+Flegan777 That's a good way of putting it. He also gets the Cleria Ring right after this which boosts his attack even more at the cost of defense, something the others don't get. He has the easiest time getting around, though, so the trade off is pretty good.
New moon blade!
I take it Toal is a bit of a glass cannon then? He's all about attack and speed, but if he gets hit he's as good as done?
+Flegan777 That's a good way of putting it. He also gets the Cleria Ring right after this which boosts his attack even more at the cost of defense, something the others don't get. He has the easiest time getting around, though, so the trade off is pretty good.
Vercsase Ah I gotcha. Must make him an interesting character to play as, focusing on deadly strikes while preventing a single hit to yourself.
Toal being a glass cannon makes him perfect to become a Holy Knight to the Twin Goddesses.