I’m very confused on where at 0:58 it says to put one string on one side and the other on the other side. I can’t see the string very well, so I don’t know how to do this. Could anyone explain it a bit better for me?
You criss-cross the strings through the bead. Add the black bead to one side of the string. Then take the other string and put it through the opposite side so a string is coming out of both sides of the bead.
mai inner emo kid iz screaming >:D luvly tutorial i luv how u explain so well xD i can never find a sumone who doesnt explain it strangely so thiz helped tonz ! on tha black beadz part i put a heart bead insted (since i ran outta reg black) AND itz sooo cute aa
This is a good tutorial. I trying to do a cosplay of nepeta from home stuck and I wanted to make her strife specibus and this seems close to what it is. Thank you
okay so idk if u still want to know lol but you have to put the top two beads and the mini bead on ONE string while the other string is still coming out of the black one. Then you want to take the string that has the three white beads and put it through the middle one (which will be the normal sized one) then you want to tie it with the string that is coming out of the black bead. I hope this helps!
Yes. My only concern would be that X-bases tend to be a looser style so it may bunch up or rotate on the wrist. You can try it. I'd love to see the results.
Is it ok if we use an even peytoe stitch cuff instead of the cuff you suggested becuaze I’m not too good at it ( I think that’s what it’s called I’m kinda new)
late but it looks to be a multistich cuff, which isn't too hard to make you can find many tutorials, but when making them I recommend making them a bit bigger than ur wrist size, especially if you'll wear them with long sleeved shirts
Add the black bead to 1 string. Take the other string and put it in the bead going the opposite way. Both ends should be coming out of different side of the bead.
try glow in the dark heads for the fingers o:
Glow in the dark beads work great with everything!
Who else saw this on Pinterest and hope TH-cam had it
Omg thanks for the likes everyone haha ,this is awesome X3
im guilty…
I have never seen these kind of skeleton gloves before. These are really unique and just plain cool!
Glad you like them. :)
i was just thinking about making one of these earlier today, but only the single finger! great minds think alike! great job on the skeleton hand.
That's awesome! Thanks :)
Ginger cand e, mood kandi, and wikihow are all the backbone of the kandi community
Omg I've been wanting to know how to make these for so bloody long! Thanks for uploading this, I'm going to make a neon rainbow one :3
Awesome! Tag me in a photo on instagram! :D
I’m very confused on where at 0:58 it says to put one string on one side and the other on the other side. I can’t see the string very well, so I don’t know how to do this. Could anyone explain it a bit better for me?
You criss-cross the strings through the bead. Add the black bead to one side of the string. Then take the other string and put it through the opposite side so a string is coming out of both sides of the bead.
Awesome! If you post it on IG I'd love to see it! 😁
This is perfect for cosplaying Kurapika
mai inner emo kid iz screaming >:D luvly tutorial i luv how u explain so well xD i can never find a sumone who doesnt explain it strangely so thiz helped tonz ! on tha black beadz part i put a heart bead insted (since i ran outta reg black) AND itz sooo cute aa
I watch alllllll tour tutorials to learn how to make new types of kandi. You're literally the best.
2:47 for those who need to know
This is a good tutorial. I trying to do a cosplay of nepeta from home stuck and I wanted to make her strife specibus and this seems close to what it is. Thank you
Im not sure why but you just made me smile! Your adorable and i lovs yout bracelets!
I cant figure out how to tie the tip off. You say to put the two white onto one string but then you do it on both strings?
how far apart did you put each finger? ( i hope that makes sense
I just did this n im so glad i found this tutorial, it's very ez ! : D
Glad it helped!
this is sick bro
I love them Kandi ❤🖤
this is mad confusing.. how do you start another row of white beads after finishing one
could you make a more in depth tutorial on this,, i know that’s a lot to ask but i can’t find any other tutorials for this and i’m confused..
those are actually really cool :0
this looks so fun im gonna try it
hey, is the base cuff a multistich? (the one which often has the patternz)
Yes it is.
1:21 Im confused on how we put the mini one on?
Add it on like a normal bead and then push the string down through the larger bead below it.
okay so idk if u still want to know lol but you have to put the top two beads and the mini bead on ONE string while the other string is still coming out of the black one. Then you want to take the string that has the three white beads and put it through the middle one (which will be the normal sized one) then you want to tie it with the string that is coming out of the black bead. I hope this helps!
@@shandihernandez3219OH shit tysm😭😭
def gonna try n make these ..
Would I be able to do this on a x base kandi cuff?
Yes. My only concern would be that X-bases tend to be a looser style so it may bunch up or rotate on the wrist. You can try it. I'd love to see the results.
how would i tie off the tips of i didn’t do the little parts on top with the small bead
Same method just use a big bead instead.
My Halloween costume is cooking rn
Is it ok if we use an even peytoe stitch cuff instead of the cuff you suggested becuaze I’m not too good at it ( I think that’s what it’s called I’m kinda new)
yes but you'll have to connect it differently.
at the beginning, you said about three beads high, can i do this with say, payote stitch cuffs?
late but it looks to be a multistich cuff, which isn't too hard to make you can find many tutorials, but when making them I recommend making them a bit bigger than ur wrist size, especially if you'll wear them with long sleeved shirts
Woah u went fast but I love how mine came out :)
We have the same pfp! :0
Omg love this!!! can't wait to try it
I'm not sure how other people do it but I'm sure I can make a video with some suggestions. :) Thanks for the feedback.
I got confused at around 0:57 can someone please help me i just don't understand it.
Add the black bead to 1 string. Take the other string and put it in the bead going the opposite way. Both ends should be coming out of different side of the bead.
The annotation for the cuff wont show up for me can someone give me the link ;-;
It was added as a card.
Im confused.. What cuff is that? X base, even payote, odd payote?
Just a normal peyote cuff
Thanks for the tutorial! I tried to make this, but it doesn't look as nice as yours hahaha!
Camille N It takes some practice to get right but I know you can do it. ☺
How many beads?
Depends on the size of your hand.
i love this so much
How do i do da sideways bead thingy
It's a ladder stitch. The two sides of your string will go in opposite sides of the bead. The strings make an X inside of the bead.
@GingerCandE OH YEAH when I commented I didn't understand ladder stitch, i do now lol
Are you gonna make it to mad hatters 15 this year?
I relocated to Ohio last year so most likely not. :/
Ginger Cand-e megabus?
Steven Voldase ohio is too far for a TX bus ride. hope your party has an awesome turnout! maybe we can make one the next time we come to visit! :)
Help i tried and it feel apart
:000 I really love this! Also I have a four row high cuff, does that effect the outcome of it? ;w;
Edit: I did the wrong type of cuff lol TvT
necesito uno en españoll
WoW sO ePiC
I can’t find where to make the cuff at the beginning
It's a peyote stitch cuff.
hate to be this person and ill doubt youll see this but where do u put the other fingers ? i was hoping for a more in depth tutorial :(
I tied each finger 1 bead apart from the other. So all the fingers are attached to the raised bead in the peyote cuff.
I finally made it after 4-5 hours btw it’s 2:58AM
How tf do you do the point I’m so confused bro
This tutorial is really confusing me
It's definitely a more complex skill. You can send me a DM on Instagram. I'd be happy to help.
u went so fast i couldnt tell what was goin on!! cant see the string at all, way too much guess work needed :((
What portion are you struggling with?
I’m sorry but these are so confusing to understand I would recommend going more in depth.
What part are you struggling with?
What part are you struggling with?