The biggest flaw with modern data comprehension methods is the tiny 2D monitors and the microscopic size of mobile screens. Catalogs, book maps, yellow pages, newspapers/magazines and encyclopedias are large 3D display technologies when we use our fingers and hands. How hard is it to find and access 3 separate locations in a large data/text file and then bounce back and forth between them for comparison? Easy to do in a book. Can you zip through a data/text file searching for an image? Today's display devices are expensive and limited. We should try to see if we can get some lost capabilities back.
Things catalogues, paper and book maps, yellow pages, and encyclopedias did that aren't replaced by searches on today's devices. A paper map's display area could fold out to 3x4 feet or a meter square. Geography could be seen in whole. Instead of zooming with fumble fingers, scan with eyes turning head, ergonomic. Maps work without batteries or cell tower. Catalogues could have more than one index. Categories, alphabetical etc. and could lead to unanticipated discovery of important information. Catalogues, Yellow Pages, and Encyclopedias display a LOT of unsearched for but related and maybe invaluable information. Newspapers displayed much unsearched for information in parallel and front loaded to the beginning of the article. In a sense these real world objects WERE knowlege graphs.
The biggest flaw with modern data comprehension methods is the tiny 2D monitors and the microscopic size of mobile screens. Catalogs, book maps, yellow pages, newspapers/magazines and encyclopedias are large 3D display technologies when we use our fingers and hands. How hard is it to find and access 3 separate locations in a large data/text file and then bounce back and forth between them for comparison? Easy to do in a book. Can you zip through a data/text file searching for an image? Today's display devices are expensive and limited. We should try to see if we can get some lost capabilities back.
great insights in the video
Things catalogues, paper and book maps, yellow pages, and encyclopedias did that aren't replaced by searches on today's devices. A paper map's display area could fold out to 3x4 feet or a meter square. Geography could be seen in whole. Instead of zooming with fumble fingers, scan with eyes turning head, ergonomic. Maps work without batteries or cell tower. Catalogues could have more than one index. Categories, alphabetical etc. and could lead to unanticipated discovery of important information. Catalogues, Yellow Pages, and Encyclopedias display a LOT of unsearched for but related and maybe invaluable information. Newspapers displayed much unsearched for information in parallel and front loaded to the beginning of the article. In a sense these real world objects WERE knowlege graphs.