@@mCoding I encountered exactly that usage when I was trying to learn how to use matplotlib. I couldn't understand it at first, and I found it to be a very hard question to ask Google, because it's hard to put into words what you're asking about.
@@mCoding Anyway line, = ax.plot(...) is considered bad practice. I tended to use line = ax.plot(...)[0]. Not only the comma is tiny to spot, also plot() can return multiple lines if y is 2-d array, in such case line, = ax.plot(...) will result in an error.
@@reformed_attempt_1 often with these problem, its not enough to just google what you see, because you don't know which different forms this thing you don't understand can take on. now with the hindsight of what it actually is and that it always looks like this (comma with missing element afterwards and an equal sign), its easy to put into words
Certainly. It may be clearer if you spell it "(x,) = y". It is a deconstructing assignment, extracting the element of a single item container. The more common use is things like "x,y = 2,3" or "a,b = b,a".
@@jonathanflatley793 Maybe if the formatter is exceptionally bad at its job; it should not have let ",=" exist in the first place. autopep8 for instance leaves the parenthesis but changes "x,=y" to "x, = y" (per the rule to put spaces around the = in an assignment statement, which applies to both cases).
I don't know. Kinda interesting but x = primes.intersection(evens).pop() is still more readable. Also doesn't crash if I change something and now have a set containing more than one item
7:11 A temp variable isn't required as you can do a one-liner: x = primes.intersection(evens).pop() Sure you can use this notation as it's shorter to type in some cases but I think it's better to use functions as they're more readable for someone who isn't familiar with the syntax. But this does make a very good trivia question as you need to decipher the meaning with knowledge about how comma-separated assignment works.
Yeah, in real code I would definitely use pop. However, there is one benefit of ,= that I didn't mention. x, = singleton actually does length checking, ensuring that singleton has exactly one element, else it raises an exception. singleton.pop will happily give you an element even if singleton actually has more than one thing in it. Thanks for watching!
Well, lua does not really have this behaviour, but a similar one. Lua has the concept of multivalue results. So a method can return a multi value result as a "single thing" and the syntax does just distribute the individual values to the individual variables. So function someFunc() return 3, 4 end a, b = someFunc() As far as I remember you can not just use a comma, but you can use a dummy value if you wanted. Commonly the underscore is used. Though note that when you just do a = someFunc() you just get the value of 3. The only container type in lua is a table which can model arrays or objects. You can turn a multivalue result into an "array" / table just by doing a = {someFunc()} This is essentially the same as doing a = {3, 4} Methods also can have a special parameter called "...". This is essentially the var-args placeholder and is also a multi-value value ^^. Lua has methods to pack and unpack tables into multivalue values and back. Lua has just a few language features but they are incredible powerful. Though there are a few things that you will miss from other languages. For example, no "continue" for loops, you only get a "break" which sometimes makes structuring code a bit of a pain. Though it's an incredible powerful language. Another great example is the colon operator. While the normal dot "." indicates member access (like in most languages), the colon operator does the same with a slight twist. It allows syntactic sugar to essentially implement OOP with tables. Since functions are also just values and like all values they are essentially stored in a table (yes, even the local scope of a function is a table) you can do this: myTable:someFunc(1, 2, 3) The colon is just syntactic sugar for this: myTable.someFunc(myTable, 1, 2, 3) This is essentially how almost all OOP languages work under the hood. When you call an instance method the language simply has an implicit "self pointer" as first argument so the method knows its context. While you can work with closures to construct context specific methods, thanks to metatables we can actually implement inheritance. Metatables also allow you to override operator behaviour. Yes, it's not as typesafe as most strongly typed languages, but it's just fantastic what you can do with just a few language features. I have sucked up the whole lua specification :) I think there's not a single feature I don't funlly understand by now.
The operator is just assignment using "=". Then allow a tuple of assignment targets on the left hand side of the assignment instead of just one. And of course a tuple of one element is always valid, but needs a comma to show that it is not just a single parenthesized element. Then allow the parentheses around the tuple to be omitted. And of course spaces around a comma are optional. I think if it were my language I would not have made the parentheses optional.
hah, I though that x ,= y is x = x,y so result should be (1,[2]) (like x+= y, is x = x + y) . I think there should be warning that ,= is not real operator, or "space" between should be enforced.
I think I would have preferred they make the parens around the left hand side tuple required instead of optional. Two more keystrokes, but much easier to see that it is a tuple assignment and not a simple value assignment.
I have one thing to add to this. It is clear to me that parentheses do not create tuples under any circumstances. It is the commas alone which creates the tuple. The parentheses allow for the spreading across several lines or simply serve as a visual container to make things easier on the eyes. If everything is on one line the parentheses can be omitted entirely and the code would still work.
@Ives Furtado The parentheses in those circumstances function as a container o separate what is inside them from everything else in the collection but it is still the commas that make the tuple. If you put a single integer in parentheses inside a list it will be stored as an integer not a tuple just as it would elsewhere although, yes you are correct, the parentheses under those circumstances are necessary.
Parenthesis are optional for tuple literals and generator expressions depending on the context. If there's no ambiguity (i.e. if f the commas can't have any other meaning) you can drop them. The exception being the empty tuple literal.
@@leogama3422 After re-reading my original comment I realise that parentheses would be necessary in order to create multiple tulpes in one line or creating a tuple inside a list. I got ahead of myself. I guess the certainty I wrote that with is an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
There are many instances where some function gives back a list and the correctness of the program depends on that list to have exactly one element which is extracted and used. The advantage of x, = y (or maybe better [x] = y) is that if y isn't exactly length 1, it throws an error.
This also means something: x = y, or even x, = y, Have you done one on the meaning of “[:]”? And how it differs on the LHS versus RHS of an assignment?
I recently started learning python myself for some small projects and I'm pretty chuffed that I managed to guess that x, = y would give 2 correctly. The reasoning behind my guess was that in Lua you can return multiple values from a function by using return value1, value2, etc... and to assign them to variables you can use commas. For example: x, y, z = some_function() In this case x, y, and z are each separate variables and get assigned the first three values returned from some_function. If you only wish to store some of the returned values but discard others you can use underscores as dummy variable where you want values to be discarded. For example: x, _, z = some_function() I guessed that perhaps in python a similar thing might be happening but where the underscores were not necessary and also in python's case the usage seemed to be extended to include assignment to multiple variables from a list. I didn't guess that the comma equals would need a space between them for proper formatting though. :P My long ramble aside, good video, very interesting, and thanks for sharing! ^_^
The behavior with lua is very similar, but also slightly different. With lua, you truly are returning multiple values, so if you only capture the first, the rest are discarded. Python only allows returning a single object, but has a feature called automatic tuple (un)packing, which will take a sequence like `foo, bar` and turn it into a tuple for you. On the outside of the function, the process is reversed and the tuple (or other iterable) is unpacked. Unlike lua, the length of the iterable must match the number of left-hand-side targets.
I think I'd rather 3-5 lines of code and be abundantly clear than use one and create a mystery / be unclear. I also still find subroutines weird, no obvious end unlike many other languages which might start and end them with some type of parentheses.
subroutines exist because they are the most basic call. Assembly uses subroutines because it's assembly. Every function call is secretly a subroutine call.
This is a nice alternative for x = y[0]. It's due to the fact that the comma defines a tuple hence no parenthesis is needed like (x,) = y. Great video.
@@xdjiijii6543 Wrong. *x = y[0]* extracts the first element of y and assigns it to x, where y only has to have *at least 1* element. *x, = y* does something similar, but is different. The second variant will fail on anything other than single-element iterables. So it also asserts that y *must* be a single-element iterable, i.e. assert len(y) == 1. If you assign y = [1, 2] then execute x, = y you’ll get a ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 1)
Very cheeky, putting the space in the wrong spot, you almost got me. Seriously, this is a good argument in favor of PEP 8, the correct way to format that line is "x, = y".
I didn't figure it out right away when you asked without the example (I wasn't watching at first, only listening), but I thought "that couldn't possibly be a thing, right? It's like the "goes down to" C operator -->, or something, not a real operator?". At 0:29 when you said "x is one, y is the list containing 2", I realized it had to be the one-element destructuring assignment operator. The RHS is a one-element sequence and it assigns that element to the LHS. All I can say to that is that it makes perfect sense and is simultaneously horrible nonsesnse.
@@lukefadedaway No, it's not the same code. Consider the initial value of x = -1. Then x is 'truthy', but x > 0 is clearly false, so the original code will never enter the while loop while yours will loop infinitely. Another example is the float/double x = 0.5. Here, indeed, x > 0, so the loop will execute once in the first case, then stop, but again infinitely in the second case. In any case, I personally find for (int i = whatever; i > 0; --i) { /* loop body */ } a lot clearer than both, albeit a bit more involved. Obviously I'm making the assumption here that the variable i is used only in the loop.
@@ninesquared81 If x is guaranteed to start as a positive int, the while(x--) will break too, but it won't behave similarly for negatives or any non-trivial decrementing refactor of course. He kinda missed the point of the OP though, and I feel like you probably made him recognize it. I personally also use for loops instead, it's not that much more effort and I often end up changing the conditional/incrementing anyways. The only time I actually use while is when I need a do. You can always do the int i; for(i = 0; i > 0; --i) case if you need i later, but that is getting back into the less clear territory perhaps.
It is much safer and has the same result to use: x, *_ = [1, 2] If you want to get the first element of a list, which may be empty, without doing a len check (Python: Do don't ask), you can use: first = next(iter([1, 2]), None)
@@M3t4lstorm >>> x, *_ = [] Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected at least 1, got 0) Python 3.10.2
I find myself using x, _ = or _, x = returns_tuple() quite a lot when using functions where the shape of the output is fixed. Tuple unpacking is pretty common in python and readable if you make it clear what's going on. To me, using x, = implies the size of the tuple might vary, where adding the underscore is a way to say "i don't care about the rest"
Sets are not subscritable, so this won't work and will return an error. Same thing with dictionaries, although what you suggested would work with lists and tuples. The advantage of ,= is you signal to the reader that the right hand side will only have 1 element no matter what. Or just confuse the hell out of them.
so this unpacks the first value of iterable of the right side, and ignores the others, kind of like simulating the "x, z = [2]" but without typing "z" on the left side? If so, it isn't even the operator, it just assumes that we distribute right side into the tuple of arguments (that has only one argument), to the left side
@@nallid7357compress define and usage in the flavor of one liner...including the tuple unpacked instead of saying x, *_ = y(iterable) if x ....(whatever operator for conditionls) now it could be made as: if x, *_ := y (the second part of the tuple assignment is omitted if you know the iterable has just one element, thus x, := y will be the valid short form
@@tomduke558 This will be a source for interesting new errors. If something was introduced, it can't be removed easily. You can still use the subscription to access the first element. Often it's not efficient to consume the whole list. The first element is assigned to the name "x" and a new created list with the rest of the items is assigned to the name "_". This is later garbage collected, but for a short time it's there. If your list is very long, this costs performance and memory.
@@deadeye1982a yup regular index subscription to a list would be more explicite and memory friendly. agree that unpacking from long sequence will cause unneccessary garbage conglomeration
I was wondering how you may unpack longer iterables (>1 element) using this. After trying, what I got is: iterable = range(5) x, *_ = iterable But maybe iterable[0] is just more explicit? Haha
Indexing might not work with some iterables, it works with all sequences though. If you only need the first element, use next(iterable) (watch out for a StopIteration exception).
yeah it is, if you try something like: x, = {1, 2} it throws an error saying that there are too many values to unpack. It's really not different from doing: x, y = {1, 2} using ',=' instead it's more difficult to read and prone to errors
I actually got it right before watching the video. I had ruled out *Syntax error* based on common sense that no one is going to make about 8 min of video where the answer was going to be *Syntax error*.
This reminds me of a piece of C++ code I've seen a long time ago, hopefully written as a joke. Try to understand the following: int n = 10; while(n --> 0) printf(n); If you refer to the --> as the "goes down to" operator, it's easy to be fooled into thinking it actually exists, because it seems to be doing exactly what you would expect.
That is what makes it useful compared to x = y[0] or x = y.pop() or x = next(iter(y)). Unpacking requires that the number of elements matches. Thus, if the assumption that there is just one element in the right hand side is incorrect, the code will fail rather than silently extracting part of the iterable. Per the Zen of Python (import this), errors should not be silent (unless explicitly silenced).
[x] = y seems like a much clearer statement, does not look like a typo, and is more consistent with other destructuring assignment uses. I don't know Python, but do that intersection, I think you'd want to do something similar to the above but ignore the 'rest', i.e. [x, *_] =
[x] = y absolutely does look like a typo to me. The fact that it means something to the Python interpreter, I find bizarre. It's not at all clear what the assignment's destination is.
This is great. I also struggled with star operator. Mostly outside of functions (ie when not used for *args or **kwargs). I'm taking about tuple (sequence) unpacking. There are many cool uses of star operator that are esoteric but interesting. Can you cover this topic?
I don't think has anything to do with tuples, it's just like putting like a, b, c = [1,2,3], but instead of 3 elements u have one, but perhaps i might be wrong
Okaay, so also reading the comments seems to say that this is a struct oriented method overload to deconstruct a struct, as if the underlying is a pointer stack and you’re selecting a pointer from the top of the stack. That would be really useful generally speaking but I don’t know if an overloaded operator is type safe?
I mean, it's an edge case, and it might be cool if they made an exception and let us have this as a shorthand for getting the first element in an interable
I use C#, not Python, but it made me realize I could use deconstruction instead of temporary variables for swapping values. void Swap( T[] array, int a, int b ) { (array[a], array[b]) = (array[b], array[a]); }
What feels weirder than this quirk is the quirk that it works on sets (or sets of one a least), sets being unordered I would think that form of pattern matching shouldn't work on them at all.
exceptional video. to my surprise, i actually correctly predicted that it would consider x a tuple, but i didn't realize it would swap values between a tuple and a list. i've always said that what i hate most about python's syntax is implied tuples. in the very least, i think it should be required to use parenthesis i.e. (x ,)= y would have looked much less like an operator than x ,= y
I've never seen this before but I got it right. I'm proud of myself 😊 That said, I think a more pythonic way to write this is x,_ = y. When unpacking tuples, an underscore is the recommended variable to use for any value you won't be using.
x, _ = y will work if y has length 2, but it won't work if y has length 1 and we are trying to get the unique element out. You can do x, *_ = y that will work as long as y has at least 1 element, but it won't give the desired error if y actually has more than 1. You can manually check that y has length 1 first, but that only works if y supports len, which wouldn't work for generators for example.
Maybe this is bad practice but I often find it convenient to create global variables like property = [None] , which I can assign and access this from any context, regardless of class or file (after importing) and without calling global. So rather than doing p = property[0] to access it, I can use p, = property.
Yes, this would be typically be considered bad practice, for hiding the use of a global, for using a global, and in the example given also for shadowing the builtin "property". BUT, that doesn't mean it's bad for YOU.
@@mCoding oh yeah I wouldn't use the word 'property'. I find 'global' doesn't work for variables that are imported, I end up with an instance. In an ideal case I'd make a class to inherit from but often don't always have that power.
What's so weird about it? it's just an unpacking assignment, like `a, b = c` where `c = (1, 2)` Pretty standard python. Maybe if you put the comma where it belongs (after the x instead of before the =) it's more clear: `x, = y` or `(x,) = (2,)` Maybe that's where the confusion came from, maybe you didn't know you could create a 1-tupel like this: `(2,)`?
Yep, exactly. When I saw it in real code, the comma was absolutely not in the right place and that's what confused me. If it were in the right place I probably still would have glazed over it, but at least I would have understood it after the first error!
If you're new to python, this is a great new tip. But if you're somewhat familiar with python, thinking that's a syntax error might be the dumbest thing you've done
It looks weird and deceiving by looking like any other compound assignment operator, which it is not. And is is a PEP8 code style violation when stated like that in the initial question. That’s why IDEs will flag those as style warnings, at least. If you follow the style guides closely, finding such things in other code bases can be really irritating.
intersection.pop() is more readable, at least to me. Of course, I often have readability problems: unless variables, functions, and classes are really well-named, I'll have the hardest time figuring out what the sample of code does. It gets even harder when the brevity of the code is taken to an extreme, such as adding a comma after the variable name.
Huh, cannot say that I saw it before now. And reading the comments, it seems to be used in matplotlib. Saw the case and immediately thought of unpacking, though I admit I hesitated when you showed the fourth case. Good video by the way! Recently found your channel and all of them that I saw are really educational!
It would've been a great little trick for "unsqueezing" a possible list, if it worked on a list of any size AND scalars, like if you had a function argument for example and you could do: x, = 1 x, = [1] x, = [1, 2, 3] but since it doesn't do that and always requires an iterable of size 1... it kinda seems useless.
Always unreadable. Even with an intersection example if you know you have 1 element it's better to access it like intersection[0] and not confuse other engineers
I'm at 1:05 and I have to say, I have never seen this in my life. But based on the fact that a tuple is actually defined by the comma and not the brackets, I would go with option 4. Here goes nothing. Edit: wow!
If you really need this, you should use like "x, __ = y" And there is a real life use case of this format in Django. get_or_create method returns (object, is_created) tuple and if you need only object you can do something like this: obj, __ = MyModel.objects.get_or_create(code=my_code, defaults={'value': my_val}) obj will either be freshly created or fetched from existing record but if it doesn't matter for you in your scope, you can just ignore "created" parameter by using __
I say x = 2 would make the most sense. Haven't seen video yet. Edit: Woot! Yup that made sense. At work we require standard code formatting at work as part of the IDE save :D. I had to think a bit but with the format it's somewhat clear what it's doing. A bit confusing though hahah.
So, I will not actually teach this when showing boolean operators. But I will make a find the error task where this syntax appears to test if the other trainers understand it.
X = y[0] is explicit and therefore my preferred option. Good to know how this works though for encountering smart-asses or code golf. Better yet, make Y a dict, with the value you want in X as the key or have a custom object with a member variable so it has a self-explaing name in the namepspace. Much clearer than having a list elements being used for different purposes, and could lead to much simpler functional programming style.
It's true use case is to check if people actually read your pull request before approving it.
It is also commonly used in matplotlib plotting code (unfortunately). E.g.
line, = ax.plot(df, label=label)
I mess this up EVERY time.
@@mCoding I encountered exactly that usage when I was trying to learn how to use matplotlib. I couldn't understand it at first, and I found it to be a very hard question to ask Google, because it's hard to put into words what you're asking about.
@@Hermaniac8 it's not a hard question to Google, though
"python comma equal"
"python comma before equal"
@@mCoding Anyway line, = ax.plot(...) is considered bad practice. I tended to use line = ax.plot(...)[0]. Not only the comma is tiny to spot, also plot() can return multiple lines if y is 2-d array, in such case line, = ax.plot(...) will result in an error.
@@reformed_attempt_1 often with these problem, its not enough to just google what you see, because you don't know which different forms this thing you don't understand can take on.
now with the hindsight of what it actually is and that it always looks like this (comma with missing element afterwards and an equal sign), its easy to put into words
so it's just pattern matching and there is no actual `,=` operator? I feel betrayed!
And I feel betrayed everytime matplotlib uses it!
Not technically pattern matching, but close enough
--> operator in C/C++
@@mCoding FREAKING MATPLOTLIB LOVES THIS. I had a mini breakdown when I first saw this and had no idea what it was
@@jlee3361 Shouldn't Matplotlib avoid such "syntax" in its implementation and documentation? Do them, at least, separate the , and the =?
Certainly. It may be clearer if you spell it "(x,) = y". It is a deconstructing assignment, extracting the element of a single item container. The more common use is things like "x,y = 2,3" or "a,b = b,a".
or you could also make it generic to take the head by writing x, *_ = y :P
@@ianliu88 This is the most readable
@@jonathanflatley793 Maybe if the formatter is exceptionally bad at its job; it should not have let ",=" exist in the first place. autopep8 for instance leaves the parenthesis but changes "x,=y" to "x, = y" (per the rule to put spaces around the = in an assignment statement, which applies to both cases).
to be more precise, it's a special case of of python's Tuple Unpacking syntax. It's a lot more powerful than just swapping values.
I don't know. Kinda interesting but
x = primes.intersection(evens).pop()
is still more readable. Also doesn't crash if I change something and now have a set containing more than one item
x, *rest = hello()
In most cases you would want the program to crash (raise an exception) when the set has different number of elements than you expect.
@ if you always knew why wouldn't you just hard code the resulting set
@@deViant14 It's about knowing that there is only going to be one result, not that you know the result that so happens to be one of.
@@mattmess1221 or if you don't care about the rest, *_
7:11 A temp variable isn't required as you can do a one-liner: x = primes.intersection(evens).pop()
Sure you can use this notation as it's shorter to type in some cases but I think it's better to use functions as they're more readable for someone who isn't familiar with the syntax.
But this does make a very good trivia question as you need to decipher the meaning with knowledge about how comma-separated assignment works.
Yeah, in real code I would definitely use pop. However, there is one benefit of ,= that I didn't mention. x, = singleton actually does length checking, ensuring that singleton has exactly one element, else it raises an exception. singleton.pop will happily give you an element even if singleton actually has more than one thing in it. Thanks for watching!
@@mCoding Oh yeah, that's a great point!
@@mCoding Thank you, this comment might be worth pinning.
actually worth pinning
Oh how weird. This apparently also works in Ruby!
Good point! I wonder what other languages also have this oddity.
Well, lua does not really have this behaviour, but a similar one. Lua has the concept of multivalue results. So a method can return a multi value result as a "single thing" and the syntax does just distribute the individual values to the individual variables. So
function someFunc()
return 3, 4
a, b = someFunc()
As far as I remember you can not just use a comma, but you can use a dummy value if you wanted. Commonly the underscore is used. Though note that when you just do
a = someFunc()
you just get the value of 3. The only container type in lua is a table which can model arrays or objects. You can turn a multivalue result into an "array" / table just by doing
a = {someFunc()}
This is essentially the same as doing
a = {3, 4}
Methods also can have a special parameter called "...". This is essentially the var-args placeholder and is also a multi-value value ^^. Lua has methods to pack and unpack tables into multivalue values and back. Lua has just a few language features but they are incredible powerful. Though there are a few things that you will miss from other languages. For example, no "continue" for loops, you only get a "break" which sometimes makes structuring code a bit of a pain. Though it's an incredible powerful language.
Another great example is the colon operator. While the normal dot "." indicates member access (like in most languages), the colon operator does the same with a slight twist. It allows syntactic sugar to essentially implement OOP with tables. Since functions are also just values and like all values they are essentially stored in a table (yes, even the local scope of a function is a table) you can do this:
myTable:someFunc(1, 2, 3)
The colon is just syntactic sugar for this:
myTable.someFunc(myTable, 1, 2, 3)
This is essentially how almost all OOP languages work under the hood. When you call an instance method the language simply has an implicit "self pointer" as first argument so the method knows its context. While you can work with closures to construct context specific methods, thanks to metatables we can actually implement inheritance. Metatables also allow you to override operator behaviour. Yes, it's not as typesafe as most strongly typed languages, but it's just fantastic what you can do with just a few language features. I have sucked up the whole lua specification :) I think there's not a single feature I don't funlly understand by now.
Some language operators just shouldn't exist. I avoid the 'clever' stuff for more straight forward that you can read and understand 2 years later.
Totally agree, clarity over clever.
@@mCoding Might mean I'm boring :-)
@@wickedprotos1937 I’d say that this isn’t really intended per se. Probably just duck typing.
I really didn't intend to be the operator troll :-) I'm by no means an expert. Love your videos.
The operator is just assignment using "=". Then allow a tuple of assignment targets on the left hand side of the assignment instead of just one. And of course a tuple of one element is always valid, but needs a comma to show that it is not just a single parenthesized element. Then allow the parentheses around the tuple to be omitted. And of course spaces around a comma are optional. I think if it were my language I would not have made the parentheses optional.
That actually seems very similar to JavaScript's array destructuring assignments. const [one, two] = [1, 2];
That's exactly what it's doing!
Called unpacking in python
const [x] = y
@Danko Kapitan Pretty sure python can do that with any iterable
I guessed that it was going to unpack the list stored in y
hah, I though that x ,= y is x = x,y so result should be (1,[2]) (like x+= y, is x = x + y) . I think there should be warning that ,= is not real operator, or "space" between should be enforced.
Then x,= wouldn't work, even though could legitimately be x, =
Comma is not an _operator_ of two arguments which is the case with the first character of true augmented assignments.
@@daddy3118 yeah, sometimes syntax sugar is misleading, worse sometimes x+=y vs x=x+y in python is not syntax sugar ;)
I think I would have preferred they make the parens around the left hand side tuple required instead of optional. Two more keystrokes, but much easier to see that it is a tuple assignment and not a simple value assignment.
It remembers me of the "goes to" operator in C, as in "x goes to zero":
while (x --> 0) // do stuff...
(from a question in Stack Overflow)
😂 Been a while since I've seen this one
I have one thing to add to this. It is clear to me that parentheses do not create tuples under any circumstances. It is the commas alone which creates the tuple. The parentheses allow for the spreading across several lines or simply serve as a visual container to make things easier on the eyes. If everything is on one line the parentheses can be omitted entirely and the code would still work.
An empty tuple is typically created by empty parentheses.
@Ives Furtado The parentheses in those circumstances function as a container o separate what is inside them from everything else in the collection but it is still the commas that make the tuple. If you put a single integer in parentheses inside a list it will be stored as an integer not a tuple just as it would elsewhere although, yes you are correct, the parentheses under those circumstances are necessary.
Parenthesis are optional for tuple literals and generator expressions depending on the context. If there's no ambiguity (i.e. if f the commas can't have any other meaning) you can drop them. The exception being the empty tuple literal.
@@leogama3422 After re-reading my original comment I realise that parentheses would be necessary in order to create multiple tulpes in one line or creating a tuple inside a list. I got ahead of myself. I guess the certainty I wrote that with is an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
There are many instances where some function gives back a list and the correctness of the program depends on that list to have exactly one element which is extracted and used. The advantage of x, = y (or maybe better [x] = y) is that if y isn't exactly length 1, it throws an error.
I am not sure, but I would assume that
y = [1, 2]
[x] = y
results in
x == (1, 2)
@@TheYxccxy It's not, it throws an error. You can try it out.
This also means something:
x = y,
or even
x, = y,
Have you done one on the meaning of “[:]”? And how it differs on the LHS versus RHS of an assignment?
I haven't done this yet but that's a good video idea! I hope you don't mind if I use it in the future!
@@mCoding By all means.
I recently started learning python myself for some small projects and I'm pretty chuffed that I managed to guess that x, = y would give 2 correctly. The reasoning behind my guess was that in Lua you can return multiple values from a function by using return value1, value2, etc... and to assign them to variables you can use commas. For example:
x, y, z = some_function()
In this case x, y, and z are each separate variables and get assigned the first three values returned from some_function. If you only wish to store some of the returned values but discard others you can use underscores as dummy variable where you want values to be discarded. For example:
x, _, z = some_function()
I guessed that perhaps in python a similar thing might be happening but where the underscores were not necessary and also in python's case the usage seemed to be extended to include assignment to multiple variables from a list. I didn't guess that the comma equals would need a space between them for proper formatting though. :P
My long ramble aside, good video, very interesting, and thanks for sharing! ^_^
The behavior with lua is very similar, but also slightly different. With lua, you truly are returning multiple values, so if you only capture the first, the rest are discarded. Python only allows returning a single object, but has a feature called automatic tuple (un)packing, which will take a sequence like `foo, bar` and turn it into a tuple for you. On the outside of the function, the process is reversed and the tuple (or other iterable) is unpacked. Unlike lua, the length of the iterable must match the number of left-hand-side targets.
I have been thinking of exactly this for many days now and here is your video explaining just that. THANK YOU!
I think I'd rather 3-5 lines of code and be abundantly clear than use one and create a mystery / be unclear. I also still find subroutines weird, no obvious end unlike many other languages which might start and end them with some type of parentheses.
There's an obvious end if you're familiar with Python.
subroutines exist because they are the most basic call. Assembly uses subroutines because it's assembly. Every function call is secretly a subroutine call.
",=" is so counterintuitive and error prompt. You can achieve the same functionality in a much more readable (and general) way:
x, *_ = y
yeah, like asterisk with underscore is more readable
This is a nice alternative for x = y[0]. It's due to the fact that the comma defines a tuple hence no parenthesis is needed like (x,) = y. Great video.
is there any reason to use x, = y instead of x = y[0] ?
*any benefit
@@pu239 no other than to piss off people that don't know it and make your code harder to read, but cmon it's fun :P
@@xdjiijii6543 Wrong. *x = y[0]* extracts the first element of y and assigns it to x, where y only has to have *at least 1* element. *x, = y* does something similar, but is different. The second variant will fail on anything other than single-element iterables.
So it also asserts that y *must* be a single-element iterable, i.e. assert len(y) == 1.
If you assign y = [1, 2]
then execute x, = y
you’ll get a ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 1)
@@luziferius3687 Yes, x, = y assumes y has only one element.
An eight minute video for a simple syntax detail? Ain't nobody got time for that.
I have also seen some weird stuff where I had to pass a tuple of a single value, so I had to pass (x,)
Single argument tuples are not that bad, what's crazy is unpacking one with x, = y.
Needing and creating an iterable with a single value in it
Very cheeky, putting the space in the wrong spot, you almost got me.
Seriously, this is a good argument in favor of PEP 8, the correct way to format that line is "x, = y".
I didn't figure it out right away when you asked without the example (I wasn't watching at first, only listening), but I thought "that couldn't possibly be a thing, right? It's like the "goes down to" C operator -->, or something, not a real operator?".
At 0:29 when you said "x is one, y is the list containing 2", I realized it had to be the one-element destructuring assignment operator. The RHS is a one-element sequence and it assigns that element to the LHS.
All I can say to that is that it makes perfect sense and is simultaneously horrible nonsesnse.
When I learned Python (not that I'm an expert), the comma was explained as "the tuple operator". That makes it pretty clear.
Oh. so it's similar to C's operator "goes to" (while(x-->0)). I'd never guess it.
Bingo! It's not a real operator.
--> is not an operator. while(x--) is the same Code with less characters
@@lukefadedaway No, it's not the same code. Consider the initial value of x = -1. Then x is 'truthy', but x > 0 is clearly false, so the original code will never enter the while loop while yours will loop infinitely. Another example is the float/double x = 0.5. Here, indeed, x > 0, so the loop will execute once in the first case, then stop, but again infinitely in the second case.
In any case, I personally find
for (int i = whatever; i > 0; --i) { /* loop body */ }
a lot clearer than both, albeit a bit more involved. Obviously I'm making the assumption here that the variable i is used only in the loop.
@@lukefadedaway That's the point. ,= is not operator either.
@@ninesquared81 If x is guaranteed to start as a positive int, the while(x--) will break too, but it won't behave similarly for negatives or any non-trivial decrementing refactor of course. He kinda missed the point of the OP though, and I feel like you probably made him recognize it. I personally also use for loops instead, it's not that much more effort and I often end up changing the conditional/incrementing anyways. The only time I actually use while is when I need a do. You can always do the int i; for(i = 0; i > 0; --i) case if you need i later, but that is getting back into the less clear territory perhaps.
It is much safer and has the same result to use:
x, *_ = [1, 2]
If you want to get the first element of a list, which may be empty, without doing a len check (Python: Do don't ask), you can use:
first = next(iter([1, 2]), None)
You can also do :
It just returns the list if it's empty
@@Lanxxe No, that returns a list
>>> x, *_ = []
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected at least 1, got 0)
Python 3.10.2
Hint: ,= is not an actual operator.
You know you still can do it in one row
x = primes.intersect(evens).pop()
But x, = is so elegant
What’s the difference between the “.intersect()” method and the “&” set operator? (Aside from format)
The explanation would be more complete by including the patterns x, _ = and x, *y =
Yup, the latter in particular is quite handy if you just need the first (couple) values from a sequence and don't need the rest.
I find myself using x, _ = or _, x = returns_tuple() quite a lot when using functions where the shape of the output is fixed. Tuple unpacking is pretty common in python and readable if you make it clear what's going on. To me, using x, = implies the size of the tuple might vary, where adding the underscore is a way to say "i don't care about the rest"
how about primes.intersection(even)[0]? Still you need one element and whatever you'd do you'd get first one without wonky syntax
Sets are not subscritable, so this won't work and will return an error. Same thing with dictionaries, although what you suggested would work with lists and tuples. The advantage of ,= is you signal to the reader that the right hand side will only have 1 element no matter what. Or just confuse the hell out of them.
so this unpacks the first value of iterable of the right side, and ignores the others, kind of like simulating the "x, z = [2]" but without typing "z" on the left side?
If so, it isn't even the operator, it just assumes that we distribute right side into the tuple of arguments (that has only one argument), to the left side
do u team from begenning?
Any way to make this syntax with the new (Python 3.8) assignment expression: `:=`???
x, := y
@@nallid7357compress define and usage in the flavor of one liner...including the tuple unpacked
instead of saying
x, *_ = y(iterable)
if x ....(whatever operator for conditionls)
now it could be made as:
if x, *_ := y
(the second part of the tuple assignment is omitted if you know the iterable has just one element, thus x, := y will be the valid short form
@@tomduke558 This will be a source for interesting new errors. If something was introduced, it can't be removed easily. You can still use the subscription to access the first element. Often it's not efficient to consume the whole list. The first element is assigned to the name "x" and a new created list with the rest of the items is assigned to the name "_". This is later garbage collected, but for a short time it's there. If your list is very long, this costs performance and memory.
@@deadeye1982a yup regular index subscription to a list would be more explicite and memory friendly. agree that unpacking from long sequence will cause unneccessary garbage conglomeration
I was wondering how you may unpack longer iterables (>1 element) using this. After trying, what I got is:
iterable = range(5)
x, *_ = iterable
But maybe iterable[0] is just more explicit? Haha
Indexing might not work with some iterables, it works with all sequences though. If you only need the first element, use next(iterable) (watch out for a StopIteration exception).
I think it's just tuple unpacking operator. Would be more accurate to say x, = y.
yeah it is, if you try something like:
x, = {1, 2}
it throws an error saying that there are too many values to unpack.
It's really not different from doing:
x, y = {1, 2}
using ',=' instead it's more difficult to read and prone to errors
I actually got it right before watching the video. I had ruled out *Syntax error* based on common sense that no one is going to make about 8 min of video where the answer was going to be *Syntax error*.
On the use case, can't you use x = primes.intersection(evens)[0] instead of x, = primes.intersection(evens)?
One use I can thing of: Concise bubble sort!
This reminds me of a piece of C++ code I've seen a long time ago, hopefully written as a joke. Try to understand the following:
int n = 10;
while(n --> 0)
If you refer to the --> as the "goes down to" operator, it's easy to be fooled into thinking it actually exists, because it seems to be doing exactly what you would expect.
Totally agree! How much spacing matters!
your videos improved a lot over time
Had no idea what it'd do until you reformatted the code to x, = y … Then I'm like "ohhh! Yeah, I know exactly why that does what it does now."
what version of Python does this work on, i just tried and it threw an error (too many values to unpack)
That is what makes it useful compared to x = y[0] or x = y.pop() or x = next(iter(y)). Unpacking requires that the number of elements matches. Thus, if the assumption that there is just one element in the right hand side is incorrect, the code will fail rather than silently extracting part of the iterable. Per the Zen of Python (import this), errors should not be silent (unless explicitly silenced).
It works only if the list has one item
>be me expecting to learn a useful new syntactic sugar
>Pikachu face
[x] = y seems like a much clearer statement, does not look like a typo, and is more consistent with other destructuring assignment uses.
I don't know Python, but do that intersection, I think you'd want to do something similar to the above but ignore the 'rest', i.e. [x, *_] =
[x] = y absolutely does look like a typo to me. The fact that it means something to the Python interpreter, I find bizarre. It's not at all clear what the assignment's destination is.
This is great. I also struggled with star operator. Mostly outside of functions (ie when not used for *args or **kwargs). I'm taking about tuple (sequence) unpacking. There are many cool uses of star operator that are esoteric but interesting. Can you cover this topic?
Interesting, given that this necessitates a length check prior to calling anyway, what are the advantages of this over say, x = y[0] ?
You can't index a set and other similar types
Thanks! I've been using this syntax for matplotlib things for years without understanding it.
I don't think has anything to do with tuples, it's just like putting like a, b, c = [1,2,3], but instead of 3 elements u have one, but perhaps i might be wrong
Space scan bem is leading. Thumb sup!
Okaay, so also reading the comments seems to say that this is a struct oriented method overload to deconstruct a struct, as if the underlying is a pointer stack and you’re selecting a pointer from the top of the stack. That would be really useful generally speaking but I don’t know if an overloaded operator is type safe?
I mean, it's an edge case, and it might be cool if they made an exception and let us have this as a shorthand for getting the first element in an interable
"Is it a syntax error?". **IDE isn't showing it's a syntax error**
Maybe I had syntax errors turned off!
@@mCoding Figured that was possible, but didn’t think you’d bother, lmao
I use C#, not Python, but it made me realize I could use deconstruction instead of temporary variables for swapping values.
void Swap( T[] array, int a, int b ) {
(array[a], array[b]) = (array[b], array[a]);
What feels weirder than this quirk is the quirk that it works on sets (or sets of one a least), sets being unordered I would think that form of pattern matching shouldn't work on them at all.
Under the hood, this sort of notation uses iterators, so you can put any iterable with one element on the right side!
Is this in sublime code?
Actually, I'm using PyCharm here!
Why wouldn’t you just Index?
I'm generally against using ,= I just found it in someone else's code that I was working on. Indexing would be much clearer.
@@mCoding So what's the point of using ,= if it just makes the code more confusing/less readable?
This syntax is used in the documentation for matplotlib.animation
exceptional video. to my surprise, i actually correctly predicted that it would consider x a tuple, but i didn't realize it would swap values between a tuple and a list. i've always said that what i hate most about python's syntax is implied tuples. in the very least, i think it should be required to use parenthesis i.e. (x ,)= y would have looked much less like an operator than x ,= y
So you tell us about iterables unpacking but in other words??
Yes but the point is that when you see x ,= y in a real codebase, you might not think that this is unpacking.
It can be used when I want to get the one output of the one input in a tensorflow model.
I've never seen this before but I got it right. I'm proud of myself 😊
That said, I think a more pythonic way to write this is x,_ = y.
When unpacking tuples, an underscore is the recommended variable to use for any value you won't be using.
x, _ = y will work if y has length 2, but it won't work if y has length 1 and we are trying to get the unique element out. You can do x, *_ = y that will work as long as y has at least 1 element, but it won't give the desired error if y actually has more than 1. You can manually check that y has length 1 first, but that only works if y supports len, which wouldn't work for generators for example.
@@mCoding True. Thanks.
I use that A LOT, for code style consistency reasons!
I typically use it when decomposing values read from struct:
(x, y, z) = struct.unpack_from('
The parens make all the difference, thank you.
A good demonstration of why code that hasn't been run through a linter shouldn't be accepted to your codebase
I didn't even know this operator exists.
Maybe this is bad practice but I often find it convenient to create global variables like property = [None] , which I can assign and access this from any context, regardless of class or file (after importing) and without calling global. So rather than doing p = property[0] to access it, I can use p, = property.
Yes, this would be typically be considered bad practice, for hiding the use of a global, for using a global, and in the example given also for shadowing the builtin "property". BUT, that doesn't mean it's bad for YOU.
@@mCoding oh yeah I wouldn't use the word 'property'. I find 'global' doesn't work for variables that are imported, I end up with an instance. In an ideal case I'd make a class to inherit from but often don't always have that power.
I just discovered your channel and am binging all your videos. Great work!
Glad you like them!
What's so weird about it? it's just an unpacking assignment, like `a, b = c` where `c = (1, 2)`
Pretty standard python.
Maybe if you put the comma where it belongs (after the x instead of before the =) it's more clear: `x, = y` or `(x,) = (2,)`
Maybe that's where the confusion came from, maybe you didn't know you could create a 1-tupel like this: `(2,)`?
Yep, exactly. When I saw it in real code, the comma was absolutely not in the right place and that's what confused me. If it were in the right place I probably still would have glazed over it, but at least I would have understood it after the first error!
So would x = [2] if you did:
x, = y,
I thought it would just set x to y.
Set of even and primes have 1 thing in common and that's two.
If you're new to python, this is a great new tip. But if you're somewhat familiar with python, thinking that's a syntax error might be the dumbest thing you've done
It looks weird and deceiving by looking like any other compound assignment operator, which it is not.
And is is a PEP8 code style violation when stated like that in the initial question. That’s why IDEs will flag those as style warnings, at least. If you follow the style guides closely, finding such things in other code bases can be really irritating.
I'm glad C# does not have those weird stuff inside.
I was already sick of javascript 'wtf' behavior, didn't expect some of those exists in python ;_ ;
its tuple unpacking a list, but that list happens to be one item long
the way it was first presented as ,= is dumb, but its clear if it was x, = y
I agree, ,= is dumb, but is x, = y really clear? I nearly always read over the comma completely when I see it in matplotlib code.
What about the ,*_= operator
so if i wrote something like "a, b= 1, 2" this must be the "b=" operator....
intersection.pop() is more readable, at least to me. Of course, I often have readability problems: unless variables, functions, and classes are really well-named, I'll have the hardest time figuring out what the sample of code does. It gets even harder when the brevity of the code is taken to an extreme, such as adding a comma after the variable name.
I think a good way to understand this is to look at unpacking, IE x, *_, y, z = ['some', 'array', ... ]
The title is so misleading! But the video is good! :)
But I tell you it's a trick question immediately! Thanks for the support!
got the first example right, wt the thought process "get n elements from a list, left to right, and add them all up"
This is interesting but I’m curious is this the only language that does it
some bugs in Python can be called features
Huh, cannot say that I saw it before now. And reading the comments, it seems to be used in matplotlib.
Saw the case and immediately thought of unpacking, though I admit I hesitated when you showed the fourth case.
Good video by the way! Recently found your channel and all of them that I saw are really educational!
Thanks, glad you enjoy!
It would've been a great little trick for "unsqueezing" a possible list, if it worked on a list of any size AND scalars, like if you had a function argument for example and you could do:
x, = 1
x, = [1]
x, = [1, 2, 3]
but since it doesn't do that and always requires an iterable of size 1... it kinda seems useless.
Always unreadable. Even with an intersection example if you know you have 1 element it's better to access it like intersection[0] and not confuse other engineers
I'm at 1:05 and I have to say, I have never seen this in my life. But based on the fact that a tuple is actually defined by the comma and not the brackets, I would go with option 4. Here goes nothing.
Edit: wow!
If you really need this, you should use like "x, __ = y"
And there is a real life use case of this format in Django. get_or_create method returns (object, is_created) tuple and if you need only object you can do something like this:
obj, __ = MyModel.objects.get_or_create(code=my_code, defaults={'value': my_val})
obj will either be freshly created or fetched from existing record but if it doesn't matter for you in your scope, you can just ignore "created" parameter by using __
ohh I see so when you do x, = [y] it only assigns x the first element, not the whole list. Is that right? That's something cool to know.
Youd typically use it like x,y = touple in order to extract the values from the touple.
No, it assigns the single element. If the number of elements is not 1 it raises an exception.
If the iterable is more than 1 It will raise something like „To less arguments to unpack“
adding '_' after `,` would create syntax error because len(y)==1,
I say x = 2 would make the most sense. Haven't seen video yet.
Edit: Woot! Yup that made sense. At work we require standard code formatting at work as part of the IDE save :D.
I had to think a bit but with the format it's somewhat clear what it's doing. A bit confusing though hahah.
I guessed it! For me it looked like an unpacking statement (x,y = [2,1]) but just for one variable (x, = [2])
Exactly, good job!
back when I'm new to coding in python I usually put a comma at the end of each line. Until someone told me to not do that.
i wouldn't call it a ,= operator as much as misplacing the space. (x,) = y:list x , = y since python ignores spaces
As I mention in the video, this is a trick question because ',=' is NOT an operator.
So, I will not actually teach this when showing boolean operators. But I will make a find the error task where this syntax appears to test if the other trainers understand it.
Also useful to get the only value of an iterator without having to wrap it in next(...)
Funniest thumbnail I've seen in a while
I felt so weird posing for this thumb. Glad it made you laugh!
Would it be more pythonic if this was fixed in Python 4 by giving every non-whitespace utf-8 character pattern-matching-based functionality?
Python 3.10
Couldn't you use this to define constants?
5:26, if you are using this syntax.... Dont; just use [0] like a normal person
To be honest just putting [0] at the end would be much more readable than this syntax. But its a cool thing to know.
*x, = (...) is an interesting way to convert a tuple into a list, but it's probably slower than just list((...))
Please profile and let me know the results!
X = y[0] is explicit and therefore my preferred option. Good to know how this works though for encountering smart-asses or code golf. Better yet, make Y a dict, with the value you want in X as the key or have a custom object with a member variable so it has a self-explaing name in the namepspace. Much clearer than having a list elements being used for different purposes, and could lead to much simpler functional programming style.
Can confirm, a year later and I've yet to use ,= for any real purpose, favoring more explicit alternatives.