ČOVJEK I DRVO ( A Man and a Tree documentary) - dokumentarni film

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Dokumentarni film o čovjeku koji sadi i ozelenjava grad Zagreb više od trideset godina. Documentary film about the man who lives in f Zagreb and spends his days with the trees, more than 30 years.
    Film je sniman 2018. godine na lokacijama grada Zagreba. Završno realiziran u ožujku 2019. Dokumentarni film "Čovjek i drvo" imao je svoju premijeru u Zagrebu na "Subversive festivalu" 2019. godie u kino Europa.
    U travnju 2020. film je dobio “Brončanu Remi nagradu” u Hustonu, na 53. međunarodnom filmskom festivalu, u kategoriji kratkih dokumentarnih filmova ( www.worldfest....) .Osim ove prestižne nagrade, film je dobio nekoliko nagrada također izvan Hrvatske, u Italiji na Ecco cup festivalu 2021. godine i na ekološkom festivalu BIFF Švedska 2021. godine. Realizaciju filma potpomogao je Ured za kulturu grada Zagreba.
    Documentary film about the man who lives in the center of Zagreb and spends his days with the trees. More than 30 years ago he got an idea to start planting the trees. Since then he plants the trees all over Zagreb. Not so long ago he was planting the trees incognito, as a “green guerrilla”. Up till now he has planted more than 450 trees. He feels he pays off a debt to Mother Earth by planning, buying and planting the trees throughout Zagreb. The main character, Vladimir Dimić Joda, sends out a very clear message by planting and taking care of the trees. Besides Vladimir there are some other people close to him that appear in the film and most of them did not know about his “green” activities until a few years ago. Vladimir dedicated more than half of his life to the trees and that is what makes him a very unique person.
    On year 2020. film get a Silver Remi Award , at Huston "Worldfest international film festival" in category "Short documentaries"
    U filmu su učestvovali :
    Vladimir Dimić Joda - glavna uloga filma (main carachter)
    Branka Zorc - sporedna uloga
    Karmela Devčić - sporedna uloga
    Josipa Anković -sporedna uloga
    Krešimir Zimonić - sporedna uloga
    Nikola Devčić Mišo - sporedna uloga
    Nediljko Delaš - sporedna uloga
    Dalibor Platenik - redatelj i scenario (director and scenario )
     Igor Milovčić / Sven Pavlović - filmska glazba (Sunday studios)
     Ivan komlinović - obrada zvuka
     Boris Vagner - naracija flma
     Slaven Kosanović Lunar - naslovna grafika filma
     Dimitar Dimitrovski - odjavna špica i animacija grafike
    #documentary #green #planting #tree #research #nature #city #enviroment #trees #unique #croatia #zagreb #heroic

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