Not to be that guy, but if your carry can only farm that much, isn't that kinda your team's fault ? I've tried in a lobby, if AM goes Jungle right at the beginning, the latest one's gonna get BF is around 25 mins without any stacking. If your AM only have Treads and Perser, it's kinda your fault that either you're not creating enough space for him to farm, don't ward properly, or don't stack enough or contesting his jungle. Sometimes it's not the bad farmer to blame, sometimes it's just bad team coordinate
just have to support your core and carry the game at the same time i prefer playing hero like shadow shaman in SEA because he can split push on his own
17:53 am actually tp in because he recognize his weakness and that is the kinetic field and sand king so when he saw the kinetic was put down he immediately tp in because there is no threat to him no kinetic field and no SK.👍
U can get rampages only if enemies are bad and lack coordination or if your team is kind enough not to steal it and just to hand you over that last kill
Bf is a FARMING item not FIGHTING item it can hardly help in team fight I'm an offlaner it always irks me when I see my carry starts chase fighting instead of farming. I'm creating space as hard as possible, I took the hard farm, I pressure their safe lane forcing them to gank me, and for what my carry getting bf start fighting then eventually die or outfarmed by enemies? I risk my life taking the hard farm instead of the safe farm for my fucking carry and he just ignore all the safe farm, chase fighting and die. unless you can kill in and out in 5 seconds don't, just don't.
It annoys me so much when support doesnt want to pull but instead wants to fight and die several times and make me - carry pull and lose lane exp and possibly some gold that it often makes me jungle..
Kids that always say Sea has a lot of noobs/ flamer/this and that has no clue at all. What are you guys playing? archon rank? Oh well. When you are in ancient to immortal rank in SEA, you'll all see the difference. SEA has a lot of good players on these brackets. I'm talking about individual skills compare to other regions. Its much easier to have high rank mmr in other regions compare to SEA, and people who played like myself in other region, then went to sea will understand this. It's not that your team in SEA are throwers or flamers/noobs etc. It's because players are good and they understand the game for both teams. I'll say again ancient to immortal rank brackets are actually pretty good. And its hard to win on this games unless you have team cooperation which is 50% of the time of your games I would say on solo rank(based on my experience). But its is up to those players if they will cooperate or not to win games. Just giving my 2 cents as a SEA player because every time i read comments in dota videos kids be talking about SEA is not a good region to play with. I'll say it now, its a big no. If you want good games, SEA server games are it. Try it out yourselves, except for these archon ranks.
Now that is a proper carry video not just for am i think he pretty much sums up for almost all the carry heroes because thats how you should be playing if you wanna win and as a carry every carry should learn am as he is the basic for carry type players great vid mate awesome 👏🏻 👍🏻👍🏻
You can't say I'm looking at the map wrong when i can't farm in the lower bracket. How will you be able to farm when you have a 5 man carry and they keep initiating fights with the other team.
Stereotypical_Patriot you don’t understand. I know that carries are supposed to be 3rd-5th pick but Sometimes you want to pick carry so you pick 2nd or 3rd pick carry and fucking cancers would still pick carryeven though you picked first.
This applies in sea dota only in divine to immortal ranks Cause in the lower ranks they flame the shit out of you until you decide to throw or play your own game
Dear people playing against am. If you are grouped up pushing a lane as 5, and u see am split pushing, pls do not tp away especially if you have a fast pusher on your team. The odds u get the kill on am is near 0 unless the whole team tps as well, which the am already won cuz he stopped the push
That mexican standoff that always happens at mid around minute 15-20 is the perfect moment for the hard carry to push lanes. I often play support in my games and I've started to just push lanes at that point.
Yes if you're the position 1.If you're not don't, you can't do that. You see what the other heroes except am did? Holding the game as long as possible for am because the game would end before am can fight or at least the whole map would be controlled by enemies and am would be having a really hard time getting the farm. Imagine if one just one of am teammates didn't help the teamfight and hold. All the towers would be destroyed by 20 minutes mark and am would lose access to farm and could hardly leave the high ground. I'm not saying to not to farm you should always farm the hard farm that none of your teammates gonna take when not in team fight. Keep in mind tho you should not necessarily fight in a heavily disadvantage fight where it's super obvious that if you come you couldn't kill any of the enemy heroes and die yourself. It's okay to not come to a fight against 5 enemies under their tower when you're losing but it's not okay to not be in a fight defending your side with wards. Np usually used as offlane tho because np should be strong in most time of the game. It's really hard to lane against np. I've even seen some of pro games where they trilane against np because they know it would be super hard to lane against it for their carry.
no basher after manta am against that lineup this guy just agrees with every decision on that am but in actuality they had a series of bed decision since if u get on ahead you SHOULD ALWAYS finish the game while ahead plus your playing a math game here if one or 2 dies you should always go for the push or force bb then head rosh jsut saying
You can play other heroes like this, but you can be more aggressive with other heroes earlier. Eg. you can be aggressive as jugg once you get your phase drums and try to push towers, or wait for your mael. Farming patterns are just how you will move through the jungle to avoid the enemy or get an objective. So if you see mid lane pushing, you can farm the jungle towards mid lane, push the midlane, then see the top lane pushing, then farm the jungle back to top lane.
i think if u had such a hard lane or the enemy's line up is very strong on team fight at early game and ur team not. u can do like this, just farm and cut some wave or doing splitpush is more effective sometime
Try playing jugg instead you can 2v1 a lane with 2 points into crit and 3 points into spin with tangoes. You can also trade effectively against STR heroes with low armor.
practice makes perfect , try to pull progressively earlier every time u fail a pull. Usually if the creeps pass tier 2 safelane , it's about time to pull small camp
If you miss like 2-3 creeps in your pull you can perfect it by blocking the lane creeps a bit after drawing aggro such that those two front creeps which would have escaped previously will now get aggroed.
Hey! I used to have the same problem. I think this chanel actually has a video on it? Not sure. What you can do is, instead of dragging the camp all the way to the lane and have the creeps aggro them by proximity (which is how my friends taught me, maybe you do it that way too?) there are a few specific places, just passing the trees that divide lane and forest on the points where you usually pull, where you can stay still, let yourself be hit by the camp creeps and that will aggro the wave. What this does is create a bigger timeframe for the creeps to be aggroed. You can be a little bit too soon or a little bit too late and still get a full pull. Also, pulling serves a purpose. Multiple actually, but it all sums up to "tip the laning phase is favor of your core". There are many subtle changes made to the laning phase when you do, but the most important thing you acomplish is you push the lane towards your tower, which usually makes it safer for your core to farm (usually, keep in mind that if the creeps are under the tower you open oportunities for a dive), allows you to easely take the jungle camps, which will give you exp and gold without having to take it from your core and will open denies for your creeps, taking experience and gold from the enemy team. You can achieve some of these goals by setting up denies for your carry. They will get a little bit more of gold, the enemy core will not get it, their experience will not be totally denied but it will be greatly reduced setting up a difference in level for future engagements and the lane will start to push towards your tower, though much slower. If you don't feel confident, miss the timing to get to the camp in time to pull or feel presured not to leave your core you can always try that instead. Less optimal, kinda similar result, just lower quality move.
coming from a guy who plays am alot the best way to evade a whole gank team to blink forward towards their base rather than blinking into the trees or back
If their disablers are Sand King, WW, Shaman, etc,,,. It would not be effective especially if the SK has blink and Aghs or the Shaman has blink or lens. I’d rather hide in the trees.
in game where u have magnus and other big ults in ur team u can just get s and y or manta ( depending on the situation) with vlads and fight early with am. (very situational option)
this video was really awesome i learnt so much but a problem dat exist even in 3k~4k ppl constantly ask for u to be them in gang fights and can't understand the dat am is a item hero and when u ignore their asses they start real hard toxicty it's 1 of the huge problems
Nothing beats playing LC when you face an AM. Every AM player in my bracket (Ancient) are so predictable. Stay out of vision in side lane and you'll get a free duel. Then when he respawns you quickly switch from farming to going to the exact same lane.
@@goatedonthedotes8324 Dumb AM players maybe. I recently beat a Meepo who killed me three times early by warding the entrances of my jungle and picking the uncontrollable illusion talent. I was always watching him approaching and made hin waste time and mana by chasing my illusions. We started to bait him and gank him until we turned the tide and I was able to solo kill him.
Its situational, for example if you play morp always go for 3 wraith band or even 4 if your lane is really hard, morp with 3 wraith band have decent health and fairly good status and you can also max out agility shift outlasting the enemies offlaner. for many games i always stack 2 basic item such as wraith band/bracer/talisman especially if youre using carry that have low base aspd/dmg. and if playing supp it is really good to build 2 bracer as it gives more health hp regen and status reduction.
This is basic stuff though but I guess this video is for beginners so, makes sense. Great tips. Also, you're right. This applies to any Dota game. Even bot practice. SEA region I'm not gonna lie, likes to play fast-paced Dota, but the mechanics and strategies don't change. This is what you do, to win.
When I play anti mage these are the things I do: 1. Mute all teammate. 2. Mute all enemies. 3. Farm like a motherfucker. 4.Rat like there is no tomorrow.
Actually I have a question... He bought an extra quelling blade... I mean an extra wraith would be better or should I still get an quelling blade even after a bf lol...
maybe do one on void, i see alot of people doing the same mistake of turning on mask of madness in chrono when they have 2 or more enemy heroes inside, leading to an ez kill on void or even just jumping into fights with chrono, killing his whole team (seen it too many times XD) get's frustrating.
The only issue I have with this video, is that if this is any other mmr than this, the game would have already been over (pushing tier 3-4) by the 20 min mark. If you follow this guide, you will lose because you're team won't be able to give you the space to split and farm, they will just flat out lose the game, regardless of you farm. P.S. I know that's what he means when he says that am is a bad pick usually because his early game, but this video gives off the idea that you can just farm and get a win, which is not even close to the truth in lower mmr games.
This is true "If you follow this guide, you will lose because you're team won't be able to give you the space to split and farm" one of my 3.5k mmr frnd played 2 am games yesterday n lost coz of this haah coz no space.. even i lost 1 game when my core pick am and offlane dog picked LS who went midas :) which lead to 26min fury for am and 28min radiance for LS xD I
Make sense. But i think speed implied that am is a bad pick for lower mmr or lower skills. Maybe you can get away if your enmy positioning is bad. Ive been playing some am lately and i think it's really hard to make him shine in lower bracket. It's like instant win and instant lose. Do or die. Just earlier I played pa and was snowballing with a solar crest early game 15-3 and our am called me noob for buying it and teaching me how to play. And he was farming only the jungle the whole entire game with 2-3. He was almost never on the lane. It's was so funny how clueless how bad he is even my teammates reacted with his statement. 😅
Nice tips and i also did the same thing but normally in SEA they'll blame for the entire gane just becuase they saying THAT AM is not joining in the clash . Hope many more players will understand this about this video. Thank!
A lot of AM fundamentals transfer over to every hero and a lot of people ancient and below could really gain a lot from spamming him for 100 games tbh, even in a meta where he's weak
all team must have a "position 1 Carry", and they need time to farm their item, it's not only am who needs time, their are some hero like pa, ls, etc. to farm their items. every pos 1 player needs some space to farm in the early-mid game..
Caleb Evangelista PA and LS aren’t as item dependent on AM. You can fight with PA bkb deep against 3 slotted am. Rad and Midas/armlet on Lifestealer is good with a strong disabler/burst.
Bro... I'm done...... like... im 20 games down on rank.... just abt to lose that PMA... I don't shout scream... i farm my own hero... n gank whenever i feel like its best.... but out of 20 gmaes ranked.... not a single lane was owned by other players. I have a good conduct summary... approx 9500. But then i don't find any teammates co-operative ... nor do they do anything in game. ID: 388667022
He is kind of weaker. Because of the less creep gold you will get bf later so his timing gets pushed back a lot because he really needs it to farm well(unlike other hard carries like naga, tb or sven). He cant help get kills like jug or sven or even spectre. What he has going for him is that he can split push better than anyone else although u need your team to be doing well enough for them to not die horribly when you are pushing. Overall am is very situational and would not recommend picking him unless you can counter a lot of heroes
wait a minute ... if u can have 3 items that soon with am, PICK PA! Pa with 3 items is waaaaaay more useful than am with 3. also it farms way faster due to cleave talent and stifling dagger.
Arvin Arman No. PA requires vision to blink, and has a longer cooldown. Am can use it all the time, so he is way more efficient and faster at farming, in addition to his great splitpush
@@akak325 the blink may be not as good, but if u do 70% of that much farm for pa, u win any game. And lets say pa is only good against physical damage, then why not pick void ? Its waay more efficient than am. Am is useless, specially in the age that early game/midgame fights are so significant
@@orchestrate Neither PA or void is more efficient than am at farming. Please learn the fucking heroes dude. You don't win any game with 70% of that on PA, they can have good counters for her. She relies alot on being able to win fights or take rosh to have heavy impact, whilst am can solocarry the whole game IF you give him enough space. Of course it needs to be a decent am game, but you can't say that pa or void will be better no matter what? That makes no sense. There are almost NO HEROES that farm as efficient and as fast as AM so stop with the bullshit please
Anti mage seriously needs a rework. It's an outdated hero that relies way too much on a farming item (battlefury). Maybe give it a new skill that gives more farming options?
I played am today. My oflaner is pa, hard sup is storm s, sup was with me but no pull and stack, didn't manage wards, and blamed me. Yah it is SEA server
no seriously it would not apply i as an am farming had to rotate to kill the mid and the offlane cuz my team sucked so hard that i feared even i farm up a manta basher and skadi within 30 the enemy would have enuf armor and dmg to make me useless
Lol in that bracket people usually don't carry or forgets to buy more tps , week ago i played on my friend's crusader bracket and built heart and full attack speed items on am and just hitted the buildings with 0 hero dmg 😂😂
" he wants to help becaus he knows how hard it is for his team; but he can't"
I frikkin cried :'(
Everybody hurts music rolls in
Are u talking bout rtz??
I dont. Fuck AM pickers. Hate them when they are on my team (useless fucks) and when they are on enemy team (hiding pussies)
@@kookou13 oooh SEA player?
@@peachymonji definitely
If i dont join teamfights my team would 100% flame me
@@shrimpgripper i always turn that button on when i play invo
Jeremy Siapno welcome to sea dota
@@dwayne4994 i play in SEA
@@reiii6062 understandable. Sea players wants heroes like am,specrtre ,arc to be very active and flame u if u dont help lmao
Every seen 6 k smurf streams getting flamed and reported in 3 - 4 k games? I did. Doesnt mean they played wrong :)
In SEA doto, the AM comes out of the jungle after 30 minutes with treads and peserverance
And shame, dont forget the shame.
This legit happens to every AM I meet in my Matches.
You're bracket is archon thats for sure
3k 4k am 🙃
Not to be that guy, but if your carry can only farm that much, isn't that kinda your team's fault ? I've tried in a lobby, if AM goes Jungle right at the beginning, the latest one's gonna get BF is around 25 mins without any stacking. If your AM only have Treads and Perser, it's kinda your fault that either you're not creating enough space for him to farm, don't ward properly, or don't stack enough or contesting his jungle.
Sometimes it's not the bad farmer to blame, sometimes it's just bad team coordinate
"this AM afk farming please report" chat incoming
In SeA iT wOuLdN't APpLy !
Nice video !
last pick support
just have to support your core and carry the game at the same time
i prefer playing hero like shadow shaman in SEA because he can split push on his own
17:53 am actually tp in because he recognize his weakness and that is the kinetic field and sand king so when he saw the kinetic was put down he immediately tp in because there is no threat to him no kinetic field and no SK.👍
In sea by the time i farm battlefury with am the ancienet is already open with mega creeps :D
Obligatory Arteezy TI reference
I always end up muting my whole team when i play am. Like i just finished my bf, what u want me to do? Get a rampage?
U can get rampages only if enemies are bad and lack coordination or if your team is kind enough not to steal it and just to hand you over that last kill
As long as you don't farm jungle when they are investing their life for you in a hard fights in the other side of the map. Just don't plss.
Bf is a FARMING item not FIGHTING item it can hardly help in team fight I'm an offlaner it always irks me when I see my carry starts chase fighting instead of farming. I'm creating space as hard as possible, I took the hard farm, I pressure their safe lane forcing them to gank me, and for what my carry getting bf start fighting then eventually die or outfarmed by enemies? I risk my life taking the hard farm instead of the safe farm for my fucking carry and he just ignore all the safe farm, chase fighting and die. unless you can kill in and out in 5 seconds don't, just don't.
Should I buy boots or battle fury before?
can you make a guide for AM when there are 4 other carry in our team? :(
thats definately herald gaming😂
If there is 4 other carry’s why pick a 5th?
The key then is to outplay your enemy cause you're in herald and they're bad
@@QactisX And your teammates aswell in the fight for lasthits. It's basically 1v9
That's an awful game. Hahaha. Just buy vanguard and basher. Forget about the farming pattern.
It annoys me so much when support doesnt want to pull but instead wants to fight and die several times and make me - carry pull and lose lane exp and possibly some gold that it often makes me jungle..
So the role is basically simple for AM.
*Just farm and avoid enemies* to
*Fight enemies in late game*
Ur teammates would just probably flame you if u just farm but yes that's how you play AM
Yeah thats basically it. Sounds really boring to me to be honest.
Kids that always say Sea has a lot of noobs/ flamer/this and that has no clue at all. What are you guys playing? archon rank? Oh well.
When you are in ancient to immortal rank in SEA, you'll all see the difference. SEA has a lot of good players on these brackets. I'm talking about individual skills compare to other regions.
Its much easier to have high rank mmr in other regions compare to SEA, and people who played like myself in other region, then went to sea will understand this. It's not that your team in SEA are throwers or flamers/noobs etc. It's because players are good and they understand the game for both teams. I'll say again ancient to immortal rank brackets are actually pretty good. And its hard to win on this games unless you have team cooperation which is 50% of the time of your games I would say on solo rank(based on my experience). But its is up to those players if they will cooperate or not to win games. Just giving my 2 cents as a SEA player because every time i read comments in dota videos kids be talking about SEA is not a good region to play with. I'll say it now, its a big no.
If you want good games, SEA server games are it. Try it out yourselves, except for these archon ranks.
people say SEA region is not good precisely because it's the hardest region to win.
Now that is a proper carry video not just for am i think he pretty much sums up for almost all the carry heroes because thats how you should be playing if you wanna win and as a carry every carry should learn am as he is the basic for carry type players great vid mate awesome 👏🏻 👍🏻👍🏻
You can't say I'm looking at the map wrong when i can't farm in the lower bracket. How will you be able to farm when you have a 5 man carry and they keep initiating fights with the other team.
If they keep initiating in fights they're not farming? Ez creeps and exp for u! :D
Vol Vme Lol they initiate whenever possible but if they’re not initiating fights, they’re fucking eating the whole map.
EJ if you have a 5 man team of Carey’s, don’t pick carry lol....
Stereotypical_Patriot you don’t understand. I know that carries are supposed to be 3rd-5th pick but Sometimes you want to pick carry so you pick 2nd or 3rd pick carry and fucking cancers would still pick carryeven though you picked first.
This applies in sea dota only in divine to immortal ranks
Cause in the lower ranks they flame the shit out of you until you decide to throw or play your own game
rekt then maybe this hero doesn’t work in that bracket. Pick a more active hero I guess
You're delusional. Mute your team. I smurfed at 2k the other day. It was a joke, I went 22-0 every game.
Thank you gameleap for this incredible tutorial I am almost divine from legend 1 to ancient 5 thanks a lot
Speed gotta love you man very nice video keep it up ur videos are awesome
Dear people playing against am. If you are grouped up pushing a lane as 5, and u see am split pushing, pls do not tp away especially if you have a fast pusher on your team. The odds u get the kill on am is near 0 unless the whole team tps as well, which the am already won cuz he stopped the push
So what if our team hardly behine early game and they are pushing hg 15-20 mins, what should we do with am?
someone told me not to pull unless the easy camp is this true?
The video starts with a team thats on their last straw defending against super mega creeps with an anti mage in their team, looks just about right
is it alright if i go wraithband normal boots BF manta then BoT?
That mexican standoff that always happens at mid around minute 15-20 is the perfect moment for the hard carry to push lanes. I often play support in my games and I've started to just push lanes at that point.
If I played like this my team would not play at all. After losing 2 fights without me, they would just stay afk in fountain and ping me endlessly.
Id be really interested in the Beastmaster video that you teased
In SEA region, the support will take all the last hit and exp, then blame the carry for not being fat fast...
If your support takes all the last hits from you why even play carry unless its like a shaman
@@chrisly6177 I don't lol, i dont play carry anymore, cuz idiot people that doesnt play their role in ranked match exist
thanks for the video i really learned a lot
it was so helpful 😍 ty
Would you recommend similar advice for nature prophet?
Yes if you're the position 1.If you're not don't, you can't do that. You see what the other heroes except am did? Holding the game as long as possible for am because the game would end before am can fight or at least the whole map would be controlled by enemies and am would be having a really hard time getting the farm. Imagine if one just one of am teammates didn't help the teamfight and hold. All the towers would be destroyed by 20 minutes mark and am would lose access to farm and could hardly leave the high ground. I'm not saying to not to farm you should always farm the hard farm that none of your teammates gonna take when not in team fight. Keep in mind tho you should not necessarily fight in a heavily disadvantage fight where it's super obvious that if you come you couldn't kill any of the enemy heroes and die yourself. It's okay to not come to a fight against 5 enemies under their tower when you're losing but it's not okay to not be in a fight defending your side with wards.
Np usually used as offlane tho because np should be strong in most time of the game. It's really hard to lane against np. I've even seen some of pro games where they trilane against np because they know it would be super hard to lane against it for their carry.
speed... pls do a video about amor mechanics, pls and thank you..
Bsj you’re a genius
Speed. Is it even worth to go for a qb on top with bf? Give some insights on that. Well it is a 200g item (1 creep wave+/-)
back in time when AM use vanguard and SnY rush war mid game
Absolutely perfect!
Kristina Harana is it but slow
So uuuuh, original name for the vid. Eric Wright will be interested in hearing about this.
no basher after manta am against that lineup this guy just agrees with every decision on that am but in actuality they had a series of bed decision since if u get on ahead you SHOULD ALWAYS finish the game while ahead plus your playing a math game here if one or 2 dies you should always go for the push or force bb then head rosh jsut saying
I know the question is non sense but how do you get those towers? Like the skins.
Battlepass my friend
is this applicable to any type of safelane carry heroes ? What I mean is the farming pattern ? noob question :(
No bro, he told you thats why you shouldnt play am cz he cant fight early unlike sven or jugg or other carries..
You can play other heroes like this, but you can be more aggressive with other heroes earlier. Eg. you can be aggressive as jugg once you get your phase drums and try to push towers, or wait for your mael. Farming patterns are just how you will move through the jungle to avoid the enemy or get an objective. So if you see mid lane pushing, you can farm the jungle towards mid lane, push the midlane, then see the top lane pushing, then farm the jungle back to top lane.
i think if u had such a hard lane or the enemy's line up is very strong on team fight at early game and ur team not. u can do like this, just farm and cut some wave or doing splitpush is more effective sometime
Try playing jugg instead you can 2v1 a lane with 2 points into crit and 3 points into spin with tangoes. You can also trade effectively against STR heroes with low armor.
I cant pull successfully
Like mostly only 1 or 2 creeps that got pulled
Do you have a vid for pulling advice?
practice makes perfect , try to pull progressively earlier every time u fail a pull. Usually if the creeps pass tier 2 safelane , it's about time to pull small camp
pull small camp at 15 or 45 sec, its perfect every time
If you miss like 2-3 creeps in your pull you can perfect it by blocking the lane creeps a bit after drawing aggro such that those two front creeps which would have escaped previously will now get aggroed.
If you own ti9 bpass you cann learn from it :)
Hey! I used to have the same problem. I think this chanel actually has a video on it? Not sure.
What you can do is, instead of dragging the camp all the way to the lane and have the creeps aggro them by proximity (which is how my friends taught me, maybe you do it that way too?) there are a few specific places, just passing the trees that divide lane and forest on the points where you usually pull, where you can stay still, let yourself be hit by the camp creeps and that will aggro the wave. What this does is create a bigger timeframe for the creeps to be aggroed. You can be a little bit too soon or a little bit too late and still get a full pull.
Also, pulling serves a purpose. Multiple actually, but it all sums up to "tip the laning phase is favor of your core". There are many subtle changes made to the laning phase when you do, but the most important thing you acomplish is you push the lane towards your tower, which usually makes it safer for your core to farm (usually, keep in mind that if the creeps are under the tower you open oportunities for a dive), allows you to easely take the jungle camps, which will give you exp and gold without having to take it from your core and will open denies for your creeps, taking experience and gold from the enemy team. You can achieve some of these goals by setting up denies for your carry. They will get a little bit more of gold, the enemy core will not get it, their experience will not be totally denied but it will be greatly reduced setting up a difference in level for future engagements and the lane will start to push towards your tower, though much slower. If you don't feel confident, miss the timing to get to the camp in time to pull or feel presured not to leave your core you can always try that instead. Less optimal, kinda similar result, just lower quality move.
coming from a guy who plays am alot the best way to evade a whole gank team to blink forward towards their base rather than blinking into the trees or back
in ancient above this will no longer be that efficient idk
@@holygrim5246 but still they dont expect it that much most of the time i get away the problem rises when they have good dewarder
People can see where you blink from "after blink particles effect"
If their disablers are Sand King, WW, Shaman, etc,,,. It would not be effective especially if the SK has blink and Aghs or the Shaman has blink or lens. I’d rather hide in the trees.
@@manuelquiloboy2956 then as the man said you need to learn to observe lane presence and know when they coming in to gank
13:42 do you know how much pressure the enemy is giving him
Morphling: *YOu WonT FarM ThIs LaNe*
can u do a similar vedio for sven and is battlefury good for sven
Azhar Faisal why would battle fury be good for Sven? He already has cleave....
@@stereotypical_patriot7250 I have seen in some builds they recommend battlefury so I asked
You guys have minimaps?
Is this a guide how to ti9 artour antimage?
Wait i didn't know a battlefury and quelling blade stack
yea wtf is that... O.o
i thought this has been patched
*quelling blade
Thanks sir for the spell fix
It did but it doesnt anymore
Quelling blade and fury stack?
wont your team flame you hard if you dont fight for 30mins?
didnt u fucken hear what the man said?
Now I won't ban AM anymore and will expect enemies to do the opposite of what you are saying.
in game where u have magnus and other big ults in ur team u can just get s and y or manta ( depending on the situation) with vlads and fight early with am. (very situational option)
Now I understand what I am doing wrong!!Thanks a lott
when do you go basher after manta and why did he go skadii
AM Battle Fury + Quelling Blade would it stack???
So basically you do queue with a techies main to stall out the game til you can scale and to cover the jungle for you so you don't get roamed on.
this video was really awesome i learnt so much but a problem dat exist even in 3k~4k ppl constantly ask for u to be them in gang fights and can't understand the dat am is a item hero and when u ignore their asses they start real hard toxicty it's 1 of the huge problems
@@gameleapdota2 will try to get better thanks for awesome content
Thx bro
do you have a video on how to play spectre? or at least can you make one please
Battlefury with quelling blade?
the bonus dmg stack
Nothing beats playing LC when you face an AM. Every AM player in my bracket (Ancient) are so predictable. Stay out of vision in side lane and you'll get a free duel. Then when he respawns you quickly switch from farming to going to the exact same lane.
@@goatedonthedotes8324 Dumb AM players maybe. I recently beat a Meepo who killed me three times early by warding the entrances of my jungle and picking the uncontrollable illusion talent. I was always watching him approaching and made hin waste time and mana by chasing my illusions. We started to bait him and gank him until we turned the tide and I was able to solo kill him.
great vid!. Did you have plans to do videos like this for every hero ? Kind of a selfish question since i love undying lol
Just how many "frankly" did he said?
Prazilva S yes
when you were discussing small items I kept wondering is it better to have 1 or 2 wraith bands
1 is much better imo after wraiths got nerfed hard
Its situational, for example if you play morp always go for 3 wraith band or even 4 if your lane is really hard, morp with 3 wraith band have decent health and fairly good status and you can also max out agility shift outlasting the enemies offlaner. for many games i always stack 2 basic item such as wraith band/bracer/talisman especially if youre using carry that have low base aspd/dmg. and if playing supp it is really good to build 2 bracer as it gives more health hp regen and status reduction.
I Launch pretty hard at those who think Sky cant kill AM. they pretty much can at any point of time in game.
This is basic stuff though but I guess this video is for beginners so, makes sense. Great tips.
Also, you're right. This applies to any Dota game. Even bot practice. SEA region I'm not gonna lie, likes to play fast-paced Dota, but the mechanics and strategies don't change. This is what you do, to win.
When I play anti mage these are the things I do:
1. Mute all teammate.
2. Mute all enemies.
3. Farm like a motherfucker.
4.Rat like there is no tomorrow.
Actually I have a question... He bought an extra quelling blade... I mean an extra wraith would be better or should I still get an quelling blade even after a bf lol...
Yea wb is much better than another qb bcs it does not stack anymore
It stacks
thank you, very helpful analysis for am hopefully more people will watch this video, such a crucial hero to learn correctly.
maybe do one on void, i see alot of people doing the same mistake of turning on mask of madness in chrono when they have 2 or more enemy heroes inside, leading to an ez kill on void or even just jumping into fights with chrono, killing his whole team (seen it too many times XD) get's frustrating.
Global Onces Fighting! ♥♥♥
First thing I noticed honestly haha
11:22 QUELLING BLADE!!!!!!
21:55 He Sold the Quelling blade. Does it really works: a quelling blade when you already have battlefury
Haha every sea am has that style of playing but no success
i see once 🤣🤣
in my games 3 heroes already farming in jungle and support comes to take last hits
The only issue I have with this video, is that if this is any other mmr than this, the game would have already been over (pushing tier 3-4) by the 20 min mark. If you follow this guide, you will lose because you're team won't be able to give you the space to split and farm, they will just flat out lose the game, regardless of you farm. P.S. I know that's what he means when he says that am is a bad pick usually because his early game, but this video gives off the idea that you can just farm and get a win, which is not even close to the truth in lower mmr games.
This is true "If you follow this guide, you will lose because you're team won't be able to give you the space to split and farm"
one of my 3.5k mmr frnd played 2 am games yesterday n lost coz of this haah coz no space..
even i lost 1 game when my core pick am and offlane dog picked LS who went midas :) which lead to 26min fury for am and 28min radiance for LS xD
Make sense. But i think speed implied that am is a bad pick for lower mmr or lower skills. Maybe you can get away if your enmy positioning is bad. Ive been playing some am lately and i think it's really hard to make him shine in lower bracket. It's like instant win and instant lose. Do or die. Just earlier I played pa and was snowballing with a solar crest early game 15-3 and our am called me noob for buying it and teaching me how to play. And he was farming only the jungle the whole entire game with 2-3. He was almost never on the lane. It's was so funny how clueless how bad he is even my teammates reacted with his statement. 😅
Best tip, dont think youre miracle
the only mistake when i played am is not buying bkb then i lost the game
i believe the drafting for their wasn't that good
Hi fellow SEA player :')
Quelling blade stacks with battle fury?!
What about maelstrom build instead of battlefury?
Nice tips and i also did the same thing but normally in SEA they'll blame for the entire gane just becuase they saying THAT AM is not joining in the clash . Hope many more players will understand this about this video. Thank!
Me: still farming
Team: get your ass here, we need you.
Playing antimage isn't playing DotA. It's playing "hit creeps until the enemy is irrelevant"
A lot of AM fundamentals transfer over to every hero and a lot of people ancient and below could really gain a lot from spamming him for 100 games tbh, even in a meta where he's weak
Best part of this is Tzuyu!
AM is single player campaign of dota
gameleap pro, i go maelstrom + vanguard then moonshard on AM, is it a good build? (later on abyssal)
i also think blink dagger is crucial on this hero
Its good, sometimes i also buy bloodstone as my first item so that i can always have blink online
Wrong item you can go for Vlads Crimson on AM to help you stop them from pushing high ground.
chou tzuyu!
I saw that to xD
Am is so trash unless they give him a patch dont play him cause ur team will be 4 v 5 half the game
I had AM for a Daily Hero and it was a nightmare to complete it. Being forced into Battle Fury SUUUCKSSS
it's easy dude. u just have to farm until 17-25 mins, get a battlefury and a manta style. then easy game
That’s the point of a “late-game carry”. If you somehow reach the late game you basically win.
all team must have a "position 1 Carry", and they need time to farm their item, it's not only am who needs time, their are some hero like pa, ls, etc. to farm their items. every pos 1 player needs some space to farm in the early-mid game..
Caleb Evangelista PA and LS aren’t as item dependent on AM. You can fight with PA bkb deep against 3 slotted am. Rad and Midas/armlet on Lifestealer is good with a strong disabler/burst.
Bro... I'm done...... like... im 20 games down on rank.... just abt to lose that PMA...
I don't shout scream... i farm my own hero... n gank whenever i feel like its best.... but out of 20 gmaes ranked.... not a single lane was owned by other players. I have a good conduct summary... approx 9500. But then i don't find any teammates co-operative ... nor do they do anything in game.
ID: 388667022
Only possible if your team can 4v5. Wont work if your other 4 teammates gets wrecked. And in lower brackets a 4v5 is an automatic lose.
Watching after I had worst games on games on am back to back... Idk why I feel hero is weaker compared to my previous experience
metas change bro
He is kind of weaker. Because of the less creep gold you will get bf later so his timing gets pushed back a lot because he really needs it to farm well(unlike other hard carries like naga, tb or sven). He cant help get kills like jug or sven or even spectre. What he has going for him is that he can split push better than anyone else although u need your team to be doing well enough for them to not die horribly when you are pushing. Overall am is very situational and would not recommend picking him unless you can counter a lot of heroes
@@EC-dz4bq not about the meta man try fighting other carries like Sven Pa Jug Tb Pl etc. You cant even win the fight even with the decent nw advantage
Kowshik Mareedu Depends on your draft but 1v1 hard to fuck AM.
wait a minute ... if u can have 3 items that soon with am, PICK PA! Pa with 3 items is waaaaaay more useful than am with 3. also it farms way faster due to cleave talent and stifling dagger.
Arvin Arman No. PA requires vision to blink, and has a longer cooldown. Am can use it all the time, so he is way more efficient and faster at farming, in addition to his great splitpush
@@akak325 the blink may be not as good, but if u do 70% of that much farm for pa, u win any game. And lets say pa is only good against physical damage, then why not pick void ? Its waay more efficient than am. Am is useless, specially in the age that early game/midgame fights are so significant
@@orchestrate Neither PA or void is more efficient than am at farming. Please learn the fucking heroes dude. You don't win any game with 70% of that on PA, they can have good counters for her. She relies alot on being able to win fights or take rosh to have heavy impact, whilst am can solocarry the whole game IF you give him enough space. Of course it needs to be a decent am game, but you can't say that pa or void will be better no matter what? That makes no sense. There are almost NO HEROES that farm as efficient and as fast as AM so stop with the bullshit please
@@akak325 void would be more efficient than AM if you go for midas
And void could settle for maelstrom and be as fast as AM in terms of farming
Is this me or I am the one notices that the AM player is a TWICE fan? Hahaha
youre not solo bro ,hahaha chou tzuyu
my Shadow Demon says hello :D
Anti mage seriously needs a rework. It's an outdated hero that relies way too much on a farming item (battlefury). Maybe give it a new skill that gives more farming options?
Try to play alchemist Best Version of am can snowball ez and he is fun too.. went 2,5k to 3k btw :)
i am in love with alche now :D
I played am today. My oflaner is pa, hard sup is storm s, sup was with me but no pull and stack, didn't manage wards, and blamed me. Yah it is SEA server
had the same game, still won it.
no seriously it would not apply i as an am farming had to rotate to kill the mid and the offlane cuz my team sucked so hard that i feared even i farm up a manta basher and skadi within 30 the enemy would have enuf armor and dmg to make me useless
Try making butterfly after skadi and just hit buildins , ward their jungle so that you can if they are coming
@@peeyush999 do i look like i wanted an item guide? go get a life. and read my other comment while ur at it
@@raiyanahmed8427 i mean okayyy ?? With this attitude good luck in your life .
Uhh what about the bracket where no supports.
Everyone wants to be a carry and everyone wants to farm.
😂What does an am do then
Lol in that bracket people usually don't carry or forgets to buy more tps , week ago i played on my friend's crusader bracket and built heart and full attack speed items on am and just hitted the buildings with 0 hero dmg 😂😂
Maelstorm vanguard.... Orb of venom wbs fuck any build still can't fight on am even with good neutral items till mid game.... even against noobs