It was 2009 me and my family had just migrated to Australia. We were at the Sydney opera house and I had just gotten ice cream when this song started playing. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life, and I had been searching for that song ever since. Finally found it. Edit: Thank you all so much for the warm welcomes, Australia truly is a beautiful country. My family and I are nicely settled now, and things are looking bright. All I’m gonna say is, life has many hardships. But there’s something so poetic about strangers being able to connect with each other through the simple things. This song has many different meanings for each of us and I’m glad we can all look back on these beautiful moments in time. It helps us carry on and remember who we really are, where we came from; and most importantly why we’re here. It’s comforting to know that we shared all these moments through a single song, don’t you think? I wish the best to all of you! If you’ve seen this, we’re not strangers anymore, you have a friend somewhere in the world. ❤️ Just know that If you ever wanna feel young again, Just click play ▶️. See you all next time ✌️
This is literally Abigail's song. It perfectly embodies everything inside of her, not the facade she put up, and how she felt about Sammy. They were the most raw, genuine emotion on the show.
Yay! I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this! I know in the show the song is sort of this thing between her and Ethan cuz he did the choreography for it, but the lyrics and the whole mood of the song make me think of her and Sammy and even more so when she dances it for the audition at the end of Season 2
The market/ populace dictates rewards/ honour given to artists, not god...unless you believe god is behind it which case you will have to take it up with a disengenered uber being
My dads dying in hospital and this was the song that he would play on piano when I was little, and I'd sing along to. I hope to play this at his funeral.
I've been trying to find this song by searching the lyrics 'its the love, that one has, in my dreams, in my dreams'. I searched it like 6 times in different ways and wasn't successful. I googled how to find a song if you forget the lyrics and it said to press the Google mic and select what's this song and hum it. I'm incredibly proud that I can hum good enough for Google to match the song 28% :)
Anyone who has lost someone they love more than life itself feels this song deeply. My partner Chris passed away from cystic fibrosis January 2020 & still anytime, any speaks his name I ache inside. It's a physical pain in my heart.
This song came out the year my little pupper was born and I loved this song at the time . He died 6 days ago and this song reminds me of him so much. RIP Oscar... 2008-2024 ❤
This song is about her miscarriage. That is why there are the close-ups of her stomach. But is truly an amazing song to have so much meaning to so many people, who all listen for different reasons. Definitely the best song I know.
I remember when my daughter, then 6, first heard this song. She became so emotional she bawled her eyes out and asked me to not play it ever again. She still won’t listen to it and she’s now 10.
I heard this song first time in dance academy. A series that everyone should watch! So if you haven't watched it then you totally should! YOU JUST CANT LIVE WITHOUT IT! Anyway, this is a really beautiful and awesome song and it really touched my heart.
+Zara Gentemann I sarted to cry when i heard this song. I first heard it on dance academy too and i was totally obsessed with it. Why did they have to kill Sammy!?!
This song was used by my local radio station in Sunderland UK as part of a tribute to the 9/11 atrocities. A very haunting song and I love it. Deserves a lot more recognition and publicity.
this is one of the greatest songs ever written , the words are so clever and deep and this performance is mind blowing , if you close your eyes and listen to it its about as close to emotion and love in a song I ever ever heard :)
Am I the only one who knows this song from the episode of Neighbours? Omg I cried so hard! This song kind of just stuck with me ever since then....going back a while now. Getting old lol
Ruby Lee I came here because of neighbours! Use to watch it all the time, now I rarely watch TV and it's my sisters favourite TV show now :') was randomly thinking and had to search.
Dear kate im so happy to say that i was in the audience this evening for your child in reverse tour at the sydney state theatre you were amazing your concert exceeded my expectations brilliant your voice and the band sounded amazing take a bow the concert was well worth the wait your a beautiful and very talented young woman it was one of the best live shows i have ever seen at 61 i have seen a lot you are in the same league as any current artist in australia or over seas you should be big i wish you all the best in your future success you are truly a lovely woman 26 july 2022
I remember going to see my nan in hospital when she was ill, going to home and going to bed with the radio on and this song played, middle of night mom comes in to say nan had past away, It was literally her last day on earth and this played, gods got ways beyond our comprehension
For me I saw my beautiful daughter deceased in 2010 dancing n singing to this song infront of my large fish tank, after she past I saw the film clip I just cried n cried, she was 22 and beautiful ❤ I love this song
I told my Nana on the phone that we are catching a plane and will be on our way soon to see her. I said if she couldn't hold on it's ok, a tear ran down her cheek. I then went to the shops that day to buy a black dress and prepare for the unavoidable that was soon to come. This song starts playing and I start crying in the change room. Later that same day I get a phone call to say that she passed 💔 Her last day on earth. I may have lost a nan but I gained an angel 🤍
My dad died a year ago after this song. He was dying and I was a little girl I didn’t know he was. His last words to me were I love you and I said I love you too. I cried so hard at his funeral. I still cry about him. He was the best father in the world and the best husband to my mom. He was the love of her life. I miss him everyday. I wish I could see him in my dreams every night. Sometimes I see him in my dreams and it’s always comforting and loving. It’s like he’s still with me. Maybe it’s grief dreaming about him or maybe he’s still with me in spirit. But I will always love him. I guess he’s what bounds me to this earth. He’s gone physically but not spiritually. Part of me is grieving him still. Him not being here with me on this earth and feeling like I’ve lost a part of my soul when he left this world.
People out here is saying how this is from Dance Academy and whatever, then there are people who hunted this song for ages, or found it in the darkest moments of life. I found this on the radio, when i was a child, driving back from Caloundra (Queensland) one day at sunset. I was so young, but the setting sun and such a beautiful song, it haunted my mind and dreams for years until I found this song again, just by typing the chorus into TH-cam. The moment I heard it, i remembered that day, my sister sleeping next to me in the back seat (younger), my parents driving without any sort of argument or debate, just a nice afternoon... and from there stories grew, stories i can attribute to this song, some of the best I've written. A truly beautiful song, it is so sad how so little people hear Australian music when it has such gems like this within. That sunset and this song will stay with me until the day I die...
this is one of the most underrated song.. im just wondering why it only have 1.5M views when it can have more... should be like 50M views.. i like this song since i always hear it on COLES Radio back in 2011.. it took me quite sometime to like it.. but whenever i hear the song it always bring me to my COLES HORNSBY days.. Those memories are one of the happy days in Australia.. now im back in Philippines.. i smile because of the song...
I remember when Bella Ferraro sang this on The X-Factor many years back. Terrific song sang by an underrated artist. Fast forward today, Kate is now getting the flowers she deserves being on Eurovision and The Voice!
I lost my cousin last year in a horrible accident and I kept playing this song to cope. Everytime I come back to this video I think of him. I miss him so much.
How does one go on losing a child? I'm sorry for your loss. But you are obviously strong. Stay that way. I'm sure your son would not of wanted anything else x
I have been looking for this song for so long now I found it I kept singing the part "in my heart" I saw the ad of Last King of the Cross and heard the same song but a different version a guy singing it
Totally great song!! Kate is a fantastic Songwriter & Singer! This should be an International Top Hit! I bet this song is discovered again in 20 years' time & explodes! This song helped me after my Mum's death. Kate is an awesome singer! You should have more Hits!! Kate said she didn't even expect this song to succeed!! Kate is highly talented! More Good songs please? And Thanks for this Song! Great Video too!
It's been 10 years since my mum died, at only 59 years old. This beautiful song alway makes cry and realize that the hole in my heart is still there, and I hope it stays. I love you mum.
My Grandfather passed away yesterday. This was the first song I listened to. Luckily I have gracious memories of him. Heartbreak is just the worst feeling.
Ella Turner i lost my grandma from cancer the same day this song came out it was on the radio next moment my brother cried i was only 3 so i didn't understand at the time but now everytime this song is played i cry
This is one of my breakup songs, still gets me everything I hear it 😭 I was 19 when we broke up and I seriously felt like the sky was exploding and the world crumbling, and I dreamt he would come back to me. That was 10 years ago and Omg feels like forever ago
This lady is like Wendy Matthews and Tina arena, underrated....but let’s face it, she won’t be told what to do.... Reminds me of Kate Bush, some of her music is pretty left of field and that’s a good thing....
I've known this song for about a year now, and I _just_ recognised that this is KATE MILLER-HEIDKE, who represented Australia in ESC 2019. A big applause for me please 😂👏👏👏👏👏
I’ve heard this song three times a week on radio now in the mornings between 3 am and 6 am yes I start work early, but that’s been ever since Eurovision only
Kate, why do you have to write brilliant heart wrenching songs? Do you take pride in drawing people in with beautiful melodies then crushing their souls with the lyrics? That last verse always gets me, "Every time anybody speaks your name I still feel the same"..... Excuse me for a moment.....
When I was little I looked up to her so much, I sung to this all the time and I wanted a dress just like hers She is such an amazing artist she definitely deserves way more recognition
I've never been crazy about singers and bands my mum always offerd to take me to see bands and singers but I always said no. If you had a show in Australia i would go. Your by far my fav singer.
Orla Hassett Both you and my mother have a right to worry, both careers are dangerous.. My girlfriend is very worried also but the reward of seeing the happy faces of the people that appreciate your service is worth it
I first heard this song from neighbours nearly ten years ago now. 2.3 millions views is not what I expected, absolutely love this song. Hope it somehow makes a comeback like songs have been recently ❤
Oh My God!!!!!!!! I have been looking for this song 😭 i was thinking about it last night!!! 😭 omg the memories!!!! Its been 10 years since I've heard this song!! I always woke up at 6am every saturday to watch RAGE!! THIS song was a song that gor stuck with me for such a long time!!
When I first listened to this song, kind of making me feel the regret in every sentence being sung and the remorse in the melody being sadly sounded, A real beauty which is captured in sadness she just can't seem to escape from, With a sincere and desparate hope she can only see happening in her dreams but her tears always bring her back to reality and the reluctance against the reality her heart carries seems to get her twisted by having the passed conversation played again and all over again in her mind
It was 2009 me and my family had just migrated to Australia. We were at the Sydney opera house and I had just gotten ice cream when this song started playing. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life, and I had been searching for that song ever since. Finally found it.
Edit: Thank you all so much for the warm welcomes, Australia truly is a beautiful country.
My family and I are nicely settled now, and things are looking bright.
All I’m gonna say is, life has many hardships. But there’s something so poetic about strangers being able to connect with each other through the simple things.
This song has many different meanings for each of us and I’m glad we can all look back on these beautiful moments in time.
It helps us carry on and remember who we really are, where we came from; and most importantly why we’re here.
It’s comforting to know that we shared all these moments through a single song, don’t you think?
I wish the best to all of you! If you’ve seen this, we’re not strangers anymore, you have a friend somewhere in the world. ❤️
Just know that If you ever wanna feel young again,
Just click play ▶️.
See you all next time ✌️
So glad you found it!!! Isn't it a great song!!!!!
This is so beautiful 🥺
wow, sounds shit, ice cream and australia, cant think of much worse !
2009: The last day on Earth
2019: Zero Gravity
Her songs have sequels !
2029: ???
2022... hold my beer
2024-The last day of Humanity
Abigail's solo dance. XDDDDD :) Awesome music!
Is it?
w hy did u laugh?
I was here for the same reason the time I've watched DA. I woke up thinking about this song and singing mentally the parts I remembered.
This is literally Abigail's song. It perfectly embodies everything inside of her, not the facade she put up, and how she felt about Sammy. They were the most raw, genuine emotion on the show.
Yay! I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this! I know in the show the song is sort of this thing between her and Ethan cuz he did the choreography for it, but the lyrics and the whole mood of the song make me think of her and Sammy and even more so when she dances it for the audition at the end of Season 2
@@ravinialee269 I love her solo
And Abigail is who again ?
how does this song have so many little views? Australian artists don't get the recognition they deserve
Phoebe Katy 2.1 million by 2019, I think she’s doin’ alright.
@@jimraq1 SIA too
I think Eurovision will make this number grow quite considerably over the next year or so
The market/ populace dictates rewards/ honour given to artists, not god...unless you believe god is behind it which case you will have to take it up with a disengenered uber being
She ripped off the beatles
Thanks to Eurovision I found such a great artist like Kate! Kisses from Russia ❤️
Опа русич)))
Absolutely LOVE this song and this as well as goodbye Stranger. by Supertramp are the songs that I want playing at my funereal
Kisses from America, Alex.
We have awesome talent here in Australia. Look up John Farnham or Jimmy Barnes. Both legends here.😁
My dads dying in hospital and this was the song that he would play on piano when I was little, and I'd sing along to. I hope to play this at his funeral.
Well did you
Hooe your ok and he loved you . Ignore these idiots they have no life experince . But dont hate them dont hate anyone . Be safe
Elizabeth Dorchester I didn’t say anything rude I was telling the other person they are brutal
How are you?
I've been trying to find this song by searching the lyrics 'its the love, that one has, in my dreams, in my dreams'. I searched it like 6 times in different ways and wasn't successful. I googled how to find a song if you forget the lyrics and it said to press the Google mic and select what's this song and hum it. I'm incredibly proud that I can hum good enough for Google to match the song 28% :)
My wife just died yesterday, this song gives me so much comfort. Thank You Kate.
I find it bewildering that your tragic loss only garners 13 likes when some innocuous comments get 500 likes and 30 replies... Apologies.
Bro how are you doing are you still alive please reply 😭
My condolences. 10 years late.
We have to know man , you holding up ? Got other wives . Reply
Anyone who has lost someone they love more than life itself feels this song deeply. My partner Chris passed away from cystic fibrosis January 2020 & still anytime, any speaks his name I ache inside. It's a physical pain in my heart.
I'm sorry for your loss.
He will live on in ur heart & ur memories forever.
I feel the same ache in my heart for my dad & my sister.
I am so very sorry for ur loss. ❤🙏
This was my baby's funeral song
So sorry ..
Sending you love, I'm so sorry for your loss x
solo Abigail Armstrong from Dance Academy * . *
This song came out the year my little pupper was born and I loved this song at the time . He died 6 days ago and this song reminds me of him so much. RIP Oscar... 2008-2024 ❤
2 months later and I'm still listening remembering my Oscar. I love you Oscar 😔
This song is about her miscarriage. That is why there are the close-ups of her stomach. But is truly an amazing song to have so much meaning to so many people, who all listen for different reasons.
Definitely the best song I know.
I'm crying now :-(
We lost a little one around this time too :-(
Make sense
They used it on Dance Academy when *spoiler* sammy *** every time i hear this i cry
This is one of the best songs ever and her voice is just angelic
Isnt it
I saw this song when Bridget died on neighbours like 5 years ago and still have a tear in my every time I watch this
+Grace Quick omg why would you bring that up! cant listen to this anymore.
+Grace Quick i didn't know she had died on neighbors oh my goodness :(
.... same here, that was depressing.
+Grace Quick bridget died? lol havent watched neighbours since bree and janelle timmins left
I remember when my daughter, then 6, first heard this song. She became so emotional she bawled her eyes out and asked me to not play it ever again. She still won’t listen to it and she’s now 10.
Everyone here is talking about this song being played in Dance Academy, but it has been a tear-jerker in MANY movies/shows with an emotional moment 😥
Love this song ever since I heard it on Dance Academy. Such a beautiful song !!! Abigail did such a beautiful dance to this
Me too, I love Dance Academy!! Samy:( I cry so much when Samy Died:´(
I love this song so much my pop died to it
Kelsi Donnelly zu
Angel Carrion x
Absolutely love this beautiful song, for my son's memory it played the same night in 2009 thankyou kate❤
I'm not sure what this means but it sounds tragic and beautiful at the same time 😢
We're all here for different reasons, but hope we can all appreciate her beautiful voice and music.
I heard this song first time in dance academy. A series that everyone should watch! So if you haven't watched it then you totally should! YOU JUST CANT LIVE WITHOUT IT! Anyway, this is a really beautiful and awesome song and it really touched my heart.
I found this in dance academy tooo. the dance sequence too this song made me cry. I'm gonna go rewatch it again :-)
+Zara Gentemann I sarted to cry when i heard this song. I first heard it on dance academy too and i was totally obsessed with it. Why did they have to kill Sammy!?!
Me too!
This song was used by my local radio station in Sunderland UK as part of a tribute to the 9/11 atrocities. A very haunting song and I love it. Deserves a lot more recognition and publicity.
thats so sad so much respect R.I.P anyone who was lost in 9/11
Still gets me.....every time anybody speaks your name, I feel the same, I ache I ache inside
this is one of the greatest songs ever written , the words are so clever and deep and this performance is mind blowing , if you close your eyes and listen to it its about as close to emotion and love in a song I ever ever heard :)
Agree. Great talent, Beautiful soul. Beautiful woman.
Nah... Songbird, as sung by Eva Cassidy, is much more affective.
I know who this song was written's a truly tragic heartbreaking story. 💔
Not for a fetus!
808 thousand views only?? seriously?? this is one of the most beautiful songs ever. unbelievable.
Even today after 7 years, it has only 2.5M views...
Hope you are fine ❤️
Anyone here because Kate Miller-Heidke has WON the right to represent Australia at Eurovision 2019?!
Yeah hope she wins
Yes! So glad she was chosen!!!
I was a fan of her before then, but I am super happy for her. She's worked so hard, she even made her costume.
Calling it now - she’s the queen on the masked singer AU
She is.
Yeah guessed it 1st time I heard her sing
Knew that on the first night. She absolutely SHOULD have won.
Is that all you've got?
Who's here after hearing that she's the new judge on The Voice .
Me. Never heard this song before. Just looked her up and my old school principal is her dad.
Me. Just now. Never knew she sang this!!! I thought it was some American star or some shit(and genXer here too lol) it
I went here after watching the commercial and recalling that she was on eurovision...
Yup. I was like who tf is that 😂
@@Lolohea1995 are you pretty young tho!? Alota young ppl not gonna know who she is..
Am I the only one who knows this song from the episode of Neighbours? Omg I cried so hard! This song kind of just stuck with me ever since then....going back a while now. Getting old lol
Ruby Lee I remember that episode I was 5 or 6 I'm 13 now
lol i feel old now
same omg I feel so old now help meh
Ruby Lee Omfg, I still cry when I think about that episode or here this song 😭😭😭
Ruby Lee I came here because of neighbours! Use to watch it all the time, now I rarely watch TV and it's my sisters favourite TV show now :') was randomly thinking and had to search.
When ever I hear this song I cry immediately
This is my song when to let out and cry
This is my song when to let out and cry
This is my song when to let out and cry
This is my song when to let out and cry
This is my song when to let out and cry
Dear kate im so happy to say that i was in the audience this evening for your child in reverse tour at the sydney state theatre you were amazing your concert exceeded my expectations brilliant your voice and the band sounded amazing take a bow the concert was well worth the wait your a beautiful and very talented young woman it was one of the best live shows i have ever seen at 61 i have seen a lot you are in the same league as any current artist in australia or over seas you should be big i wish you all the best in your future success you are truly a lovely woman 26 july 2022
Absolutely brilliant piece of music. Magnificent song. Deserves world recognition. Just saying
Kate just found a new fan. Exceptional voice.😊
I'm grateful for the TV show, the big C, for bringing me here.
Beautiful song!
It's a beautiful song. I love Kate 💕
I remember going to see my nan in hospital when she was ill, going to home and going to bed with the radio on and this song played, middle of night mom comes in to say nan had past away, It was literally her last day on earth and this played, gods got ways beyond our comprehension
For me I saw my beautiful daughter deceased in 2010 dancing n singing to this song infront of my large fish tank, after she past I saw the film clip I just cried n cried, she was 22 and beautiful ❤ I love this song
So sorry xx
Sad but beutiful at the same time. I hope you found peace. I truly do.
This song always make me cry... remember someone so special, so important...
Had she came out in the 80's she would have been a world wide Super Star!
First heard in the Big C....but come back because it's a great song...every time I hear it, I ache, I ache, I ache inside
Omg the song tore me up in that episode of The Big C!! Cathy and Lee!!! 😭😭😭😭
Beautiful, sensitive, perfect!
Can't stop listening to this song...
Dance Academy brought me here, love this song
when you truly loved someone and find out they have passed, you will understand the sadness of this song.
I told my Nana on the phone that we are catching a plane and will be on our way soon to see her. I said if she couldn't hold on it's ok, a tear ran down her cheek. I then went to the shops that day to buy a black dress and prepare for the unavoidable that was soon to come. This song starts playing and I start crying in the change room. Later that same day I get a phone call to say that she passed 💔 Her last day on earth. I may have lost a nan but I gained an angel 🤍
Thank you for sharing
My dad died a year ago after this song. He was dying and I was a little girl I didn’t know he was. His last words to me were I love you and I said I love you too. I cried so hard at his funeral. I still cry about him. He was the best father in the world and the best husband to my mom. He was the love of her life. I miss him everyday. I wish I could see him in my dreams every night. Sometimes I see him in my dreams and it’s always comforting and loving. It’s like he’s still with me. Maybe it’s grief dreaming about him or maybe he’s still with me in spirit. But I will always love him. I guess he’s what bounds me to this earth. He’s gone physically but not spiritually. Part of me is grieving him still. Him not being here with me on this earth and feeling like I’ve lost a part of my soul when he left this world.
People out here is saying how this is from Dance Academy and whatever, then there are people who hunted this song for ages, or found it in the darkest moments of life. I found this on the radio, when i was a child, driving back from Caloundra (Queensland) one day at sunset. I was so young, but the setting sun and such a beautiful song, it haunted my mind and dreams for years until I found this song again, just by typing the chorus into TH-cam. The moment I heard it, i remembered that day, my sister sleeping next to me in the back seat (younger), my parents driving without any sort of argument or debate, just a nice afternoon... and from there stories grew, stories i can attribute to this song, some of the best I've written.
A truly beautiful song, it is so sad how so little people hear Australian music when it has such gems like this within. That sunset and this song will stay with me until the day I die...
this is one of the most underrated song.. im just wondering why it only have 1.5M views when it can have more... should be like 50M views.. i like this song since i always hear it on COLES Radio back in 2011.. it took me quite sometime to like it.. but whenever i hear the song it always bring me to my COLES HORNSBY days.. Those memories are one of the happy days in Australia.. now im back in Philippines.. i smile because of the song...
I remember when Bella Ferraro sang this on The X-Factor many years back. Terrific song sang by an underrated artist. Fast forward today, Kate is now getting the flowers she deserves being on Eurovision and The Voice!
I lost my cousin last year in a horrible accident and I kept playing this song to cope. Everytime I come back to this video I think of him. I miss him so much.
Love this song and her voice is so beautiful and first time ive heard the mcg crowd scream and cheer so loud after her wonderful national anthem ❤️
beautiful song
Brandon 13 years have passed i still ache inside RIP mummy's little angel xox
Sorry for your loss 💐
How does one go on losing a child? I'm sorry for your loss. But you are obviously strong. Stay that way. I'm sure your son would not of wanted anything else x
I have been looking for this song for so long now I found it I kept singing the part "in my heart" I saw the ad of Last King of the Cross and heard the same song but a different version a guy singing it
Totally great song!! Kate is a fantastic Songwriter & Singer! This should be an International Top Hit! I bet this song is discovered again in 20 years' time & explodes! This song helped me after my Mum's death. Kate is an awesome singer! You should have more Hits!! Kate said she didn't even expect this song to succeed!! Kate is highly talented! More Good songs please? And Thanks for this Song! Great Video too!
It's such a beautiful sad song.
Love you Kate Miller so beautiful
It's been 10 years since my mum died, at only 59 years old. This beautiful song alway makes cry and realize that the hole in my heart is still there, and I hope it stays. I love you mum.
this took me forever to find ! I remembered this song from years and years ago. Parts of it kept randomly coming to me.
the first time I heard this song in the first word shivers ran down my spine and I almost started crying
What a lovely song and so profound
This song absolutely describes the pain of losing a loved one.
Daddy I miss you so much :-(
This song makes me emotional. My bf introduced this song to me 3 years ago.
My Grandfather passed away yesterday. This was the first song I listened to. Luckily I have gracious memories of him. Heartbreak is just the worst feeling.
This song is just beautiful. I lost my mum 6 years ago to a house fire and i love this song has so much heart ❤️💔❤️
Ella Turner i lost my grandma from cancer the same day this song came out it was on the radio next moment my brother cried i was only 3 so i didn't understand at the time but now everytime this song is played i cry
Sorry for your losses hope your still moving forward in life and still keeping your head high i couldn't imagine the pain you went through.
This song came out in 2009 if memory serves me well...loved it then, love it now.
This is one of my breakup songs, still gets me everything I hear it 😭 I was 19 when we broke up and I seriously felt like the sky was exploding and the world crumbling, and I dreamt he would come back to me. That was 10 years ago and Omg feels like forever ago
this song is amazing
Poetic for these times.
Who's getting end of days vibes in this like we are in 2020?
This lady is like Wendy Matthews and Tina arena, underrated....but let’s face it, she won’t be told what to do....
Reminds me of Kate Bush, some of her music is pretty left of field and that’s a good thing....
I've known this song for about a year now, and I _just_ recognised that this is KATE MILLER-HEIDKE, who represented Australia in ESC 2019.
A big applause for me please 😂👏👏👏👏👏
I’ve heard this song three times a week on radio now in the mornings between 3 am and 6 am yes I start work early, but that’s been ever since Eurovision only
Kate, why do you have to write brilliant heart wrenching songs? Do you take pride in drawing people in with beautiful melodies then crushing their souls with the lyrics? That last verse always gets me, "Every time anybody speaks your name I still feel the same"..... Excuse me for a moment.....
love this standing...for me it takes me back to a broken romance...still love you, Janine.
literally watched dance academy for so long but never actually noticed the song. Am watching it again and realised how good a song this really is. XD
When I was little I looked up to her so much, I sung to this all the time and I wanted a dress just like hers
She is such an amazing artist she definitely deserves way more recognition
And now look at us...
My favourite song.
I love Australian music artist ❤️🇦🇺🇦🇺💛💚🎵🎶🎼🎵🎶
I love you Kate you my winner eurovison ❤❤❤❤ from Turkey.
You were able to watch it. Happy to hear that.
Ever since I heard this song years ago I’ve been coming back to it every 2 years. Idk why lol’s amazing
Me too
I've never been crazy about singers and bands my mum always offerd to take me to see bands and singers but I always said no. If you had a show in Australia i would go. Your by far my fav singer.
AUSTRALIA!!!! My mum wants this played at my going away party inn 2016 for when I leave for the Army.
I'm playing this when my son joins the police cadets: I'm very worried like your mum.
Orla Hassett
Both you and my mother have a right to worry, both careers are dangerous.. My girlfriend is very worried also but the reward of seeing the happy faces of the people that appreciate your service is worth it
if you went to blusefest this year in Byron bay you could have seen her live. I saw her she was amazing and she just had her Australian tour
Still listening in 2024 Katie. Thankyou from perth ❤
Thanks front SA too
i cry at this song when kate tears came out of her eyes
This song makes me cry because it was played when Bridget died on neighbours 😢😢😭😭😭
only 800k views? wtf is wrong with TH-cam viewers...
such an underrated singer with amazing voice that makes me feel like i'm in another world
7 years later....2.6 mil :P still not much
Kate, You are amazing!!! Can one have enough of this masterpiece?...
'Love Child' brought me here - and you've come back to me in my dreams - wish I could stay there.....
She's beautiful and sings like an Angel
She is was angel
I first heard this song from neighbours nearly ten years ago now. 2.3 millions views is not what I expected, absolutely love this song. Hope it somehow makes a comeback like songs have been recently ❤
Ahh I can't wait to see Kate at Woodford Music Festival 2014! Such a beautiful voice.
sweet vocals,i wish to hear it nationally and internationally,well done Kate
Just listened it. am from HongKong.
Oh My God!!!!!!!! I have been looking for this song 😭 i was thinking about it last night!!! 😭 omg the memories!!!! Its been 10 years since I've heard this song!! I always woke up at 6am every saturday to watch RAGE!! THIS song was a song that gor stuck with me for such a long time!!
YESS !! 💕
+kaya scodelariostonem yepppp haha
i love Dance Academy TARA AND KAT♥♥♥
kaya scodelariostonem ikr
love it
This song should be turned in to a feature film. Please do it Kate!
OMG this is from dance academy. I love this!
Actually made me tear up
Finally found this song 😭😭
When I first listened to this song, kind of making me feel the regret in every sentence being sung and the remorse in the melody being sadly sounded,
A real beauty which is captured in sadness she just can't seem to escape from,
With a sincere and desparate hope she can only see happening in her dreams but her tears always bring her back to reality and the reluctance against the reality her heart carries seems to get her twisted by having the passed conversation played again and all over again in her mind
One of my favorite songs, it always makes me cry. I love you Kate 😘💖💕
this song makes me cry