Thank you for your efforts. It’s good that Baofeng has taken the specifications seriously and addressed the problem. At least they are consistently trying to provide the radio hobby community with start up devices that don’t break the bank. I’ve had one for 10 years, still working great. Have you noticed that they haven’t increased the price. Keep up the good work, and thank you.
Thank you for the comment! I'm happy that these radios are testing clean now. I just purchased a Baofeng GT-5R that I will open up and compare to these UV-5R radios I testing in this video. I suspecting they are the same.
Thanks for the detailed analysis. In the past the UV5Rs were notorious for putting out over spec harmonics. Hopefully the units you tested are the rule and not the exception.
Great work. A fantastic all in one presentation. You've demonstrated power, Tx spurious emissions, 12dB SINAD sensitivity, carrier purity and a battery test! No selectivity ... but we know that'll be a fail. :) And here down under in Australia, I've just picked up a couple of UV-5Rs from eBay, that absolutely match your tests ... except once again, different case labeling. 73s VK5ZEJ
Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate your view and comment! I agree on selectivity! I will probably add that when I review a radio that isn’t direct conversion. 73s !!
I just picked up a UV-5R 8 Watt from Amazon and it has the green label like the Temu radio you have. It makes sense that they're cleaner since the GT-5R was clean and they probably use the same board/chip set. Good video, thanks.😊
Yes, I agree. I'm hoping that any radio based on the UV-5R main board are clean from here on. I wish there was an easier way to know your board revision without opening the case, since serials numbers and model numbers on these radios are all over the place. Thanks for the comment!! 73
Excellent video for a beginner ham like myself to watch. I love this video format. I hope the BFTECH F8RT ht that i purchased in 2 months ago is harmonically clean like these ones.
Thank you! If I had one of those I would check it out, but I think it will more than likely depend on when it was manufactured. Its looking like the newer radios based on the main board from the GT-5R are looking good. Thanks for commenting and 73s!
Thank you. I purchased a few uv-5r this year off Amazon and AliExpress and see markings different from yours, there must be even more variants. That said, they all seem to share very good suppression of harmonics. All my (recently purchased) uv-5r show the same excellent below -60dB suppression, beating even Anytone and TYT digital radios. In another video someone took them apart and compared the hardware to gt-5r (which are known to be „clean“). Apparently, the latest uv-5r are hardware-identical to gt-5r. That could explain the results. Given that gt-5r sell for $30 whereas uv-5r can be bought for $15 and are „open“ oob, that’s interesting. Apparently, finally the uv-5r is not just a very capable solid cheap radio but also technically legal.
Thank you for watching and commenting! I actually did a comparison of the insides of the GT-5R and UV-5Rs that were in this video. That video can be seen here:
Thanks a million for this very informative video. It is super useful to a newbie like me with several new Baufengs and Quanshengs and a new Tinysa that I don't want to blow up. You are using a 10 watt 40 db attenuator for 5 watt radios, is that right? What attenuator or series of attenuators would you use for 10 watt Baofengs? Wattage and db? Anyway, thanks again for a really useful video for a new user like me.
I like to err on the safe side. For handheld radios that claim output power over 5W (8-10W) I use 50dB attenuation. I use the same 40dB attenuator with an additional 10dB attenuator in series. Both rated at 10W (if the radio does put out decent power, I sometimes up the 40dB to my 50W version.) Thank you for watching and dropping a comment!! 73!
Hey, great review. Are those radios transmit locked? In other words are they restricted to just transmitting on the Amateur Radio frequencies (or in some cases restricted to the GMRS frequencies)
Craig, thank you for watching and commenting! The UV-5R radios are not locked, but the GT-5R will only transmit on the HAM bands. I haven't had a chance yet to try to reprogram the band edges with CHIRP. We'll see how that goes when I get an opportunity.
The Baofeng GT-5R is the clean model of the UV-5R, There is no GT-5R that has spurious emissions. I just got 2 GT-5R's and they rock! less than an hour and they were programmed to local repeaters and work great.
Don't know if it matters or not or if it has anything to do with it but I kind of collect the GMRS version of the uv5r. the last 2 orders I've received , when I hooked them up to chirp to program my extra channels (Business Class), Chirp stopped with a notification that they weren't Baofeng, I had to use radioddity specs.
3.76 watts on high for the amazon Radio and the temu radio was pushing 4.75 watts on high seems like the temu radio is doing better on wattage output 15:48
The Baofeng company has many different manufacturing facilities throughout china. Some are even subcontracted to other companies for foreign production, and for certain online sellers
I suspect that these are actually GT-5R's... It might be worth a look at these opened up and side by side by a "known" GT-5R... How much physical attenuation do you use, and your attentuation setting for the NanoVNA? All the Best! 73 DE W8LV BILL
Bill, thanks for the comment! I was having the same thoughts, wondering if the changes for the GT-5R (radioddity) have made it into these UV-5R radios. I don't have a GT-5R to open at the moment, but the inside of these new radios is definitely updated compared to my older UV-5R radios. I usually use 40dB or 50dB attenuation depending on the power output of the transceiver. In this test I used the 40dB attenuator since the HTs don't go over 5W. These harmonic tests were done on a Siglent SSA3021X Plus, and its internal attenuation was on auto, and was 10dB. 73s!
The software is by ComTekk simply titled ComTekk SINAD. The audio is brought into the computer through the LineIn port, through an 1:1 audio isolator for DC blocking. (
Yes, but I'm not sure that all the radios that have that FCC-ID are clean. :( Keep in mind that the FCC:ID on most of these radios is NOT for Part 97 or for our use in the Ham bands. MOST of the FCC:ID on these types of radios is just for Part 15 (The same FCC regulation applied to my calculator.) Some do have actual FCC certifications for GMRS (few).
Since the power on Firmware check doesn't reflect the actual firmware since BFB298, they all read the same. :( TEMU -- (3) BFB298 on radio (CHIRP says: HN5RV01) , (6) 210223M on radio (CHRIP 151123H) Amazon -- (3) BFB298 on radio (CHIRP says: HN5RV01), (6) 210223M on radio (CHRIP 151123H) GT-5R -- (3) BFB298 on radio (CHIRP says: HN5RV01 ) , (6) 210223M on radio (CHRIP 151123H) The only differences appear to be when holding (8) and powering on with the GT-5R and the TEMU radio, the display says: 5RM0-5W FCC-V05. On the Amazon radio which is the previous board revision, I have to press (9) on the keypad and then it says: 5RM0-5W FCC-V03.
I would say that buying a GT-5R is good given the choice! Then you know it is the updated board. The new UV-5Rs are good, but you have no 100% way of knowing you aren't getting old stock. The price of the GT-5R is pretty much right inline with the UV-5R anyway. You can use my affiliate link for Radioddity and get a discount!
Does anyone know if the new UV-5R uses the old RDA1846 chip or one of the newer Beken BK chips (eg 4815, 4819). Quansheng UV-K5 and new Retevis radios use BK chips, which supposedly improves their RX capability (better sensitivity and selectivity). Maybe these would also improve TX purity?
@SK-rj1ti I opened an older UV-5R and one of the new ones. Completely new board. Very similar, but some updated components, and most notably, there are a couple more inductors on the new board, might indicate extra filtering. The old radio was an RDA1846. The new radio still based on the same chip, but its an AT 1846A. Maybe I'll make a short on this. Thanks for the question!
Thank you for doing this! Never even heard of AT 1846A! Actually, I gave up on UV-5R (I had two) primarily of its front end overload. It is a serious problem in an urban area. Can't even hear the two nearby NOAA WX stations. Can't even hear a nearby GMRS repeater. How do I know it's front end overload? I had to shorten (not lengthen) the antennas to hear anything. That's obviously extra $$ spent on the antennas, which defeats the purpose of saving on UV-5R. Ended up spending even more $$ on a superhet. Works fine. But these new BK chip-based radios seem to have changed the equation in favor of direct conversion radios for less money. Just an observation. Sorry for such a long rant:)
@@KC4NWK No worries, it's probably the same 1846 chip. On the chip topic, I got a very decent pair of radios called Retevis RA85 (GMRS version) for just $40 per pair on sale. Our new favorite beaters. The ham version is RA685, I think. Very good ears, light years better than UV-5R. Maybe I just got lucky... Idk if it's the chip or better filtering. The chip is BK4815. This chip has the so called 275 kHz problem, though, i.e. it receives a + 275 kHz image above the actual signal. It doesn't bother me, they all have "image" RX somewhere, superhets or direct conversion. They say BK4819 is free of this 275 problem and their new runs of radios use these instead. Just though I would share. I like your channel. People need more tech info and a balanced view of things.
The software is by ComTekk simply titled ComTekk SINAD. The audio is brought into the computer through the LineIn port, through an 1:1 audio isolator for DC blocking. (
This is a little bit of a tough question. My first criteria would obviously be that the radio is clean on spurious/harmonics transmissions. From there its really all about personal preferences Now that I have a "good" "clean" TIDRADIO TD-H8 (Gen2 NEWEST), it is one of my favorites in this category.
Depends on your use case. If you are just monitoring/receiving, then a great front end with good selectivity etc. might be more important. But as soon as you transmit, you HAVE to comply with the FCC regulations (or equivalent governing body in other countries) on what our transceivers are allowed to do. So a clean radio is most import to me so that I know that I'm not interfering with any other ham or radio service (emergency or otherwise), plus its the law. FCC Part 97.307(e) 73s :)
The harmonics are a characteristic of the radio and the level of filtering done on the output. The attenuators are there to protect the spectrum analyzer from the transmit power of the radios so they can have a clean signal. The max input to a spectrum analyzer is generally very low, my Siglent can only take a maximum of 30dbm (1 Watt). I hooked up a telescoping antenna on the SA and the stock antenna on the radio, and the harmonics look the same. The readings on power are now based on proximity to the receiver, but the values for the harmonics are practically the same. It is possible that antennas could change the levels of some of the harmonics due to not being tuned for those frequencies, but in my opinion we should look to the radio itself to be clean as you never know what antenna may be used. Thank you for watching and commenting!! 73s
Have the get rid of the bozo alarm function? The one where you can press a button and the radio will transmit a distress sound. Sounds great but it stops others from communicating back to tthe person who sent it. Worse, therr is no identifier so cantneasily tell who has pressesd the alarm. I'm not sure on the site use for this feature. Perhaps evacuate plant? But for coordination they are next to useless.
If someone was so worried about them not being clean they will spend the money on the machine to test it. The rest of us poor ham operators just simply don’t care
Nick, thank you for commenting. Honestly comments like this are exactly what inspired me to start making these videos. I believe there are a lot of hams out there that are unaware of what their equipment is doing, and how it can interfere with other hams or other radio services, some of which could be public safety and commercial radio services. The rules stated by the FCC (and equivalent agencies in other countries) are what we are supposed to uphold in order to use the bands they have allotted to us. If we don't police ourselves by not using radios that generate spurious emissions and hold these companies accountable for making bad radios, the FCC has the ability to pull those bands away from us. There are commercial entities constantly trying to lobby for and buy portions of our amateur radio bands. All hams should "care" about demonstrating expertise and commitment to the principles of responsible amateur radio operation. 73s
§ 97.307 Emission standards. (a) No amateur station transmission shall occupy more bandwidth than necessary for the information rate and emission type being transmitted, in accordance with good amateur practice. (b) Emissions resulting from modulation must be confined to the band or segment available to the control operator. Emissions outside the necessary bandwidth must not cause splatter or keyclick interference to operations on adjacent frequencies. (c) All spurious emissions from a station transmitter must be reduced to the greatest extent practicable. If any spurious emission, including chassis or power line radiation, causes harmful interference to the reception of another radio station, the licensee of the interfering amateur station is required to take steps to eliminate the interference, in accordance with good engineering practice.
I'm not sure with a response like this you even have a license. Do you remember back to the CB heydays? There was a time when everybody and their dog had a CB. Problem was 97% were such crap they just ended up obliterating the entire band. All those folks with their cheaper than chips radios, and most of the other more serious folks are now gone. CB is still in use. Mostly with truckers looking for road condition reports. However, we don't need that happening again. If you can't afford test equipment and you don't have the time to do research on low priced radios, at least spend the money to buy the best. That way you won't squat all over the guy down the road trying to have a conversation on the next higher or lower channel.
@@KC4NWKno Sir, your video was of high quality, it is my lack of knowledge in this particular matter that is the problem. I’ll view it again n again til I get some idea on where to dig after breaking it down into segments. Thanks.
I love all the detailed explanations ! I appreciate the time and energy you put into all your testing
Thank you for watching!
Thank you for your efforts. It’s good that Baofeng has taken the specifications seriously and addressed the problem. At least they are consistently trying to provide the radio hobby community with start up devices that don’t break the bank. I’ve had one for 10 years, still working great. Have you noticed that they haven’t increased the price. Keep up the good work, and thank you.
Thank you for the comment! I'm happy that these radios are testing clean now. I just purchased a Baofeng GT-5R that I will open up and compare to these UV-5R radios I testing in this video. I suspecting they are the same.
Thanks for the detailed analysis. In the past the UV5Rs were notorious for putting out over spec harmonics. Hopefully the units you tested are the rule and not the exception.
I hope so too!! Thanks for watching!
Great work. A fantastic all in one presentation.
You've demonstrated power, Tx spurious emissions, 12dB SINAD sensitivity, carrier purity and a battery test!
No selectivity ... but we know that'll be a fail. :)
And here down under in Australia, I've just picked up a couple of UV-5Rs from eBay, that absolutely match your tests ... except once again, different case labeling. 73s VK5ZEJ
Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate your view and comment! I agree on selectivity! I will probably add that when I review a radio that isn’t direct conversion. 73s !!
I just picked up a UV-5R 8 Watt from Amazon and it has the green label like the Temu radio you have. It makes sense that they're cleaner since the GT-5R was clean and they probably use the same board/chip set. Good video, thanks.😊
Yes, I agree. I'm hoping that any radio based on the UV-5R main board are clean from here on. I wish there was an easier way to know your board revision without opening the case, since serials numbers and model numbers on these radios are all over the place. Thanks for the comment!! 73
Excellent video for a beginner ham like myself to watch. I love this video format. I hope the BFTECH F8RT ht that i purchased in 2 months ago is harmonically clean like these ones.
Thank you! If I had one of those I would check it out, but I think it will more than likely depend on when it was manufactured. Its looking like the newer radios based on the main board from the GT-5R are looking good. Thanks for commenting and 73s!
I would really love to see a teardown of the old vs the new.
Thank you for such a detailed video!
Thank you for watching and for your comment! 73s
Thank you. I purchased a few uv-5r this year off Amazon and AliExpress and see markings different from yours, there must be even more variants. That said, they all seem to share very good suppression of harmonics. All my (recently purchased) uv-5r show the same excellent below -60dB suppression, beating even Anytone and TYT digital radios. In another video someone took them apart and compared the hardware to gt-5r (which are known to be „clean“). Apparently, the latest uv-5r are hardware-identical to gt-5r. That could explain the results. Given that gt-5r sell for $30 whereas uv-5r can be bought for $15 and are „open“ oob, that’s interesting. Apparently, finally the uv-5r is not just a very capable solid cheap radio but also technically legal.
Thank you for watching and commenting! I actually did a comparison of the insides of the GT-5R and UV-5Rs that were in this video.
That video can be seen here:
@@KC4NWK awesome, thank you! Will take a look asap…
Thanks a million for this very informative video. It is super useful to a newbie like me with several new Baufengs and Quanshengs and a new Tinysa that I don't want to blow up. You are using a 10 watt 40 db attenuator for 5 watt radios, is that right? What attenuator or series of attenuators would you use for 10 watt Baofengs? Wattage and db? Anyway, thanks again for a really useful video for a new user like me.
I like to err on the safe side. For handheld radios that claim output power over 5W (8-10W) I use 50dB attenuation. I use the same 40dB attenuator with an additional 10dB attenuator in series. Both rated at 10W (if the radio does put out decent power, I sometimes up the 40dB to my 50W version.) Thank you for watching and dropping a comment!! 73!
Radiodity Version Baofeng GT-5R is a clean UV-5R Takes the same accessories! I got a pair!
Hey, great review. Are those radios transmit locked? In other words are they restricted to just transmitting on the Amateur Radio frequencies (or in some cases restricted to the GMRS frequencies)
Craig, thank you for watching and commenting! The UV-5R radios are not locked, but the GT-5R will only transmit on the HAM bands. I haven't had a chance yet to try to reprogram the band edges with CHIRP. We'll see how that goes when I get an opportunity.
Good news thank you
I really appreciate content like this. Just curious, have you previously tested an older UV-5R with this exact methodology and seen a dirty spectrum?
Yes I have. I have a couple older UV-5R radios that are not “clean.” Thank you so much for watching and commenting!!
The Baofeng GT-5R is the clean model of the UV-5R, There is no GT-5R that has spurious emissions. I just got 2 GT-5R's and they rock! less than an hour and they were programmed to local repeaters and work great.
Great to hear! 73s
Great video very informative I think the temu model is performing better
Yes, I agree.
I test them and if they fail send them back, over the years even the expensive brands failed on occasion so testing even with a cheap SA is needed.
Not a bad plan!!! Thank you for watching and commenting! 73s
Don't know if it matters or not or if it has anything to do with it but I kind of collect the GMRS version of the uv5r. the last 2 orders I've received , when I hooked them up to chirp to program my extra channels (Business Class), Chirp stopped with a notification that they weren't Baofeng, I had to use radioddity specs.
Very interesting! I just purchased one of the GT-5R radios through radioddity to see what it looks like on the inside! I'm suspecting very similar!
3.76 watts on high for the amazon Radio and the temu radio was pushing 4.75 watts on high seems like the temu radio is doing better on wattage output 15:48
I agree!!
Interesting. I just bought one from Amazon, my label is blue and says "Walkie Talkie" where yours is green and say "Amateur Radio". Similar serial #'s
I have the Temu version with exactly the same labeling 2024 version.I would suspect it's the older uv-5r radios with the harmonics problems.
The Baofeng company has many different manufacturing facilities throughout china. Some are even subcontracted to other companies for foreign production, and for certain online sellers
I suspect that these are actually GT-5R's... It might be worth a look at these opened up and side by side by a "known" GT-5R... How much physical attenuation do you use, and your attentuation setting for the NanoVNA? All the Best! 73 DE W8LV BILL
Bill, thanks for the comment! I was having the same thoughts, wondering if the changes for the GT-5R (radioddity) have made it into these UV-5R radios. I don't have a GT-5R to open at the moment, but the inside of these new radios is definitely updated compared to my older UV-5R radios. I usually use 40dB or 50dB attenuation depending on the power output of the transceiver. In this test I used the 40dB attenuator since the HTs don't go over 5W. These harmonic tests were done on a Siglent SSA3021X Plus, and its internal attenuation was on auto, and was 10dB. 73s!
What software are you using for the SINAD test? Enjoyed the detail of the video!
The software is by ComTekk simply titled ComTekk SINAD. The audio is brought into the computer through the LineIn port, through an 1:1 audio isolator for DC blocking. (
@@KC4NWK Thank you! N6PJW
Manufacturer's do have a learning curve. Like a Moore's law thing, over time with high production, the money is there to do upgrades and improvements.
Seems temu radio on high is way closer to 5 watts then the amazon radio 14:06
I got my uv5r8w in May 2024, how can I know if it's clean?
As a way to know the difference between the old and new 5r, didn't you say that the ones you tested have a new FCC:ID?
Yes, but I'm not sure that all the radios that have that FCC-ID are clean. :( Keep in mind that the FCC:ID on most of these radios is NOT for Part 97 or for our use in the Ham bands. MOST of the FCC:ID on these types of radios is just for Part 15 (The same FCC regulation applied to my calculator.) Some do have actual FCC certifications for GMRS (few).
Great vid, what pops up on both radios when turning them on when pressing #3 and #6?
Since the power on Firmware check doesn't reflect the actual firmware since BFB298, they all read the same. :(
TEMU -- (3) BFB298 on radio (CHIRP says: HN5RV01) , (6) 210223M on radio (CHRIP 151123H)
Amazon -- (3) BFB298 on radio (CHIRP says: HN5RV01), (6) 210223M on radio (CHRIP 151123H)
GT-5R -- (3) BFB298 on radio (CHIRP says: HN5RV01 ) , (6) 210223M on radio (CHRIP 151123H)
The only differences appear to be when holding (8) and powering on with the GT-5R and the TEMU radio, the display says: 5RM0-5W FCC-V05.
On the Amazon radio which is the previous board revision, I have to press (9) on the keypad and then it says: 5RM0-5W FCC-V03.
@@KC4NWK very interesting thanks for the reply
Have you considered having a look at the newer UV-5RH?
I'll look into it. I have a UV17R and UV21 coming up...
they are actually clean for quite a while now, at least here in europe.
Thanks for watching!!
I guess the GT-5R is no longer necessary then.
It was made as the clean version is the UV
I would say that buying a GT-5R is good given the choice! Then you know it is the updated board. The new UV-5Rs are good, but you have no 100% way of knowing you aren't getting old stock. The price of the GT-5R is pretty much right inline with the UV-5R anyway. You can use my affiliate link for Radioddity and get a discount!
Does anyone know if the new UV-5R uses the old RDA1846 chip or one of the newer Beken BK chips (eg 4815, 4819). Quansheng UV-K5 and new Retevis radios use BK chips, which supposedly improves their RX capability (better sensitivity and selectivity). Maybe these would also improve TX purity?
This is a good question! I'll open one of these up and see if I can determine what is in it!
@SK-rj1ti I opened an older UV-5R and one of the new ones. Completely new board. Very similar, but some updated components, and most notably, there are a couple more inductors on the new board, might indicate extra filtering. The old radio was an RDA1846. The new radio still based on the same chip, but its an AT 1846A. Maybe I'll make a short on this. Thanks for the question!
Thank you for doing this! Never even heard of AT 1846A! Actually, I gave up on UV-5R (I had two) primarily of its front end overload. It is a serious problem in an urban area. Can't even hear the two nearby NOAA WX stations. Can't even hear a nearby GMRS repeater. How do I know it's front end overload? I had to shorten (not lengthen) the antennas to hear anything. That's obviously extra $$ spent on the antennas, which defeats the purpose of saving on UV-5R. Ended up spending even more $$ on a superhet. Works fine. But these new BK chip-based radios seem to have changed the equation in favor of direct conversion radios for less money. Just an observation. Sorry for such a long rant:)
My apologies, the chip is an AT 1846S
@@KC4NWK No worries, it's probably the same 1846 chip. On the chip topic, I got a very decent pair of radios called Retevis RA85 (GMRS version) for just $40 per pair on sale. Our new favorite beaters. The ham version is RA685, I think. Very good ears, light years better than UV-5R. Maybe I just got lucky... Idk if it's the chip or better filtering. The chip is BK4815. This chip has the so called 275 kHz problem, though, i.e. it receives a + 275 kHz image above the actual signal. It doesn't bother me, they all have "image" RX somewhere, superhets or direct conversion. They say BK4819 is free of this 275 problem and their new runs of radios use these instead. Just though I would share. I like your channel. People need more tech info and a balanced view of things.
Any low cost option for india civilian use,
What hardware and software (besides the TinySA) are you using for the SINAD testing?
The software is by ComTekk simply titled ComTekk SINAD. The audio is brought into the computer through the LineIn port, through an 1:1 audio isolator for DC blocking. (
@@KC4NWK Thanks, I'll look into it.
What does clean mean? Maybe you should start there
What's the best sub $100 radio?
This is a little bit of a tough question. My first criteria would obviously be that the radio is clean on spurious/harmonics transmissions. From there its really all about personal preferences Now that I have a "good" "clean" TIDRADIO TD-H8 (Gen2 NEWEST), it is one of my favorites in this category.
@@KC4NWK thank you, why do you value a "clean" radio? Is it more important than good front end filtering?
Depends on your use case. If you are just monitoring/receiving, then a great front end with good selectivity etc. might be more important. But as soon as you transmit, you HAVE to comply with the FCC regulations (or equivalent governing body in other countries) on what our transceivers are allowed to do. So a clean radio is most import to me so that I know that I'm not interfering with any other ham or radio service (emergency or otherwise), plus its the law. FCC Part 97.307(e) 73s :)
Clean as opposed to what? An older model? Were there bad ones?
Yes, they were bad for years! I have a few.
My new uv 5r has 2024 in the serial number
How do the harmonics look when the actual antenna is connected rather than a 50 ohm attenuator?
The harmonics are a characteristic of the radio and the level of filtering done on the output. The attenuators are there to protect the spectrum analyzer from the transmit power of the radios so they can have a clean signal. The max input to a spectrum analyzer is generally very low, my Siglent can only take a maximum of 30dbm (1 Watt). I hooked up a telescoping antenna on the SA and the stock antenna on the radio, and the harmonics look the same. The readings on power are now based on proximity to the receiver, but the values for the harmonics are practically the same. It is possible that antennas could change the levels of some of the harmonics due to not being tuned for those frequencies, but in my opinion we should look to the radio itself to be clean as you never know what antenna may be used. Thank you for watching and commenting!! 73s
The supplied antenna is not 50 ohms and will affect the output.
Have the get rid of the bozo alarm function? The one where you can press a button and the radio will transmit a distress sound. Sounds great but it stops others from communicating back to tthe person who sent it. Worse, therr is no identifier so cantneasily tell who has pressesd the alarm.
I'm not sure on the site use for this feature. Perhaps evacuate plant? But for coordination they are next to useless.
No that dumb thing is still there!!! I just set it to "SITE" in CHIRP, then it at least doesn't transmit over the air!
73s!! Thanks for watching!!!
Best played at 2.0 speed.
If someone was so worried about them not being clean they will spend the money on the machine to test it. The rest of us poor ham operators just simply don’t care
Nick, thank you for commenting. Honestly comments like this are exactly what inspired me to start making these videos. I believe there are a lot of hams out there that are unaware of what their equipment is doing, and how it can interfere with other hams or other radio services, some of which could be public safety and commercial radio services. The rules stated by the FCC (and equivalent agencies in other countries) are what we are supposed to uphold in order to use the bands they have allotted to us. If we don't police ourselves by not using radios that generate spurious emissions and hold these companies accountable for making bad radios, the FCC has the ability to pull those bands away from us. There are commercial entities constantly trying to lobby for and buy portions of our amateur radio bands. All hams should "care" about demonstrating expertise and commitment to the principles of responsible amateur radio operation. 73s
Don’t even know what clean means
§ 97.307 Emission standards.
(a) No amateur station transmission shall occupy more bandwidth than necessary for the information rate and emission type being transmitted, in accordance with good amateur practice.
(b) Emissions resulting from modulation must be confined to the band or segment available to the control operator. Emissions outside the necessary bandwidth must not cause splatter or keyclick interference to operations on adjacent frequencies.
(c) All spurious emissions from a station transmitter must be reduced to the greatest extent practicable. If any spurious emission, including chassis or power line radiation, causes harmful interference to the reception of another radio station, the licensee of the interfering amateur station is required to take steps to eliminate the interference, in accordance with good engineering practice.
I'm not sure with a response like this you even have a license. Do you remember back to the CB heydays? There was a time when everybody and their dog had a CB. Problem was 97% were such crap they just ended up obliterating the entire band. All those folks with their cheaper than chips radios, and most of the other more serious folks are now gone. CB is still in use. Mostly with truckers looking for road condition reports. However, we don't need that happening again. If you can't afford test equipment and you don't have the time to do research on low priced radios, at least spend the money to buy the best. That way you won't squat all over the guy down the road trying to have a conversation on the next higher or lower channel.
Those values almost seem too good to be true.
I heard every word you said. My impression is HUH?
Is there something I could have explained better? Thank you for watching!
@@KC4NWKno Sir, your video was of high quality, it is my lack of knowledge in this particular matter that is the problem. I’ll view it again n again til I get some idea on where to dig after breaking it down into segments. Thanks.
Boof whang.
What are you even talking about
Spurious Emissions / Harmonics. :)
Cheap Chi-Com knock offs.