AXE by Pavel Plus Iron Cardio by Brett Jones (Full Workout)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.พ. 2024
  • This video contains a full work including both AXE by Pavel @BeStrongFirst and Iron Cardio by Brett Jones @bjonesrkc with commentary on the different training protocols. However, many of the rest periods are condensed throughout the video.
    AXE by Pavel 0:26
    Iron Cardio by Brett Jone 8:15
    AXE - 6 swings On The Minute (OTM) with 28 Kg kettlebell (61 lbs) for 10 minutes
    Iron Cardio Classic (ICC) - Clean + Press + Squat every 45 seconds with 28 kgs for 40 sets (20 left arm and 20 right) or roughly 30 minutes.

ความคิดเห็น • 21

  • @du.thome_
    @du.thome_ 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    great workout mate. keep it up! got a new subscriber

  • @IdrisFashan
    @IdrisFashan 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Damn, man. Turn 50 in May, and man a 28kg 1H swing… even at 6-7 swings cooks me da eff out! I would not be talking, I would be WHEEZING. 😅
    Great work. Props to us youngins trying to catch up.

    • @strongforlife7126
      @strongforlife7126  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thanks! Many hours of swings to get here… but it’s worth it. Good luck!

  • @RDaMyth
    @RDaMyth 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Good advice interspersed with exercises. Thank You!

  • @Ajas0810
    @Ajas0810 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I’ve been doing newperts maximorium. It’s a mix of double clean and press and double front squat and then snatches. Great program to work on both strength and conditioning. I’m doing 24kgs right now and they’re heavy for me, props to you for the 28s. I couldn’t get into iron cardio 1 bell as the squats seem too light with just 1 bell. Kettlebells are a great tool for us who have some years on us.

    • @strongforlife7126
      @strongforlife7126  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's a great program. I did that last winter. The format was solid, though for me 12 weeks was a little long. Maybe I just chose too much weight to begin with. It was one of my first ventures into the double kettlebell world after double kettlebell swings and some double kettlebell complexes.
      As for Iron Cardio, you could do more squats (up to 3 each set) or you could use double kettlebells (which is quite good).
      And you're so right about kettlebells being great for those of us with high mileage. Pavel say's that exact thing in Simple & Sinister.
      Keep on keeping on. There is so much to do in the kettlebell universe.

  • @jadainian9255
    @jadainian9255 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Loved the video, im diving into Kettlebell training now. Everyone watching is just gonna ignore the 7:50 fart??? 😂

    • @strongforlife7126
      @strongforlife7126  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ha… that’s funny 😆… at 55 the body sometimes has a mind of its own. And thank you! Kettlebells have certainly been transformative for me. Hopefully they do the same for you. Good luck and have dynamite day.

  • @paullevine844
    @paullevine844 หลายเดือนก่อน

    nice information and format too. info on three modalities in easy to understand way

    • @strongforlife7126
      @strongforlife7126  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hey thanks Paul. The swings were (are meant to be) On The Minute (OTM). The pace for the clean press squat is done based on recovery. The goal is to work towards doing one set of clean press squat (1 rep of each) every 30 seconds for 40 sets. But longer break is needed, then so be it. Depending on the weight I'm using (say 32 kgs), the pace could be closer to one clean press squat set every 45 to 60 seconds. In that case, I might do less sets depending on I'm how I'm feeling as the training session progresses.
      Hope that helps!

  • @EmrystheCelt
    @EmrystheCelt 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Good job mate ! subbed

    • @strongforlife7126
      @strongforlife7126  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s great… and thank you! Also look out for a video this week. Have an awesome day!

  • @karstenhedegaard3575
    @karstenhedegaard3575 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Nice inspiration. Did AXE 10 min/20 kg and then 30 min Iron Cardio OTM. Thanks a lot. How often do you workout?

    • @cloneproductions4336
      @cloneproductions4336 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Nice work!
      I try to do three training sessions a week. At the moment that’s One iron cardio, one Axe, and one combo of the two.
      Plus I lead a strength class here in Crested Butte on Wednesday mornings. So if I pull it off that makes 4 sessions a week, which can be a lot especially when doing other activities.
      So this week, I’ve not done as many workouts. But in the end it all works out.
      I think 3 is ideal.
      Keep up the good work!

  • @fnds64
    @fnds64 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Have you done the 10x10 protocol from Simple and Sinister? Have you seen any different benefits between AXE and 10x10? Thanks.

    • @strongforlife7126
      @strongforlife7126  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I've done Simple & Sinister on multiple occasions. I really like it. The first time was back in 2015. I did 100 Days of Simple & Sinister (not consecutive, but over the course of a year). Here's a link to me talking about it
      More recently I did Timeless Simple & Sinister with 32 Kgs. That was hard but doable. The biggest difference between the AXE & S&S is that S&S is more towards interval training, especially when you go for time, whereas AXE is meant to be repeat training. Plus, the higher rep count in S&S gets you more into the glycolytic energy system, which means you are producing more lactic acid with each set of swings. There benefits to both, just depends on what you're looking for.
      I haven't been doing AXE for very long. But am currently on a 16-week block of training using AXE, Iron Cardio, and a mix of Iron Cardio and S&S. Really the idea is primarily to do anti-glycolytic training, in terms of taking adequate rest.
      I will tell you that the other day I did double Kettlebell clean press squat (1 rep each, as in Iron Cardio) alternating with 5 double kettlebell swings. We did a total of 40 sets, doing a set every 45 seconds. That took 30 minutes. It was hard but doable. That was done with two 24 kg kettlebells. So I do think the anti-glycolytic work is starting to work its magic.
      I guess what I can say is they both have benefits. Which one to do really depends on your goals. Though I will say this. (Last thing)... In his book Kettlebell Axe, Pavel does say that you'll get the most benefit out of AXE if you've successfully completed timeless simple, which means 10 sets of 10 one-arm swings with 32 kg kettlebell for men and 24 kgs for women. However, that does not mean you need to start AXE with 32 kgs. Plus, even if you haven't completed timeless simple, you will likely still get benefit out of AXE training as long as you are proficient with swings. S&S is a great program to get good at swings. AXE, on the other hand, is not meant to be a beginner swing program. (not saying that you are, but just as clarification)
      Not sure if the helps... Let me know if you have any other questions.

    • @fnds64
      @fnds64 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@strongforlife7126 Thanks for the reply. It was very helpful. I've done S&S for years. 32kg swings are fine. I read Pavel's AXE book and tried it and seems almost to easy to be true 😅. The alactic+aerobic focus seems to be more sustainable long term for those of us on the wrong side of 50 yo. I plan to add iron cardio work in a similar way as you described. Thanks again.

  • @newd34
    @newd34 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Could the swings be done using double kettlebells for the AXE protocol?

    • @strongforlife7126
      @strongforlife7126  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s a good question. In Pavel’s book, Kettlebell Axe, hand to hand swings are the goal. (It’s unclear on double swings.) The reason for that is you get a little more rest between same side efforts which helps to clear metabolic waste.
      With two hand or same side swings you miss out on that. The same would be true for double kettlebell swings.
      That being said you could try double kettlebell swings, but you just want to be careful that you’re getting adequate rest, which in the case of AXE would be going fewer reps.
      The lowest reps would be two per minute. Once you can do 20-30 minutes of 2 reps per minute comfortably, then you could bump up to four reps, and then to six.
      Six is the maximum number of reps per minute.
      Hope that helps.

    • @strongforlife7126
      @strongforlife7126  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      So here's an update on my previous reply. So it does seem that with AXE getting micro rests is important to this variation of anti-glycolytic training. So even though you could do double kettlebell swings with AXE, hand-to-hand swings are preferred. In terms of doing double kettlebell swings, Geoff Neupert, in his book KETTLEBELL Strong, suggests doing double swings for 10 minutes, using time instead of reps as your controlling factor. The goal would be to go from a 1:3 work:rest ratio to 3:1 over the course say 15 workouts. For example, workout out one would be 15 seconds of work followed by 45 seconds of rest. Workout 2 would be 20 second of work followed be 40 seconds of rest. Workout 3 would be 25 seconds of work followed by 35 seconds of rest. And Workout 4 would drop back down to 20 seconds of work followed by 40 seconds of rest. And so on... You would fluctuate up and down as you go instead of making it purely linear. And you could train 2 or 3 weeks. In 5 to 8 weeks, so you'd have flipped the work to rest ratio and increased your conditioning.