Money could be saved on the dual-axis tracking, using the old method of having a dedicated solar panel for a pair of motors for the vertical, and another for a pair of motors for the horizontal. I'm sure you've ehard of this but for example the horizontal motors, when one recieves more light it turns the rotating platform one way. This system naturally points the dish toward the sun at all times.
sorry and happy to share this with you boss , but both or most all of the currently used systems have at least 2 flows that greatly reduce their production as well as drive up the cost of kw per hour. When you all get ready and real about producing cheap power 24 hrs a day all year around . Please have Mr. Elon Musk find me & have him bring his check book as I know 2 ways to do it based on re or should I say arraigning currently proven tech. to get maximum output from minimal cost and no further input. Oh and tell Mr. Must manyor most any location urban or rural also with minimum environmental impact. I'm not getting any younger so time is an important factor in regards to my longevity . I work 1rst smart so I need not work as hard. But I do not do this work cheap , But as Mr. Musk has positioned himself & various companies in a very good configuration as well as position, he has the foresight and desires to do many of the same things that I do, he is not afraid to do the things others dare not,and lastly he has many ways to strike a very mutually advantageous deal with me that very few if any others do. for instance a share of both Tesla & the Boarding Co. stocks & oppositions, my own fleet of various Tesla vehicles , select properties of my choosing , power storage units, as well as bounds and currencies. And maybe some other long term contingencies . Let's do this and quit killing the planet it creatures. while providing truly green sustainable energy production for all. my designs work in most all environments & spaces.
I use mirrors myself, but for producing electric energy there are too many mechanical parts that need maintenance, you need a tracker, a steam engine, a generator and don't underestimate the noise it produces.
just maybe the way to go would be to use heat energy directly (without conversion loss) and only use photovoltaics for electricity for what remains. We can use sun heat energy to heat oil to high temperatures and in turn heat the water to 60 C. Then we use both. This would allow: - radiators in the winter (60 C water) - hot water boiler (60 C water) - dishwasher and washing machine (using 60C water, heating elements removed) - refrigeration (absorption fridge with flame removed and using heated oil instead) - cooking (in a way diesel cook stove works, but using heated oil, also oven in the same way) - possibly even some kind of AC with absorption cooling in summer Finally we could use (or not) some thermal battery solution (soil, sand or pool of water) to store excess heat during summer for winter. There is a formula for how deep in the soil your tube needs to be to shift heat for say 6 months. Not sure how this would go, maybe to help preheat (water)? Or heat air? Since this is not cheap it would be nice if it's not needed. But if you want a winter garden... then I'd say it is a must. This "battery" also goes both ways, since seasons are shifted it's used to heat in winter and to cool in summer. Lastly, we need a fairly small photovoltaics+battery (vanlife like) solution to: - keep LED lights on - about 10W per notebook/tablet/phone (perhaps better to forget big gaming rigs or laptops and big screen TV) - other low power devices, security cameras, alarms, home automation - occasional use of power tools, vacuum cleaner, kitchen gadgets This would need occasional generator use (bad weather in winter) and frankly if offgrid is not a must, it's probably cheaper to pay some small amount for the grid since all big energy consumers are handled separately. Even only the first 3 from the list would be great.
Good point and really interesting analysis! But probably the generation of CO2 heat pumps would help to solve a half of this points - so you would only need the sole panels (plus wind turbine for the winter season). And also geothermal is great for winter heating but still too deep and expensive in lot of regions. Keep on good thinking! That’s what makes the progress :)
Has anyone researched using the oil as a direct heat storage method instead of a thermal movement device? I'm wondering if it's not a bad idea to decentralize the generation on the south side, hills/turbine to the north, and a city in the middle. Not In My Back Yard crew will certainly cause a fuss, but less so when they have no gas bill. Expanding it further could funnel a network as large as the US itself! Great videos stay safe and can't wait for the no need to move one!
happy to share this with you boss , but both or most all of the currently used systems have at least 2 flows that greatly reduce their production as well as drive up the cost of kw per hour. When you all get ready and real about producing cheap power 24 hrs a day all year around . Please have Mr. Elon Musk find me & have him bring his check book as I know 2 ways to do it based on re or should I say arraigning currently proven tech. to get maximum output from minimal cost and no further input. Oh and tell Mr. Must manyor most any location urban or rural also with minimum environmental impact. I'm not getting any younger so time is an important factor in regards to my longevity . I work 1rst smart so I need not work as hard. But I do not do this work cheap , But as Mr. Musk has positioned himself & various companies in a very good configuration as well as position, he has the foresight and desires to do many of the same things that I do, he is not afraid to do the things others dare not,and lastly he has many ways to strike a very mutually advantageous deal with me that very few if any others do. for instance a share of both Tesla & the Boarding Co. stocks & oppositions, my own fleet of various Tesla vehicles , select properties of my choosing , power storage units, as well as bounds and currencies. And maybe some other long term contingencies . Let's do this and quit killing the planet it creatures. while providing truly green sustainable energy production for all. my designs work in most all environments & spaces.
Stirling engines work on temperature difference between two cylinders. Heating the hot side is easy but we shouldn't ignore the cold side. I'm picturing two sand batteries located side by side, one for heat and the other for cold, on valve switched circuits. On cloudless nights point the mirrors vertically to radiate heat from the cold circuit out into space. The Stirling engine's two cylinders can be embedded directly into the sand batteries. It might take a month or more for everything to start working, depending on the size of the batteries and mirror array, but once it starts it could continue working for extended periods of clouds.
yes & no because both of the current desins of any large scale use some of their power produced to run solar tracing & there by reducing available production volume Which drives pricing also with out this added fracking in current designs solar systems in general are at best producing 70 to76 percent of their announced ratings. same with most other current green power production designs as are in use. with this said however, I am happy to share this with you, but both or most all of the currently used systems have at least 2 flows that greatly reduce their production as well as drive up the cost of kw per hour. When you all get ready and real about producing cheap power 24 hrs a day all year around . Please have Mr. Musk find me & have him bring his check book as I know 2 ways to do it. based on and or by re or should I say arraigning currently proven tech. to get maximum output from minimal cost and no further input. Oh and tell Mr. Musk mine work in most any location urban or rural Earth or Mars also with minimum environmental impact. I'm not getting any younger so time is an important factor in regards to my longevity . I work 1rst smart so I need not work as hard. But I do not do this work cheap , But as Mr. Musk has positioned himself & various companies in a very good configuration as well as position, he has the foresight and desires to do many of the same things that I do, he is not afraid to do the things others dare not, and lastly he has many ways to strike a very mutually advantageous deal with me that very few if any others do. for instance a share of both Tesla & the Boarding Co. stocks & oppositions, my own fleet of various Tesla vehicles , select properties of my choosing , power storage units, as well as bounds and currencies. And maybe some other long term contingencies . Let's do this and quit killing the planet & it creatures. while providing truly green sustainable energy production for all. my designs work in most all environments & spaces.
Regarding the tracking stuff, needing logic and energy to track and move significant masses --- if static mirrors can be constructed cheaply, then mght a network of pipes with valves to route the oil through the current 'hot route' be a useful appproach? Instead of physically moving mirrors and/or pipes, just have static mirrors and pipes - different ones for different angles and times of year -- and then route the oil through as desired... The inefficiency of 'small window of use' offset against 'efficiency of no physical movement'.
you can coat the dish in tollens reagent and then spray a glucose solution on it, this deposits a shiny silver layer with high reflectivity also it´s easy to apply
I have an idea, it may be crazy, but at least it could be evaluated. If a thermocouple is used to generate a current in a conductor and an inductor to capture the frequency and its subsequent conversion.
Just put a bunch of big Tesla coils and Van De Graff generators on the magnetic poles of the planet. Free energy and scorch a new ozone layer at the same time. Don't worry, I only had 5 cars waiting to fly by my house while I grabbed the mail today. 1 woman flipped me off. And only 1 mean looking woman photographing me at the grocery store. Every single time I go outside to get my mail at least 1 car has to drive down my residential street and be right in front of my house when I open the box. I can hear them floor it a block away sometimes and once about 3 am this guy was really gunning it down the road, and yes, he was directly in front of my house when I opened the mailbox. He was driving a Spokane Washington patrol cruiser doing 80-90 mph a block from a school zone. Soon as he made his goal he slowed way down. 2 nights ago I just ordered a roll of 1600 of those little mirrors from temu with no idea what to use them for. I do now because I was also getting ready to take down my old Dish TV dish. I wonder how that huge$1 cubic Zirconia is going to fit into the picture? bet I use it to focus the concentrated sunlight through and the reason why will manifest itself to me soon enough. Have a fun day everyone, wear thick leather gloves and a welding mask or your face might get melted!
11 หลายเดือนก่อน
Solar panel maybe are weaker, but they easily can be spreaded. It can be installed on roof, on balcony etc. try to put hot oil tank on your balcony.
How about a long cheap stationary solar reflector trough facing towards the equator so that the focal point (line) tracks east-west with the sun. Add a strip of solar cells closer to the trough than the focal point to spread the concentrated light over the width of the solar cells. The only movement is moving the solar cell strip up and down daily(weekly) to track the angle of the sun. With the right balance of solar cell width, the cells can be more efficient with the concentrated light and avoid the extreme heat of being at the focal point. A simple radiator fins cooling system could be on the back of the cells to increase efficiency.
the current designs of any large scale use some of their power produced to run solar tracing & there by reducing available production volume Which drives pricing. also with out this added tracking in current designs solar systems in general are at best producing 70 to76 percent of their announced ratings. same with most other current green power production designs as are in use. but both or most all of the currently used systems have at least 2 flows that greatly reduce their production as well as drive up the cost of kw per hour. When you all get ready and real about producing cheap power 24 hrs a day all year around . Please have Mr. Musk find me & have him bring his check book as I know 2 ways to do it. based on and or by re or should I say arraigning currently proven tech. to get maximum output from minimal cost and no further input. Oh and tell Mr. Musk mine work in most any location urban or rural Earth or Mars also with minimum environmental impact. I'm not getting any younger so time is an important factor in regards to my longevity . I work 1rst smart so I need not work as hard. But I do not do this work cheap , But as Mr. Musk has positioned himself & various of his companies in a very good configuration as well as position, he has the foresight and desires to do many of the same things that I do, he is not afraid to do the things others dare not, and lastly he has many ways to strike a very mutually advantageous deal with me that very few if any others do. for instance a share of both Tesla & the Boarding Co. stocks & oppositions, my own fleet of various Tesla vehicles , my debt free ownership of select properties of my choosing , power storage units, as well as bounds, currencies. And maybe some other long term contingencies as to be agreed upon. Let's do this and quit killing the planet & it creatures. while providing truly green sustainable energy production for all. my designs work in most all environments & spaces.
Solar panels are so cheap now that this doesnt make sense for electrical collection. It's still nice for having a free heat source. Also for big operations there is one currently in Spain, it's not very efficient and needs a lot of maintenance.
I think you should rethink all of that. Why the solar panels are still so popular? Because of simplicity probably. And if I had to build much more complicated system involving piping, special oil agent, big heat storage with best insulation, then deal with the possible leaks and maintenance of the turbine and pressure line than even if it could be two times more efficient than solar panels I would still choose the solar panels for their ease of use and convenience… that is what people would choose. Don’t get me wrong - I think similar and I support you but want to say that we should search for both simplest and most effective solutions to reach a breakthrough and make a change. I’m also a big fan of the use of satellite dishes and was thinking about them a lot but unfortunately the only sensible solutions now are heat-cooking or generating direct electricity by some specialized solar receiver of industrial grade (like the one watercooled you have shown) - so this second option is beyond reach yet.
The problem is cheap small sterling machines, generators, what machine oil or mineral oil will you use and so on. You need to make it as small as possible and as cheap as possible, also plug and play style if not nobody will even bother....
DEAR Yurko - Y whish you a prosperous and happy 2024 - Like all global energy production - much cheaper and truly sustainable (for rankine or stirling electrical generation or for industrial steam, etc.) - it can be combined via multiple, continuous and even hybrid reheating of a lot of thermal fluid circulating energy (such as Therminol VP II or LANX 500), I suggest expanding research to add heliothermal solar energy (PTC still with a thermal range of up to 450º C) with fast and very cheap syngasifications of MSW plus biomass and tires old trees, lawns, tree pruning etc.. and which also reheat the same thermal fluids mentioned, but now at up to 850º C. Only with such hybrid sums, will we be able to have fully sustainable hospitals, airports, buildings, stadiums, industries etc. and with very low generating costs.
I've seen theories like this before where people want to replace solar panels. Solar panels are unique because their design has a resemblance to nature(Photosynthesis). Just like airplanes the efficiency that they fly in is a resemblance to nature, those are unique technologies we should keep. Instead of refining that technology we have already discovered we are trying to replace it and that will lead to failure, I've heard of hydrogen,molten salts, balloons that generates power as the future of energy production but guess what, solar panels are used even on space crafts and one of those has already crossed the Kuiper Belt and still going and that is more than 25 years of power.
Any units that need solar tracking have already failed to reach their maximum potential due to the inherent need to use a portion or any part of the produced power to power those drive units & control circuitry. A Properly designed system can be built with no needed moving parts save an properly sized turbine. or at least much less than currently mass used systems. In example of this I offer this design as well known design large commercial solar unitplants located in both CA. & UT. USA as well as several others around the globe. The documented records of these units speak to my points. They are 1st designed wrong as they need tracking systems to reach even the low levels of production as they do. 2nd the materials they are made of can only handle a fraction of the massive heat production levels they are capable of producing . My designs both fix these 2 issues as well as others. Let me throw you a bone, you are placing these various systems on a large ball that is moving around your solar source right ? You are currently using energy to track that solar sources . Wrong!!! Let it chase your systems, & for good lord sake stop aiming them up through ( the bird infested air ) at towers made of metal. ( they keep melting every time you try to tune the systems up for higher production. ) Please is there no one in these classes that know basic physics or engineering ? And if so they should be fired. These designs were perfected in antiquity ! Please as they used to say "Your killing me here smallz" For good lords sake someone please have Mr. Musk get with me Please I CAN FIX THIS ISSUE .
Money could be saved on the dual-axis tracking, using the old method of having a dedicated solar panel for a pair of motors for the vertical, and another for a pair of motors for the horizontal. I'm sure you've ehard of this but for example the horizontal motors, when one recieves more light it turns the rotating platform one way. This system naturally points the dish toward the sun at all times.
Дуже радий вашому поверненю.Сподіваюся ви будете й надалі робити цікавий контент.Успіхів
The issue is finding a stirling engine that can produce enough energy for home use
You could probably produce enough steam for a Tesla turbine generator, as well.
sorry and happy to share this with you boss , but both or most all of the currently used systems have at least 2 flows that greatly reduce their production as well as drive up the cost of kw per hour. When you all get ready and real about producing cheap power 24 hrs a day all year around . Please have Mr. Elon Musk find me & have him bring his check book as I know 2 ways to do it based on re or should I say arraigning currently proven tech. to get maximum output from minimal cost and no further input. Oh and tell Mr. Must manyor most any location urban or rural also with minimum environmental impact. I'm not getting any younger so time is an important factor in regards to my longevity . I work 1rst smart so I need not work as hard. But I do not do this work cheap , But as Mr. Musk has positioned himself & various companies in a very good configuration as well as position, he has the foresight and desires to do many of the same things that I do, he is not afraid to do the things others dare not,and lastly he has many ways to strike a very mutually advantageous deal with me that very few if any others do. for instance a share of both Tesla & the Boarding Co. stocks & oppositions, my own fleet of various Tesla vehicles , select properties of my choosing , power storage units, as well as bounds and currencies. And maybe some other long term contingencies . Let's do this and quit killing the planet it creatures. while providing truly green sustainable energy production for all. my designs work in most all environments & spaces.
Try GOE from china they have 10kw and 30 kw engines
@@brianwesley28 If you were to get a tesla turbine generator, and charge a battery with it, how much energy do you think could be stored?
@@phazyy Probably some kilowatts, but I'm sure there are a lot of variables to that equation. 🤔
I use mirrors myself, but for producing electric energy there are too many mechanical parts that need maintenance, you need a tracker, a steam engine, a generator and don't underestimate the noise it produces.
Good one, which oil do they use?
possibly FRAGOLTHERM X-76-A, or some other silicone oil
just maybe the way to go would be to use heat energy directly (without conversion loss) and only use photovoltaics for electricity for what remains.
We can use sun heat energy to heat oil to high temperatures and in turn heat the water to 60 C. Then we use both. This would allow:
- radiators in the winter (60 C water)
- hot water boiler (60 C water)
- dishwasher and washing machine (using 60C water, heating elements removed)
- refrigeration (absorption fridge with flame removed and using heated oil instead)
- cooking (in a way diesel cook stove works, but using heated oil, also oven in the same way)
- possibly even some kind of AC with absorption cooling in summer
Finally we could use (or not) some thermal battery solution (soil, sand or pool of water) to store excess heat during summer for winter. There is a formula for how deep in the soil your tube needs to be to shift heat for say 6 months. Not sure how this would go, maybe to help preheat (water)? Or heat air? Since this is not cheap it would be nice if it's not needed. But if you want a winter garden... then I'd say it is a must. This "battery" also goes both ways, since seasons are shifted it's used to heat in winter and to cool in summer.
Lastly, we need a fairly small photovoltaics+battery (vanlife like) solution to:
- keep LED lights on
- about 10W per notebook/tablet/phone (perhaps better to forget big gaming rigs or laptops and big screen TV)
- other low power devices, security cameras, alarms, home automation
- occasional use of power tools, vacuum cleaner, kitchen gadgets
This would need occasional generator use (bad weather in winter) and frankly if offgrid is not a must, it's probably cheaper to pay some small amount for the grid since all big energy consumers are handled separately. Even only the first 3 from the list would be great.
Interesting analysis. What strategies would you suggest for a tropical location?
Good point and really interesting analysis!
But probably the generation of CO2 heat pumps would help to solve a half of this points - so you would only need the sole panels (plus wind turbine for the winter season). And also geothermal is great for winter heating but still too deep and expensive in lot of regions.
Keep on good thinking! That’s what makes the progress :)
You are the best!!!!! I love your videos, this is science.
Has anyone researched using the oil as a direct heat storage method instead of a thermal movement device? I'm wondering if it's not a bad idea to decentralize the generation on the south side, hills/turbine to the north, and a city in the middle. Not In My Back Yard crew will certainly cause a fuss, but less so when they have no gas bill. Expanding it further could funnel a network as large as the US itself! Great videos stay safe and can't wait for the no need to move one!
Sand is the very best thermal storage medium
Large underground tank with stratification sock. Issue is cost per gallon
happy to share this with you boss , but both or most all of the currently used systems have at least 2 flows that greatly reduce their production as well as drive up the cost of kw per hour. When you all get ready and real about producing cheap power 24 hrs a day all year around . Please have Mr. Elon Musk find me & have him bring his check book as I know 2 ways to do it based on re or should I say arraigning currently proven tech. to get maximum output from minimal cost and no further input. Oh and tell Mr. Must manyor most any location urban or rural also with minimum environmental impact. I'm not getting any younger so time is an important factor in regards to my longevity . I work 1rst smart so I need not work as hard. But I do not do this work cheap , But as Mr. Musk has positioned himself & various companies in a very good configuration as well as position, he has the foresight and desires to do many of the same things that I do, he is not afraid to do the things others dare not,and lastly he has many ways to strike a very mutually advantageous deal with me that very few if any others do. for instance a share of both Tesla & the Boarding Co. stocks & oppositions, my own fleet of various Tesla vehicles , select properties of my choosing , power storage units, as well as bounds and currencies. And maybe some other long term contingencies . Let's do this and quit killing the planet it creatures. while providing truly green sustainable energy production for all. my designs work in most all environments & spaces.
Is the cost and type of thermal oil already included here?
Stirling engines work on temperature difference between two cylinders. Heating the hot side is easy but we shouldn't ignore the cold side.
I'm picturing two sand batteries located side by side, one for heat and the other for cold, on valve switched circuits. On cloudless nights point the mirrors vertically to radiate heat from the cold circuit out into space.
The Stirling engine's two cylinders can be embedded directly into the sand batteries.
It might take a month or more for everything to start working, depending on the size of the batteries and mirror array, but once it starts it could continue working for extended periods of clouds.
Is a small Stirling engine + an electric generator really cheaper and more efficient than a solar panel of the same area as this parabolic mirror?
yes & no because both of the current desins of any large scale use some of their power produced to run solar tracing & there by reducing available production volume Which drives pricing also with out this added fracking in current designs solar systems in general are at best producing 70 to76 percent of their announced ratings. same with most other current green power production designs as are in use. with this said however, I am happy to share this with you, but both or most all of the currently used systems have at least 2 flows that greatly reduce their production as well as drive up the cost of kw per hour. When you all get ready and real about producing cheap power 24 hrs a day all year around . Please have Mr. Musk find me & have him bring his check book as I know 2 ways to do it. based on and or by re or should I say arraigning currently proven tech. to get maximum output from minimal cost and no further input. Oh and tell Mr. Musk mine work in most any location urban or rural Earth or Mars also with minimum environmental impact. I'm not getting any younger so time is an important factor in regards to my longevity . I work 1rst smart so I need not work as hard. But I do not do this work cheap , But as Mr. Musk has positioned himself & various companies in a very good configuration as well as position, he has the foresight and desires to do many of the same things that I do, he is not afraid to do the things others dare not, and lastly he has many ways to strike a very mutually advantageous deal with me that very few if any others do. for instance a share of both Tesla & the Boarding Co. stocks & oppositions, my own fleet of various Tesla vehicles , select properties of my choosing , power storage units, as well as bounds and currencies. And maybe some other long term contingencies . Let's do this and quit killing the planet & it creatures. while providing truly green sustainable energy production for all. my designs work in most all environments & spaces.
Regarding the tracking stuff, needing logic and energy to track and move significant masses --- if static mirrors can be constructed cheaply, then mght a network of pipes with valves to route the oil through the current 'hot route' be a useful appproach?
Instead of physically moving mirrors and/or pipes, just have static mirrors and pipes - different ones for different angles and times of year -- and then route the oil through as desired... The inefficiency of 'small window of use' offset against 'efficiency of no physical movement'.
How many additional pipes do you estimate would be optimal?
you can coat the dish in tollens reagent and then spray a glucose solution on it, this deposits a shiny silver layer with high reflectivity also it´s easy to apply
Love it! Cant wait to see the results
I like the cooking in winter at 0:27
You will probably enjoy this channel.
I have an idea, it may be crazy, but at least it could be evaluated. If a thermocouple is used to generate a current in a conductor and an inductor to capture the frequency and its subsequent conversion.
Can it be used as a direct heatsource?
Yes, he mentions district heating @4:09
Just put a bunch of big Tesla coils and Van De Graff generators on the magnetic poles of the planet. Free energy and scorch a new ozone layer at the same time. Don't worry, I only had 5 cars waiting to fly by my house while I grabbed the mail today. 1 woman flipped me off. And only 1 mean looking woman photographing me at the grocery store. Every single time I go outside to get my mail at least 1 car has to drive down my residential street and be right in front of my house when I open the box. I can hear them floor it a block away sometimes and once about 3 am this guy was really gunning it down the road, and yes, he was directly in front of my house when I opened the mailbox. He was driving a Spokane Washington patrol cruiser doing 80-90 mph a block from a school zone. Soon as he made his goal he slowed way down. 2 nights ago I just ordered a roll of 1600 of those little mirrors from temu with no idea what to use them for. I do now because I was also getting ready to take down my old Dish TV dish. I wonder how that huge$1 cubic Zirconia is going to fit into the picture? bet I use it to focus the concentrated sunlight through and the reason why will manifest itself to me soon enough. Have a fun day everyone, wear thick leather gloves and a welding mask or your face might get melted!
Solar panel maybe are weaker, but they easily can be spreaded. It can be installed on roof, on balcony etc. try to put hot oil tank on your balcony.
Super! Thank you very much!
I thought you closed the channel! Why didn't you link to the new channel? I missed so many videos!
Now I have to catch up.
Glad you're doing well!😅
Hydraulic tracker. No gears. Use wind dithering to help move.
How about a long cheap stationary solar reflector trough facing towards the equator so that the focal point (line) tracks east-west with the sun. Add a strip of solar cells closer to the trough than the focal point to spread the concentrated light over the width of the solar cells. The only movement is moving the solar cell strip up and down daily(weekly) to track the angle of the sun. With the right balance of solar cell width, the cells can be more efficient with the concentrated light and avoid the extreme heat of being at the focal point. A simple radiator fins cooling system could be on the back of the cells to increase efficiency.
the current designs of any large scale use some of their power produced to run solar tracing & there by reducing available production volume Which drives pricing. also with out this added tracking in current designs solar systems in general are at best producing 70 to76 percent of their announced ratings. same with most other current green power production designs as are in use. but both or most all of the currently used systems have at least 2 flows that greatly reduce their production as well as drive up the cost of kw per hour. When you all get ready and real about producing cheap power 24 hrs a day all year around . Please have Mr. Musk find me & have him bring his check book as I know 2 ways to do it. based on and or by re or should I say arraigning currently proven tech. to get maximum output from minimal cost and no further input. Oh and tell Mr. Musk mine work in most any location urban or rural Earth or Mars also with minimum environmental impact. I'm not getting any younger so time is an important factor in regards to my longevity . I work 1rst smart so I need not work as hard. But I do not do this work cheap , But as Mr. Musk has positioned himself & various of his companies in a very good configuration as well as position, he has the foresight and desires to do many of the same things that I do, he is not afraid to do the things others dare not, and lastly he has many ways to strike a very mutually advantageous deal with me that very few if any others do. for instance a share of both Tesla & the Boarding Co. stocks & oppositions, my own fleet of various Tesla vehicles , my debt free ownership of select properties of my choosing , power storage units, as well as bounds, currencies. And maybe some other long term contingencies as to be agreed upon. Let's do this and quit killing the planet & it creatures. while providing truly green sustainable energy production for all. my designs work in most all environments & spaces.
What about using a steam engine turbine?
loss of efficiency in coverting heat to electricity, turbines?
cost of such turbines etc.?
Спасибо Сергей, надеюсь с вами все в порядке.
Very nice! I like! High 5!
Solar panels are so cheap now that this doesnt make sense for electrical collection. It's still nice for having a free heat source. Also for big operations there is one currently in Spain, it's not very efficient and needs a lot of maintenance.
Could something like sunflower oil work? It's autoignition is 678 and smoke point is 412.
Wouldn't your equation change when using bigger mirrors
I think you should rethink all of that. Why the solar panels are still so popular? Because of simplicity probably. And if I had to build much more complicated system involving piping, special oil agent, big heat storage with best insulation, then deal with the possible leaks and maintenance of the turbine and pressure line than even if it could be two times more efficient than solar panels I would still choose the solar panels for their ease of use and convenience… that is what people would choose.
Don’t get me wrong - I think similar and I support you but want to say that we should search for both simplest and most effective solutions to reach a breakthrough and make a change.
I’m also a big fan of the use of satellite dishes and was thinking about them a lot but unfortunately the only sensible solutions now are heat-cooking or generating direct electricity by some specialized solar receiver of industrial grade (like the one watercooled you have shown) - so this second option is beyond reach yet.
Use SAND underground for heat storage
hello brother,can you make a powerful fresnel lens or parabolik mirror?
لماذا لاتفكر في صنع عدسة محدبة كبيرة لتجميع اشعة الشمس هل من الممكن ان تكون اقوئ من الليز
Good work
You could look into passive solar trackers, much cheaper
Why don’t they use a thermocouple? As I understand it the thermocouple takes heat and converts it into electricity.
Do you need a tracker ? The position of the sun is known so a simple programmed motor could work but the programming would be a pain probably .
No you don’t! You just need to move to the equator - then you just need tow write one simple program for all of the days 😊
The problem is cheap small sterling machines, generators, what machine oil or mineral oil will you use and so on. You need to make it as small as possible and as cheap as possible, also plug and play style if not nobody will even bother....
Solar mirror on the cheap:
Garbage can lid, solar blanket, sight vacuum will make the blanket concaved on lid.
Good luck…🌟
DEAR Yurko - Y whish you a prosperous and happy 2024 - Like all global energy production - much cheaper and truly sustainable (for rankine or stirling electrical generation or for industrial steam, etc.) - it can be combined via multiple, continuous and even hybrid reheating of a lot of thermal fluid circulating energy (such as Therminol VP II or LANX 500), I suggest expanding research to add heliothermal solar energy (PTC still with a thermal range of up to 450º C) with fast and very cheap syngasifications of MSW plus biomass and tires old trees, lawns, tree pruning etc.. and which also reheat the same thermal fluids mentioned, but now at up to 850º C. Only with such hybrid sums, will we be able to have fully sustainable hospitals, airports, buildings, stadiums, industries etc. and with very low generating costs.
Solar steam running on air vane motor please 🙏 i wanna see pls upload videos 😉
No. This can not replace a nuclear power station. There is no efficiency of scale here.
Biggest problem I see is they only work if you can track the sun.
I've seen theories like this before where people want to replace solar panels. Solar panels are unique because their design has a resemblance to nature(Photosynthesis). Just like airplanes the efficiency that they fly in is a resemblance to nature, those are unique technologies we should keep. Instead of refining that technology we have already discovered we are trying to replace it and that will lead to failure, I've heard of hydrogen,molten salts, balloons that generates power as the future of energy production but guess what, solar panels are used even on space crafts and one of those has already crossed the Kuiper Belt and still going and that is more than 25 years of power.
Any units that need solar tracking have already failed to reach their maximum potential due to the inherent need to use a portion or any part of the produced power to power those drive units & control circuitry. A Properly designed system can be built with no needed moving parts save an properly sized turbine. or at least much less than currently mass used systems. In example of this I offer this design as well known design large commercial solar unitplants located in both CA. & UT. USA as well as several others around the globe. The documented records of these units speak to my points. They are 1st designed wrong as they need tracking systems to reach even the low levels of production as they do. 2nd the materials they are made of can only handle a fraction of the massive heat production levels they are capable of producing .
My designs both fix these 2 issues as well as others.
Let me throw you a bone, you are placing these various systems on a large ball that is moving around your solar source right ? You are currently using energy to track that solar sources . Wrong!!!
Let it chase your systems, & for good lord sake stop aiming them up through ( the bird infested air ) at towers made of metal. ( they keep melting every time you try to tune the systems up for higher production. ) Please is there no one in these classes that know basic physics or engineering ? And if so they should be fired. These designs were perfected in antiquity ! Please as they used to say "Your killing me here smallz" For good lords sake someone please have Mr. Musk get with me Please I CAN FIX THIS ISSUE .
i dont know what to steal from this video, solar ideas or the slavic english accent to sell, to game makers and such..