Itziar Ituño, Euskaraldia eta idoloei buruzko hausnarketa txiki bat

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 20

  • @AxuriBeltza
    @AxuriBeltza 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Olá, Aiora. Gosto muito do seu canal, porque você fala coisas muito interessantes sobre muitas coisas. Sou basco, mas morei no Brasil por um tempo. E saiba que seus seguidores também o admiram muito.
    Um abraço.

    • @AioraProbatxoa
      @AioraProbatxoa  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ez dakit oso ondo zein hizkuntzatan erantzun behar dizudan 😅
      Muito obrigada pela mensagem! Estou feliz que você acha os meus vídeos interessantes 😊

  • @evgenijak7122
    @evgenijak7122 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi Aiora 👋🏻 First I need to thank you for showing my art around 5:20 minutes 🤣 but later in the video it really made me question my work as ituñer . Yes i have said that Itziar is my idol( but obviously not in some obsessive way) , she's a really great person that we should look up to but i agree with you nobody is perfect. We do have real lives besides all day in the fandom 🤣 and i totally understand that there are fans who "act" not so normal (as you mentioned some examples) . My point is that I hope unhealthy isn't the first word when it comes to fandom and I hope that just because I said she's my idol or having a lot of paintings of her doesn't mean I'm unhealthy for her because I really just want to show my support in my case through paintings 😁

    • @AioraProbatxoa
      @AioraProbatxoa  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi! I guess you're @itunoEk then, right? Congratulations on your drawings! They are great! I suck at it so everyone who draws well makes me a bit jealous jajajaja
      Thank you for watching the video and thank you for your comment. And no, of course the first word that comes to mind when I talk about fandoms is not "unhealthy": it's support, enthusiasm, positivity, creativity...
      During the whole video I say that I am fascinated by Itziar's fandom, I think it's wonderful. I just wanted to put that little parenthesis with the general reflection on people who are fans in a toxic way because it's something that worries me. But, I repeat, it's not about you. I think it's great that you like Itziar and that you support her with your drawings. Of course!
      Again, thank you for watching the video and thank you for your comment :)

    • @evgenijak7122
      @evgenijak7122 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AioraProbatxoa Yup that would be me 😅 thanks for the reply and explanation, I'm glad you think like that 👋🏻

  • @SunauliaFun
    @SunauliaFun 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Interesting “self-interview”...I found it in some parts unfair and making it too general...for a minority of “bad fans” you can not make general comments for all fandom. But as you said it is your opinion and since we decided to watch this video till the end is our responsibility!!! Hope you feel happy that an every day person of Basque Country manages after so many years of hard work to be recognized as international talent. And with her personal hard work, not with scandals or fake news!!! Congratulations!!! Zorionak!!!

    • @AioraProbatxoa
      @AioraProbatxoa  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kaixo! Thanks for watching the video :) I wasn't talking about the whole fandom, I wasn't even talking about Itziar's fandom in particular, sorry if that wasn't clear enough. I think the vast majority of fans are great, they are not toxic at all. As I say in the video, I think everything that is happening with Itziar is wonderful. I just wanted to add that reflection because I do believe that it is something that happens in some cases when people idolize someone too much. I am very happy for Itziar and for the wonderful fans she has :) Again, thanks!

    @INIGOOOOOOOOOOO 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Zure bideoak erakutsi zizkiguten euskaltegian ta oain ikusten ditut euskara ikasteko. Esker mila bideoak euskarazko azpitituluekin egiteagatik!

    • @AioraProbatxoa
      @AioraProbatxoa  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ooooh!!! Ze ondo!!! Izugarri pozten naiz nire bideoek euskara ikasteko bidean laguntzen badizute. Eskerrik asko mezua uzteagatik!! :)

  • @mgrandecobian
    @mgrandecobian 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Buenos Airesen euskara nirekin ikasten hasi zen neskak zure bideoa bidali dit, Itziar zale bat da. Zuzeu-n agertu zen artikulua nik idatzi dut.

    • @AioraProbatxoa
      @AioraProbatxoa  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Kaixo Mariana! Eskerrik asko mezua uzteagatik. Zuzeuko zure artikulua irakurri nuenean zoragarria iruditu zitzaidan euskara ikastera animatzeko arrazoia Itziar Ituño izatea. Espero dut zure lagunak ez zuela gaizki hartuko bideoan sartu dudan hausnarketatxoa... Orokorrean mundiala eta ederra iruditzen zait gertatzen ari den mugimendu guzti hau. Besarkada bat biontzat!

  • @jhoanaperezc
    @jhoanaperezc 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Woo, me pareció muy acertado el video. Me parece genial tu opinión estoy muy de acuerdo con el tema de los fans. Itziar lo publicó en su Bio de IG, has visto ?. Mil felicitaciones un contenido muy centrado y acertado. Finalmente me encanta el reconocimiento que le has hecho por difundir el euskera, es totalmente muchos hemos entrado en ese mundo gracias a sus publicaciones. Un abrazo desde Colômbia y de nuevo felicidades.

    • @AioraProbatxoa
      @AioraProbatxoa  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kaixo!! Eskerrik asko, muchísimas gracias por tu mensaje :) Sí, una de sus seguidoras me avisó por Twitter que había puesto el vídeo en IG (¡qué maja!) y me hizo ilusión, porque eso significa que lo ha visto y le ha parecido interesante :) De nuevo, muchísimas gracias por ver el vídeo y por dejar un comentario. Un abrazo!!

  • @xabiersotes6335
    @xabiersotes6335 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nik unibertsitate garaian elkarrizketa egin nion, 2001-2002 ikasturtean izango zen Gasteizko Hala Bedi-n aurkeztu nuen euskal kulturaren inguruko irratsaio batean. Hark orduan Goenkale telesailean berebiziko arrakasta zuen, fenomeno soziologiko bihurtzeraino. Urtebete lehenago Mercedes Milak termino bera erabili zuen GHren inguruan gertatutakoa definitzeko. Orduan esan zidanaren arabera nirea zuen lehen elkarrizketa. Nire buruari galdetzen diot ia hogei urte iragan diren honetan nitaz oroituko ote den...

    • @AioraProbatxoa
      @AioraProbatxoa  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Aiba! Ze ona!! Jo ba ez dakit gogoratuko den edo ez elkarrizketaz... baina iruditzen zait horrelako detaileetan fijatzen den pertsona dela, beraz agian bai!

  • @lilyg3637
    @lilyg3637 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i think that what Aiora meant is that we can support the people we like but we have to be convicted that the person is human and is just like us, that she can make mistakes too, and when she makes mistakes we cannot agree knowing that she’s wrong because that is not healthy, because you cannot support someone to the point of not seeing right or wrong. You cannot idolize someone for example to the point of saying that you would give your life for a person, that is not a good thing is not normal. she is not saying that what fans do in general is unhealthy, but not be able to see the limits or to see the wrong and right is not healthy.

    • @AioraProbatxoa
      @AioraProbatxoa  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes, that's it... I'm a little surprised by some of the comments I've read and received because I think some people have misunderstood what I've been trying to say... I don't know if it's because of the language, I know that my English is not perfect. I want to emphasize that the part where I talk about toxic behaviours is a parenthesis within the video (I literally say that in the video). I'm not saying that Itziar's fandom is like that, I'm saying that in general there are people who have these behaviours with their idols and that I think that's not healthy. Itziar is followed by wonderful people, that's what I say throughout the entire video... but it seems that the part of the parenthesis has not been understood too well :(

    • @lilyg3637
      @lilyg3637 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@AioraProbatxoa i understood perfectly what you meant and i really hope other people can see it