'd likely end up costing more than tuna while _not_ tasting nearly as good. That's not to say that they taste "bad", they're just nothing to write home about. And when you consider all the work it takes to clean them (because American consumers expect boneless fish) you might as well just grind them up into cat and dog food or something. That's honestly what I think we might have to do with them is just grind them up into liquid for pets foods, protein, fish oils and figure out what other products we can mass produce with them. In any case, we gotta figure something out, fast, and get everyone slaughtering them like there's no tomorrow ...
@@GameDevNerd -- *_And when you consider all the work it takes to clean them (because American consumers expect boneless fish) you might as well just grind them up into cat and dog food or something._*
I'm gonna take a _wild_ guess that you've _never_ opened a can of salmon.
@@GameDevNerd How about making fish jerky? In Asia, making soups out of these fishes are delicacy. One can make the soups and dry to make fish jerky.
@@GameDevNerd ever heard of preasure cooker?
If you listened to the video the bones come out easy after cooking. Eater size walleye and perch ,I don't bother with pin bones, you just waste some of the best meat there is. If you grind them up for patties you won't notice any bone. And what about fertilizer? I'd rather have my vege's grown with fish instead of some weird chemical concoction.
25:35 the two guys that are just beating the life out of the carp made my day 😂😂😂
You’re sick.
Can’t you build carp harvester, excite the fish to jump and have have rotating nets similar to a combine harvester to catch the fish ?
That is exactly what I was thinking. Then have ice machines on there, a fish processing part and do just like they do the fish way out in the ocean. Chill em and sell them out of the country. New billion $ business just waiting to be made.
Finding a way to make it commercially viable is the key. If you find a way to remove the fish and make money then you will be rich
Hi everybody, we in Hungary love to eat this invasive fish in various forms of dishes. One more tip: make sousage from this fishmeat adding some bacon to it. Smoke it, dry it for some weeks. Delicious.
I absolutely LOVE cooking fish with bone-in, head on. Adds a lot of flavor, retains the moisture and the whole experience of picking your meal apart is actually primal and very satisfying. It's like eating a lobster in the shell; you set up your butter, buns, utensils, put on a movie and crack open a couple cold ones. Great way to spend an occasional evening.
OMG i couldnt agree more. i love meat on the bone almost always. and actually sometimes is much much better, like with salmon. salmon steaks are much nicer than the filets i think. i get lots more meat like the belly meat too. i wonder if these carp would be good like that too. the bones might come out very easily once they are cooked. it looked like nice meat they had on them!
We love eating those bony fish back and in Asia and they should be put to such use. Educate the public on ways how they can be cooked and make $$$.
Yes, but Lobster has no bones, whereas Asian Carp, have more bones than a sewists pincusion, most people, cannot be bothered, removing the bones ! The Asian Carp, has a strange skeleton, unlike most fish, you cannot just slice off, bone free fillets ! No, they have a whole bunch of sideways growing bones, almost like a comb, sticking out, at an angle, away from the usual ribs !
@@holgerdanske8935 That's because you all are pampered with eating everything boneless not bothering to pick the meat plenty left from the bones. It takes a little patience but is rewarding.😁😁
@@holgerdanske8935 -- *_Lobster has no bones_*
Yeah it does, i.e. that large flat bone in the middle of the claw. Don't tell me you _eat_ that, unless you're a shark!
There are similar internal parts in the legs.
In central Illinois these fish are easy to catch in the Illinois river and the one good thing is they can be used to feed the animals at Wildlife Prairie Park in Hanna City, Illinois. Donations of meat are needed at Wildlife Prairie Park. The jumping carp are a good source of meat for many of their animals.
They make great fertilizer also.
Exactly! MANY uses for fish!
compost 'em, ....use 'em as fertilizer
Do ut! Stop talking telling others to do it! You got a brain so do it genius. ❤😂🎉
The people organizing the fish hunting in Illinois, needs to get in touch with Asian restaurants and communities and advertise it as a food festival
@Mr D J not if they’re bringing food to them, that builds a bond like nothing else. Don’t be black pilled dude
I have lived my entire life in the Allegheny Valley. Tons of regular bottom mouth carp 3 gens thought they were always there. Also lived three lots away from Pymatuning dam only 9.3 miles from "Where the ducks walk on the fishes backs" every weekend as a kid. Worked at a Chinese restaurant in Squirrel Hill. The owner was in his glory fishing the Pymatuning the Bridge at the spillway. I have eaten carp. NOT on the menu but as a guest. The way the Chinese cook them that fish falls off the bone. It was banging good. Hats off to Lady Ping.❤
no cool to celebrate a ecological problem
Your personal story is irrelevant. Catch and kill.
There was a team in Australia working on genetically engineering "Daughterless Carp".
After several generations of all male offspring, the population collapses.
That team had its funding pulled in 2012, after proof of concept testing with Zebra Fish, but I'm sure they could be rounded up and offered jobs to clear the US of Silver and Bighead Carp.
What he said! and yet , and yet, how long would it take to pull it off? Being that there is no time to waste…
@@petercorcoran2702 Silver carp can live 20 years, so it will take at least double that to achieve population collapse.
You just have to continue with other control mechanism in the meantime - ideally using a mechanism that allows you to cul unaltered fish and return those containing the gene driver to the water.
More proof that being gay kills the human population too!!!❤😂🎉 wow! Another lazy Joe biden all talk anx no action!!!❤😂🎉
LOVE your play on words, "CARP-diem." In any event, as an avid fisherman, I fear that NOTHING we try to do to stop the wholesale invasion of this unwanted species will ever ultimately stop them (like building a wall between the US and Mexico to stop illegal immigration). *It's just a matter of time at this point,* just like the Snakehead and the Zebra Mussel invasion of Florida and the Great Lakes.
The ONLY method I believe will even help in this regard is to simply create ways to use this fish as a cheap and easily available FOOD SOURCE, something that McDonald's can turn into some form of profit, like "McCarp Tenders," or organic fertilizer, or simply shipping them out to global Asian markets to satisfy their demand. Nothing else is going to slow down, much less stop, this creature from destroying America's valuable sport fishing industry or waterway system... NOTHING.
Many years ago our local, Camping/Outdoor, shop had a winter sale with signs that read , "Now Is The Winter Of Our Discount Tent"
LOVE it!!!
People starving everyday, but there's a fish over population problem 🤔🤔
Lotta folks are lazy dude!
@Ichigo Red We have $23,000,000,000,000 for 20 yrs of endless fucking wars. Figure a way for the MIC cocksuckers to profit on asian carp and problem solved.
Dire Straitz they taste good but bony . To solve the problem is to find some way to process them in way that is profitable . There is a market for them in Asia .
Cat food...
First world problems!
wish i had a boat load they are really good canned and smoked and you use it like tuna make awesome fish loaf or patties sandwhiches
Yummy 😋 yummy ❤
The problem in North America is that they people are too fussy about the type of fish they eat. In Asian countries the carp is quite sought-after.
Theres plenty of good fish here, of course we dont want to eat the bottom feeders who are full of bones....I stick to Walleye/Perch/Crappie
Man can "overfish" oceans but can't "overfish" these rivers of Asian carp?
Something ain't right.
A good point. I've wondered the same thing.
Us market for asian carp is small, if more people would eat them they would get overfished, problem solved
@@McColty_Makes - It's about time to open it up.
look at the size of ocean finishing factory ship compared to fishing for carp in 20ft aluminum flat boat
Apparently one fish sorry vermin.. could possibly spawn 250,000 in a year. There's part of the problem.
All you have to do is announce this to the Chinese community, they will mobilize and over fish for them and no problem anymore. By the way, I’m Chinese so I’m not being racist.
I agree with you, these fish must be beautiful to eat... what's wrong with you people.? They are not rats that live in sewers. You must be stupid to think these fish are a problem,. Start fishing them and eating them, they are a great protein source of clean food.
@@susananastasiastavros1402 apparently they are not delicious,they are a very bony fish and a lot of people do consider them vermin, and they have been known to destroy native fish species.
The only good purpose that I'm aware of for these fish is fertilizer.
my thoughts exactly... lols
Just tell the Chinese it's good for stamina 😂😂😂
I’m not Chinese but I’m Asian and not only Chinese but most Southeast Asian like them too. Can anyone tell me the location to get some Asian carp.
Very informative and educational.
A massive source of protein here, and fertilizer as well. If I were younger I would be making fish meal out of them to use for animal feed and fertilizer as well. A reduction plant would be a money maker I would think.
For your info ,Carpe are allready in the great lakes, Last time i went out fishing,all that I caught was carpe. No good for anything except to carry home and bury under your rose bushes. Just another big thank you from Asia..
Asia got Bass problem…
That could be the US top export product. And I'll gladly buy 'em everytime!
If people can make good money from catching the Asian carp, and the carp are not regulated, then the numbers will drop due to over fishing. If a person were to establish a business that used the carp to make fertilizer, fuel and food, then the numbers will drop.
That's exactly my line of thinking. Allow unlimited commercial catch of these fishes. Turn them into food and fertilizer (hey it's organic!) and the numbers will drop.
There are no regulations on asian carp fishing, you can catch and keep as many as you want.
A guy, a few years back, came and caught a bunch of the Asian carp and took them to our famous Fast Eddie's and cooked them up, the people around here seemed to like it but idk whatever came out of it, I'm in Alton Illinois, right on the Mississippi
To stop them, promote habitats for nesting for Herons, Storks, Pelicans, Egrets, Bald Eagles, Osprey, Fishing Owls. Promote habitats for Snakes, Otters, Pike, and other predatory fish. Another solution close off all access to the Great lakes from the Mississippi waterways. Damn them up. These fish are highly tassty too, so humans eat them up left and right. Eat a Carp, save a native fish!
Are those native to that area? (I don't know if any of the ones you mentioned are or not.)They should probably promote the species that are their naturally. If not it might prove to be the next invasive species threat that scientists need to figure out how to get rid of.
Although I do agree that it would be good to introduce a predator only may be one that either lives their already or can be put in, monitored and removed with little trouble. If that's possible. I know it's easier said then done.
Fish industry,, food, fertiliser equals profit
@@keturahmagee6413 Pike and Muskellunge are native to North America, and Pikes have no problem eating anything smaller than them.
If you introduced all those predators , who aren’t targeting only the carp, wouldn’t they over eat all the native species too. Then you would have to cull all the introduced predators. I think the solution you said is right, save the native fish and eat the delicious carp. They are probably good fertiliser too.
You forgot Gar.
One aspect of this issue was not addressed: what keeps the population of Asian carp in check in their native Asian habitat. Could the replicating of those conditions be achieved in North America or, at the very least, could more input be provided as to preventing them from being dominant in every habitat they invade?
It seems the size and depth of the great lakes are stopping the Asian carp. They haven't came to Ontario yet. We only have European and Mirror carp here. (Im one of Ontarios top carp fishermen....caught thousands of them all over the province.
So is their caviar any good? I sense an opportunity here.
Well export meat. In Europe is carp fillet is about $10. BTW carp meat is more delicious and nutrition than tilapia.
Correction: Silver carp (White carp), AKA Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, do not grow to 100 kilos. They max out at about 50 kilos; I think the narrator meant to say 100 lbs (100 lbs=50 kilos - still big enough to kill a person!). @25:00
Since these fish are so sensitive to sound, they could be herded en masse by "Carpbuoys" (no horses needed!) using sound cannons. Since they're headed to Lk Michigan we could build a series of cut out 'abattoirs' along the way, then launch a program of "Roundups", herding them into the kill pools, shock them to death, and dredge the bodies out for animal feed or fish patties, etc for humans. Put fish sensors along the path to track populations and progress. Rinse. Repeat.
I am a fisherman. This looks like heaven. Carp is a delicious fish and is highly priced in many nations. The ocean is depleted and is getting worse. These carps are our saviors and not our enemies. Why don't we pack them and ship them all over the world. McDonald better add carps to the menu! These fishes prosper in the rivers and lakes already and has not destroyed them! So what is the problem. How come they don't infect Asian fish to Africa?
How can they survive in the cold waters? What is their limits?
25:36 awesome beatdown.
So fucking funny, I was waiting for this comment
Just bring a chinese crew and they will fish them all in a day
Yes ,
Except they eat plankton so how the hell do you plan on using plankton as bait....
Yea, give them a bamboo steamer and enuf chopsticks and they can do anything,
I hv been thinking along the same line: issue visas to Indochinese fishermen to live along the river(their govt pay for their wages) the fishes get exported with no tax impose. In fact subsidies some of the freight charges.
@@Angela-po7cr :yes China can help if America need more population and less carps.
I had a $200 dollar fine 2 years ago because I was fishing Asian carp with expired fishing license
money is money, they just steal your money .
The people that fined you should be jailed !!
If you're a white guy, they would had let you go.
Oh that is sad.
Scum shows they don't want us self Sufficient 😤
I'm very surprised to say this because I'm very picky about fish. I caught my first Asian Carp and was told to treat it a little like catfish/cod somewhere in there. My buddy told me to pick a recipe in there and try it. Aware of the bones, i flash boiled the meat and it fell right off the bones then made a German beer battered fish stick.
I'M A CONVERT . It is not as good as catfish with this recipe but it is so good I'm confident anyone with a brain will make this over and over. I next day i made a mango dipping sause and that hit it perfectly.
Get some and try it
If it doesn’t taste as good as catfish then it must be real crap.
@@charleswieand4445 unfair comparison. Hardly anything tastes as good as catfish
My opinion, if you need all kinds of sauces on any meat you're trying to distract from a bad flavor .
The title should be "Carpe Carp" Seize the carp 🐟😄
Wow that's crazy there out of control 😢
@@lynnloiselle4025 This is an ecological nightmare and highlights what happens when humans try to mess with nature and introduce invasive species without doing their homework first. And of course many humans are irresponsible when it comes to animals. Look at how huge the feral cat problem is world wide. So many species of birds, small mammals, reptiles and amphibians are now extinct because of being preyed upon by feral cats. Some countries have declared all out warfare on feral cats and other introduced invasives like rats and stoats as a last ditch effort to preserve their own native animals, some of which don't live anywhere else in the world. I am not talking about pets, I mean wild domestic cats that have not been and can't be socialized and this is not time to be sentimental and oh poor cats which number in the millions. New Zealand and Australia have iconic ground nesting birds that cannot fly and they have zero defense against these predators. And being islands there is limited space and resources. Unless they get rid of invasive predators many of their own wild animals will be eliminated. And what happens when the cats have eaten most of the available prey animals ? They will die a horrible death from starvation. There's no easy answers to such huge problems.
2 words.....FREE FOOD 👍
If this fish gets into the Great Lakes, you can kiss goodbye to the Missouri River trout.
Ask Australia about bringing in non-native species to take care of a problem, because when you do that you right away have two problems. Would it be possible to close the canals, or run screen across the whole width? It almost seems insurmountable.
There are still large markets around the world for dried salt fish and smoked fish, the problem is not so much the fish as the governments reluctance to provide incentives for the building of processing plants and development of automated production lines . If anchovies can be processed by machine there is no reason why carp can't be. The answer to this problem is to pitch up on mass in washington and proceed to wack senators, congressmen and the president around the head with good heavy carp. I can assure you they will vote the funds and tax breaks required in under two minutes.Nothing like a angry mob waving fish to get indolent self serving politicians off their backsides. Come on America don't put up with these dilettantes any longer this problem should have been dealt with ten years ago. The jobs that it would create would be enormous a real boost to the US economy. How about converting May day into wack a politico around the head with a stinky dead fish day. Dumping tons of dead fish on the front lawns of the industrial/oil and tec barons and Ivy league families along with the white house also likely to produce good results, just look at the French they don't have a problem meating out this sort of encouragement to their governments. Go on catch a carp and post it to your state senator. or better still hang a couple over the engine block of his car.
And try to remember politics is a very fishy trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After the bones are cut out you can mix bread crumbs an egg an deep fry into patties
Invasive carp were originally imported from Southeast Asia to the southern United States to help aquaculture and wastewater treatment facilities keep retention ponds clean. Flooding and accidental releases allowed these fish to escape into the Mississippi River system and migrate into the Missouri and Illinois rivers. The Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois rivers are all connected and therefore fish swim freely between them. The Illinois River is also connected to the Great Lakes by a manmade connection, known as the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal.
1963: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service imports grass carp from Eastern Asia to Arkansas for federal research on controlling aquatic vegetation in aquaculture ponds.
1966: First believed escape of invasive carp into U.S. waters, in Arkansas.
1970: State of Arkansas begins stocking grass carp in weed-choked waters throughout the state.
1972: Bighead carp are first brought into the US by a fish farmer in Arkansas to improve water quality and fish production in aquaculture.
1973: Silver carp are introduced into the US for phytoplankton control in culture ponds and as fish food.
1973: An Arkansas fish farmer who ordered grass carp unintentionally receives the nation’s first shipment of black carp.
1974: The Arkansas Fish and Game Commission report extensive stocking in more than 100 public or semi-public lakes with over 50,000 acres stocked with more than 380,000 grass carp.
1976: Silver carp, stocked in sewage ponds, escape into wild during flood.
1976: First wild sighting of invasive carp in Arkansas.
1980: The first report of silver carp swimming in the wild.
1981: The first record of a Bighead carp caught in natural waters when an individual was caught on the Ohio River below Smithland Dam, Kentucky.
1982: Carp considered “established” in the wild in Arkansas.
Early 1990s: Heavy flooding allowed more carp to escape from fish farms in the Mississippi and they have since migrated into the Missouri and Illinois rivers.
1994: The first record of escapement or release to the wild of black carp occurred in Missouri. Thirty or more black carp escaped into the Osage River in Missouri when high water flooded holding ponds at a private aquaculture facility near Lake of the Ozarks.
1996: Army Corps of Engineers directed to build demonstration electric barrier for aquatic nuisance control.
@@artemizlogan8305Thank you... It's Always the government's mess up that starts a problem!
Close that canal!!
It's pretty simple set up prossing plants let anyone who wants to start a commercial fishing business a permit release all native fish
Fill in the Chicago channel too ,the only way to keep them out of the lakes , I live only five mile from Lake Michigan.
Dog/cat food?
close the canal - barge people will past the cost along - they won't suffer - in fact they will do better - more boats - more jobs
Where we can buy that silver carp? I think we need that fish here in Philippines people here are fish eaters even the small piece tilapia is a target
I can ship it to you for 1 dollar each. You pay for shipping cost only.
i live in the Florida Keys and they say we have a Lion Fish problem on the reef here they have round up here also to get rid of the Lion Fish , here they do serve the Lion Fish on the menu, there is a market for Lion Fish
... sort of the same problem .. Lion fish look pretty tho... but overwhelming ... can't eat all of them either ... there like Canada geese in that respect as well ...
I have seen documentary were divers scientists are teaching sharks an grouper to feed on the lion naturally sharks won't touch them due to their color an shape which lets predators know they are venomous. It is working but will take years to get to the point where shark see the lion as food. In the mean time the lion eats anything it can fit in its mouth desemateing the native species
If Asian Carp can jump twelve feet or more they will get through the electric barriers in the Chicago river , it’s just a matter of time . Fill in the Chicago river channel .
Close the canal system problem solved
Agreed! Shut them down!! It's the only viable solution to a man made problem. The canal system is a disaster, one that will only get worse!!
@@markkubiak8296 Michigan tried that but Illisnois refused because they earn billions in revenue from shipping on the canals
Make food out of them like dog, cat, animal feed. Making $$$. Grind them including the bone to fine power before reforming it.
Not to forget fertilisers, natural fertilisers
I've used them for fertilizer. They work great !
When the apocalypse comes in a few years, you will be eating them when you are starved.
this video was made 4 years ago i wonder has there been any progress or not on these carp control plans
I would be willing to bet that Asian Carp are already in the Great Lakes. All it would take is for some idiots to catch them and keep them alive long enough to transplant them in the Great Lakes or other inland lakes.
So basically the poor areas need to eat The Carp and create jobs
Canning fish makes the bones break down and then they can to be eaten. Plus the market for pet food or fertilizer
Give them to us Asians. We can make a lot of stew based dishes from these lovely fishes. Our belief is the more the bones, the more tasty it is.
Hit em with shockwaves from quarter sticks of dynamite?
Fish stocks world wide are being depleted by over fishing .Troll fishing often upsets marine ecosystem and destroys coral reefs . If not for the bones, troll fishing the Asian carp from the over populated rivers, may be one solution to the problem .
Oh man sushi. Need I say more?! If we can eat Blowfish that is poisonous, we can do carp.
Humans exterminates native species of fish: "That's the way of life."
Carps winning. "Wait, that's illegal!"
You can feed the entire Yemen and countries that cant afford food, its a good eating fish, FEED THE HUNGRY DIEING PEOPLE
This battle was lost many, many years ago, as soon Asian Carp was introduced to this continent. Now this is a way to make money, getting grants and salaries. By the way, fish eggs get from one river or lake to another by ducks, geese, cormorants and other birds.
can it tolerate salt water?
Maybe find a market in a neighboring state (ship the fish to be used as meat) theirs a big supply now they just need a demand. once people like it and the interest grows a lot of fish sent out, could help a little, plus could be used to raise money for the areas affected or support other efforts to stop the Asian carp from spreading. After watching full thing called it.
The point is this fish is invasive and terrible for its surroundings. So either let this fish damage and over populate while just about EVERYTHING else dies. Or control them and let nature flourish
Dog food?
Shut down the canals! Commerce will evolve to deal with it. Close the canals! That's the solution no one wants to talk about! Save our lakes!
Very tastety fish ....give it MEITEI people from Indian state Manipur
Advertise it to your people and come over and take them easy living!
when you pressure can them you can even eat the bones
Compost 'em, ....use as fertilizer.
The bighead carp is a great delicacy in Toronto Chinese restaurants where I've seen them live in tanks, but it was about 20 years ago.
government: they're going to spend a crap ton of our tax dollars to control these fish, but they shouldn't, because they're going to fail. Instead, spend the money on marketing the fish as a food, allow unrestrained commercial fishing, fishing for the carp without a license and no limit, etc. Create markets, get rid of laws (netting) that will prevent some from going out and getting it, etc.
I have seen some very different carp with other carp in the mouth of a small river connected to the Detroit river . They looked a lot like the asian carp . I am sure of it. Now I don`t know if they were the buffalo carp or the asian I`m not sure but they were a different kind of carp. I have told officials who were collecting information but they just shrugged me off.
To america this fish ia a pest.outside the country having this much is blessing from god and edible
It's not that the species is bad - it just doesn't belong in that ecosystem.
I don't understand why thry don't just use massive nets, catch em and feed the starving millions around the world or use it as plant fertilizer. Asian carp are low in mercury, not fishy tasting and absorb flavors of sauces etc
Dire Straitz ,good idea
In Australia the common carp has plagued the Murray River. One business has turned a problem into a useful commodity. Its Charlie Carp Fertilizer. So we could do the same. Here's the link:,and%20stabilise%20the%20natural%20ecosystem%20here%20in%20Australia.
Asian carp is delicious
@@brianlocal3 yea unfortunately so are PCBs dioxin & Roundup.
@@TheJdmartinjax I’m confused. Are the Asian carp full of toxins?
Why cant they be caught and used for cat food and fertilizer?? People food too.
How did they get in the water in the first place
Common carp have naturalised and arent a threat. also they're often mixed up with native buffalo, which get killed in hopes of stemming the invasive surge
Even common carp are hoovering up a huge amount of food and degrading the environment for native species.
@@baldieman64 They can muddy waters badly, combined with the impact of asian carp yes they can exasperate problemd. But their environmental impact has been controllable for the 2 or 3 hundred years they've been around for
Come on USA, that is tons of food waiting to be harvested.
I know this is an old video but can a person actually still catch catfish on the IL river over by Peoria?
Yes, there are still many catfish in the Illinois river
This fish taste better than tilapia
Tilapia don’t have any taste
26:36 all those fish should be processed and sent to starving people in this country and abroad… imagine how many starving people could be fed from that!
The homeless and starved peoples s
Don't like this kind of fish. They only like fishes that tastes like Cocaine or meth.
Stupid question but could alligators or large predators be let free and make a difference?
Carpe Carp. Seize the fish!
David Suzuki! nice!
always my favourite video and documentary
They are really easy to catch, and when pressure cooked, they make great fish patties for breakfast, tacos, munchies, smoked. Give people a free fishing license if they catch 200 carp fish.
My great grandmother who grew up during the great depression always talked about knowing how to cook carp. It is a bony fish but if you use a pressure cooker, it renders the bones incredibly soft and edible.
Just jump in a boat the dude at 3:30ish got a pole but I saw 3 jump in his boat...
Those kids in Illinois that are starving and half a mile from the carp need to be educated on how to fish, that seems so obvious and the lady says they have no way to get them fish?
if you can't beat it eat it, it can be a good fish and chips business. let mcdonalds and kfc's put them in their menu in their asian branches.
The Silver Carp are beautiful fish. I want to bake a whole fish. In a similar way you do with prized fish. Just think about cooking a 20 pound fish, there might be a lot of bones but the bigger the fish, the easier to deal with the bones. But I live in northern Minnesota and never eaten one before.
Feed them fish 🐠 😂😂
What about a sound that can attract them ALL herd them to a canal or to a small area and catch them or poison them?
Don’t scare yourself those are good eating fish start eating do fish and chips and do something else and try to reduce the populations. Those are good good eating fish by eating and two fish and chips and another step would be really good will be reduced and will be safe.
They apparently do clean water of over-fertilization-a big problem in Florida where lawn runoff causes algae blooms and eutrophication. Are they doing so in the Mississippi? Gamefish do eat the young ones. The meat is actually tasty. How about those quarter million eggs? Could they be harvested for Copi caviar? The war analogy (invasion, attack, etc) is not helpful. Let's use 'em.
at 46:50 he has a fly on his belly also at 48:08 theres a fly on his shirt i edited this
Feed them fish 🐠 😂😂😂
If my memory is correct, the Lamprey problem, all over the Great Lakes, was stopped by electric means. I have seen these carp reacting to shocking.
Its not stopped at all. Been catching freshwater drum in Lake Erie and they often have a lamprey attached to them.
This was all predicted to happen : Piranha ( 1978 ). Classic !!
My idea would be to do like was done with the screwworm flys it worked for the flys, maybe it’ll work for the fish.
Catch and cook tournament when they have eggs ! U kill 2 birds with one stone!
So what is their natural predator from their home land?
Asian fishmongers in the USA were tired of not being able to get Asian carp for cooking so they kept their own in other fish ponds then when there was a massive flood the carp were able to get free and enter the Mississippi river