Dang, Dean, you don't look a day older than when we both worked at the Contel Technology Center. I'm glad you're still enjoying your work, and I hope you'll someday reveal your anti-aging secret!
@@milannesic5718thanks! I don't know this channel or host and had no idea he likes to re-post old interviews without timestamp warnings. Lesson learned.
actually he's not getting older indeed. I've seen recent live sessions with him via IONS in 2022 and he's looking just like in this video. Even not knowing him before, I've been always impressed by his appearance. There's some secret in his research that he's keeping hidden...
Ultimate topic - radical ideas and shocks. Indeed, the nature of reality could be totally different to our current ideas and not be about the stretching of them. However is it even physically possible to think of anything totally new or can we only put our experiences together in new ways? Have we such limits? For example gravity was once thought of as invisible ropes, now it's curvature of space - a totally different concept, not just a stretching of the idea of ropes. Perhaps another Einstein moment - having to give up ideas so fundamental that we take them for granted and don't even think to question them. How about logic itself? To say it's mad to question logic is a circular argument because madness is the lack of logic but it's logic we're questioning. To ask what do we have if we don't have logic is like asking what do we have if we don't have ropes. Anyway logic does seem to break down in QM so there is a precedent.
IMO there is strong evidence that the physical universe comprises more dimensions than we can sense. Quantum mechanics describes at least two phenomena that lead me to this conclusion. One is electrons jumping from one energy state orbital to another without passing through any intermediate stage orbitals. It leaves on place seeming to disappear out of the universe and reappears at another. How does that happen? Through a path we cannot detect? Another is quantum entanglement. We know that the physical range of energy such as gravitational, electromagnetic, nuclear falls off rapidly with distance. However entangled particles can influence each other at considerable distance. Could it be that when they are entangled they may be far apart on the three dimensions we can sense but close together in one we can't sense? You can call these worm holes if you like but I prefer to see them as just other dimensions since they appear to be everywhere and not at all unusual, especially the electron orbitals.
The jump from orbitals is perfectly smooth. In which way it's smooth depends a bit on the interpretation. But there are intermediate state (superpositions with different amplitudes of the two states). And we can test that and measure that. The only reason it does not seem that way is because we can't measure (get the information) of the path in one measurement. That are restrictions quantum mechanics puts on things (very similar to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and it's a special case of the generalised Heisenberg inequality). The entanglement is highly dependent on the interpretation. In many worlds interpretation for example there is no influence whatsoever. We just just restrict ourselves to that part of the wavefunction that is consistent. So it seems like they interacted. But in reality we just conditioned our reality to our observation. There are people that think there is something which goes beyond that (EPR=ER), but as far as evidence goes no actual information can be transmitted through the interaction (different to all the other interactions like electromagnetic or gravitational interaction which can be used to transfer information). Your description that they are everywhere is more in line with the description of entanglement in accepted quantum mechanics. But that does not mean there is another dimension. They are just not localised like we naïvely think of it in the three dimensional space. That's all.
entangled particles are not "influencing" each other at a considerable distance. They're simply mirroring each other, there's no gap, one particle switches, and the other will switch along, instantaneously. That's why it's said that this "influence" happens at a speed faster than the speed of light. This is actually false since there's no speed, it's all instantaneous and the "influence" isn't even a thing, but it's like both particles are one and the same. My guess is these are not two different particles. They just look like separate particles in our three-dimensional world. But in a higher dimension, they're just the same object. Imagine you lay your hand on a plane (a two-dimensional realm), and then the "inhabitants" of that plane will see only separate "stamps" from different parts of your hand, as they cannot see high into the 3rd dimension to realize how all parts are tied together. All they can see is the plane and the separate sections of parts of your hand. Suppose you keep your hand stiff and rigid, and then you move and twirl it. All that one part of your hand does, the other part does equally. So the "creatures" that abide in that plane will say "oh, look, there are different objects on our plane, and they are all entangled". Same would happen here, according to my hypothesis. We cannot see the particles as part of one and the same object in a higher dimension, yet we see them behaving exactly the same way. So we say "oh, these particles are entangled", when actually they're just different parts of the same object.
@RogerioLupo They are two particles. How can they travel faster than the speed of light? They can't, therefore they must be close together but not in our three dimensions.
@@tofu-munchingCoalition.ofChaos They do not go through intermediate stages, not in our three dimensions. I suggest you review either quantum chemistry or the physics of solid state electronics in semiconductors. The electrons jump from their base state energy to the conducting band energy level. That's why it's called a qua rum jump.
@@markfischer3626 Calculate the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. There are intermediate states the electron goes through. An obvious way to see this without any calculations is the observation that all solutions to the Schrödinger equation are continuous as a function from time in the space of states. So there is no jump because it's continuous. A jump is a discontinuity.
Oh, this is good! "Modulation of a holistic fabric." Soon I hope we can hear the opinions of an astrologer, a numerologist, and a shaman. "Science" should be open to all forms of input: this is the way forward. We have GOT to get out of the Dark Ages!
why do these forms of inquiry have to be lumped together with science or called science? why is inquiring non-scientific things in a non-scientific manner considered 'dark ages' and calling everything 'science' getting us out of the dark ages? don't you think yoga and meditation, art and poetry, mysticism and shamanism and numerology, all forms of knowing, maybe do not need to be called 'science' to feel legitimate? they're not science and why on earth would you want to lump them all together like that?
@@mohitoness I'd love to answer those questions but I'm busy modulating 20 bolts of holistic fabric just in from JoAnn Fabrics and Crafts. If you want to follow up on this, consult a definition and description of science: what it is, how it's done, its methodology, and how results are falsified and peer reviewed. Good luck.
Musicians will know what I'm talking about. Whether you're just jamming together random stuff or playing a set. Everything will just click and it's like you're all connected together. Just making up making it up on the spot and all the changes work together and it's the weirdest experience and a awesome experience. Maybe that's a form as he puts it pseudo ESP
Leonardo da Vinci said "The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions " Plato shared with us wisdom he learnt from Egypt, wisdom that was a death sentence in Greece, Rome (Christianity) ..Pythagoras, Socrates and later Hypatia of Alexandria. Plato in his dialogue "The Republic " tells the parable of "The Cave " Plato starts by telling us of prisoners being held in a underground den, let us examine this den via the geometry of Bernhard Riemann and Felix Klein..Klein bottle..3rd and 4th dimensions. Plato tells us that the prisoners are bound up unable to move their heads, let us examine this bondage via the psychology of Erich Fromm..socialisation of consciousness.. aware-unaware. Plato tells us that the prisoners mistake shadows for substance, let us examine this mistake via the philosophy of Thales, Hume and Kant..synthetic a priori judgement..not thing in itself. Plato tells us that one of the prisoners is released, let us examine this release via the wisdom of T Lobsang Rampa..stilling the mind and conscious astral travel..leaving the cave/body. Plato tells us that the prisoners will reject this release, let us examine this rejection via the psychology of Stockholm Syndrome..Plato quotes Homer..forgive them for they know not what they say. Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.Mathew 23 13 31.
Robert keeps talking about "very small effect" even if statistically significant, but it's good to remember that Gravity is also "pretty weak phenomenon" compared to other forces yet it's hard to deny it's force when it scales up. Stuart Hameroff also recently proven that Electronic Migration in Microtubules and Delayed luminescence goes away with Anesthesia! And yeah Rupert Sheldrake experiments and fact that sadly most ESP believers are just Anthropocentric spirit believers instead of proper empiricists. Dean Radin is a Great exception! And as to transfer vs just correlation thing is far from settled as Shan Gao has proven
Love how he tries to give weight to his belief that "humans can be entangled" using this implied argument: He immediately drops the discussion from the level of human hearts emitting photons being entangled, down to ants. Since ants are a lot smaller than humans, they therefore should be more likely to be "entangled", especially since they have tangly legs and don't seem to think on the level of humans but certainly have some magical kind of organizational ability. And since ants are beings that can seemingly be entangled (because they're so small - "and just look at them!"), human hearts must have some form of entanglement too because they're really not all that much bigger than ants! I don't know what kind of fallacious argument this is, but it must have a name. Maybe "fallacy by increments"?
@@Graewulfe Fine as long as it's clear he's not actually explaining anything. He's speculating. And speculation is fine in science as long as you call it speculation and don't call it truth or possibility or theory or knowledge. Speculation can lead to hypothesis which can lead to testing which, if the testing is relentlessly 100% successful, can lead to theory. And that's as close to truth as science ever gets. Even at this point, science doesn't profess truth. Individual scientists might profess that at this point, but they'll get the hairy eyeball from most of the community.
Thank you @@bobbabai, this is the thread I was looking for. I assume the guy is a philosopher, but he's certainly not a scientist, or he would have used examples that made some sort of scientific sense. Too bad that he tried to be one, as his philosophical provocations are pretty interesting on their own.
God I wrote an essay like this on Determinism in 1997. It isn't a new idea. However, having contemplated it further, the arts philosopher who gave me a low score, was probably right back then. If it is a macroscopic phenomena then I still might have been right that choice is effected by quantum events.
Even though I know RLK doesn't respond to (hence possibly doesn't even go through) comments, I forward below the formula that derives the sizes of one type of particles completely theoretically showing how the largest ever, before JWST, science project ~ 7 billion Euro LHC ~ can be substituted by a simple theoretical formula that doesn't cost anything at all (of course, other than the cost of my own survival) after explaining why what DR suggests here is very sensible, reasonable. The problem with The Experimental and Observational Science is that it bases acquisition of knowledge only on the single sense SIGHT (= photon), whereas we possess 6 senses including breathing (what DR calls ESP because we fail to recognize it as a sense), the most important of all 6, the COMMON SENSE, that link all life (humans and animals through PLANTS) tangibly. That way ESP is only a misnomer of BREATHING, THE most important and most tangible of all senses, that is the Initiator of what we call THINKING. NATURE can't be so stupid to provide 6 senses to us if the rest can be derived as functions of the particle that causes one single perception: SIGHT. Note also that we don't have any particle physical explanation how sense perceptions are linked to need and satisfaction perceptions what Scientists like to call CONSCIOUSNESS. Each sense MUST be initiated by particles with different sizes, which are NOT multiples of one another (hence unscalable as functions of one another). LIFE function must only be derivable as a function of all 6 along with those that cause needs and satisfaction perceptions. Below is the formula mentioned above (that renders LHC superfluous) to derive the sizes of the particles that initiate 3 of the 6 senses (smell, sound and sight), : s (i j k) , s is the sum of squares of i and j and k, successively, as shown below for only upto i = 2 : For i = 1) j and k can only be 1 For i = 2) j can be 1 and 2 and k can be 1and 2 for each of the two possible combinations of i and j and so on upto i = 3000. This sequence exhausts all possible particle types, where the total number of particle sizes exceeds 179 000 000 000 and each uniquely traceable as there is inbuilt geometry and arithmetic corresponding to the particle sizes, different from the Cartesian system, as anybody can convince oneself by calculating the sequence below, where s, being the size of particles, never occurs in sizes corresponding to 4n and 8n --1 in this sequence. For i =1) s = i^2 = 1^2 =1 and i^2 + j^2= 1^2 + 1^2 = 1+1= 2 and i^2 + j^2 + k^2 = 1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2 = 1+1+1 = 3 Hence for i =1 s can be 1, 2 and 3 For i = 2) s = i^2 = 2^2 = 4 and i^2 + j^2= 2^2 + 1^2 = 4+1= 5 and i^2 + j^2= 2^2 + 2^2 = 4+1= 8 andvi^2 + j^2 + k^2= 2^2+ 1^2 +1^2 = 4+1+1= 6 and i^2 + j^2 + k^2 = 2^2 + 2^2 + 1^2 = 4 + 4 +1 = 9 and i^2 + j^2 + k^2 = 2^2 + 2^2 + 2^2 = 4 + 4 +4 = 12 Hence for i = 2 s can be 4,5,6,8,9 and 12 Note that in this sequence size 7 is absent. It can be shown that due to property of the 3D space particles with sizes 8n --1 (I.e. 7,15, 23, 31,...) can never occur. And, even though particles of sizes 4n occur in the sequence, it is possible to show that they are only combinations of other particles. It is also possible to show that the particles of each of 3 dimension as corresponding to i alone, with only 6 directions sequence initiate smell perception, i and j only, with 12 directions sequence initiate sound perception and ij and k with 8 directions sequence initiate sight perception, as different from the Cartesian system.
I believe I would like to speak with Mr. Radin about specific experiences that I have had during my life that have implications with respect to what the subject of this video undertakes. This is the first one in the series I've seen that suggests quantum effects of the kind he's speaking of could scale upward to the macroscopic level.
There are undiscovered mysterious forces in the universe, that operate very differently to that of electromagnetism or gravity etc. This is what leads to ESP and strange coincidences, good and bad luck etc or other uncanny affects that don't make normal sense! I have said similar things to what Dean Radin is saying, and these forces are affecting us by using our brain chemistry and the associated brain activity as a interface when we dream in our sleep, hence the unexplained properties of dreams and ESP etc. I have called two of forces the 'Phoenix phenomenon' and the 'Christmas phenomenon'. Although I don't believe in telepathy and a lot of the details of what he says, just that there are other levels of reality not discovered yet and ESP is a part of it.
is there some kind of quantum entanglement for social relationships of family, friends, community, nations and the like? does the mental focus of social relationships produce entanglement?
Really? Isn't it obvious that we couldn't possibly know all the universe and reality with our limited perception and intelligence? Doesn't take a rocket science to figure that out.
It's refinement, Philosophy, science, medicine chemistry engineering and art, there are no New ideas, or mechanical contraptions, just improved versions of what we have had for thousands of years.
@@streamofconsciousness5826, so the answer is: human intelligence. Our ability to imagine change which produces benefits. The natural world provides the resources. But, progress comes from our desire to achieve goals and solve problems. We do not need for ideas to be provided from some external source. The intelligent mind has the ability to discover new possibilities by thinking. By organizing our thoughts.
That’s why we follow this channel! Someone with some imagination! No to “That’s ascientific, beauty is over-rated, free will is nonsense!” Forget about “Consciousness is just what neurons do, we’ll work out the math in a decade or so!” And auf wiedersehen to “I had a religious thought once, but I lay down and it went away!” Let’s have more of the shaman channeling quantum entanglement! Follow the spooky flickering arrow to distant new emergent effects! There’s more to heaven and earth, Horatio, than is dreamt of in your feeble physics.
One famous person once said, "The whole world is a stage!" Then it goes without saying that a stage has to be built on and by something. Ip so facto, there has to be an infinite number of dimensions. What if Einstein was wrong when he said if I don't look at the moon it can't be there! Maybe someone, somewhere, somehow and sometime is always looking at the moon? Quantum mechanics come and go. Where? The observer affect. I think that that the double slit experiment is like taking a brick out of a wall,(wave), and placing it back to where it belongs. The sibling to entropy is turbulance.
how might quantum mechanics be hidden by larger scale macroscopic realities; while at fundamental subatomic scale there is not enough to hide quantum mechanics? is entanglement part of producing larger scale macroscopic realities that hide quantum mechanics?
The abilities of any single being is beyond your thoughts. The mind requires you to cooperate with your body however Europe is taking a dangerous turn - they even go as far as taking sides with Middle East when they can squash the beef. This is what happens when the old men only want to rule till no young being alive. Please, keep it up. Since you love money, pay attention to it. Go and take with force plus keep your body count high. Humans want to complain about the sun and moon, winter and summer, autumn and spring. They forget these were there before they where born. They won't even respect their selves under the sun rise and will often degrade and others by holding back INFORMATION of the past to hold you today like the past has anything to give the presence especially if it it was to deal with money. Can you imagine a man telling the court that he wants his sperm back from that woman and he has the machine to reap or turn back time to reap it from her with his own tool? This is how Europe, my place of birth are operating. They neither respect the royals let alone respect their own household. Please keep the wickedness up. I can't suggest and loose valuable time I can spend being kind and patient. If my mother just like all mothers out there was not kind and patient enough, there won't be me right now. Lessons are blessings. When you misuse your trust, forget it. I won't give your trust a chance for my kind relationship and my patient self in matters related to you cause all you want to do is virtually eat your ownself without knowing and do the same to me especially if I don't have the right patience and kindness plus persevering mind to see through your ignorance or limited chaos. Life gave us gifts to manage through the mistakes our parents made directly or indirectly and all we do is pay each other bad with insane laws of man rather than that of patience and kindness we were enveloped with before Labour and birth to light or sun and moon.
Another outstanding episode,.love the open mindedness. The DUDE: ride the entanglement wave baby. Are we even close to understanding what the quantum wave is? 5Ws of quantum physics implies... implies for things outside the box, circular cube? Is this conversation about what we don't know, understand, and should contemplate? What we don't know yet? Emergence, hmmmm. ESP is such a stupid ridiculous descriptor, a descriptor meant to demean and negate that which does not fit rationalism? Roman's losing their minds over time after enslaving the Greeks and consuming the old world? Have other cultures mimicked this experience? But did they carry us forward? Magna Carta an evolutionary development? Are there too many "ESP" used car sales people out there making a buck on human emotions? Would such a thing be obscuration? A military descriptor? Is there anything about our current self-immolating world that might cause an emergence? Last man standing is a great show. Can sideways be two things? One is sliding a car through a curve, one is stripping the wheels to the rims for a trip to the garage? What is entanglement to coherence to synchronicity to simple to chaos to quantum wave functions? If we are entangled as conscious beings of Stardust and energy, same stuff that everything around us is made of as well, what does that imply? Does a holistic quantum reality mean the universe and get tired of some things and tolerate operations outside the norm, as an evolutionary artifact? What does be friggin careful with affecting freewill mean? Could the butterfly affect be real? Buddhist says something like "throw a pebble in the pond of life, watch the ripples" to teach what? What did the movie "Jaws" teach us about humanity and fearing an important component of an ecosystem? What could be learned from the books "Cryptonomicon" and Systems of the world by Neal Stephenson? What was Shakespeare really trying to teach us, reflect upon us? So much fun to be had seeking enlightenment in a chaotic world filled with symple fixes that scare the bejesus out of folks? We have nothing to fear but fear itself? What was the real intent of the founding fathers and what scared them the most, in terms of preserving and moving the Republic ever forward. Magna Carta, enlightenment, restrainment and accountability? And responsibility to make folks of power be accountable to whom? Divide, distract, and conquer,.misdirection prevents the focus of what? Circular firing squads and self linking ice-cream cones get us where? What does any of this have to do with entanglement and the wastage of human potential? Biology and quantum mechanics and strings and people and artists and sciency and mathy folk need what to flourish? In what ways does all this run-on paragraph weave a thing together or is it nonsense? What fun ponderings, thanks so much for prompting yet another fun ramble. Wonderful stuff, all around.
I enjoy these videos because they dance along the borderlines between the known and unknown. I think that is very useful because, at some point, many unknowns are overtaken by theory proven by experiment or predicted observation. Kuhn, a well-informed outsider to the hard sciences, is a very skilled interviewer. He is respectful of a lot of out-there ideas and the people who promote them, without getting sucked in. People seem to have a desperate need for certainty, especially when there is inadequate information, and so will grasp at some idea just to feel "safe" from the chaos of not understanding. The most basic of these ideas is religion, whereby the frontier of science is declared closed and everything beyond is the "will of God" or some favored myth. That frontier has been spectacularly breached countless times over the last 300 years, only to have another one erected and declared where the supernatural is the "only possible explanation". Sometimes traffickers in supernatural explanations will co-opt convenient scientific theories or facts to support their woo, but all they are doing is paying homage to the unrivaled explanatory power of science. (Looking at you, Deepak Chopra.)
Kuhn is not an outsider to the hard sciences; he has a PhD in neuroscience. The problem with Kuhn and with this show are interview subjects like this. Dean Radin is s crackpot. He's primarily involved in promoting 'parapsychology' and other pseudoscientific 'woo'. Yet Kuhn presents him on a platform where more typically the interview subjects are respected and accomplished scientists and philosophers. I think he does this out of a desire to hear all sorts of points of view, but if you have a guy like Dean Radin or Rupert Sheldrake on and you don't make it clear to the audience that they're widely regarded as promoters of pseudoscience you're doing a disservice to the viewers, many of whom naively assume all of Kuhn's guests are highly respected amongst mainstream scholars.
@@b.g.5869 Ok, thanks, I didn't know that about Kuhn. Respect has become a highly situational commodity lately. Kuhn has interviewed Sabine Hossenfelder, who I respect a great deal, but who is regarded with disrespect in certain physics circles. In my view, woo- mongers are given the rope they need to hang themselves, I doubt if Kuhn's audience of well- educated non- experts fail to see the nonsense when it appears.
Metaphysics The clever coyote (greed) is always trying to catch the roadrunner (love). But never does. Because something that is not real (absence of love) can never catch that which is real (love). That coyote is a crazy clown...
Magnetics and electro-magnetics and the fundamentals governing their principals is wildly important, cannot be underestimated... along with metallurgy and gravity and energy... energy flows, flows many ways, what might occur within a system built to flow energy intertwined against itself and bound in a third flow enrapped and flowing through three metallurgical ways... but pure metals, bound by discovered and yet unknown or known but not understood yet created metals all bound by magnetics and electromagnetism... there is something there to thunk about qnd discover... our smart folks can get this or set the stage and teach those who can... warping what we call space/time.. or folding space/time or riding waves and connections like neurological brain routes is somehow related to all this... fundamentals are what they are as is matter and laws of the universe, but are we tiny humans sure we know and/or really understand these.
Did our ancestors build things around areas of natural magnetism.. ? Could they have been dealing with the ghosts of their worlds and laying pathways known or felt that were beyond their abilities to grasp... but nonetheless knew, natively, were there? Could our ancestors cared more for their decendants and the eons to come than we do? Cared more to leave the bread crumbs to follow and fill the stomach and keep the wonder going while descendants build and find their way... is their something in our tasks as sapient creatures of creation bound within this... are we now to or are now too many distracted by that which seeks to stop us, distracted within a world of avarice and pain allowed to remember the peace within such a task. The light wants, the dark foils... yet balance and mastery and taiming of both required. Why does evil exist? Could it exist as a task for us to deal with, as it is not as we wish, to deal with to validate our right to be amongst the stars. What if we are within a rock and rock bound system that is self-quaranteeing until we can do more out there than we can here?
Materialist are funny. Kuhn is struggling with something that’s so simple. We see quantum effects in everything from bird migration to photosynthesis, why would quantum effects be barred from human use? Why wouldn’t quantum awareness be related to consciousness? Materialist like to say quantum mechanics has nothing to do with consciousness but they don’t know what consciousness is.❓❓❓
1:33 - Dean Radin says "What would happen if an ant colony were entangled, physically? And it turns out that they would be much more efficient than ant colony that was not entangled" This is exactly my line of thinking in my own thesis, "bodies wire neuroplastic, DNA-entangled brains". A *colony* of DNA-entangled neurons can only ever be way more efficient than a collection of unentangled neurons. The simulation that proves this is the modern, human-plastic city, where telecommunications simulates the effects of entanglement. Telecommunications, in effect, provides every person in the city with immediate access to collective information, to thus enable the city to act as a giant brain. Cities form into functional specializations, just as brains do. Yes, we know about decoherence in warm, wet environments. My question is, how might decoherence relate to *departure* from a steady-state coherence that is resistant to the perturbations coming from "warm, wet environments"? In other words, is entanglement fundamental to identicality (as in, identical DNA)? Reframe decoherence as recoherence to the steady-state condition. Factor in how DNA replicates - DNA replication is the same kind of intimate *interaction* that typically causes entanglement between subatomic particles. Why should the DNA in a brain *not* be entangled? Correlations between separated neural networks have been demonstrated in the lab (*Apostolou & Kintzios, 2018 and **Pizzi et al, 2004), so I'm not sure where this resistance to the entangled-DNA thesis is coming from - I guess it's fear of being tarnished with the woo label in this era of cancel culture (we live in rather silly times). At 3:25 Dean mentions correlations. Yes, like correlations in a city or culture. Correlations of selves. The self of a person is inextricably connected *and* correlated with the self of cultural identity. 3:47 - Robert says "It seems so strange to have such large macroscopic objects be subject to QM effects in normal occurrence." Not really, not when you factor in top-down causation with bottom-up causation. Cities inform people how to behave - it's how culture works. People inform neurons how to behave - bodies wire neuroplastic brains. Bottom-up causation, meanwhile, constrains what the top-down can command. Factor in the implications of cube root scaling, in order to appreciate how the top-down can direct how molecules should behave. The smaller an object, the less constrained it is by classical (Newtonian) physics - it's why insects with long legs are, nonetheless, still able to lift many times their weight. Unconstrained by classical physics, molecules become subject to the contexts within which they find themselves. The astonishing complexity choreographed, for example, across synapses, cannot be possible unless the enzymes, neurotransmitters, etc, were somehow receptive to what was expected of them, from the top down. Subatomic particles are not the solid billiard-balls that we typically like to imagine them as. They are entities seeking definition, and open to adjusting their behavior (properties) to context. Taking this route - factoring in entanglement, along with the implications of cube root scaling - we solve fundamental, long-standing problems, like: 1) Entropy; 2) Binding; 3) Mind-body. Entanglement, in the context of cube root scaling, is actually kind of a no-brainer ;) [PS: Robert's reference to ESP as a small effect... I think ESP might be off topic, in this conversation where entanglement might be a fundamental property essential to this interplay between top-down and bottom-up causation. Can entanglement manifest at the ESP level? I'm open to it, but think it's off topic in the context of fundamental principles] *Apostolou, T. & Kintzios, S. (2018). Cell-to-cell communication: Evidence of near-instantaneous distant, non-chemical communication between neuronal (human SK-N-SH neuroblastoma) cells by using a novel bioelectric biosensor. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 25(9-10), pp. 62-74. **Pizzi, R., Fantasia, A., Gelain, F., Rosetti, D., & Vescovi, A. (2004). Non-local correlations between separated neural networks. In E. Donkor, A. Pirick, & H. Brandt (Eds.), Quantum Information and Computation (Proceedings of SPIE), 5436(II), 107-117.
He sugests in quantum mechanic there arent evidence though experiente. Instead he show up hipotesy in it proceedings arent Science. What are Góes wrong with him are he speaks but declines show quantun mechanic true. evidence
Robert is asking the right questions, and Dean has no good answer for them. How does this ESP interaction take place? How does it push around quarks and electrons so as to fire neurons that give us some sort of information? We have not found any god, devil, soul or ghost forces, fields, or particles, and I'm guessing we won't find any ESP fields either. If they exist, they must interact so weakly as to be inconsequential, like the occasional neutrino that interacts with our world, out of the trillions that pass through us continually. I was really into this stuff back in the 70s and early 80s, and certainly believed in it, and wanted it to be true. When decades went by with no advancement, I lost interest. Then I started learning about quantum field theory, and came to understand how exceptionally unlikely it is that there is anything of a supernatural nature at all. Just as I now ask Christians, "How does this soul thing interact with us?," I ask Dean Radin, "How does this ESP thing interact with us?" I've not heard a remotely satisfactory response.
I also was heavily into this in the 80's , the book on Ted Serios seemed very compelling. But it's gone nowhere really, the heady days of Duke University and the Zener cards and some statistical 'anomalies' seems eons ago. The relatively recent tests done by Bem have not been reproduced (which frankly can be said for most soft-science results). I've jokingly wondered if it would just be best to say "ok, it exists ; its so insignificant there's nothing more to pursue. The end." but then they'd ask for grant money.
This guy sounds like he's convinced himself, and I'm not even saying that he doesn't have some good suggestions. But he doesn't understand the physics he uses as examples. If he's going to be convincing to others - beyond laypersons - he'll have to tighten that up.
God what a steaming load of hooey. Say the word quantum a lot, and be sure to throw in some more jargon like non-locality and bose-einstein condensates to give your horse manure a veneer of respectability and scientific rigor, and say it with serene confidence. Mission accomplished. ESP is real (in your mind, lol).
The labels and jargon, like ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. are not what's important. It is the transmission/receipt of information by means other than known EM methods and that are not restricted by speed of light or dissipation by distance - and that are far outside the realm of probabilities - that cause researchers the headaches.
Water dowsing is a case in point. After a bit of experimenting, I can say the effect is real. It detects differences in density (not specifically water), oddly most people can do this with minimal training, however there is a small percentage that simply cannot, unless physically touched by a person that can. Another effect is when dowsing on the edge of a cliff. In this case, the rods or sticks just swing constantly. Not much is understood about how this can possibly work.
It appears that there are two broad categories of dowsing: physical dowsing, which involves the development of sensitivity to physical force fields (e.g. identifying underground water or mineral deposits), and informational dowsing, which deals with potential and quantum fields (e.g. dowsing over symbolic representations of an object, person, or landscape irrespective of their physical location). The distinction between the two likely reflects various intra- and inter-personal agreements (personal beliefs, habits, and culturally-constructed categories of the observer), rather than a fundamental dichotomy.
100% True… I just readjusted my ball-and-socket that has been out of alignment since l went home on Emergency leave while a soldier in Afghanistan, for some reaso, my ball and socket came out of alignment while on the flight, we’ll, as we stopped off in Saudi to pick up passengers, for some reason the Army had me fly Commercial… Sorry about the ramble, but anywho… Since I fixed it yesterday, after 13-years… RA!!! 369, hahaha… The key to my point is this, ever since yesterday, when I close my eyes, I don’t see what I used to see, now I see “pure-golden Sphere”… I was “Short-Circuitrd” by being out of alignment… I literally feel Brand New… I can feel my pre-frontal lobe Vompress like a laser… I can see into the DMT realm too… It’s fun…
If you know this as an absolute fact, then you must have been around for a looong time to witness this 1st hand. Evolution is just a theory last time I checked.
“Dean Radin investigates phenomena in parapsychology. Following a bachelor and master's degree in electrical engineering and a PhD in educational psychology Radin worked at Bell Labs, as a researcher at Princeton University and the University of Edinburgh, and was a faculty member at University of Nevada, Las Vegas.” This is not the person you want saying “quantum mechanics” and “quantum entanglement” every other word.
Excepting quantum mechanics to solve the issue of consciousness is really ridiculous. Saying that it must be more than just a biological necessity is also equally absurd.
"The review of Radin's first book, The Conscious Universe, that appeared in Nature charged that Radin ignored the known hoaxes in the field, made statistical errors and ignored plausible non-paranormal explanations for parapsychological data."
@@terreschill461 In 100+ years of testing _not a single example_ of "ESP" or for that matter any other "parapsychological effect" was ever recorded. There is no ESP. There are no "paranormal phenomena" - this is pseudoscience. It's shocking really to see it on CTT channel.
Everything Dean says is unsubstantiated, so unfortunately we have to take this interview with a pinch of salt. Interesting thoughts but no more than that.
This appears to be an excerpt from a longer interview and lacks the necessary context. Dean Radin is an esteemed experimentalist who has made significant contributions to the field of parapsychology.
@@attilaszekeres7435 By it’s own definition parapsychology is debunked by experimental science, in much the same way as faith is in religion, or ghost hunters TV series. I wouldn’t give this snake oil salesman any credence.
The question is based off of the physical. 1D wasn't the 'Source' - nor 2D or 3D. The 'higher' does not recieve from the 'lower' -- whatever the lower has, was recieved from the higher. That which is copious does not recieve 'lack' of from what's below. That which is whole, united, never can receive division, seperation, discrimination from what is below. The material cloaking of reality, thus superimposition aka ignorance does not go beyond. "Does physical reality go beyond" is a materialists question and is foolish. ^ this is equivalent to asking if our bodily sense perception organs go beyond. I don't reckon they do. Physical reality isn't a reality. It more of a cloaking over 'reality'.
I love this physicist he clearly has a grest understanding beyond the mind .
It is a great thing you speak of this topic. It only takes a patient and kind being to understand life in ways an average being can fathom.
Dang, Dean, you don't look a day older than when we both worked at the Contel Technology Center. I'm glad you're still enjoying your work, and I hope you'll someday reveal your anti-aging secret!
Doing God's work?
These are not new episodes. Robert is much older today, as you can see from the "chats" videos
@@milannesic5718thanks! I don't know this channel or host and had no idea he likes to re-post old interviews without timestamp warnings. Lesson learned.
Anti-aging secret = use old photographs
actually he's not getting older indeed. I've seen recent live sessions with him via IONS in 2022 and he's looking just like in this video. Even not knowing him before, I've been always impressed by his appearance. There's some secret in his research that he's keeping hidden...
Ultimate topic - radical ideas and shocks.
Indeed, the nature of reality could be totally different to our current ideas and not be about the stretching of them.
However is it even physically possible to think of anything totally new or can we only put our experiences together in new ways? Have we such limits?
For example gravity was once thought of as invisible ropes, now it's curvature of space - a totally different concept, not just a stretching of the idea of ropes.
Perhaps another Einstein moment - having to give up ideas so fundamental that we take them for granted and don't even think to question them.
How about logic itself? To say it's mad to question logic is a circular argument because madness is the lack of logic but it's logic we're questioning.
To ask what do we have if we don't have logic is like asking what do we have if we don't have ropes. Anyway logic does seem to break down in QM so there is a precedent.
The very existence of abstract (nonphysical) objects is rudimentary proof of a “realm beyond physics”.
IMO there is strong evidence that the physical universe comprises more dimensions than we can sense. Quantum mechanics describes at least two phenomena that lead me to this conclusion. One is electrons jumping from one energy state orbital to another without passing through any intermediate stage orbitals. It leaves on place seeming to disappear out of the universe and reappears at another. How does that happen? Through a path we cannot detect? Another is quantum entanglement. We know that the physical range of energy such as gravitational, electromagnetic, nuclear falls off rapidly with distance. However entangled particles can influence each other at considerable distance. Could it be that when they are entangled they may be far apart on the three dimensions we can sense but close together in one we can't sense? You can call these worm holes if you like but I prefer to see them as just other dimensions since they appear to be everywhere and not at all unusual, especially the electron orbitals.
The jump from orbitals is perfectly smooth. In which way it's smooth depends a bit on the interpretation. But there are intermediate state (superpositions with different amplitudes of the two states). And we can test that and measure that. The only reason it does not seem that way is because we can't measure (get the information) of the path in one measurement. That are restrictions quantum mechanics puts on things (very similar to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and it's a special case of the generalised Heisenberg inequality).
The entanglement is highly dependent on the interpretation. In many worlds interpretation for example there is no influence whatsoever. We just just restrict ourselves to that part of the wavefunction that is consistent. So it seems like they interacted. But in reality we just conditioned our reality to our observation.
There are people that think there is something which goes beyond that (EPR=ER), but as far as evidence goes no actual information can be transmitted through the interaction (different to all the other interactions like electromagnetic or gravitational interaction which can be used to transfer information).
Your description that they are everywhere is more in line with the description of entanglement in accepted quantum mechanics. But that does not mean there is another dimension. They are just not localised like we naïvely think of it in the three dimensional space. That's all.
entangled particles are not "influencing" each other at a considerable distance. They're simply mirroring each other, there's no gap, one particle switches, and the other will switch along, instantaneously. That's why it's said that this "influence" happens at a speed faster than the speed of light. This is actually false since there's no speed, it's all instantaneous and the "influence" isn't even a thing, but it's like both particles are one and the same.
My guess is these are not two different particles. They just look like separate particles in our three-dimensional world. But in a higher dimension, they're just the same object. Imagine you lay your hand on a plane (a two-dimensional realm), and then the "inhabitants" of that plane will see only separate "stamps" from different parts of your hand, as they cannot see high into the 3rd dimension to realize how all parts are tied together. All they can see is the plane and the separate sections of parts of your hand. Suppose you keep your hand stiff and rigid, and then you move and twirl it. All that one part of your hand does, the other part does equally. So the "creatures" that abide in that plane will say "oh, look, there are different objects on our plane, and they are all entangled".
Same would happen here, according to my hypothesis. We cannot see the particles as part of one and the same object in a higher dimension, yet we see them behaving exactly the same way. So we say "oh, these particles are entangled", when actually they're just different parts of the same object.
@RogerioLupo They are two particles. How can they travel faster than the speed of light? They can't, therefore they must be close together but not in our three dimensions.
@@tofu-munchingCoalition.ofChaos They do not go through intermediate stages, not in our three dimensions. I suggest you review either quantum chemistry or the physics of solid state electronics in semiconductors. The electrons jump from their base state energy to the conducting band energy level. That's why it's called a qua rum jump.
@@markfischer3626 Calculate the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. There are intermediate states the electron goes through.
An obvious way to see this without any calculations is the observation that all solutions to the Schrödinger equation are continuous as a function from time in the space of states. So there is no jump because it's continuous. A jump is a discontinuity.
Very interesting guest indeed 👏
Oh, this is good! "Modulation of a holistic fabric." Soon I hope we can hear the opinions of an astrologer, a numerologist, and a shaman. "Science" should be open to all forms of input: this is the way forward.
We have GOT to get out of the Dark Ages!
why do these forms of inquiry have to be lumped together with science or called science? why is inquiring non-scientific things in a non-scientific manner considered 'dark ages' and calling everything 'science' getting us out of the dark ages? don't you think yoga and meditation, art and poetry, mysticism and shamanism and numerology, all forms of knowing, maybe do not need to be called 'science' to feel legitimate? they're not science and why on earth would you want to lump them all together like that?
@@mohitoness I'd love to answer those questions but I'm busy modulating 20 bolts of holistic fabric just in from JoAnn Fabrics and Crafts. If you want to follow up on this, consult a definition and description of science: what it is, how it's done, its methodology, and how results are falsified and peer reviewed.
Good luck.
Working on that. It's taking longer than we thought.
Musicians will know what I'm talking about. Whether you're just jamming together random stuff or playing a set. Everything will just click and it's like you're all connected together. Just making up making it up on the spot and all the changes work together and it's the weirdest experience and a awesome experience.
Maybe that's a form as he puts it pseudo ESP
Excellent.... thanks 🙏.
I say it's more intuition, than esp.
Leonardo da Vinci said "The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions " Plato shared with us wisdom he learnt from Egypt, wisdom that was a death sentence in Greece, Rome (Christianity) ..Pythagoras, Socrates and later Hypatia of Alexandria. Plato in his dialogue "The Republic " tells the parable of "The Cave " Plato starts by telling us of prisoners being held in a underground den, let us examine this den via the geometry of Bernhard Riemann and Felix Klein..Klein bottle..3rd and 4th dimensions. Plato tells us that the prisoners are bound up unable to move their heads, let us examine this bondage via the psychology of Erich Fromm..socialisation of consciousness.. aware-unaware. Plato tells us that the prisoners mistake shadows for substance, let us examine this mistake via the philosophy of Thales, Hume and Kant..synthetic a priori judgement..not thing in itself. Plato tells us that one of the prisoners is released, let us examine this release via the wisdom of T Lobsang Rampa..stilling the mind and conscious astral travel..leaving the cave/body. Plato tells us that the prisoners will reject this release, let us examine this rejection via the psychology of Stockholm Syndrome..Plato quotes Homer..forgive them for they know not what they say. Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.Mathew 23 13 31.
Yes. Yes it does.
"No. No it doesn't." the darkness whispered back.
Robert keeps talking about "very small effect" even if statistically significant, but it's good to remember that Gravity is also "pretty weak phenomenon" compared to other forces yet it's hard to deny it's force when it scales up.
Stuart Hameroff also recently proven that Electronic Migration in Microtubules and Delayed luminescence goes away with Anesthesia! And yeah Rupert Sheldrake experiments and fact that sadly most ESP believers are just Anthropocentric spirit believers instead of proper empiricists.
Dean Radin is a Great exception!
And as to transfer vs just correlation thing is far from settled as Shan Gao has proven
That's great. Dean is legend.
Love how he tries to give weight to his belief that "humans can be entangled" using this implied argument:
He immediately drops the discussion from the level of human hearts emitting photons being entangled, down to ants. Since ants are a lot smaller than humans, they therefore should be more likely to be "entangled", especially since they have tangly legs and don't seem to think on the level of humans but certainly have some magical kind of organizational ability. And since ants are beings that can seemingly be entangled (because they're so small - "and just look at them!"), human hearts must have some form of entanglement too because they're really not all that much bigger than ants!
I don't know what kind of fallacious argument this is, but it must have a name. Maybe "fallacy by increments"?
Fine as long as it's clear he's not actually explaining anything. He's speculating. And speculation is fine in science as long as you call it speculation and don't call it truth or possibility or theory or knowledge. Speculation can lead to hypothesis which can lead to testing which, if the testing is relentlessly 100% successful, can lead to theory.
And that's as close to truth as science ever gets. Even at this point, science doesn't profess truth. Individual scientists might profess that at this point, but they'll get the hairy eyeball from most of the community.
@@Graewulfe gotcha, glad to run across people who are on the same page.
Thank you @@bobbabai, this is the thread I was looking for. I assume the guy is a philosopher, but he's certainly not a scientist, or he would have used examples that made some sort of scientific sense. Too bad that he tried to be one, as his philosophical provocations are pretty interesting on their own.
@@Graewulfe who is saying "they must"?
@@Graewulfe what you meant was equivalence fallacy, right? i.e. - comparing apples to oranges.
God I wrote an essay like this on Determinism in 1997. It isn't a new idea. However, having contemplated it further, the arts philosopher who gave me a low score, was probably right back then. If it is a macroscopic phenomena then I still might have been right that choice is effected by quantum events.
Even though I know RLK doesn't respond to (hence possibly doesn't even go through) comments, I forward below the formula that derives the sizes of one type of particles completely theoretically showing how the largest ever, before JWST, science project ~ 7 billion Euro LHC ~ can be substituted by a simple theoretical formula that doesn't cost anything at all (of course, other than the cost of my own survival) after explaining why what DR suggests here is very sensible, reasonable.
The problem with The Experimental and Observational Science is that it bases acquisition of knowledge only on the single sense SIGHT (= photon), whereas we possess 6 senses including breathing (what DR calls ESP because we fail to recognize it as a sense), the most important of all 6, the COMMON SENSE, that link all life (humans and animals through PLANTS) tangibly.
That way ESP is only a misnomer of BREATHING, THE most important and most tangible of all senses, that is the Initiator of what we call THINKING.
NATURE can't be so stupid to provide 6 senses to us if the rest can be derived as functions of the particle that causes one single perception: SIGHT.
Note also that we don't have any particle physical explanation how sense perceptions are linked to need and satisfaction perceptions what Scientists like to call CONSCIOUSNESS.
Each sense MUST be initiated by particles with different sizes, which are NOT multiples of one another (hence unscalable as functions of one another). LIFE function must only be derivable as a function of all 6 along with those that cause needs and satisfaction perceptions.
Below is the formula mentioned above (that renders LHC superfluous) to derive the sizes of the particles that initiate 3 of the 6 senses (smell, sound and sight), :
s (i j k) , s is the sum of squares of i and j and k, successively, as shown below for only upto i = 2 :
For i = 1) j and k can only be 1
For i = 2) j can be 1 and 2 and k can be 1and 2 for each of the two possible combinations of i and j
and so on upto i = 3000. This sequence exhausts all possible particle types, where the total number of particle sizes exceeds 179 000 000 000 and each uniquely traceable as there is inbuilt geometry and arithmetic corresponding to the particle sizes, different from the Cartesian system, as anybody can convince oneself by calculating the sequence below, where s, being the size of particles, never occurs in sizes corresponding to 4n and 8n --1 in this sequence.
For i =1)
s = i^2 = 1^2 =1
and i^2 + j^2= 1^2 + 1^2 = 1+1= 2
and i^2 + j^2 + k^2 = 1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2
= 1+1+1 = 3
Hence for i =1 s can be 1, 2 and 3
For i = 2)
s = i^2 = 2^2 = 4
and i^2 + j^2= 2^2 + 1^2 = 4+1= 5
and i^2 + j^2= 2^2 + 2^2 = 4+1= 8
andvi^2 + j^2 + k^2= 2^2+ 1^2 +1^2
= 4+1+1= 6
and i^2 + j^2 + k^2 = 2^2 + 2^2 + 1^2
= 4 + 4 +1 = 9
and i^2 + j^2 + k^2 = 2^2 + 2^2 + 2^2
= 4 + 4 +4 = 12
Hence for i = 2 s can be 4,5,6,8,9 and 12
Note that in this sequence size 7 is absent. It can be shown that due to property of the 3D space particles with sizes 8n --1 (I.e. 7,15, 23, 31,...) can never occur. And, even though particles of sizes 4n occur in the sequence, it is possible to show that they are only combinations of other particles.
It is also possible to show that the particles of each of 3 dimension as corresponding to i alone, with only 6 directions sequence initiate smell perception, i and j only, with 12 directions sequence initiate sound perception and ij and k with 8 directions sequence initiate sight perception, as different from the Cartesian system.
what kind of communication can happen from quantum entanglement?
I believe I would like to speak with Mr. Radin about specific experiences that I have had during my life that have implications with respect to what the subject of this video undertakes. This is the first one in the series I've seen that suggests quantum effects of the kind he's speaking of could scale upward to the macroscopic level.
There are undiscovered mysterious forces in the universe, that operate very differently to that of electromagnetism or gravity etc. This is what leads to ESP and strange coincidences, good and bad luck etc or other uncanny affects that don't make normal sense! I have said similar things to what Dean Radin is saying, and these forces are affecting us by using our brain chemistry and the associated brain activity as a interface when we dream in our sleep, hence the unexplained properties of dreams and ESP etc. I have called two of forces the 'Phoenix phenomenon' and the 'Christmas phenomenon'. Although I don't believe in telepathy and a lot of the details of what he says, just that there are other levels of reality not discovered yet and ESP is a part of it.
What about interviewing Rupert Spira or Eckhart Tolle?
is there some kind of quantum entanglement for social relationships of family, friends, community, nations and the like? does the mental focus of social relationships produce entanglement?
Really? Isn't it obvious that we couldn't possibly know all the universe and reality with our limited perception and intelligence? Doesn't take a rocket science to figure that out.
Q. Where do the good ideas come from?
Not the person that thought to ask such a stupid question.
It's refinement, Philosophy, science, medicine chemistry engineering and art, there are no New ideas, or mechanical contraptions, just improved versions of what we have had for thousands of years.
@@streamofconsciousness5826, so the answer is: human intelligence. Our ability to imagine change which produces benefits. The natural world provides the resources. But, progress comes from our desire to achieve goals and solve problems. We do not need for ideas to be provided from some external source. The intelligent mind has the ability to discover new possibilities by thinking. By organizing our thoughts.
@@notanemoprog, so, good ideas come from human individuals who’s name we often remember for their discovery.
That’s why we follow this channel! Someone with some imagination!
No to “That’s ascientific, beauty is over-rated, free will is nonsense!” Forget about “Consciousness is just what neurons do, we’ll work out the math in a decade or so!” And auf wiedersehen to “I had a religious thought once, but I lay down and it went away!”
Let’s have more of the shaman channeling quantum entanglement! Follow the spooky flickering arrow to distant new emergent effects! There’s more to heaven and earth, Horatio, than is dreamt of in your feeble physics.
how can something predefined go above what it was defined ?
One famous person once said, "The whole world is a stage!" Then it goes without saying that a stage has to be built on and by something. Ip so facto, there has to be an infinite number of dimensions. What if Einstein was wrong when he said if I don't look at the moon it can't be there! Maybe someone, somewhere, somehow and sometime is always looking at the moon? Quantum mechanics come and go. Where? The observer affect. I think that that the double slit experiment is like taking a brick out of a wall,(wave), and placing it back to where it belongs. The sibling to entropy is turbulance.
how might quantum mechanics be hidden by larger scale macroscopic realities; while at fundamental subatomic scale there is not enough to hide quantum mechanics? is entanglement part of producing larger scale macroscopic realities that hide quantum mechanics?
How inspiring. I am going to run out and buy a Quantum Ant Farm right now and do some experiments on it.
Provide and amplifier
The abilities of any single being is beyond your thoughts. The mind requires you to cooperate with your body however Europe is taking a dangerous turn - they even go as far as taking sides with Middle East when they can squash the beef. This is what happens when the old men only want to rule till no young being alive. Please, keep it up. Since you love money, pay attention to it. Go and take with force plus keep your body count high.
Humans want to complain about the sun and moon, winter and summer, autumn and spring. They forget these were there before they where born. They won't even respect their selves under the sun rise and will often degrade and others by holding back INFORMATION of the past to hold you today like the past has anything to give the presence especially if it it was to deal with money. Can you imagine a man telling the court that he wants his sperm back from that woman and he has the machine to reap or turn back time to reap it from her with his own tool? This is how Europe, my place of birth are operating.
They neither respect the royals let alone respect their own household. Please keep the wickedness up. I can't suggest and loose valuable time I can spend being kind and patient.
If my mother just like all mothers out there was not kind and patient enough, there won't be me right now.
Lessons are blessings. When you misuse your trust, forget it. I won't give your trust a chance for my kind relationship and my patient self in matters related to you cause all you want to do is virtually eat your ownself without knowing and do the same to me especially if I don't have the right patience and kindness plus persevering mind to see through your ignorance or limited chaos. Life gave us gifts to manage through the mistakes our parents made directly or indirectly and all we do is pay each other bad with insane laws of man rather than that of patience and kindness we were enveloped with before Labour and birth to light or sun and moon.
There is no physical
It's all consciousness
Mr. Radin's notions have never caught on, and he's been at it for a while. Place your bets.
Another outstanding episode,.love the open mindedness.
The DUDE: ride the entanglement wave baby. Are we even close to understanding what the quantum wave is? 5Ws of quantum physics implies... implies for things outside the box, circular cube? Is this conversation about what we don't know, understand, and should contemplate? What we don't know yet? Emergence, hmmmm. ESP is such a stupid ridiculous descriptor, a descriptor meant to demean and negate that which does not fit rationalism? Roman's losing their minds over time after enslaving the Greeks and consuming the old world? Have other cultures mimicked this experience? But did they carry us forward? Magna Carta an evolutionary development? Are there too many "ESP" used car sales people out there making a buck on human emotions? Would such a thing be obscuration? A military descriptor? Is there anything about our current self-immolating world that might cause an emergence? Last man standing is a great show. Can sideways be two things? One is sliding a car through a curve, one is stripping the wheels to the rims for a trip to the garage? What is entanglement to coherence to synchronicity to simple to chaos to quantum wave functions? If we are entangled as conscious beings of Stardust and energy, same stuff that everything around us is made of as well, what does that imply? Does a holistic quantum reality mean the universe and get tired of some things and tolerate operations outside the norm, as an evolutionary artifact? What does be friggin careful with affecting freewill mean?
Could the butterfly affect be real? Buddhist says something like "throw a pebble in the pond of life, watch the ripples" to teach what? What did the movie "Jaws" teach us about humanity and fearing an important component of an ecosystem? What could be learned from the books "Cryptonomicon" and Systems of the world by Neal Stephenson? What was Shakespeare really trying to teach us, reflect upon us? So much fun to be had seeking enlightenment in a chaotic world filled with symple fixes that scare the bejesus out of folks? We have nothing to fear but fear itself? What was the real intent of the founding fathers and what scared them the most, in terms of preserving and moving the Republic ever forward. Magna Carta, enlightenment, restrainment and accountability? And responsibility to make folks of power be accountable to whom? Divide, distract, and conquer,.misdirection prevents the focus of what? Circular firing squads and self linking ice-cream cones get us where? What does any of this have to do with entanglement and the wastage of human potential? Biology and quantum mechanics and strings and people and artists and sciency and mathy folk need what to flourish? In what ways does all this run-on paragraph weave a thing together or is it nonsense?
What fun ponderings, thanks so much for prompting yet another fun ramble. Wonderful stuff, all around.
maybe there is relationship of quantum entanglement to emergence?
I enjoy these videos because they dance along the borderlines between the known and unknown. I think that is very useful because, at some point, many unknowns are overtaken by theory proven by experiment or predicted observation. Kuhn, a well-informed outsider to the hard sciences, is a very skilled interviewer. He is respectful of a lot of out-there ideas and the people who promote them, without getting sucked in. People seem to have a desperate need for certainty, especially when there is inadequate information, and so will grasp at some idea just to feel "safe" from the chaos of not understanding. The most basic of these ideas is religion, whereby the frontier of science is declared closed and everything beyond is the "will of God" or some favored myth. That frontier has been spectacularly breached countless times over the last 300 years, only to have another one erected and declared where the supernatural is the "only possible explanation". Sometimes traffickers in supernatural explanations will co-opt convenient scientific theories or facts to support their woo, but all they are doing is paying homage to the unrivaled explanatory power of science. (Looking at you, Deepak Chopra.)
Kuhn is not an outsider to the hard sciences; he has a PhD in neuroscience.
The problem with Kuhn and with this show are interview subjects like this. Dean Radin is s crackpot. He's primarily involved in promoting 'parapsychology' and other pseudoscientific 'woo'. Yet Kuhn presents him on a platform where more typically the interview subjects are respected and accomplished scientists and philosophers.
I think he does this out of a desire to hear all sorts of points of view, but if you have a guy like Dean Radin or Rupert Sheldrake on and you don't make it clear to the audience that they're widely regarded as promoters of pseudoscience you're doing a disservice to the viewers, many of whom naively assume all of Kuhn's guests are highly respected amongst mainstream scholars.
@@b.g.5869 Ok, thanks, I didn't know that about Kuhn. Respect has become a highly situational commodity lately. Kuhn has interviewed Sabine Hossenfelder, who I respect a great deal, but who is regarded with disrespect in certain physics circles. In my view, woo- mongers are given the rope they need to hang themselves, I doubt if Kuhn's audience of well- educated non- experts fail to see the nonsense when it appears.
God may not play dice but He sure likes poker!
Psychology and personality i think transcend the quantum world.
The question is the wrong way round(which answers the current question).
Radin is probably right. I just feel it.
Universe in plain sight:
An ephemeral Quantum Reality goes over the precipice
You "entangle" with emotions.
The more connected to someone you are, the more you read their conscious mind
Oh bullshit. It's called mirroring. You're not reading anyone's mind as in esp. You're reading their behavior.
@@wthomas5697 am... you are assuming. I got extensive experience in ESP, RV even manifestation and future sensing
@@manipulativer And I'm calling bullshit.
@@wthomas5697 well and i care just as much as a dog barking
@@wthomas5697 its possible but not explainable
The clever coyote (greed) is always trying to catch the roadrunner (love). But never does. Because something that is not real (absence of love) can never catch that which is real (love).
That coyote is a crazy clown...
Magnetics and electro-magnetics and the fundamentals governing their principals is wildly important, cannot be underestimated... along with metallurgy and gravity and energy... energy flows, flows many ways, what might occur within a system built to flow energy intertwined against itself and bound in a third flow enrapped and flowing through three metallurgical ways... but pure metals, bound by discovered and yet unknown or known but not understood yet created metals all bound by magnetics and electromagnetism... there is something there to thunk about qnd discover... our smart folks can get this or set the stage and teach those who can... warping what we call space/time.. or folding space/time or riding waves and connections like neurological brain routes is somehow related to all this... fundamentals are what they are as is matter and laws of the universe, but are we tiny humans sure we know and/or really understand these.
Did our ancestors build things around areas of natural magnetism.. ? Could they have been dealing with the ghosts of their worlds and laying pathways known or felt that were beyond their abilities to grasp... but nonetheless knew, natively, were there? Could our ancestors cared more for their decendants and the eons to come than we do? Cared more to leave the bread crumbs to follow and fill the stomach and keep the wonder going while descendants build and find their way... is their something in our tasks as sapient creatures of creation bound within this... are we now to or are now too many distracted by that which seeks to stop us, distracted within a world of avarice and pain allowed to remember the peace within such a task. The light wants, the dark foils... yet balance and mastery and taiming of both required. Why does evil exist? Could it exist as a task for us to deal with, as it is not as we wish, to deal with to validate our right to be amongst the stars. What if we are within a rock and rock bound system that is self-quaranteeing until we can do more out there than we can here?
"Crazy is as crazy does" Forrest Gump.
could photons be released because of entanglement?
Did he really say that it's a quantum mechanical possibility for the table to levitate? Man, physics is weird.
Materialist are funny. Kuhn is struggling with something that’s so simple. We see quantum effects in everything from bird migration to photosynthesis, why would quantum effects be barred from human use? Why wouldn’t quantum awareness be related to consciousness? Materialist like to say quantum mechanics has nothing to do with consciousness but they don’t know what consciousness is.❓❓❓
Matter is not dead at the fundamental level because it was never alive to began with.
While i see the point he's trying to make here, i feel he's reaching a little!
1:33 - Dean Radin says "What would happen if an ant colony were entangled, physically? And it turns out that they would be much more efficient than ant colony that was not entangled"
This is exactly my line of thinking in my own thesis, "bodies wire neuroplastic, DNA-entangled brains". A *colony* of DNA-entangled neurons can only ever be way more efficient than a collection of unentangled neurons. The simulation that proves this is the modern, human-plastic city, where telecommunications simulates the effects of entanglement. Telecommunications, in effect, provides every person in the city with immediate access to collective information, to thus enable the city to act as a giant brain. Cities form into functional specializations, just as brains do.
Yes, we know about decoherence in warm, wet environments. My question is, how might decoherence relate to *departure* from a steady-state coherence that is resistant to the perturbations coming from "warm, wet environments"? In other words, is entanglement fundamental to identicality (as in, identical DNA)? Reframe decoherence as recoherence to the steady-state condition. Factor in how DNA replicates - DNA replication is the same kind of intimate *interaction* that typically causes entanglement between subatomic particles. Why should the DNA in a brain *not* be entangled? Correlations between separated neural networks have been demonstrated in the lab (*Apostolou & Kintzios, 2018 and **Pizzi et al, 2004), so I'm not sure where this resistance to the entangled-DNA thesis is coming from - I guess it's fear of being tarnished with the woo label in this era of cancel culture (we live in rather silly times).
At 3:25 Dean mentions correlations. Yes, like correlations in a city or culture. Correlations of selves. The self of a person is inextricably connected *and* correlated with the self of cultural identity.
3:47 - Robert says "It seems so strange to have such large macroscopic objects be subject to QM effects in normal occurrence."
Not really, not when you factor in top-down causation with bottom-up causation. Cities inform people how to behave - it's how culture works. People inform neurons how to behave - bodies wire neuroplastic brains. Bottom-up causation, meanwhile, constrains what the top-down can command.
Factor in the implications of cube root scaling, in order to appreciate how the top-down can direct how molecules should behave. The smaller an object, the less constrained it is by classical (Newtonian) physics - it's why insects with long legs are, nonetheless, still able to lift many times their weight. Unconstrained by classical physics, molecules become subject to the contexts within which they find themselves. The astonishing complexity choreographed, for example, across synapses, cannot be possible unless the enzymes, neurotransmitters, etc, were somehow receptive to what was expected of them, from the top down. Subatomic particles are not the solid billiard-balls that we typically like to imagine them as. They are entities seeking definition, and open to adjusting their behavior (properties) to context.
Taking this route - factoring in entanglement, along with the implications of cube root scaling - we solve fundamental, long-standing problems, like: 1) Entropy; 2) Binding; 3) Mind-body.
Entanglement, in the context of cube root scaling, is actually kind of a no-brainer ;)
[PS: Robert's reference to ESP as a small effect... I think ESP might be off topic, in this conversation where entanglement might be a fundamental property essential to this interplay between top-down and bottom-up causation. Can entanglement manifest at the ESP level? I'm open to it, but think it's off topic in the context of fundamental principles]
*Apostolou, T. & Kintzios, S. (2018). Cell-to-cell communication: Evidence of near-instantaneous distant, non-chemical communication between neuronal (human SK-N-SH neuroblastoma) cells by using a novel bioelectric biosensor. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 25(9-10), pp. 62-74.
**Pizzi, R., Fantasia, A., Gelain, F., Rosetti, D., & Vescovi, A. (2004). Non-local correlations between separated neural networks. In E. Donkor, A. Pirick, & H. Brandt (Eds.), Quantum Information and Computation (Proceedings of SPIE), 5436(II), 107-117.
He sugests in quantum mechanic there arent evidence though experiente. Instead he show up hipotesy in it proceedings arent Science. What are Góes wrong with him are he speaks but declines show quantun mechanic true. evidence
Robert is asking the right questions, and Dean has no good answer for them. How does this ESP interaction take place? How does it push around quarks and electrons so as to fire neurons that give us some sort of information? We have not found any god, devil, soul or ghost forces, fields, or particles, and I'm guessing we won't find any ESP fields either. If they exist, they must interact so weakly as to be inconsequential, like the occasional neutrino that interacts with our world, out of the trillions that pass through us continually.
I was really into this stuff back in the 70s and early 80s, and certainly believed in it, and wanted it to be true. When decades went by with no advancement, I lost interest. Then I started learning about quantum field theory, and came to understand how exceptionally unlikely it is that there is anything of a supernatural nature at all. Just as I now ask Christians, "How does this soul thing interact with us?," I ask Dean Radin, "How does this ESP thing interact with us?" I've not heard a remotely satisfactory response.
I also was heavily into this in the 80's , the book on Ted Serios seemed very compelling. But it's gone nowhere really, the heady days of Duke University and the Zener cards and some statistical 'anomalies' seems eons ago. The relatively recent tests done by Bem have not been reproduced (which frankly can be said for most soft-science results). I've jokingly wondered if it would just be best to say "ok, it exists ; its so insignificant there's nothing more to pursue. The end." but then they'd ask for grant money.
This guy sounds like he's convinced himself, and I'm not even saying that he doesn't have some good suggestions. But he doesn't understand the physics he uses as examples. If he's going to be convincing to others - beyond laypersons - he'll have to tighten that up.
This is clearly an excerpt from a longer conversation. Dean Radin is a solid experimentalist.
What is ESP?
God what a steaming load of hooey. Say the word quantum a lot, and be sure to throw in some more jargon like non-locality and bose-einstein condensates to give your horse manure a veneer of respectability and scientific rigor, and say it with serene confidence. Mission accomplished. ESP is real (in your mind, lol).
The labels and jargon, like ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. are not what's important. It is the transmission/receipt of information by means other than known EM methods and that are not restricted by speed of light or dissipation by distance - and that are far outside the realm of probabilities - that cause researchers the headaches.
Water dowsing is a case in point.
After a bit of experimenting, I can say the effect is real. It detects differences in density (not specifically water), oddly most people can do this with minimal training, however there is a small percentage that simply cannot, unless physically touched by a person that can. Another effect is when dowsing on the edge of a cliff. In this case, the rods or sticks just swing constantly. Not much is understood about how this can possibly work.
It appears that there are two broad categories of dowsing: physical dowsing, which involves the development of sensitivity to physical force fields (e.g. identifying underground water or mineral deposits), and informational dowsing, which deals with potential and quantum fields (e.g. dowsing over symbolic representations of an object, person, or landscape irrespective of their physical location). The distinction between the two likely reflects various intra- and inter-personal agreements (personal beliefs, habits, and culturally-constructed categories of the observer), rather than a fundamental dichotomy.
I'm disappointed that "Closer To Truth" would give a forum to such flummery.
On the flip side, I'm appreciative they gave me the opportunity to use the word "flummery".
100% True…
I just readjusted my ball-and-socket that has been out of alignment since l went home on Emergency leave while a soldier in Afghanistan, for some reaso, my ball and socket came out of alignment while on the flight, we’ll, as we stopped off in Saudi to pick up passengers, for some reason the Army had me fly Commercial… Sorry about the ramble, but anywho… Since I fixed it yesterday, after 13-years… RA!!! 369, hahaha… The key to my point is this, ever since yesterday, when I close my eyes, I don’t see what I used to see, now I see “pure-golden Sphere”…
I was “Short-Circuitrd” by being out of alignment… I literally feel Brand New… I can feel my pre-frontal lobe Vompress like a laser… I can see into the DMT realm too… It’s fun…
Evolution does exist but their interpretations are wrong.
If you know this as an absolute fact, then you must have been around for a looong time to witness this 1st hand. Evolution is just a theory last time I checked.
@@clownworld-honk410 like gravity, or the shape of the earth
“Dean Radin investigates phenomena in parapsychology. Following a bachelor and master's degree in electrical engineering and a PhD in educational psychology Radin worked at Bell Labs, as a researcher at Princeton University and the University of Edinburgh, and was a faculty member at University of Nevada, Las Vegas.”
This is not the person you want saying “quantum mechanics” and “quantum entanglement” every other word.
Excepting quantum mechanics to solve the issue of consciousness is really ridiculous.
Saying that it must be more than just a biological necessity is also equally absurd.
WTF? ESP?? Was there a time glitch in the matrix that I am unaware of and we're rolling in the Crazy 70s again
"The review of Radin's first book, The Conscious Universe, that appeared in Nature charged that Radin ignored the known hoaxes in the field, made statistical errors and ignored plausible non-paranormal explanations for parapsychological data."
@@notanemoprog I would be curious to know if you have looked at the examples of the "hoaxes" he ignored.
Can you provide an example?
@@terreschill461 In 100+ years of testing _not a single example_ of "ESP" or for that matter any other "parapsychological effect" was ever recorded. There is no ESP. There are no "paranormal phenomena" - this is pseudoscience. It's shocking really to see it on CTT channel.
Jesus H. Christ this is the ACTUAL gobbledygook
And this is nothing, compared to the drivel in the comment section. I don’t know why this channel attracts so many crackpots.
Everything Dean says is unsubstantiated, so unfortunately we have to take this interview with a pinch of salt. Interesting thoughts but no more than that.
This appears to be an excerpt from a longer interview and lacks the necessary context. Dean Radin is an esteemed experimentalist who has made significant contributions to the field of parapsychology.
@@attilaszekeres7435 By it’s own definition parapsychology is debunked by experimental science, in much the same way as faith is in religion, or ghost hunters TV series. I wouldn’t give this snake oil salesman any credence.
The question is based off of the physical.
1D wasn't the 'Source' - nor 2D or 3D.
The 'higher' does not recieve from the 'lower' -- whatever the lower has, was recieved from the higher. That which is copious does not recieve 'lack' of from what's below. That which is whole, united, never can receive division, seperation, discrimination from what is below.
The material cloaking of reality, thus superimposition aka ignorance does not go beyond.
"Does physical reality go beyond" is a materialists question and is foolish.
^ this is equivalent to asking if our bodily sense perception organs go beyond.
I don't reckon they do. Physical reality isn't a reality. It more of a cloaking over 'reality'.