2337. Move Pieces to Obtain A String - Leetcode Daily | 2 Pointer Traversal | Medium | Beg Easy Sol
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ธ.ค. 2024
- This is a solution to the Daily Leetcode problem "Move Pieces to Obtain A String" using Efficient Approach in Java in a very easy to understand beginner level explanation.
The goal of making these Leetcode problems solutions is to help me & others with deeper understanding & being able to see new & existing patterns in a particular problem using multiple approaches from least efficient to most efficient approach so that we can better explain our approach to the interviews & properly handle edge cases in coding interviews and not just copy paste every problem's solution without properly understanding the problem first like i used to do for a long time.
Kindly stay tuned for more content like this in the future😃
Problem Link(Easy) :
Forgot to explain Time Complexity & Space Complexity in the video through using this Brute Force approach!
Complexity : Its a Efficient Solution
1. Time Complexity:
Both start and target strings are traversed in parallel using the two pointers.
Skipping underscores (_) involves linear traversal in the worst case, as the loop iterates over all characters.
Thus, the time complexity is O(n), where n is the length of the strings.
2. Space Complexity :
No additional data structures are used, and no memory allocation scales with the size of the input.
Thus, the space complexity is O(1) (constant space).
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