Mulan Cai YiNong and another woman from Tang Ren I guess. The two pics above could be the occasion of Nicky and SS's real first met when they were both in the same party held by Tang Ren loooong time ago.
Let me share with you a sweet little story about LongShi's marriage registration. On the day of their registration, when they showed up at the Civil Affairs Bureau in Beijing, there're another couple were about to get married. When the bride saw Nicky and ShiShi, She was ecstatic with joy and decided to give the pinky roses that her husband bought for her to ShiShi immediately. On the other day, her friends wrote about the story on the florist's website. and the florist send another bouquet of 33 pinky roses to the kind couple along with a lovely note. I think this is a pretty touching case of "The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose!" To be worth mentioning, 1) 33 pinky roses means "Love in three lifetimes" , do you remember that Nicky and ShiShi played couple three times in three different "dynasties"? 2) The florist name this bouquet as “Love you all by my heart”~ do you remember last year when ShiShi was asked "What is your vision of love"? ShiShi answered the exact same thing: "Love by all my heart"~ It always gives me a feeling that LongShi are meant-to-be , it just....all kinds of anecdotes about them are telling me my feelings are self-proving. If you understand Chinese, you can check the following links for this story. 一点点隆诗领证那一天的小故事分享给大家: 那天上午当隆哥和诗诗出现在民政局时,有另一对也要去登记的lover正好看到了他们,然后新娘子就把老公买来的33朵粉红玫瑰送给了诗诗;第二天,这对新人的朋友在花店的网页上把这个巧遇写到了评价中,然后花店马上就给这对夫妇重新送了一束一模一样的玫瑰,并留有一张非常温馨的纸条:【四爷与若曦牵手领证,缔前世今生之因缘;恰逢同样幸福的你们,以及那束“用心爱你”;你们送给他们的,也正是我们想送给你们的;致天下有情人最真心的祝福。】而巧合的是33朵粉色玫瑰的花语是:三生三世的情缘---隆诗俩就定情于三部电视剧中结下的缘分。 另外还记得,去年诗诗在鲁豫有约上,主持人问诗诗心中最理想的爱情是什么,诗诗回答的是:「彼此用心」~还有比这更温馨更美妙的巧合了吗?!太有爱了~
+张张婷 yes, there're 17 years between them and love make up that gap. No one said anything about age gap to the story-line between Rhett Butler and Scarlett in the world-famous novel Gone with the wind, nor would anyone say harsh thing toward celebrities married with age gap in western countries.(say Robert Badinter & Élisabeth Badinter) . In China, Jay Chou, Jiang Wen, Jordan Chan etc, so many married someone much younger. Why so critical to Nicky and ShiShi? Only that their love make someone else's fantasy impossible? That's so childish. Reality IS reality, no one can change that.
+Mulan the host asked SS whether Nicky is dominating in life. SS laughed, Nicky joked about" it's okay, just say it."23333 Finally SS said: "It's the other way around. It's me who is dominating at home."
+Mulan at 1:58 Nicky said it's very lucky for him to have someone understands him well, he is very happy now. Then the host asked SS what is her vision of love. SS answered:love each other by all heart.
有愛有情的所有瞬間...好感人的剪輯與配樂...一同見證我們的男神女神一直幸福, 一直幸福相攜到老...
谢谢你的评论~ 实在是太替他们开心了!!!!我觉得他们不是彼此的男神女神,而是彼此最真实的依靠;同样在我眼里,他们也不是男神女神,而是像普通的情侣一样真实平凡,而就是这样的真实平凡打动了我,看着隆哥陪着诗诗完成她那个一起看山看水的心愿,看着诗诗轻轻的为他整理衣角,觉得世间最美的爱情不过如此~~~ 我昨晚当时看到隆哥晒证的微博,激动到大脑一片空白!后来才缓过神来!简直如同做梦一般!!!
Olivia, 感謝您認真的剪輯,很有愛,感動得無話可说!
詩詩隆哥终於结婚了! 花開並蒂永相伴,詠賦齊眉两相守!
谢谢谢谢!第一次做MV有很多不足,做的时间早(去年9月通宵赶出来的) 后面隆诗的一些新的温馨的画面都没能剪进去,下次继续努力(≧∇≦) 推荐一下我最爱的三个隆诗MV:1)隆诗奇缘 2)沉香炉的第六炉香 3)沉香炉的第七炉香
祝福隆诗永遠, 永遠, 永遠,永遠, 永遠幸福美滿!
这是一个喧嚣的时代,但一切的纷纷扰扰终将沉寂,生活始终要回归真实;茫茫人海中,你爱的那了人,恰巧也爱着你[心] 这是一件多么幸运而珍贵的事情…看到她为他整理衣角,他为她挡风遮雨,觉得世间最美好的不过如此……其他任何的标签,外人的评论,或任何的附加条件,又与他们何关?又何足挂齿?……
每个人对幸福的定义不同,但感触都是相同的~自自然然、大大方方的恋爱,在认真和彼此用心的前提下,都是值得被祝福的~~ 很开心他们终于走到了今天,愿他们的爱情能够像涓涓细流一般,温润而又长久!!祝福~只有祝福!!
你说的好好~~~我早就不追星了,但是偏偏喜欢上了隆诗~~缘分也是《步步惊心》时结下的,但是当时看完步步惊心并没有多想;直到去年他们公开,好震惊啊,然后我就每天看他们的故事,MV,粉丝探班文,看到他们很幸福,自己也能感受到暖意!!!也谢谢你~~ 大家都要幸福,充满善意和阳光~~~
Olivia Wang 恭喜
Olivia Wang
看着他们一步步走进幸福的世界真的很高兴 我也不是追星族 也是看了步步惊心以后就特别喜欢她们的一切 从他们的世界里感受到每一刻每一妙都是那么幸福 感谢这么好的电视剧让我好像回到了年轻的时候 祝隆诗永远幸福
Lexi Tan Lexi你在围观什么我怎么听不懂呢2333333333
Olivia Wang 艾玛多谢提醒!!!!!
thank u~~~
不辛苦,因为收获的全部是喜悦,因为隆诗-~( ^ω^ )
林妹妹 附上一个沉香炉在隆诗公开时候做的大家都很爱的MV 第七炉香,当初优酷微博主页菌都单独转出来,当初的评论也很是看的很暖
劉詩詩:你~咿~你~,我~喔……我,何解~欸我的心跟你合成 一顆…… 吳奇隆:是妳,是妳特别迷人,令我始終只愛上妳一 個…… 劉詩詩、吳奇隆:彷彿,呵命中~註定我是屬~於您。此刻,擁抱您入懷,永恒也屬於~我……
Love 隆诗, both are not only beautiful but also humble and genuine, bless them.
great~ they got married. the most wonderful & beautiful love.
Love complete people, Wishing LongShi the best in this next phase of their lives', saying, marriage and parenthood.
劉詩詩:你~咿~你~,我~喔……我,何解~欸我的心跟你合成 一顆…… 吳奇隆:是妳,是妳特别迷人,令我始終只愛上妳一 個…… 劉詩詩、吳奇隆:彷彿,呵命中~註定我是屬~於您。此刻,擁抱您入懷,永恒也屬於~我……
Beautiful couple, beautiful love, beautiful vid
+Mulan thanks~~~ I think there will be more LS MVs being made during their wedding~~WoW!!!
+Olivia Wang 0:40 upper left pic that shows Nicky with 2 women, who are they?
Mulan Cai YiNong and another woman from Tang Ren I guess. The two pics above could be the occasion of Nicky and SS's real first met when they were both in the same party held by Tang Ren loooong time ago.
+Olivia Wang I see. Thank you Olivia
Good luck
gorgeous! Thanks a lot... so happy that longshi are married now... sigh... happy...
Glad you like this~ feels like I was in a state of euphoria throughout the past 24 hrs or so~ Big love for the newlyweds!!!!!
Let me share with you a sweet little story about LongShi's marriage registration.
On the day of their registration, when they showed up at the Civil Affairs Bureau in Beijing, there're another couple were about to get married. When the bride saw Nicky and ShiShi, She was ecstatic with joy and decided to give the pinky roses that her husband bought for her to ShiShi immediately.
On the other day, her friends wrote about the story on the florist's website. and the florist send another bouquet of 33 pinky roses to the kind couple along with a lovely note. I think this is a pretty touching case of "The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose!"
To be worth mentioning, 1) 33 pinky roses means "Love in three lifetimes" , do you remember that Nicky and ShiShi played couple three times in three different "dynasties"?
2) The florist name this bouquet as “Love you all by my heart”~ do you remember last year when ShiShi was asked "What is your vision of love"? ShiShi answered the exact same thing: "Love by all my heart"~
It always gives me a feeling that LongShi are meant-to-be , it just....all kinds of anecdotes about them are telling me my feelings are self-proving.
If you understand Chinese, you can check the following links for this story.
那天上午当隆哥和诗诗出现在民政局时,有另一对也要去登记的lover正好看到了他们,然后新娘子就把老公买来的33朵粉红玫瑰送给了诗诗;第二天,这对新人的朋友在花店的网页上把这个巧遇写到了评价中,然后花店马上就给这对夫妇重新送了一束一模一样的玫瑰,并留有一张非常温馨的纸条:【四爷与若曦牵手领证,缔前世今生之因缘;恰逢同样幸福的你们,以及那束“用心爱你”;你们送给他们的,也正是我们想送给你们的;致天下有情人最真心的祝福。】而巧合的是33朵粉色玫瑰的花语是:三生三世的情缘---隆诗俩就定情于三部电视剧中结下的缘分。 另外还记得,去年诗诗在鲁豫有约上,主持人问诗诗心中最理想的爱情是什么,诗诗回答的是:「彼此用心」~还有比这更温馨更美妙的巧合了吗?!太有爱了~
+Olivia Wang i guess marriage doesn't matter of age gap..... their age gap is 17 years...
+张张婷 yes, there're 17 years between them and love make up that gap. No one said anything about age gap to the story-line between Rhett Butler and Scarlett in the world-famous novel Gone with the wind, nor would anyone say harsh thing toward celebrities married with age gap in western countries.(say Robert Badinter & Élisabeth Badinter) . In China, Jay Chou, Jiang Wen, Jordan Chan etc, so many married someone much younger. Why so critical to Nicky and ShiShi? Only that their love make someone else's fantasy impossible? That's so childish. Reality IS reality, no one can change that.
Awesome video!
thank u~~
Good job, changchang!
I‘m here!BallBall╭(╯3╰)╮
ronghua0522 丧心病狂的翻译。。。。
Olivia Wang →_→总不能说eggegg吧。。。
ronghua0522 趁着某人回国赶紧调戏一下,dough dough LoL
Watching it again, still puts smile on my face. Olivia, 1:58 what did Nicky and Shi Shi say?
And also 3:40 what did they say? Thks so much!
+Mulan the host asked SS whether Nicky is dominating in life. SS laughed, Nicky joked about" it's okay, just say it."23333 Finally SS said: "It's the other way around. It's me who is dominating at home."
+Mulan at 1:58 Nicky said it's very lucky for him to have someone understands him well, he is very happy now. Then the host asked SS what is her vision of love. SS answered:love each other by all heart.
+Olivia Wang Thks so much Olivia!
蔡健雅的 Beautiful Love~