People claim to have had life changing experiences and miracles from adherence to many religions be it from the various Christian denominations, Islam , Hinduism , Buddhism, etc : and NO evidence these benefits accrued from their beliefs and / or brought about from any of their gods !
Thank you for your comment. You are correct that proving things from people's experiences is not really possible objectively, and many testify to all sorts of interventions in their lives, even agnostics and atheists. The speaker even acknowledges that many throughout history have been willing to die for their beliefs. However, that is not particularly relevant to this presentation, which is looking at evidence from the manuscripts, eyewitness testimony, archaeological evidence and the testimony of hostile writers at the time. I would advise checking out the speaker's website:
People claim to have had life changing experiences and miracles from adherence to many religions be it from the various Christian denominations, Islam , Hinduism , Buddhism, etc : and NO evidence these benefits accrued from their beliefs and / or brought about from any of their gods !
Thank you for your comment. You are correct that proving things from people's experiences is not really possible objectively, and many testify to all sorts of interventions in their lives, even agnostics and atheists. The speaker even acknowledges that many throughout history have been willing to die for their beliefs. However, that is not particularly relevant to this presentation, which is looking at evidence from the manuscripts, eyewitness testimony, archaeological evidence and the testimony of hostile writers at the time. I would advise checking out the speaker's website: