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  • @normaturner9214
    @normaturner9214 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Amen, amen, God bless you pastor for speaking the truth of God's words.

  • @normaturner9214
    @normaturner9214 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Amen, they are equal in the plan of salvation, for saving of souls. Thank you Lord.

  • @normaturner9214
    @normaturner9214 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    We should always listen to the voice of God and not try to take away from what is written in the bible. God's word stand forever. Thanks pastor for speaking truth.

  • @SolomoniWaqa
    @SolomoniWaqa 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Trinity is the best teaching from the devil,for it is the "Mark of the beast"..

  • @user-fd1lj4pn4g
    @user-fd1lj4pn4g 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    For several minutes, starting at about 8:00, Elder Skeete addresses a wonderful passage in Hebrews 5. He makes the valid point that the son had not selected himself for the position of high priest, but had been appointed by someone else. But then, he strays widely from the text of verse 4, which identifies the Caller as "God." Elder Skeete says at 9:57 that the Father appointed him. But the word "Father" was nowhere in that text! Yes, the Father did anoint Jesus--that is true. But the text says "God" did this. If Jesus were God, then God would have anointed "God"--defeating the entire point Elder Skeete has just tried to make. His rationalize is actually against the Trinity--though he sees it not.

  • @SolomoniWaqa
    @SolomoniWaqa 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Sounds good but it kills the inner man(soul),for he is too good to interpret, but without the true revelation..

  • @user-fd1lj4pn4g
    @user-fd1lj4pn4g 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This poor pastor has not yet understood John 4:24. "God is a spirit," Jesus said. The "spirit of God" is just what the words tell us--God's spirit. It is not a third being of the Godhead, something separate from the Father. John 4:21-23, the verses immediately preceding the one in which Jesus said God is a spirit, tell us that the Father is the God whom we are to worship. Jesus said in John 17:3 that the Father was "the only true God." Should we be quick to change Jesus' words, and to teach contrary to them?

    • @msladymack1960
      @msladymack1960 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      With every text and passage, the evidence is clear to me....The GODHEAD exists (3).
      If you eliminate the Holy Spirit, you run the risk of offending Him, of committing blasphemy against Him
      Just as Ananias and Sapphira lied unto the Holy Spirit, whom Peter called GOD, Your position of rejecting the Holy as a part of the GODHEAD is the same sort of act.
      What we cannot do is understand everything about GOD.
      Your position breeds confusion.
      Bible: There are 3 that bear record in heaven
      You: No theres only 2
      Bible: God the Father spoke from heaven, the spirit descended like a dove, as Jesus was coming up out of the water
      You: No, there wasn't three there...there was only two.
      Bible: When I go to the Father, I will send Another Comforter...He will testify of me...He will lead you into all truth
      You: Jesus sent himself back
      This is Confusion..and Deception. The position is The Bible is not really saying shat it is actually saying.

    • @user-fd1lj4pn4g
      @user-fd1lj4pn4g 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@msladymack1960 According to the Bible, the Father is God, and it was the Father God who sent His son Jesus. Jesus is "the son of man." Look up Numbers 23:19 to see what that means Jesus _isn't._ Then confirm this by looking at Jesus' own words in Luke 24:39 which contrast clearly with his words in John 4:24. The Ten Commandments clearly state that we are to have no other god before "me." That "me" is singular in Hebrew, just as it is in English. Who are you putting beside Him?
      If Jesus is God, then we are God's _brothers_ according to Jesus in John 20:17, not God's _sons_ as we are so often told, such as in John 1:12. It is the Trinitarian who brings confusion to the Biblical text.

    • @derartubedasso2831
      @derartubedasso2831 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      You are speaking about jesus after incarinationHere Christ shows them that, although they might reckon His life to be less than fifty years, yet His divine life could not be reckoned by human computation. The existence of Christ before His incarnation is not measured by figures.-The Signs of the Times, May 3, 1899. it [God's Word] we may learn what our redemption has cost Him who from the beginning was equal with the Father.-Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 13. you are narrowing it down to the level of you human mind my question is where did you put christ before incarination it is going from chiristanty to the teaching of islam Dening the the devinity of jesus​@user-fd1lj4pn4g

    • @derartubedasso2831
      @derartubedasso2831 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Think alittle higher please don't say poor that is the spirit of Satan. Instead ,he understands. the way he understands is different from the way you understand

    • @user-fd1lj4pn4g
      @user-fd1lj4pn4g 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@derartubedasso2831 I affirm what the Bible affirms, and deny what it denies. The Bible is clear: Jesus cannot have been God. Jesus was tempted (see Matthew 4:1): God cannot be tempted (see James 1:13). Jesus died: God cannot die (see 1 Timothy 1:17). Jesus was Lord of the dead (see Romans 14:9): God is not the God of the dead (see Matthew 22:32). Jesus was seen of multitudes, and his voice was heard: God has never been seen by anyone (see 1 John 4:12, John 1:18) nor has the Father's voice ever been heard (see John 5:37). Jesus calls us his "brethren" (see John 20:17): God calls us His "sons" (see e.g. John 1:12).
      If Jesus had been God, scores of Bible verses would be wrong. How do you explain them? Was Jesus tempted or not? If he was, then he was not God, because God cannot be tempted with evil (James 1:13). If even one verse denies the Trinity, then the Trinity must be given up.
      The Bible is clear: God sent His _son._ They are two separate entities, and they are not equal. Jesus said himself "my father is greater than I" (John 14:28). Ellen White says if God sent His son, then he had a son to send. Hebrews 10:5 indicates that the son came to dwell in a body that had been prepared for him. I believe that before this incarnation, Jesus was known as Michael in heaven--who was called an archangel but is nowhere called God.
      Interestingly, the Father has commanded _the angels_ to worship His son (see Hebrews 1:6). Why would the angels have needed this command if the son had already been God? Do you suppose the angels would have been ignorant of who God was? And if being God's son means one is God, why are we not _all_ Gods, as Jesus calls us in John 10:34? And why, if Jesus had been God, would it have been wrong for them to worship him? For Ellen White tells us that before he met the Father after his resurrection, he commanded the angels not to worship him until he had received the Father's approbation. Would God ever command His subjects not to worship him?
      There are simply too many inconsistencies with a Trinitarian belief system--especially for those of us who hold the writings of Ellen G. White.