huvitav, kes neid vigaseid laulusõnu levitab sasslantises jm? "Aino, SU saladus ammu on avalik" (mitte 'mu') Aino oli ju see, kellel tööl pahandus juhtus
There are women in life you cannot forget, There are women in life you’ll never remember. Some of them stay in your mind for a short time, Some of them stay in there for days. Aino is one of the best girls in the City of Narva, Her dress is drawn, her blouse is ironed. Aino is very dear to me, I will meet her at six o’clock tonight. Chorus: I can’t see ahead, I don’t know, Why Aino, my dear, behaves like that. I don’t know, why love fails like that, I don’t know why it happens, I can’t remember. I walk with Aino up to the factory, Aino is the only one who loves me. Aino tells me not to watch her like that, But her breasts are stretching her shirt. Chorus Me and Aino secretly break away from the masses, Aino tells me not to do that. We are dating with Aino since the 7th grade, Aino, if you only knew, what it means to me. Aino is very secretive today, Aino cannot sleep tonight. Aino, your secret is already public, I know that you’ve had trouble at work. Chorus
Üli hea lugu,kui kuulan,siis terve päev kummitab!
Minu pruut 2005 kinkis selle albumi koos dvd, parim kink mees tahta tahab! ;)
üks parimaid eestikeelseid lugusid forever.Aitäh laadimise eest...
20 Aastat Singumist Ja Vingumist DVD oleks ka hea siin näha ja kuulda.
Ma fännan seda laulu
ajakirjanik hea + singer vinger- näpud püsti!
Rollu ROCKS!!!
jube mõnus eestkeelne roklugu
Etttee ei näääee, ma ei tea ))
the best!:-)
minu onu roald ROCKS!!!
Cool stuff
aino ongi parim
jeeaaahhh parimaid laule 4evAR
Igal kontserdis kus S&V käinud on, on juttude järgi olnud vähemalt 1 tüüp kes lõugab terve kontserdi AINOOOO AINOOO :D naljakas .
Seda kirjutas M Raud on biograafias
Iga kontserdi kohta ei oska öelda, aga mõnel olen ma käinud ja alati on mõni selline onu kohal olnud küll :D
ülihea lugu
Minul on mingi kiiks "kodusõjaga"olin kunagi tšehhi lunapargis mingi atraktsiooni peal kui see kõlas,aktraktsiooni ei mäleta aga lugu oli võimas.
minu onu LAULMAAAA.... :D
are you really relatives? Kas olete päriselt sugulased?
and the correct sentence would be: "Minu onu laulab" :D
krdi hea lugu...
@hevilihas aga muuseas !! on :))
Lugu on hea, aga sinkud lähevad selle meenutamise peale alati närvi:P
Rollo on parim
väga hea
aino on ainus:Dkindlalt kohe:D
...On, on...
a see on see Roaldi nimi lugu oma pruudist ja t6eline,,:))) m2su:)
Krt ja ma mõtlesin et see on lugu Mihkli emast
Ma ei tea küll mitu korda "Uni" sisse on lauludud, aga minule teada olev variant on kindlalt kohe Volmeri lauldud. Muuga olen päri.
Kes seedib, siis on kõhus kõik korras.....
Volmer ruulib!!!
Ei see ei ole Volmer.
ok ma pidasin silmas ikkagi bändi
Läbi aastate hea lugu
norm lugu ;a
Kahju küll et videot pole aga mulle meeldib ka siis kui lugu endal olemas on youtubeist kuulata/vaadata kuna saab komme lugeda.
tegija lugu. tore, et keegi on selle hea kvaliteediga üles laadinud
Kes see imelik dislike on pannud ?
Aga tõesti, kes pani?
Eriti hea kraam
jensi lemmik
huvitav, kes neid vigaseid laulusõnu levitab sasslantises jm? "Aino, SU saladus ammu on avalik" (mitte 'mu') Aino oli ju see, kellel tööl pahandus juhtus
Tahtsin ka seda laulda sõnad pold peas ? Teinekord ehk?
What does the title mean? I'm asking because the first part is my name ;) I really like this song.
Aino is the only one :)
@@kristihaarde1023 Thank you 😊
There are women in life you cannot forget,
There are women in life you’ll never remember.
Some of them stay in your mind for a short time,
Some of them stay in there for days.
Aino is one of the best girls in the City of Narva,
Her dress is drawn, her blouse is ironed.
Aino is very dear to me,
I will meet her at six o’clock tonight.
I can’t see ahead, I don’t know,
Why Aino, my dear, behaves like that.
I don’t know, why love fails like that,
I don’t know why it happens, I can’t remember.
I walk with Aino up to the factory,
Aino is the only one who loves me.
Aino tells me not to watch her like that,
But her breasts are stretching her shirt.
Me and Aino secretly break away from the masses,
Aino tells me not to do that.
We are dating with Aino since the 7th grade,
Aino, if you only knew, what it means to me.
Aino is very secretive today,
Aino cannot sleep tonight.
Aino, your secret is already public,
I know that you’ve had trouble at work.
아 여기 오니까 갑자기 생각나는 말이 있네 프로고소러? 구라 시발점..? 왜 갑자기 생각이 날까ㅠㅠ 급식 장사 10만이든 1000만이든 알 사람은 전부 알고 있는 말...... 아니 왜 갑자기 생각이 나는지 모르겠다 진짜 모르겠네ㅠ
That's right, i guess
무슨 음식을 말하는거야? 음식과 상관없는 에스토니아 노래
Mihkel Raud talitseb kitra ikka nii hästi
ärge vigisege pala on hea
Oota aga mis Aino siis tööl tegi??
Nii Hää et alla 10 pügala ei pakuks? 🐇
Ameerika mäed
No shit Scerlock!
Sambat tantsida
ülihea lugu