I’ve always liked how quan chi at 2:30 does a little head nod before he squares-up with Shang Tsung. Even while being betrayed he still shows honor and understands his friend’s greed. Lol
but he still served shinnok! now don't you guys dare go wander and say he's going solo! never he serves shinnok and he still gets his power from shinnok! and in armageddon he was following his orders! and he killed taven's dragon i'm not disrespecting quan chi! he is a great guy! shinnok is awesome and they both make a perfect duo and I hate when ppl try to separate them!
@@NatoCohenA he always served him shinnok is his life project without shinnok quan chi would be powerless and onaga lost to shujinko because he couldn't use shinnok's amulet then shinnok made him a revenant in the netherrealm and made him bow to quan chi and follow him to outworld where he met with shao kahn and the rest but all these timelines are non cannon the only thing that is cannon for now is kung lao beat the deadly alliance which means kung lao is stronger than raiden which means kung lao might possibly be stronger than onaga ... lol just kidding that fart can never beat the deadly alliance they let him win cuz they hated shao kahn kung lao got killed by shinnok's clone
Probably the best intro in my opinion. Yea Armageddon was just an all out onslaught and had every MK character but this one had the best story telling and suspense! You actually feel the weight of the moment and who thought you would ever see Raiden help shang Tsung and Quan Chi!
Tbh I don't think it's a good sign if the intro is better than the game itself, the game should be as good or even better than what the intro promises.
When Shujinko said, "Only I can destroy this threat." You knew he had to be insanely powerful as Raiden, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi got bodied against Onaga and Onaga never even fought them, he simply walked towards them and it was enough to make Raiden say, "Fuck life."
What makes it even better is that in Deadly Alliance they establish that whoever wields Shinnok’s amulet can control the army. So the fact that as soon as Onaga shows up, they all completely ignore Quan Chi literally shows the power Onaga has over the undead army.
@@bighead8060 they went through all the struggle to kill the fake shao kahn,Liu kang and make another soulnado just for onaga to show up and say "im the pimp here,bitches"
Been all around TH-cam trying to find this opening that has blood in it. All of the others have it edited out. Odd that Midway would do this. Thank you for uploading the original intro in HD.
G-Master Sub-Zero I don’t know if you guys like looked into the game as much as I did but there was a game demo that was a FPS alien shooter In the extra category of the game If anyone remembers the name please tell me
Honestly after this intro Raiden became my favorite character... Aside from the fact that he was defeated; A debuffed Raiden was for the majority holding his own against 2 of the most powerful Sorcerers in all of the realms despite the fact that a majority of his other known allies were dead.
This is why I want Shujinko and Onaga to make a return in the more refined story telling of the modern era. Just look how the original series was set up. Shang Tsung was the original big bad, but in MK2 we learn that he was just an underling of Shao Kahn. And then we learn that Shao Kahn was just an underling of someone else, someone far worse. Onaga was so OP that even Shao Kahn dared not fight him. It's a great and simple way of setting up the hierarchy of power. All hail the true ruler of Outworld, Onaga!
My second MK game. This intro alone made me fall in love with Raiden, Quan Chi and the series. And man, Shang Tsung, Raiden and Quan Chi uniting against Onaga was sick!
I love how the old mk game trailers like this felt much more accurate in terms of fighting,You can feel their struggles. Example is when raiden tried to blast a lighting at a shield made of skulls
Onaga is such a legitimate threat that Quan Chi and Shang Tsung were fighting Raiden and when he walked in all three of them just went "Oh shit" and instantly started working together
When raiden joins them in the beam struggle always gives me chills😬 My favorite MK of all time based on story but definitely not in the fighting part lol
I love this intro! Raiden, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi are so badass in their fight, and Onaga being a boss. Also, I miss old Quan Chi, who was stronger in this timeline.
Bring intros like this back, bring costumes from these games back, delete trash rap music in intro, replace with classic MORTAL KOMBAT theme song---- reap the benefits of everyone
Scott Birdyboy rap is one of the most popular genre’s in America so I don’t see how it’s trash just because it doesn’t appeal to you, see maybe if you would’ve said “it’s trash in MY OPINION” then okay I wouldn’t be saying this but you’re saying “it’s trash” as if it is a factual statement in which it’s obviously not if it’s the most popular in America. Fun fact hip hop(rap) recently surpassed rock as the most popular music genre in 2017
I bought Deception when it was first released. I've collected over 300 games since 2001 (spanning over different systems/generations) And out of all of them, Deception is definitely in the top five. It is one of the few games that I still play at an often rate. And the intro never gets old.
@@schemar17 1 original xbox, one ps1 (barely works), 1 original Nintendo Wii, one original Xbox 360, one second gen Xbox 360, one ps2, one ps3, one Xbox One and I'm in the midst of getting a ps4. I also have a laptop that I use to play some disc games. I have a lot of game systems, but I'm not that much of a gamer anymore.
I remember back in 2000's watching my brother play this and i was introduced into the MK series via this and it was the best childhood memories, i would just sit and watch him for hours playing as i grew up i started playing the MK Series for myself and i couldnt ask for a better introduction to gaming man this is what it feels like when "getting old" kicks in
@@notgokuuu2314 i still remember all the side quests and quest items along with the chests i actually brought myself a PS2 to play this game again to get the proper experience not on a Emulator its the best memories as a child and i will never forget
this was so crazy to me because raiden teaming up with them shows JUST HOW strong onaga was. i really wish we could see the timeline where he ruled outworld. remember that shao kahn didn't take over by fighting him 1 on 1, he had to poison him ...
There have been 2 scenes in the dlc Aftermath of Mk11 that did reference when Shang tsung,Quan chi and Raiden team up agaisnt Onaga in this intro. The first one was when Shang tsung and Fujin where fighting geras combining their power (until Nightwolf apears) and the second one was when Shang tsung, Fujin (again) and raiden combined their powers aswell to vanish Kronika. Pretty awesome isnt it? *Sorry for my bad english*
I love how Shang Tsung gave Quan Chi a second to get into fighting position. Monsters they maybe, they have a sense of Honor (At least Shang does, he runs a tournament).
So Shujinko beat onaga which means technically he is stronger then qun shi' raiden and shang tsung combined? And if so, how come such and important character like Shujinko is not in any of the new MK11 Stories?
‘Cause they probably forgot about him during MK9 and its story changes. By the time of the events of MK1 (Where 9 starts) Shujinko would have already found most of the Kamidogu and absorbed a lot of fighting styles. The story for Shujinko at that point would only change around when he was in jail since when he gets out should have been around the time of Deadly Alliance. But we know that after the time change stuff, Raiden would have stopped Shujinko here before he was able to gather Edenia’s Kamidogu. So in the current timeline (9,10,11) Shujinko wouldn’t be as powerful as he was during Deception’s ending or Armageddon since he wouldn’t have been able to absorb as many fighting styles as he did in order to beat Onaga. Technically he should still be one of the most powerful fighters during 9, 10, and 11 but for some reason is sadly not used.
0:54 That double kick is sick
All 3 of them beaming Onaga look like that episode where spongebob was trying to clean the plate with the lasers
Scarlett Witch shooting Thanos too lol
@Sonic Fastest Hedgehog MAXIMUM POWER
Spongebob likes it won’t come off
I’ve always liked how quan chi at 2:30 does a little head nod before he squares-up with Shang Tsung. Even while being betrayed he still shows honor and understands his friend’s greed. Lol
They're both giant bastards, and they know it. And they respect that about each other.
The old Quan Chi was more evil than the actual
It was also more powerful with shinnoks amulet
but he still served shinnok! now don't you guys dare go wander and say he's going solo! never he serves shinnok and he still gets his power from shinnok! and in armageddon he was following his orders! and he killed taven's dragon i'm not disrespecting quan chi! he is a great guy! shinnok is awesome and they both make a perfect duo and I hate when ppl try to separate them!
@@ljklmoiaoklmlljkajksjdklfm503 what about deadly alliance?
@@NatoCohenA he always served him shinnok is his life project without shinnok quan chi would be powerless and onaga lost to shujinko because he couldn't use shinnok's amulet then shinnok made him a revenant in the netherrealm and made him bow to quan chi and follow him to outworld where he met with shao kahn and the rest but all these timelines are non cannon the only thing that is cannon for now is kung lao beat the deadly alliance which means kung lao is stronger than raiden which means kung lao might possibly be stronger than onaga ... lol just kidding that fart can never beat the deadly alliance they let him win cuz they hated shao kahn kung lao got killed by shinnok's clone
2:11 Kronika: YES!
3:58 Kronika: Oh come on!
Date Masamune seem about right
This genuinely made me laugh😂 Read that in her voice
Omg i totally understood this lmaooooooo
Underrated comment
and then she said "YES!" again, once Raiden blew himself up
Probably the best intro in my opinion. Yea Armageddon was just an all out onslaught and had every MK character but this one had the best story telling and suspense! You actually feel the weight of the moment and who thought you would ever see Raiden help shang Tsung and Quan Chi!
" . . . and that ruler... had returned . . . "
Before the reboot, Deadly Alliance & Deception were the last two great Mortal Kombat games
@@Lunzatis_Palemoon agree 100%
Watch the mk shaolin monks
I also love how it followed directly on from Deadly Alliance
Everybody gangsta till the Dragon King Onaga walks in
Yeah onaga is like I'm back bitches
Also I believe Quan Chi may have crapped himself a bit there.
facts XD
Shited u crazy without them he still would have killed them
Your not cool and your unoriginal
For some reason, seeing raiden, Shang tsung and Quan chi all using their beams against Onaga gave me serious family Kamehameha vibes.
Back when intros were better than the game it self, so much respect for these kind of intros.
Yeah, really impressive stuff.
Tbh I don't think it's a good sign if the intro is better than the game itself, the game should be as good or even better than what the intro promises.
Deception had Konquest Mode, Chess Kombat, Puzzle Kombat and Area 51 Demo and Brought Back Liu Kang Etc
Shang tsung looks like the prince of persia
And Quan Chi looks like Kratos
He has the face if Cortex from Crash Bandicoot was human . Lol especially here 2:16
@@sandstorm9053 I was telling myself the same thing
When Shujinko said, "Only I can destroy this threat." You knew he had to be insanely powerful as Raiden, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi got bodied against Onaga and Onaga never even fought them, he simply walked towards them and it was enough to make Raiden say, "Fuck life."
spent many an hour playing this game many many moons ago.
Haha fr I remember meditating so I can catch smoke right @ the right time
Noob-Smoke would fuck my shit up all the time
Do you know exactly how many moons?
I had this in the psp
@@southerncalifornia4771 Much and more, or near enough to make no matter
That moment when the undead army knew who the real master was and all dropped to their knees no questions asked 😂
Lol fr
What makes it even better is that in Deadly Alliance they establish that whoever wields Shinnok’s amulet can control the army. So the fact that as soon as Onaga shows up, they all completely ignore Quan Chi literally shows the power Onaga has over the undead army.
@@bighead8060 they went through all the struggle to kill the fake shao kahn,Liu kang and make another soulnado just for onaga to show up and say "im the pimp here,bitches"
@@bighead8060 Yeah. And that was before Onaga acquired the amulet.
I just like how there just dormant through the whole fight and onaga shows up they move bowing to there true leader!
Been all around TH-cam trying to find this opening that has blood in it. All of the others have it edited out. Odd that Midway would do this. Thank you for uploading the original intro in HD.
Theres a version with no blood? lol I got to see this
G-Master Sub-Zero I don’t know if you guys like looked into the game as much as I did but there was a game demo that was a FPS alien shooter In the extra category of the game If anyone remembers the name please tell me
I think you're talking about the game area 51 (ps2)
General Kenobi you are a god damn legend hope you know that
@@generalkenobi8230 thats it i distinctly remember it
MK: Your ending will be the canon ending.
Reptile: Finally, some respect.
MK: You get turned into Onaga.
Honestly after this intro Raiden became my favorite character... Aside from the fact that he was defeated; A debuffed Raiden was for the majority holding his own against 2 of the most powerful Sorcerers in all of the realms despite the fact that a majority of his other known allies were dead.
Yeah. If they was on Earthrealm, the two would be done for. But then again, whos gonna stop Onaga lol.
Raiden nearly won and this was a weakened raiden being in outworld. On earth realm raiden would obliterate these 2 much quicker
All honesty rayden would off them both had he been in earth realm instead of outworld.
Retired snow bunny hunter x now we have nrs raiden. They butchered his character. In story and in gameplay
A Determined and Focused Liu Kang would Wreck Both at the same time.
This is why I want Shujinko and Onaga to make a return in the more refined story telling of the modern era. Just look how the original series was set up. Shang Tsung was the original big bad, but in MK2 we learn that he was just an underling of Shao Kahn. And then we learn that Shao Kahn was just an underling of someone else, someone far worse. Onaga was so OP that even Shao Kahn dared not fight him. It's a great and simple way of setting up the hierarchy of power. All hail the true ruler of Outworld, Onaga!
He shall return. He's too good of a super villain to let die out. And unlike MK11, he's not dying to some Sharp little fan.
i think one of cassies endings has her either killing or meeting shujinko. cant remember.
@@Venitas1000 Killing
Onaga will fuck Kronica
In the old timeline Shao Kahn had to poison him. Shao Kahn wasn’t beating Onaga one on one
Their voices and sounds they make during KOMBAT are something I’ve yet to see after this. Badass.
Syukur Tahun 3030
Syukur Dengan Ismail Tahun 5050
Syukur Tahun 4040
Syukur Tahun 4040
Syukur Dengan Ismail IMip Tahun 4040
My second MK game. This intro alone made me fall in love with Raiden, Quan Chi and the series.
And man, Shang Tsung, Raiden and Quan Chi uniting against Onaga was sick!
God, the nostalgia is strong here bringing me back to the good ol days of popping this in my Xbox and just enjoying the game...goodtimes
4:26 Quan chi: "what are you doing?"
Shang Tsung: " _F U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U -_ "
Raiden: “Suicide is the answer!!!”
Raiden: "i going to say the n word!"
4:34 Raiden: "NIGGAAA"
Sounds like he said "join in"
Why the fuck didn't I notice that 😂😂😂
4:26 Raiden commit suicide thus Hara Kiri only appear on MK Deception
Deadly Alliance and Deception, the 2 best Mortal Kombat games ever.
The best MK ever! I remember playing the chess mini game... ahh the memories
I love how the old mk game trailers like this felt much more accurate in terms of fighting,You can feel their struggles. Example is when raiden tried to blast a lighting at a shield made of skulls
Shujinko's debut in the series was fucking badass and one hell of an intro too.
I want Shujinko back in MK1
Such a beautiful intro for a amazing game and amazing villain showing he is so powerful that he can take on 3 very powerful opponents at once
0:53 Raiden And THAT COMBO KICK!!!
Onaga is such a legitimate threat that Quan Chi and Shang Tsung were fighting Raiden and when he walked in all three of them just went "Oh shit" and instantly started working together
*Onaga walks in*
Quan Chi- why do I hear boss music?
Also Quan chi: no. It can't be!
I remember so much from this game I had fun playing it back then on ps2 this game needs to be remastered
A remake of this intro would be kinda cool
That's not even necessary.. The visuals here are superb & the graphics are amazing..
When raiden joins them in the beam struggle always gives me chills😬
My favorite MK of all time based on story but definitely not in the fighting part lol
Época que Mortal kombat tinha uma historia decente
these games need to be remastered, who agrees?
yep ....might be
@xVS 31 bruh deadly aliance sucked ass Armageddon was better and deadly Alliance didnt have a konquest or anything
Yea but no redesigns
3:25 Quan chi “no this can’t not be
That actually what he say
@@tako_kawaii1749 yeah
Oh, the memories of this game. They just come flooding back from the intro alone.
The nostalgia hits so hard, my first Mortal Kombat game
I love this intro! Raiden, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi are so badass in their fight, and Onaga being a boss. Also, I miss old Quan Chi, who was stronger in this timeline.
It’s crazy because they didn’t even attempt to actually fight him, all 3 of them tried to zone him out but Onaga wasn’t having that shit
0:55 Raiden is so iconic with this move
Raiden was actually whooping ass at first, but the problem was quan chi and Shang tsung had so much endurance they just wouldn’t stay down lol
it was that soul furnace behind them that fuelled the sorcerers strength. like mana that never ends
3:48 me trying running in my nightmares lul
Deadly alliance going into deception will always be the best
Bring intros like this back, bring costumes from these games back, delete trash rap music in intro, replace with classic MORTAL KOMBAT theme song---- reap the benefits of everyone
What game has rap music in the intro?
New costumes are mostly better imo. Sub Zero tho, looks amazing in this game.
@@pandogstudios1512 Scropion looked cool too with the gold armor and two katana on his back. He looked like subzero antithesis
I wouldn’t say rap is trash but okay
Scott Birdyboy rap is one of the most popular genre’s in America so I don’t see how it’s trash just because it doesn’t appeal to you, see maybe if you would’ve said “it’s trash in MY OPINION” then okay I wouldn’t be saying this but you’re saying “it’s trash” as if it is a factual statement in which it’s obviously not if it’s the most popular in America. Fun fact hip hop(rap) recently surpassed rock as the most popular music genre in 2017
One of the best MK games ever
My parents bought me an Xbox when I was 2 yo. Mk deception was my first game ever, that’s the best intro
onaga like "who tf told u u can play with my toys"
My favorite mortal kombat cinematic, with my favorite mortal kombat villain.
Mortal Kombat games were so badass before...
Man, these were powerful openings... I also liked mk9, but not quite as these.... I didn't like mk 10 to be honest
They don't do these epic fighting sequences for intros anymore, they put the emphasis on the story. I guess MK is growing up along with its fans.
@@BloodHoundPL ???
@@BloodHoundPL thats because they tell the whole fuckin story before u even start the game
Absolutely MK11 is the worst amongs 3 of them. New timeline is just a complete abomination
@@iamleoooo Exactly
0:55 the best moment
Shunjinko sounds like Splinter from the original TMNT movies.
This bring so much nostalgia from my childhood wow it feels amazing
Best mortal kombat ever
I think so too then mk9 after it
I bought Deception when it was first released. I've collected over 300 games since 2001 (spanning over different systems/generations) And out of all of them, Deception is definitely in the top five. It is one of the few games that I still play at an often rate. And the intro never gets old.
Alex W you can legit never get bored😂
@@schemar17 I know right!
How much consoles do u own?
@@schemar17 1 original xbox, one ps1 (barely works), 1 original Nintendo Wii, one original Xbox 360, one second gen Xbox 360, one ps2, one ps3, one Xbox One and I'm in the midst of getting a ps4. I also have a laptop that I use to play some disc games. I have a lot of game systems, but I'm not that much of a gamer anymore.
@@schemar17 What about you?
3:54 e nessa cena o cinema foi a loucura (de novo)
Nossa bateu aquela nostalgia.
... and that ruler had returned
Game was so good that My Mom even played this game from start to finish ( And she doesn't even play video games lol)
Raiden that teleport was godly ⚡⚡🌀⚡⚡
Very nice story intro of mortal Kombat deception and Onaga the dragon King was the first true ruler of outworld.
Holy shit this brings back so many memories of being a kid and staying up all night playing this game
I remember back in 2000's watching my brother play this and i was introduced into the MK series via this and it was the best childhood memories, i would just sit and watch him for hours playing as i grew up i started playing the MK Series for myself and i couldnt ask for a better introduction to gaming man this is what it feels like when "getting old" kicks in
Lol that was literally me as well. I watched my older brother play this and i actually didn't have a problem just watching it since i loved the story.
@@notgokuuu2314 i still remember all the side quests and quest items along with the chests i actually brought myself a PS2 to play this game again to get the proper experience not on a Emulator its the best memories as a child and i will never forget
Eu to amando seu canal❤❤
By far the best Mortal Kombat Intro of all Time :)
My favorite game. If I had to pick one game to complete one last time before I die, it would be this gem.
Still my favorite Mortal Kombat game.
PSP memories during my summer vacation in school life.
Golden days of my life
Anyone else just laugh there ass off everytime they hear, "The blast had little effect on the dragon king." after that long ass fight scene?
My favorite mk intro of all freaking time bro litterally the best
I'm so glad they are bringing Quan Chi back for MK1
this was so crazy to me because raiden teaming up with them shows JUST HOW strong onaga was. i really wish we could see the timeline where he ruled outworld. remember that shao kahn didn't take over by fighting him 1 on 1, he had to poison him ...
When MK still had quality.
These days: Jason, Freddy Krueger, Alien, Predator, Rambo, Robocop... Seriously...?
crying about guest characters? pathetic.
@@bonehead156 Defending irrelevant characters? Typical...
@@grimreaper6060 Yeah who asked for Terminator, Robocop and Rambo
@@parkerburrus289 Certainly.
2:54. Onaga was laughing! I never noticed that.
2:40 not sure what move Shang Tsung was hoping to pull..like a Dragon Tickle kinda thing?? haha
Shujingko always blaming Squirrel fell onto his shoulder 0:05 for giving evil the change it needed thus fulfilling their ancient prophercy📜
There have been 2 scenes in the dlc Aftermath of Mk11 that did reference when Shang tsung,Quan chi and Raiden team up agaisnt Onaga in this intro.
The first one was when Shang tsung and Fujin where fighting geras combining their power (until Nightwolf apears) and the second one was when Shang tsung, Fujin (again) and raiden combined their powers aswell to vanish Kronika.
Pretty awesome isnt it?
*Sorry for my bad english*
4:26 even quan chi was like o sh*t Raiden about to do something crazy af
Oh the good old PSP days
1:22 Raiden should just do that for both of them until their heart stops. He a freaking thunder god for crying out loud.
This opening was epic
Great intro!
this is what i call teamwork :D
_N-No! It cannot be!_
This happens to Cetrion in the MK11 Aftermath story.
Damn that music goes so well with the fighting❤
they made these characters look so fucking cool back then
On 00:26 - 00:27 you can see Johnny Cage on the floor and , Kitana, Sonya, Kung Lao, and Jax “dead” on the steps :O
Back when MK creators cared
1:20 Behold the power of TWO hands!
(If you got the reference, give yourselves a cookie.)
Tfs cell
Para mi el mejor juego de mortal kombat
Las mejores bandas sonoras de todo mk están en deception sin duda
I loved this intro especially with onaga showing up and showing who’s boss.
He was like imma show these fkers how it's done
I love how Shang Tsung gave Quan Chi a second to get into fighting position. Monsters they maybe, they have a sense of Honor (At least Shang does, he runs a tournament).
So Shujinko beat onaga which means technically he is stronger then qun shi' raiden and shang tsung combined? And if so, how come such and important character like Shujinko is not in any of the new MK11 Stories?
‘Cause they probably forgot about him during MK9 and its story changes. By the time of the events of MK1 (Where 9 starts) Shujinko would have already found most of the Kamidogu and absorbed a lot of fighting styles.
The story for Shujinko at that point would only change around when he was in jail since when he gets out should have been around the time of Deadly Alliance. But we know that after the time change stuff, Raiden would have stopped Shujinko here before he was able to gather Edenia’s Kamidogu.
So in the current timeline (9,10,11) Shujinko wouldn’t be as powerful as he was during Deception’s ending or Armageddon since he wouldn’t have been able to absorb as many fighting styles as he did in order to beat Onaga.
Technically he should still be one of the most powerful fighters during 9, 10, and 11 but for some reason is sadly not used.
4:40 biggest BRUH momment
So badass