Charles Tournemire - Symphony No. 6 (Score Video)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ค. 2024
  • 00:00 Première partie
    24:56 Deuxième partie
    Performed by the Liège Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Pierre Bartholomée, the Namur Symphonic Choir, and the Chœur Polyphonia de Bruxelles
    Daniel Galvez-Vallejo, tenor
    Luc Ponet, organ
    Everyone knows 2020 as the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth, yet it is also the 150th birth anniversary of one of the most fascinating composers of the early 20th century. Charles Tournemire (1870-1939) was one of the greatest organists of his time; as a composer, he is primarily known for his liturgical organ cycle "L'Orgue mystique", but his compositions for other instruments and ensembles remain neglected. Tournemire's eight symphonies embody the development of French music at the turn of the century; his early works in the genre bear the influence of his teacher César Franck, while the symphonies of Tournemire's later period tend toward increasing chromaticism - his eighth and last symphony of 1924 makes extensive use of non-functional harmony and even sonorities foreshadowing late Prokofiev!
    In my view, Tournemire's sixth symphony is the most undeservedly forgotten choral symphony of the Romantic era. Over 50 minutes long and scored for an instrumentation that even Mahler (to whose choral symphonies it is frequently compared) might envy, it contains clear influences from German Romanticism. Nevertheless, the work is distinctly French in its character. Musically, the way Tournemire uses melodic material and the frequency of rich augmented sonorities and ninth chords make this abundantly clear; the Biblical text compiled by the composer, meanwhile, refers to the suffering of the French people during World War I.
    If you are an orchestral or choral conductor considering this piece for future performance, or if you would simply like to follow along in more detail, I have uploaded the score to IMSLP. You can download it by following the link below, clicking "Symphony No.6, Op.48", and then clicking on the "Complete Score" link:
    The engraved score and parts can be obtained through the Zinfonia service (
    If you enjoyed this score video, don't forget to like and subscribe - there will be plenty more of them coming from my channel, and several recordings of my own compositions are already posted!
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ความคิดเห็น • 14

  • @towardthesea_
    @towardthesea_  ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Other Tournemire uploads on my channel:
    Symphony No. 1 "Romantique":
    Symphony No. 2 "Ouessant":
    Symphony No. 3 "Moscow":
    Symphony No. 4 "Pages symphoniques":
    Symphony No. 5 "de la Montagne":
    Symphony No. 7 "Les danses de la vie":
    Symphony No. 8 "du Triomphe de la Mort":
    l'Orgue Mystique playlist (will take several months to complete):

  • @johannesbrahms7414
    @johannesbrahms7414 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Mr.Pranjit, MEGA THANK YOU !!!!
    For your Videos of the Fifth Symphony, and now, of this Sixth Symphony, I have STOOD UP AND
    APPLAUDED---- WITH----
    VIGOROUS ENTHUSIASM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @JennyUnder
    @JennyUnder ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Tournemire Symphony no 6
    Text and translation
    Nous souffrons au dedans de nos coeurs,
    We suffer inside our hearts
    Nos coeurs s’agitent,
    Our hearts grow agitated
    Nous ne pouvons nous taire,
    We cannot silence ourselves
    Car nous entendons le son de la trompette,
    Because we hear the sound of the trumpet
    Le cri de guerre…
    The cry of war
    Ruine sur ruine!
    Ruin upon ruin
    Tout le pays est ravagé!
    The whole country is ravaged
    Jusques à quand entendrons-nous
    Until when will we hear
    Le son de la trompette?
    The sound of the trumpet
    Nous regardons la terre,
    We look at the earth
    Et elle est informe et vide,
    And it is unformed and empty
    Les cieux, et leur lumière
    The heavens, and their light
    A disparu.
    Have disappeared
    Nous regardons
    We look
    Et il n’y a personne
    And there is no one
    Et tous les oiseaux du ciel
    And all the birds of the sky
    Ont fui…
    Have fled
    Tous ceux qui avaient la joie au Coeur
    All those who had joy in their heart
    Are groaning
    Les fêtes bruyantes ont pris fin.
    The noisy celebrations have ended
    Nous poussons de clameurs!
    We are crying out
    Toute joie a disparu!
    All joy has disappeared
    Du fon de l’abîme,
    From the bottom of the abyss
    Nous crions vers toi,
    We cry to you
    A Dieu!
    To God
    Nous espérons en Toi!
    We have hope in you
    Ecoute nos prières!
    Listen to our prayers
    Nous sommes flétris
    We are dessicated
    Comme une feuille
    Like a leaf
    Et nos iniquités
    And our sins
    Nous emportent comme le vent.
    Carry us like the wind
    Aussi, nous as-tu caché
    Also, you have hidden from us
    Ta face!
    Your face
    Cependant, ô Dieu,
    However, o God
    Tu es notre Pere.
    You are our Father
    Ne t’irrite pas!
    Don’t be irritated!
    Seigneur écoute!
    Signor, listen!
    Seigneur pardonne!
    Signor, we are sorry!
    Nous avons invoqué ton nom,
    We have invoked your name
    Ô Dieu,
    O God
    Du fond de la fosse.
    From the bottom of the pit
    Tu as entendu notre voix,
    You have heard our voice
    Seigneur, quand on nous accable,
    Signor, when life overwhelms us
    Tu nous délivres.
    You deliver us
    Tu es pour nous le Dieu
    You are for us the God
    Des délivrances.
    Of deliverances.
    Tu as été pour nous
    You have been for us
    Un refuge!
    A refus
    Sois béni
    Be blessed
    Chaque jour.
    Each day
    Avant que les montagnes
    Before the mountains
    Fussent nées
    Were born
    Et que tu eusses créé
    And (before) you created
    La terre
    The earth
    Et le monde,
    And the world
    From eternity
    En éternité
    For eternity
    Tu es Dieu.
    You are God
    Que ton oeuvre se montre
    (May it be) that your work shows itself
    À tes serviteurs
    To your servants
    Et que ta gloire resplendisse
    And that your glory reflects
    Sur nos enfants!
    On our children
    Ta venue est aussi certaine
    Your coming is as certain
    Que l’aurore,
    As the dawn
    Et tu viendras à nous
    And you will come to us
    Comme la pluie tardive
    Like the late-arriving rain
    Qui arrose la terre.
    That waters the earth
    Ayons foie en ta lumière,
    Let’s have faith in your light
    Afin de devenir des fils
    In order to become sons
    De lumière.
    Of light
    Ta lumière resplendira sur nous,
    Your light will reflect on us
    Tu seras pour nous
    You will be for us
    Une lumière éternelle.
    An eternal light

    • @BakosGergely
      @BakosGergely ปีที่แล้ว +4

      thank you very much this is very valuable plus information. this huge, deep wonderful symphony, together with this text, is a special moving experience. Tournemire's greatest orchestral symphony is a real gem, perhaps only his late, unfortunately still unrecorded oratorios will be as cathartic an experience when they are finally recorded.
      op. 63
      Apocalypse de Saint Jean trilogie sacrée en 3 parties
      - Les 7 lettres
      - Les 7 sceaux. Les 7 trumpettes. Les 7 coupes. La grande Babylone
      - Postlude symphonique (et choral)
      op. 72
      La Douloureuse Passion du Xrist oratorio
      op. 73
      Il Poverello di Assisi (Le petit pauvre d'Assise) cinq épisodes Lyriques en 7 tableaux
      a great dream can come true if these works can be heard on record.
      - Jeux
      - Le Chevalier
      - La vocation de Claire
      - Les stigmates
      - La Mort

  • @stevenmichael3426
    @stevenmichael3426 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Tournemire...the Master❤❤❤

  • @enriquesanchez2001
    @enriquesanchez2001 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Tremendous work and THANK YOU FOR THE SCORE! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

  • @ABruckner8
    @ABruckner8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Awesome upload! I can't imagine the work involved. Thank you!

  • @norbertflorianschuck9300
    @norbertflorianschuck9300 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you for this terrific masterpiece!

    • @towardthesea_
      @towardthesea_  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you for listening! I currently have two more of Tournemire's symphonies uploaded (the fourth and eighth), and I will be putting up three of the remaining four soon.

    • @norbertflorianschuck9300
      @norbertflorianschuck9300 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@towardthesea_ That are very good news, thank you!

  • @feinburger5404
    @feinburger5404 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is amazing! Thank you for sharing!!

  • @KinkyLettuce
    @KinkyLettuce 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    bro went all out with his title page

  • @fortunatomartino8549
    @fortunatomartino8549 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ww1 symphony